Lazily Yours.

Chapter 504: Angry

"Where have you been?"

Gabi raised an eyebrow at Alfons, who welcomed her with an umbrella in his hand. She smiled. "Brother… are you here to give me the invitation to your graduation already?"

"Gabi… your body is still weak. How could you go out without guards and maids? You should— "

"I went to see mother." She continued smiling. "Is there something wrong? You look… furious." Of course, he would be furious. Every time Gabi went to the mansion, Alfons would accompany her. Even if Alfons wasn't really allowed to go inside because he was not a Ren, he would wait for her outside of the mansion.

At first, she thought this was because her brother cared for her so much that he is willing to stand outside of the mansion, umbrella and handkerchief in hand, just to take care of her. It convinced her that Alfons and only Alfons cared about her. Now that she thought about it, those actions seemed to isolate her from her relatives and even from her own grandfather.

It was because she knew that he was outside waiting for her, that's why she wouldn't spend some time with her relatives and immediately leave any type of gathering. She used to feel so much guilt about it that she would just leave everyone and spend some time with Alfons instead.

"Why didn't you inform me?"

"Brother? What are you talking about?" she asked. "You are so busy with your graduation. How could I disturb you? I heard that you are having problems with your thesis. I just didn't want to trouble you. That's all."

"Oh… I… you are right. I am indeed having trouble." He escorted her towards the main door and used the umbrella to protect her from the sun. "Speaking of my thesis…"

"Ah, brother! I bought something for you." She interrupted him. She then signaled the driver that was carrying her things to approach them. "This one…"

"A jewelry? You bought jewelry?"

"Ah, yes. It was supposed to be a graduation gift, but… what's wrong? Are you feeling well?" Alfons was frowning. Obviously, the fact that she went out alone was making him angry. She couldn't help but wonder why he would act like she was spending his money.


"You look… Are you alright brother? You look angry. Did I do something wrong? Perhaps you didn't like my gift?"

"Of course, I like it." His frown vanished and was replaced by a sweet smile. "I just… I wasn't so used to this so."

"Then you are very much welcome. No need to worry, brother. From now on, I will buy you more gifts."

"Gabi there is no need to do that. Really. You know me. I am someone who loves simple things. I am not materialistic. These things…"

Gabi lowered her head. "I should have known that you wouldn't like my gift."


When she lifted her head again, there were already tears in her eyes. "I knew that brother isn't the type to love material things. You only wore an old watch that father gave you. So I thought it would be good to give you a new wristwatch to congratulate you. I didn't think that brother would criticize me and call me materialistic."


Heh, Gabi smiled inwardly.

"Gabi, I didn't say that you are— "

"It's alright." She pursed her lips and avoided his gaze.

"Gabi this…"

Heh. Alfons should be here because of his thesis. Isn't it the best time to show him her acting skills?

"I should go inside." She didn't wait for him to say anything as she grabbed the paper bag with all the pieces of jewelry that she bought and strode inside the mansion. She heard him call out her name, but she chose to ignore him.

That man was here because he wanted her help, and she wasn't willing to do anything for him at all. She already knew that Alfons won't stop trying to make her introduce him to her grandfather and to do that, she bought the jewelry gift for him. Why, you asked?

Because he was a hypocrite.

He would never accept such an expensive gift in front of other people.

Once he would start talking about being a simple person, she was already planning to act offended. Then use this opportunity to avoid seeing him. After all, it wasn't unusual for her to cry because of small things that made her emotional.

"Hm?" She looked at her phone, who was still vibrating. "Who is this?" she answered.

"Miss Sutton…"

"This voice… Are you Mr. Jeweler?"

"It's Aden."

"Oh," she nodded as she walked inside her room. She made sure to lock the door before she said. "Did you talk to Mr. Archy? What did he say?"

"He agreed to help you out."

"Really?" Suspicion grew inside her. She was expecting Archy to at least test her and asked her for more information.

"You don't believe me?"

She let out a sigh. The other party seems to be enjoying this. "Were you able to confirm the information that I gave you?"

"We are going to do a DNA test. However, it has been confirmed that there were few changes. Small ones. The previous Mr. Sealey and Mr. Sealey now are almost the same."

Gabi sat on her bed, unmoving. She wasn't expecting that Archy and his people were this fast. She knew that they were considered kings in the black market, but she thought it would take them at least a few days to figure it out.

"Miss Sutton…"

"Call me Gabi."

"Then call me Aden." She could hear the other party chuckle. Was he mocking her? Irritation flashed in her eyes.

"I was planning to call you Aden, anyway!"

"Ah, you sound angry."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not!"

"I can see you turn red from where I'm at."

"What?" she immediately looked at the window and discovered that all of her curtains were closed. There was no way that this man could see her. "Are you— "

"Kidding." His sweet laughter echoed on the other side. She tightened her grip on the phone.

"I am not here to joke around, Aden!" she hissed. This man… she would definitely pay him back for making fun of her!

"So, you are angry."

Why was he laughing? Is there something funny? Gabi gulped as she tried to hide the anger in her voice.

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