Lazily Yours.

Chapter 501: Grandfather

However, his coldness wasn't enough to dampen her mood. She smiled. "I do. Isn't that why I'm here? I trust that you will tell your boss about this information."

The man had a steely gaze again. This man was really good-looking, but he kept on staring at her like he was about to strangle her or something. Was it just because she was wearing something that made her look younger?

It wasn't her fault that her body was on the underdeveloped side! It was because she was really weak.

"And how do I contact you?" he asked.

"I am sure you will find a way." There was a smile on her face, or at least she tried to maintain a gentle smile on her face. She placed a black calling card with only her name on it. Then she smiled. "Please tell Mr. Archy that I am looking forward to our next meeting." With a grin on her face, Gabi left the VVIP room and made her way to the second floor of the jewelry store where most high-end pieces of jewelry were located. Unlike when she was on the first floor, she didn't ask for some assistance because she just wanted to see some of the latest designs that they have.

Though Bobo Jewelries sounds cute, they are really known for their elegant designs. Until now, no one knows the identity of their designer. However, she very much wanted to meet the person behind this beautiful jewelry. After a few minutes, she decided to buy some new dangling earrings.

Since she wasn't someone who loves to party and go out in her previous life, she had missed a lot of things the people her age and status do. For instance, she never really bought any jewelry for herself. Most of her jewelry was inherited from her mother or given by her father and Alfons. Even after she got married in the past timeline, her jewelry was still gifted by her husband and Alfons.

After she left the jewelry store, she asked her driver to visit the cemetery where her mother was buried. Her mother, Rosa Ren, died when she was five years old. Since then, the only reason why she would go outside aside from buying some new books is to visit her mother in the Ren Family Resting Mansion — or at least that's what her grandfather called it.

The resting mansion is not a part of the Ren Family estate. It was located in another piece of land that the Ren Family owned long before her grandfather was born. The Resting Mansion was actually a huge house where the ashes of the people from the Ren Family were placed. And just like any other mansion, it had a total of ten rooms where people from the Ren Family could use every time they visit and spend some time with the dead.

Gabi knew this was some weird tradition and until now, she didn't understand why the Ren Family does that. However, she had learned to accept it.

After about an hour, Gabi's car finally arrived inside the Mansion that was surrounded by tall concrete gates and pine trees. It was a massive estate in the middle of two-acre land. Trees and flowers surrounded the house.

Her grandfather said the house was actually built more than three hundred years ago.

The Ren Family is one of the Founding Families of the Du Empire. Their history ran deep. It was said that the Ren Family was once close to the Ye Family. That was until one of them betrayed the other. Or at least that's what the rumor said. But in this life, she knew that rumors were known as rumors for a reason.

In the past life, she tried to ask her father and even Alfons about this matter before, but none of them could give her an exact answer about this matter. She eyed the tall pine trees that were perfectly lined on the concrete road that would lead her to the mansion. Anyone who would look at this place would find it hard to believe that this estate is just a place that was built to house the ashes of the dead Ren Family member.

This entire estate looked really luxurious and just… different.

She then looked at the tall tower next to the mansion. It reminded her of the tower where Rapunzel lived, tall and without windows except for the two windows near the top. Her grandfather said that this tower was used by their ancestors before to check the surroundings during civil wars in Du Empire.

"Miss… your grandfather's butler is walking our way."

"Hm?" She immediately turned towards the man with white long hair that was neatly tucked in a ponytail. Seeing Mr. Esdras here only meant one thing.

Her grandfather is inside the mansion.

Without waiting for the butler to approach them, she got out of the car and smiled. "Mr. Esdras…"

"Young Miss," he gave her a bow. "Master is inside having his tea. Shall I prepare something specifically for you?"

"Ah? Yes, please give me something to eat."

"E — eat?"

She nodded in response. That's right. She doesn't usually eat around her grandfather and has never spent some tea time with him. This was simply because Alfons said her grandfather was scary. And like a good little cousin, she thought it would be better to stop seeing her grandfather to avoid reminding Alfons the existence of this scary man.

Eh. Once again, she was really stupid.

But then again, she couldn't really blame her previous self for acting that way. After all, Alfons was her only friend, her confidant. He was someone who treated her like a real sibling, someone whom she considered as a lifeline.

In the previous timeline, she had sacrificed a lot for Alfons, for him to make her suffer..

Ah, she was really unlucky.

"Then… Does miss still liked cupcakes?"

She smiled at that. When she was a child, she really loved those cupcakes with colorful sprinkles. Her mother used to bake a lot of these cupcakes at home. "Yes, please. Also… please take me to see grandfather. It's been so long… since I had a conversation with him."

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