Lazily Yours.

Chapter 503: Mission Accomplished!

"Then I will give you the company."

"I don't need that." She immediately declined. "I don't know how to manage a company and I have no interest in doing so." When it comes to inheritance, the only person that was destined to inherit the whole Ren Family should be her, Gabrielle. This was because her mother was the only child of Ren Zhou. However, since Rosa Ren refused to manage the business after she married Gabrielle's father, Ren Zhou was forced to train her brother's sons and daughter in the company.

This decision had been proven right when Gabi also refused to work for the Ren Aesthetics.

Right now, all the higher-ups of the Ren Aesthetics were from the side branch of the Ren Family.

Gabi believed that this was the reason why Alfons wanted to get close to her grandfather. He wanted to become the heir of the Ren Family. However, in the past and present life, her grandfather wasn't some fool man. He never trusted Alfons, and he immediately made it clear that he isn't going to trust him in the future.

For this reason, Alfons helped the Sealey Family ruined the Ren Family. The plan started when Gabi married the second young master of the Sealey Family.

"Then why do this?"

Gabi smiled at the old man. "I know that brother Earl is doing good as the current VP. He had been smart and cunning. He deserves to have the company."


She nodded. Her grandfather didn't just put Earl Ren as the VP of the company because he is a Ren. It was because of Earl's talents and potential. Earl Ren wasn't someone she was very close to. However, during the fall of the Ren family, the only one who didn't leave the company was none other than Earl. He was also the very same person who stayed with her grandfather on his deathbed. Earl should be about six or seven years older than her.

"I believe that he is loyal to the family and is smart enough to run the company."

"What about you?" As always, the old man was blunt about everything. He continued, "If you have no ambition to take over the company, then… why are you doing this?"

"For the money."

The old man stared at her, flabbergasted. She responded with a sly smile. Bluntness can only be countered by bluntness.


"Yes, grandfather. I only want to receive money. Chairman and Chief Executives are really busy. I don't want that. What I want is to receive the money while doing half the work as the CEO."

"You — Haha — "The old man started laughing, his shoulders shook, the smiling lines on his face become even more prominent. Yet, for some reason, it was as if the old man looked a little younger. "Ah…. I never expected you to be so blunt."

"Please forgive me, grandfather, my social skills are a bit lacking."

"Lacking? You call this lacking?"

She pursed her lips, eyes glittering with mischief.

"Alright. I will agree with your terms. The bidding… They haven't announced any specifics about it yet. These were mere speculations from the ministers. However, I am going to let Earl give you the full authority to do what you want for us to win this bidding."

Mission accomplished. "Thank you, grandfather. I will never waste your trust."

"Ah, you misunderstood. This isn't because I trust you."

Her lips thinned. Really? Then …

"This is because I trust myself. If my judgment is wrong, then I shall resign as the Chairman and give everything to my brother and Earl."

"That…" Isn't that too much of a consequence? However, her grandfather said that he was doing this because he trusted his judgment. Meaning, if she fails, her grandfather would start doubting his own judgment too. And to a business executive, being unsure of your own decision is… a death sentence.

"Alright… I need some time with your grandfather. Go ahead and visit your mother. You should visit this resting house more often."

"Thank you, grandfather. I will definitely visit this place more."


Gabi could still hear her grandfather's chuckle until she decided to close the door of the study. A smile was already on her face. Gaining her grandfather's confidence felt really good. She started humming as she walked towards the first floor where the ashes of her mother were peacefully resting.

After a few minutes, she decided to go back home as she was honestly getting tired already.

"Young Miss? Do you need anything?"

"Mr. Esdras… thank you. Did grandfather tell you to walk me back to the car?"

"No. I came to walk you back…"

"Is there something wrong?"

"No. But I have… never heard the master laugh like that for a long time. So I am honestly glad that you came."

She nodded. Her grandfather wasn't that scary, but he just looked really serious all the time. He seldom smiled and would even frown every time Alfons was around. As a child, it became obvious to her that her grandfather didn't like Alfons very much. At that time, she thought it was only because her grandfather was looking down on her cousin because he can be a bit dumb — especially at school.

"Young Miss?"


"If you have the time… you should visit this place more."

"Why is — Don't tell me grandfather is already living here?" she couldn't help but ask. Why would the old man live here? This place is basically a cemetery. Isn't that a bit… scary?

"No. He doesn't sleep here. But… he stays here all the time. He said he had been having dreams lately."


"He wouldn't tell me what it was, but it started around the time of your father's death."

"That— "

"Since that time, the master would stay in this place all day and talk to the late Madam and the late Miss Rosa."

She furrowed her brows. Clearly, her rebirth had caused a few changes. "How about his health?" If the old man has been having bad dreams, then it only means he isn't sleeping properly, no? And once an older man like him would tire himself out, it would be easier for him to get sick.

No. Her grandfather needed to stay healthy. "Then I will… visit more. And Mr. Esdras? Please prepare a chessboard and some other games next time that I visit. I will call you ahead of time."

With that, she looked back at the mansion before she smiled and got inside the car.

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