Lee Seob’s Love

Chapter 86 - What Are We? (5)

Chapter 86. What Are We? (5)

Translator: Aura

— Do you like the blanket that much?

— Didn’t the smart Kang Minkyung notice? I’m a mean bastard.

Lee-Seob’s voice echoed in her ears. He had mercilessly penetrated her insides and behaved like a beast, but when that moment came to her mind, heat took over her lower abdomen and her face flushed.

— Minkyung.

— You should take the blanket.

— Have it washed first.

Her angry outburst had been thrown back at her in this way. He also sent her a bunch of clothes without any explanation. For the first time in her life, Minkyung felt that she was faced with an enormous unsolvable problem. None of the mathematical methods she used worked. She just wanted to close her eyes and collapse.

With no choice but to put aside the unsolvable problem, she went to the living room. After she turned on the TV and chose a movie, See-ah brought over a wide wooden bowl filled with microwave popcorn. They watched the movie together in the living room with the lights off, See-ah drank a beer while Minkyung ate popcorn.

“Isn’t that the actor you like?”

See-ah pointed at a male actor with an attractive cleft chin. His serious gaze and deep, seductive voice, together with his graceful British accent, highlighted his intellectual appeal.


Minkyung replied vaguely, she couldn’t concentrate. Realizing that she was constantly comparing him to the man from last night, she chuckled weakly. Minkyung liked intelligent and chivalrous men. She believed that hadn’t changed yet.

The movie was pretty good, but she was too distracted by other thoughts to pay attention to it. Once she returned to her room, Minkyung glared at the blanket and clothes, then flopped onto the bed.

Just looking at them made her feel stressed and her head throbbed. However, after she closed her eyes for a moment to calm her emotions, she came to a simple conclusion: she could return the blanket one day when she knew Lee-Seob would not be in the apartment.

She rolled over in bed, somewhat relieved. At that moment, her phone buzzed beside her. It was a call from Director Tae Lee-Seob. No matter how much she wanted to ignore him, he was her boss. Her professional side prevailed.

‘Damn it.’

Minkyung cursed like Lee-Seob and answered the phone,

“Yes, Director.”

She was so formal and robotic that even she surprised herself.

— Yes, Senior Manager Kang Minkyung.

Lee-Seob’s response sounded a little mocking, so she asked stiffly,

“What’s the matter, Director?”

— There’s something I need to talk about.


Minkyung sat up on her bed.

“Did something happen at Songbaekjae?”

She tried to think quickly, but no major issues came to mind. Still, there were always minor problems. The slow progress of the Vietnam plant, the noisy construction company reconstruction lawsuit on the internet, and above all, the internal reshuffling of the fashion department, as well as sales, acquisitions and mergers.

‘Was there any leak to the media?’

For a few seconds, all sorts of thoughts invaded her. As Minkyung pondered in an attempt to guess what it was, Lee-seob spoke casually after a brief pause,

“If you mean the fashion department, I took off before the chairman could talk about it.”


Minkyung flopped back onto the bed and rubbed her forehead.

“What is it then?”

— I’m cold.

Minkyung didn’t know how to respond, as if her brain had stopped for a moment.

‘Cold? What does he mean? Is he sick?’

Such thoughts crossed her mind sporadically until her eyes fell on the blanket she had placed in a corner of the room.

— My intention was to spend the night in the main house, but I suddenly rushed back to the apartment without thinking.

Lee-Seob continued shamelessly.

— Don’t you have a blanket?

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