Lee Seob’s Love

Chapter 87 - What Are We? (6)

Chapter 87. What Are We? (6)

Translator: Aura

‘Seriously? How could he not have another blanket?’

Minkyung swallowed her words.

— It would be mean to ask for back the one I gave you, right? Especially since you liked it so much. It’s not the middle of winter, so I’ll just try to sleep with a sheet.

At the end, Lee-Seob coughed intentionally. The problem was that he had worked so hard all week that his condition might be really bad.

“Did you catch a cold?”

— Not exactly.

Now that she thought about it, his voice sounded a little off.

— I have a slight fever and a sore throat.

Minkyung immediately came up with a response.

“Honey water is good, but since you don’t like it, a little lemon syrup will do. If you don’t like it either, drink warm water. Set the heating to 26 degrees and don’t forget to turn on the humidifier. I’ll arrange for you to have a quick checkup before you head to the office after the briefing at Songbaekjae tomorrow morning.”

Although it crossed her mind to ask a doctor to examine him in his apartment, she ruled it out. Given the time between the briefing at Songbaekjae and the company’s scheduled morning meetings, it seemed like a better idea to book an appointment at a hospital near the office.

“You’ve been to Hospital P before, right? Do you want me to book an appointment there?”

There was no response from Lee-Seob. Didn’t he like that hospital?


— Kang Minkyung.

Lee-Seob called her name, but didn’t say anything else.

“You want to go to another hospital…”

— Never mind, I’ll freeze to death.

‘It’s spring, there’s no way he could freeze to death.’

Minkyung didn’t say it out loud, she kept her mouth shut.

— I know you’re sitting there thinking, ‘It’s not that cold, he won’t die’.

“Uh… Um.”

As Minkyung stammered uncharacteristically, Lee-Seob let out a short sigh.

— Fine, I’ll turn on the air conditioning on full blast. And also the fan.

‘Liar. There’s no fan in that apartment.’

— It’s true, I don’t have a fan. So I’ll drink ice water instead.

Lee-Seob spoke as if he could read her mind clearly, then hung up the phone.

Minkyung stared at her phone in disbelief.

‘He was the one who sent the blanket out of the blue and made me uncomfortable, only to then play the victim? Also, I don’t think there’s just one blanket in that apartment.’

With her mind in a mess, she put the phone aside and lay back on the bed. It wasn’t time to sleep yet, but she wanted to lie down and organize her thoughts. Lying on her back, she stared for quite some time at the yellowish light reflected on the ceiling of the bedside lamp. Suddenly, she began to toss and turn in bed, then sat up.

“Ugh, Tae Lee-Seob!”

She muttered under her breath as she picked up the blanket in the corner of the room.

‘Wasn’t this a four-season European goose down blanket? He may really only have one for all seasons.’

Even if there were more, it would be a disaster if Lee-Seob woke up sick.

‘I can’t let him catch a cold deliberately.’

Minkyung hugged the blanket with both arms. It wasn’t heavy, but it was bulky due to its fluffiness. With the blanket pressed against her chest, she quietly left the apartment. She didn’t want See-ah to see her, so she made as little noise as possible.

It may seem ridiculous to walk around with a blanket in your arms in the middle of the night, but who cares? Minkyung was definitely not the first person to carry a blanket at night.

The walking distance between her building and Lee-Seob’s was considerable, so it took a while to get there. Unlike last time, she was tired and took longer. It was because of the blanket. When she finally arrived in front of Lee-Seob’s apartment door, her forehead was damp with sweat.

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