Lazily Yours.

Chapter 506: Soft Martial Arts

Just as she expected, Alfons didn't have the guts to see her again.

Obviously, this wasn't because he was scared or anything. In fact, the only reason he didn't approach her first was the fact that he expected her to apologize for what she did.

After all, this wasn't the first time that they had a petty argument like this.

As a sheltered, sickly woman, everyone knew that Gabi was a very emotional woman. One wrong word and she would end up crying, then fainting.

That kind of pathetic life was something she didn't want to repeat this time.

Because of this, she had started working on herself. Exercising inside her room had become the norm. Right now, she is waiting for some things to happen before making her move. So, she needed to strengthen her body. Aside from this, she ate more meat to gain muscles.

It had been a week since she went to the jewelry shop and saw Alfons. While Alfons wasn't making any moves now, she knew that he would grow impatient in the next few days.

However, she had no time to think of that right now.

"Young Miss… are you sure this is okay?" The man who stood before her asked. This man was none other than the head of the security of the Sutton Mansion. Mr. Glen Salazar. "The sound of guns can be — "

"Thank you, Glen but I really wanted to learn how to shoot." In her previous life, she didn't have any means to defend herself. Aside from her scheming skills, she had no other redeeming qualities that could save her life. She understood that right now, her body is not yet strong enough to practice martial arts. Because of this, she asked the head guard to teach her how to use a gun.

"This… Miss last time that you heard the sound of the gun, you fainted."

"I know."

"So this time…"

"I still want to learn."

"I see…"

She heard Glen sigh. As someone who had worked in the mansion even before she was born, Glen saw her grew up and had started to treat her as his own daughter. This was the reason why she was calling him by his name instead of using any honorifics.

Moreover, Glen was close to her late mother and father. He used to closely work with the prime Ministers security detail.

"If that's what you really want, then I would gladly teach you everything that I know. However, if you wanted to learn how to defend yourself, you should also consider learning martial arts. Though your body is weak, there are still ways for you to learn martial arts."

"What are you talking about?" When she thought of martial arts, the first thing that would appear in her mind were those powerful movements that the guards working for her family would do in the training grounds at the back of the gardens. The movement looks heavy and strong.

How could her small limbs do that?

"Soft martial arts."

"Soft martial arts?"

"This is a set of movements that isn't very popular here in Du Empire. It originated in Xu Country. No one knows who started it but the movements were… quite lazy but precise."

"Lazy and precise?"

"Yes. There is a group in Xu Country. A group of expert assassins used this technique. The only reason why I knew it was because I saw one of my friends do it while he was drunk before and saw him in action using the same moves a few weeks later."

"Your friend…"

"He is not from Du Empire. He is from Xu Country. He and I met while I was serving your father. He was serving a member of the royal family in Du Empire."

"Hold on… if this man is serving a royal family then he should be in Du Empire, no?" This only means she could also entice him and maybe even hire him to teach her, right?

"No. He isn't. That Royal Family member was not someone from the Du Empire. That's all I know. I don't know that person's identity, however, my friend's surname is Ma."


"Yes, I call him that name."

"Oh…. That last name is not very common in Du Empire." She nodded. "Well, if you only saw him once, how are you going to teach me his moves?"

Glen smiled and pointed at his temple. "I have excellent memories. I know some basics of the movements. It's just targeting some fatal parts of the body. We could mix it with other forms of martial arts. This has been going on in my mind for a long time now and I even started to draw a few of its movements secretly as I am planning to study it. However… as you know my son, Geoffrey would never agree to practice such feminine martial arts."

"Glen, if you and this Ma person would fight to death, who would win?" she asked.

"Naturally it's Ma."

"Eh?" This man… Glen was very confident with his fighting skills. But he actually said that someone else is better than him? "Why do you say that?"

"Miss, you don't understand this. I might be superior when it comes to martial arts, but Ma is different when it comes to killing."

"I understand." She looked at the garden that she could see from the balcony of her office. "So this person is good at killing."

"Yes. The moves were created to kill. I have seen Ma fight before and that man… is not someone that would fight for fun. The goal is basically to kill. No matter the way, he would eliminate the enemy. Kill them, asked questions later. That's what he used to say," he chuckled. "That man is just a different kind of crazy."

"Hm…then the drawing that you said you made can you lend it to me? I will see if I can do it. For now… I need to start practicing how to shoot a gun, secretly."


"Yes. I hope to practice in secret."

Glen smiled at her. "Good. Then let me take you to your father's secret shooting ground."

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