Lazily Yours.

Chapter 434: Corn Dogs

After Shen Qui and Lyca left Tang Family's estate, the two decided to visit some food stands first before going back to the mansion.

"So... There is no technology in that world?" Shen Qui asked when Lyca told him that there was no corned beef in her previous world. Or any preserved goods.

"We do preserve food but we don't use technology to do that. I meant… drying and pickled food are considered preserved food too." Lyca smiled. For some reason, talking about this with her husband is making her feel lighter. Maybe it was because she had kept this secret for a long time. All this time, she had no one else to talk to and would just keep everything inside her. It was terrible.

Now, however, Lyca already has him to talk to!

"So… what about the laws? I mean, if one person is too powerful then he could basically rule the world? Become its king and enslave people?"

"Yes, that is possible. Some Kingdoms were led by cruel people that enslave people. While some empires are led by strong people… chosen ones."

"Chosen ones?"

"In that world, people have this core. I don't know how to explain it. It's like some sort of power source? So some people have divine cores, and these people were considered powerful and could defeat armies. Their memories are sharp and were always lucky."


Lyca finished her corn dog and nodded. "Luck is ability too. It's when you are about to die, you are wounded and your mana is just drained and you still survive because of some miraculous stuff? Those people were often known as chosen ones."

"So… they are like chosen warriors? To fight against what people?"

"To fight against people from the other realm. Like other dimensions."

"You — your people can invade dimensions?"Lyca's world is like something out of a movie! For some reason, Shen Qui found it very interesting.

"Other dimensions… they try to invade us all the time. Demons wanted to eat mortals, and the Divine race wanted to rule us. It's just like that. Chosen one's fight these invaders. They are powerful and smart and usually good looking too."

"How about you? Were you considered a chosen one?"

Lyca shook her head in response. "No. I am not powerful. I can be considered crafty, but I'm not one of those really powerful ones that could move mountains and cause storms."

"Hmmm." Shen Qui was about to take a bite at his corn dog when he realized that it was gone. He slowly looked at Lyca.

"Payment," Lyca shrugged. "Talking… is tiring. Need payment."

He leaned forward and kissed her lips. The kiss was light and quick. When she was about to return the kiss, Shen Qui's lips were already gone. Seeing her reaction, Shen Qui chuckled and said, "Payment."

"For what?"

"For eating…"

"The corn dog?" She asked.

"My corn dog."

Lyca blinked before she realized what he meant. Slowly, her cheeks turned hot. She knew she was blushing.

Seeing this, Shen Qui laughed and stood. He then walked towards the stall that was selling corn dogs. After a few minutes, he sat next to her, smiling as he handed her another corn dog. "Not as good as mine… but it will do."

"Hey!" Lyca playfully slapped her husband's arms. "Why are you so weird?"

"What's so weird about what I said?"

"That… everything about what you said was weird!"

"Hm?" He tilted his head and stared at her. "Can you elaborate?"

Lyca opened her want, wanting to argue. Then she realized that Shen Qui's words weren't actually dirty. It was just her mind was super clouded with weird and Ummm… slightly dirty ideas. She widened her eyes, her hand slowly pinching his arm. Since she can't beat him with words, she decided to just pinch him instead.

To her surprise, Shen Qui just laughed at her. Of course, this made her more furious. She was about to use her other hand to pinch his arm when he suddenly pulled her towards his lap. The quick action made her squeal.

Her face reddened. "Let me go." Right now, she was already sitting in Shen Qui's lap, his arms around her waist, her butt firmly planted against his erection.


"Let go."


"I will bite you."

"Why don't you bite the corn dog?"

Lyca glared at him. For some reason, every time he mentioned corn dog, her brain would give her some weird… weird thoughts. Her scarlet red face was surely enough to tell him about her thoughts.

Clearly, Shen Qui was enjoying this.

"I am not eating anymore."

He chuckled and leaned towards her ears. "Oh? Then what would you want to eat? My— "

"Shut up!" Lyca interrupted him. "If you won't shut up, I will— "

"Will what?" His voice had become deeper, and she kinda hated that they are currently in a public place with people walking all around them. Should she suggest the toilet?

Lyca cleared her throat. First and foremost, she was not a pervert! Alright maybe she was, but she wasn't planning to make it that obvious.

"Well?" Shen Qui continued.

"Well… "Lyca moved her head away. "I guess it's time for us to go home?"

Shen Qui laughed and immediately put her down. Then he stood, and the two decided to just go back home to… eat more.

After the two were gone, Ken suddenly walked out from one of the stalls. His eyes narrowed at the bench where Shen Qui and Lyca sat earlier.

"Sir, do you still want to buy all the corn dogs?" the vendor that was selling corn dogs asked.

Xu Ke didn't answer as he walked towards his car.


Right now, Xu Ke couldn't understand the reason why he was so angry. Was it because he and Lyca never did this kind of relaxing date before? Or was it the fact that Lyca never once blushed when she was still in the previous world?


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