Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 : Phantom of the Deserted City

Another month passed, but Zhuo Ge’s expected wasteland transfer station “City of Withered Bones” was not seen for a long time, making him can’t help but drum up in his heart. Is there a big difference between novels and reality?

However, the wealthy Quales really exists. He is very convinced of this. After all, many people have heard of it, and he has also encountered merchants from the Golden City who do jewelry business in the Holy City of Dothraki.

Zhuo Ge believes that as long as you follow the guidance of the Weeping Star and keep walking towards the southeast, Quells will eventually see him.

But there is only spread, there is not much water and food that has not been harvested, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and he is a little uneasy now.

Xu Shi believed too much in the king of horses. These people consumed them and didn’t know about temperance. Zhuo Ge thought twice and finally awkwardly admitted to them that there was little hope of sticking to the goal, so starting from today, he should not eat and drink anymore. Extravagance and waste, overeating.

As soon as this order came out, the Kalassas were all in an uproar, but Kao’s words were the law and could only be obeyed.

Day by day, the earth became more and more desolate, and even the most tenacious devil grass has lost its traces. The horses fell one by one and turned into relief food. The Karrathas began to become yellow and thin, and walked like walking corpses. Walk by will to every morning.

In the line of   , the one with the best mental state is the three young dragons.

It seems that the heat that others can’t bear is a kind of energy supply for the magic dragon, which makes them stronger and stronger!

The body of a young dragon is basically composed of a neck, a long tail, and wings. The wingspan is three times the length of the body. Each wing is a piece of translucent delicate skin with different colors and exaggerated long and thin bones. between!

Even the closest parents to them, sometimes inadvertently paying attention, will be shocked, not to mention other people, stay away and stay away, for fear of being hurt by them!

Over the past few months, the size of the young dragon has grown rapidly from the size of a water sac to the size of a snowball. With its wings spread, it can directly envelop a horse!

And they have already begun to try to learn to fly. Although they never successfully soared, they always fell to the ground and vented their depression with an agitated white mist, but it was a big improvement in the end.

Every night, Zhuo Ge and his wife put the dragons on their bodies, because they are like warm fireplaces that can provide warmth against the cold.

Snowball belongs to the big sea of ​​grass. It’s more unbearable than human beings to set foot on the barren land. Fortunately, the young dragon is very friendly. Sometimes it takes the initiative to hold it up and move forward. This is why it can persist.

Finally, one day, something terrified Zhuo Ge happened. He kept paying attention that Doliya, who used it as a test subject, actually got a fever as the novel told me, and the rate of deterioration was as fast as red sand. tornado.

Her lips and hands had blood blisters, and then her hair fell off a lot. In just three days, she died of pus all over her body.

Doliya passed away miserably, and it was Dani that was the saddest, because this poor Reese girl, regarded as her enlightenment teacher, had taught her the mystery that pleased Zogo in the past.

After a series of ceremonies to pay homage to the dead, Zhuo Ge personally set fire to cremation of the maid, and asked in his heart: “Is still unable to escape the established destiny? Then I, the person who should have turned ashes, where is the end?”

He suddenly felt regretful. He originally went to Quairs to learn some life enlightenment in the Palace of Immortality.

But Zhuo Ge thinks now, if he knows that the trajectory of fate is bad, wouldn’t he live in fear in this life?

Sometimes the known is more terrible than the unknown, Zhuo Ge suddenly felt his brain turned into a paste, drifting away from reality and fiction, constantly torturing him.

Seeing her husband holding his head in silence in front of the raging fire, she seemed very sad. The tearful Dany couldn’t help but wonder whether her man had a leg with Doria! ?

But she wronged her husband. Zhuo Ge used to be a beast-like abusive high-ranking person. He wanted to find happiness. Does he need to hide it?

Perhaps life and death are just a cycle. Dolya’s life passed away, but it brought hope to the living, and it appeared the next night!

Finally, a pure white city-state appeared in front of Zhuo Ge. Under the background of Yuehui, it was as beautiful as a mirage that sometimes appeared in the desert.

But when he heard the cheers of the Kalassas, he felt real.

The ancient city that would appear on the package ticket, I can only smell it, and it has long been hopeless.

Others did not dare to complain clearly, but Zhuo Ge was deeply embarrassed by Dany’s dissatisfaction. At this time, the prediction was successful, and his pretending desire could not help but spontaneously. He turned around and said loudly: ” This is what I said, the city of no-owner dreams. There are endless fresh fruits, endless sweet well water, and pleasant palaces, which can fully meet our needs, my son. What are the people waiting for, come on!”

Karrathas were all excited when they heard it.

However, the atmosphere he had just adjusted was instantly suppressed by Ji Qi. She anxiously advised: “Kao, if you said, this is an unowned desert city, it means that this place is not blessed by the gods, those lone souls Evil spirits will wander and hunt at night, and such a place is best avoided.”

“Fate is almost gone, I am afraid that some lone souls will still be evil spirits! If we don’t replenish water and food, the lone souls wandering here will probably be us!”

Zhuo Ge told the truth, ignored her, and raised his arms: “Go!”

So he rushed to the deserted city like a sand bandit, and the people he had imagined were naturally chased like hungry wolves. Even Dany put away his hold, swinging two small white legs, and rushed away vigorously. !

But when Zhuo Ge rushed to the dilapidated city gate, he dazzled and waved his hand to stop.

“Wait a minute, everyone!”

was too sudden, the people who couldn’t stop knocked him down and stopped.


Here comes a dog gnawing shit, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Zhuo Ge subconsciously scolded a few words, but did not delve into it. In the eyes of everyone, he pointed to the sand in front of him and analyzed: “There are horseshoe prints that have not been covered by wind and sand, and they have been leading to the city. , It means there are people in the city!”

Karratha agreed with his speculation, but he slandered himself secretly, because he kept saying that this place is no owner, isn’t it slapped now?

If you come, you will be at peace, there is no other choice, Zhuo Ge takes the lead and enters the city, ready to visit the owner here, or like them, is a wanderer or businessman passing through here.

Landing, Zhuo Geng screamed on his shoulder somehow.

Although the sight is full of broken walls, it is okay to block the wind.

But the strange thing is that the narrow lanes are intricate and intricate, and the city is full of ancient buildings, but the wind is stronger than the outside of the city, and the cold penetrates the bone marrow, making it extremely uncomfortable.

Ji Qi stroked the goose bumps on her arm, walked to Zhuo Ge in shattered steps, and said in horror: “Kaao, let’s go out. Look, the dragon is a little uneasy. It’s afraid it might see the evil spirits. Up!”

Zhuo Ge turned his face irritably, and shouted angrily: “There is no evil spirit, don’t talk nonsense!”

When he turned his face, and wanted to continue to follow the horseshoe prints to find the traces of people, a face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes with pale skin, dark blue lips, flesh clinging to the bones, and a wicked smile!


Zhuo Ge was so scared that he almost got out of his body, and instinctively swung his knife to the tricky face!

The creepy creature in weird costume was divided into two by him, but it was like a split on the phantom!

There was no **** creepy thing, it quickly dissipated, and disappeared after three breaths!

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