Lazily Yours.

Chapter 505: People

"Miss Sutton… to everyone… you are the weak daughter of the late Prime Minister. Who would have thought that beneath the— "

"Mr. Aden, may I know what you want?" she asked, irritated.

"I am going away for a few weeks. I will see you once I get back. Let's talk about our cooperation then."


"However, if you need anything, go ahead and call the number that you saved— "

"I didn't save any number."

"You just did."

"…" Did he hacked her phone? She shivered inwardly. This was clearly a show of power. It only means that… this man could be someone important. Perhaps he was Archy's trusted hacker? "You know… hacking other people's phone is not very good. What if I had nudes on my phone?"

"Don't worry. I didn't check your images."

She gritted her teeth inwardly. Good thing this phone doesn't have anything important aside from the numbers of her hairstylist and seamstress. Even her doctor's number isn't on this phone, as well as some other things that could expose her. "I will forgive you this time. However, you have to do something for me."


"I need people…"

"How many?"

"You are not going to ask me why I need them?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No need. This is a partnership, after all. You are not someone below me."

She pursed her lips. At least this man's awareness is on point. "I need people that could do… questionable things."

"Ah. I got it."

"That's it?"

"Do you need anything else?" he asked.

"No. But you didn't even ask Archy's permission." What if Archy would say no to her request?

"Oh. No need. That is an expected request."

"Was it because you already know who I am?"

"Something like that."

She nodded. She assumed that their information network is great. It only took them a couple of hours to know that she didn't have anyone that she could rely on other than herself.

"Alright. I will call that number if I need something."

"Hmmm. Do you need anything else?"

She gulped. She had a lot of plans. However, she didn't want to reveal anything to this unknown man. "No. Nothing. Please tell Archy that I appreciate his help."

"You are very much welcome, Miss Sutton. I will see you again."

Before she could reply, the person on the other line already cut off the call. A sigh escaped her lips.

It seems that going to Bobo jewelry was really the right choice. However, she can't lower her guard down. Alfons isn't the only one that she needed to get rid of. She stood and went to her study.

This place was not really an office, but more like a library. After all, she only stayed in this room to read a lot of books. "I want to remove all fiction books in this room and transfer it to the library downstairs." She ordered while pointing at the whole shelf of romance and erotic books that she used to read. Because of her lack of experience in the outside world, she clung to reading romance and other fiction novels. While she enjoyed them until now, she thought that having all these books is only taking up too much space.

"The whole shelf?" Mr. Jonathan, the butler, asked.

"Yes, all of it."


"I want to buy newer books." Right now, she couldn't fully trust Jonathan yet. Because of this, she thought it would be good to tell him that she wanted to buy more romance books than tell him that she was planning to convert this room into an office — a real one.

"Ah, take all this horror and thrillers too." She pointed at another shelf. "As well as those arts. I don't need them anymore. Find time to sort out the books In the library. I am donating those to public libraries. It would be good to donate those books instead of letting them rot here."

"Yes, miss."


"I need to hire someone as my secretary. He or she will be coming here in the next few days. Please prepare a room."

"Miss, if you are hiring someone, then I believe it is good that you inform the Young Master about it in advance he— "

"Why do I need to inform him?" she asked, without looking at the butler.

"Miss, I know this is a bit presumptuous, but I heard that you are upset and— "

"You are right. It is presumptuous of you to get involved in my personal matters."


"Yes, Spencer Jonathan, what else do you want to say?" Finally, she removed her gaze from the shelves and looked at the butler. Spencer Jonathan was Mr. Jonathan's name. However, aside from her father, no one else called him Spencer or even mention his first name at all. "I am listening," she added.

The butler's face turned ugly. "Miss, I believe what you did earlier was wrong. I have watched you grow up with the young master and this was the first time that I saw him that hurt. He looked disappointed as he left the mansion."


"Well… I…"

"What does it have to do with me hiring a secretary to help me out?" she gave him a chilling smile. "I don't understand your point, Mr. Jonathan. As the new head of the house, I would be busy taking care of everything in this estate and my father's investments. I need a secretary while you are here… talking about a sad adult? I am sure this is nothing but a misunderstanding, yes?"


"Did I say something wrong?" she asked.

After a few seconds, Spencer shook his head. "No. The young miss is right. Please forgive me. I will not talk about this matter in the future."

"Good. Now… where was I? Nonim?" Once again, a beautiful smile on her face appeared.

"The room…"

"Yes. I want a room for my secretary. Also… someone from the Ren Family would probably visit anytime soon. So please inform everyone about it. And of course, please prepare a room as well for the guests. I… also printed each and every identity of the Ren Family members as well as foods that they are not allowed to eat. Please make sure that everyone in the kitchen is familiar with it to avoid any accidents." Since she is going to get closer and closer to the members of the Ren family, she should prepare in advance.

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