Lazily Yours.

Chapter 433: Cooking up Schemes

"I told you, Mr. Long didn't kill his wife! He was at the party last night. You can ask Mr. Tang Jinyi, He was there! They had some altercations, and my client left and never met his wife when he was at his house!" Long Yi's lawyer reasoned. "You have no evidence and have no right to detain us."

"Mr. Long — "

"Well… you can't detain us without any warrants. My client needed medical attention because of his current situation." Finished speaking, Long Yi's lawyer pushed his wheelchair out of the interrogation room and towards his car.

"Did the test results come back?" Long Yi asked. His concern was not Huang Xiaoxuan, but his legs! He didn't know what happened, but after last night, he couldn't move it. It was just numbed.

"Yes, we need to go see the Long Family's doctor now."

After a few minutes of driving, Long Yi arrived in his mansion to talk to the doctor only to receive a piece of devastating news. "A what?"

"There were problems in your spinal cord. We need to undergo more tests to know what was the reason for this problem. For now… I am scheduling a test that will be done abroad as— "

"Mr. Long is not allowed to leave the country." Long Yi's lawyer interrupted the doctor. "Can't we do this test in the country? Surely there should be— "

"No. We won't be leaving the country for this test but for the people that will administer the test. We needed to open your spine. That is not something that any doctors could just do. We needed specialist, award-winning doctors to do that."

"What happens if I don't have this test?" Long Yi asked.

"I can't be sure," his doctor responded. "As I said, this is the first time that I saw this type of results and X- rays. However, if we won't give you immediate treatment, then there is a possibility that you won't be able to walk again."

"So — " Long Yi's face turned darker. "You don't know what caused this. You don't know what medicine to give me. But you know that I wouldn't be able to walk again if we delay treatment?" He snorted. "What kind of doctor says something like that? Are you insane?" He then looked at his lawyer. "Fire him! I want to talk to another doctor, and I want it as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Mr. Long."

Hearing this, the doctor sighed. "Mr. Long if we— "

"Someone escort him outside!" Long Yi said. "I don't want to see your face again!" Left with no choice, the doctor could only sigh and left Long Yi in his office. When he left, Long Yi gnashed his teeth in anger. "Tell me about the case," he said. Right now, only him, his secretary, and lawyer are inside his room.

"Mr. Huang Li Duo is doing his best to tie the murder under your name. Of course, they cannot find evidence that she was here as all of our cameras had been altered. I already bribed the nurses and doctor. I wanted them to testify and tell the judge that Miss Huang is showing signs of depression. We can easily make it look like suicide."

"Suicide?" Long Yi asked before looking at his secretary. "Last night, you told me you threw her in the sea? What happened? How come she turned up at the beach? Are you f*cking stupid?"

"Mr. Long, there were five of us, and we made sure to attach some rocks to her body. I — I don't know how this happened."

"Did they found the rocks?' Long Yi asked.

"Yes. Of course, we can make it look like she attached it on her own feet just so she would sink after jumping off a cliff somewhere."

Long Yi clenched his jaw.

"For now, please make it look like you are grieving. Avoid any heated confrontation with Huang Li Duo, and please see your child. They can easily use this against you. Right now, the media already knew about everything, and they are turning this into some high-profile case. Oh, they are about the release your baby so what you can do is to show the reporters that you are grieving. Show up in a wheelchair, make yourself look stressed. For now, we need to create the look of a grieving single father."

Long Yi nodded. Everything about the suggestion would make him look like a good man. He loved looking like a good man. "Find all the specialists that could check me. If they want to open my spine, then do it. Make sure to let the reporters know that."

Just like that, Long Yi cooked up another scheme to make Huang Xiaoxuan look like the crazy mother who killed herself because of depression. He even asked his lawyer to schedule a press conference just to explain his side of the story. This time, he was planning to make it look like, she was forced to marry her because of his father.

However, he wanted to let everyone know he loved his child. He paid for everything and sent Huang Xiaoxuan abroad where the technology is better. However, she came home and spend her time in the Huang Family for the holidays. Because of the stress from traveling, she gave birth ahead of time.

Lyca closed her eyes when she heard Yi'an report over the phone. Right now, she was no longer surprised to know this. She already anticipated Long Yi to cook up some scheme that would turn the situation around. "You were able to secure the video of Huang Xiaoxuan coming in the house as well as the CCTV that showed Long Yi's people putting her body in the car, right?"


"Good. Let's make Long Yi celebrate his success. Then… release the video to the public. As usual, we will make the public hate him."

"Yes, Miss," Yi'an said. "That man is really despicable. I will definitely arrange everything and make sure that he would live the rest of his life in prison in his wheelchair!"



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