Lazily Yours.

Chapter 500: A Divorced Woman

Gabi opened her mouth but close it again, saying nothing. The action reminded her of a goldfish that is trying to struggle for some air. Truth be told, she wasn't expecting to meet Archy today.

All she wanted was to meet someone with the highest authority.

In the past lifetime, Archy and the Bobo Jewelries is one of the reasons why Alfons found it hard to acquire information in the black market. For some reason, Archy seemed to hate Alfons so much, he warned his people not to work with Alfons.

Because Alfons hated the Bobo Jewelries and their boss, he would often talk about them with her. Alfons wanted them gone from Du Empire, but Gabi couldn't really find anything about them. She couldn't help him at all.

However, she was certain that their Boss's name was Archy.

The thing was, she couldn't be certain who Archy looked like. She was assuming it was a more mature guy as this jewelry store had existed for over ten years now. However, the guy in front of her looked really young. Possibly in his early or late twenties. He was taller than the guy who first entertained her the moment she arrived.

There was something about the man's gaze, though. It was as if she had met him before, but she couldn't remember where it was. "Please tell Archy that I know something about the Sealey Family," she said.

"What do you know about Sealey Family?" At least the guy seemed interested in the Sealey Family. She wondered if Archy ordered the man to ask her about it.

"Everyone knows that the Sealey Family is one of the most fast-growing construction companies in the Empire," she started. This was actually the first time that she had negotiated with someone in this timeline! And while she was confident about the information that she holds, the man's gaze towards her was making her uncomfortable.

There was just something about his eyes that made her… scared.

It was as if he could see through her like he could penetrate her soul and tell if she was lying or not.

Was he someone important in the Bobo Jewelry store?

Earlier, the man who entertained her was treated by a boss by everyone. However, when she mentioned the name Archy, he immediately caved in and showed that he wasn't the real boss. However, this guy was different.

Despite mentioning his boss' name over and over, he wasn't showing any nervousness. Perhaps he was someone close to the real Archy?

"Yes, they are currently one of the most successful entrepreneurs in this year."

"Many people wanted to take them down."

The man lifted an eyebrow. "Little girl… do your parents know that you are here talking about taking a company down?"

"I am turning twenty-one soon," she blurted out. Her hand tightened around the strap of her handbag. Today, she was wearing some shorts, something that she had never worn in her past life. She did it because she wanted to experience walking around like a normal citizen, enjoying some ice creams around the corner, and walking inside a shopping mall.

Those were things that she never experienced in her previous life.

"Oh? And what would a small twenty-one-year-old young miss known about… the Sealeys?"

She took a deep breath. "I know a few things from my father."


"I am here because I believe that the Bobo Jewelry Store is trustworthy."

"Ah, so you came here with some information because you wanted something?"

"Don't we all want something?" she retorted, surprising the man.

"Then tell me what you want."

"I want information and the right to ask your men to help me out when I am in… critical situations."

The man pursed his pinkish lips. "And in exchange?"

"I will give you some information that I learned from my father."

Again, he squinted his eyes at her. "I am in a hurry. I will give you five minutes to convince me that you are useful."

Gabi gulped. She straightened her back before she said. "I know the current Sealey Family's weakness. To the outside, he is an outstanding man, a family man with two smart and handsome sons. His wife is also beautiful and kind. To everyone else, the Sealey Family from Plaria is… the perfect family."

The man nodded. These were all true, everything that she was saying can be found on the internet.

She continued, "However, Mr. Sealey isn't as perfect as everyone thought. He is hiding a dark secret."

"And that is?"

"He… isn't a real Sealey."

As expected, the man lifted his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"He is impersonating the real Mr. Sealey. The real Mr. Sealey has been imprisoned by his wife… in the basement of the mansion."

"You— "

"The first son is the real son of Mr. Sealey and his wife however… the second son is the impersonator's son." In the previous lifetime, she fell into another one of Alfons' schemes during Alfons' graduation celebration. She got drunk and Harry Sealey, the second son of the Sealey Family, helped her to her room.

It was the cliche scheme where everyone saw Harry leave her room. Nothing happened between them, but some rumor started about her and Harry being in a secret relationship. The rumor states that they had to keep it a secret because Sealey Construction is a direct competitor of Ren Aesthetics, which was Gabi's maternal family.

At first, the rumors didn't affect Gabi. However, it was Alfons who told her that the rumors could impact him negatively. In the end, she agreed to marry Harry. This gave Harry and Alfons more access to the Ren Aesthetics.

After two years, the marriage fell apart because she discovered that Harry is still together with his college girlfriend. Divorce immediately followed.

At twenty-three, Gabi was already a divorced woman. Wasn't she pathetic?

Just the thought of it, made her blood boil.

How stupid.

"Do you realize that telling me some random information would get you killed?" The man's cold voice took her back from her stupor.


More chapters are coming. I made a mistake and forgot to put discount for the last tier. Because of this, I will give 50% discount next month.

I apologize for the inconvenient.

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