Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 15

Chapter 14 : The mysterious shadowbinder, the terri

The mysterious, hairy, withered city that was originally everywhere, has become even more infiltrating due to the appearance and disappearance of the tricks!

Zhuo Ge squeezed Yarak’s scimitar, which was almost let go due to tension with both hands. He squinted at Ji Qi, who had been scared and fell to the ground, and then calmed his mind and drank without looking back. A cry: “The soldier takes on the responsibility of guarding, concentrates on guard, and prepares to fight!”

The warriors who led the orders hurriedly surrounded the frightened old and weak women and children, their almond eyes kept moving, not even letting go of the sky.

Jora Mormon, who did not follow the trend, walked to Zhuo Ge hesitantly, and said in an uncertain tone: “Making, what we saw just now may not be an evil spirit, maybe it is a Phantom Wizard!”

Zhuo Ge felt that this was something he had said, so he asked him the following question: “Why do you see it?”

Daxiong looked around for a while, and after confirming that the danger was not close, he said in a deep voice: “The phantom wizard, that is, the evil priest who has learned the shadow-shifting witchcraft. This kind of person reads the dust-covered forbidden art scroll and pays the price. Use the power of the gods to show miracles, sip the poisonous night shadow water until your cheeks turn white and your lips turn blue, showing your terrifying power with a terrifying look. If you still have an impression of that trick , I must agree with my guess, not groundless.”

That strange face is different from the appearances he has seen in his life. Zhuo Ge will never forget it in his life, and he feels that it is exactly what Qiao La said.

Sir Jorah saw that he appeared open, afraid that he would believe his words, and hurriedly said: “Although the power and wisdom of wizards were once respected by others, they are now as ridiculous as some conscious and knowledgeable old women who rely on the old and sell the old. They only miss the past and deceive themselves and others, ignoring that the real witchcraft has long gone away from them. Compared with the ancient priests, they are nothing more than empty skins, so the trick may be really evil!”

After all, Jora felt that what she said was nonsense.

However, Zhuo Ge didn’t think so, and looked at him a little differently. He felt that he had extensive experience and skilled combat skills, and he was much more useful than the simple-minded barbarians under his command!

And Zhuo Ge knows that there are still many witchcraft in this world, such as the nickname “Red Robe Girl”, who claims to be the spokesperson of the mysterious King of Light Rahlo, and he should have appeared in the history of the lord of Dragonstone Island by now. Tanis Baratheon serves, can light fire out of thin air, can bring the dead back to life, and is named the priestess of Melisandre.

Now is not the time to delve into these things, Zhuo Ge seriously told Daxiong: “Sir, thank you for your advice, but whether it is a real wizard or an evil spirit, we will definitely face it again. If that terrible thing reappears , You just wield your sword!”

Qiao La slightly lowered her head and said, “You are talking about the noble horse king.”

I don’t know if this guy is deliberately or habitually driven, Zhuo Ge always finds his tone and address to be quite agreeable.

Seeing that Da Xiong strode towards Dany with a solemn expression, he dared to resist the bite of evil spirits for her, and a killing intent was quietly surging in Zhuo Ge’s heart, but at this moment his machete was more willing to slash towards the trick.

Just as he was thinking about following Ji Qi’s suggestion and exiting the deserted city, there was a louder hoof sound in front of him.

A group of people hurriedly focused their attention on the source of the sound. Soon they saw three tall camels with two people on them, and the trick that was just now!

Zhuo Ge’s heart tightened, he raised his foot and rushed forward, ready to jump up at that time, and once again split the tricky thing in half.

Even if it is useless, it can only be so. This is the responsibility that Kao should bear.

The horse king started, and the others naturally followed, and the screams that could boost morale for a while were deafening, resounding through the entire deserted city like bones!

Seeing them kill, the three horses were in the center, the jeweled and gorgeously dressed bloated bald man was obviously frightened, and hurriedly shouted in the Valyrian dialect: “Please stop, the Dothraki from afar, I’m Zaro Zanwang. Daxos, one of the thirteen giants of Naquelsi!”

Valyria is a long-destroyed city that is still amazing today. It was once the capital of the Valyria Freedom Fortress Empire. It is located on a peninsula in the Eastern Continent and is the birthplace of the Targaryen family. .

The specific reason for its destruction is unknown. Legend has it that it was caused by a mysterious and catastrophic event called Valyria’s Doomsday. Valyria has been in ruins for hundreds of years, but their language is still popular in free trade city-states.

Danni is a pure descendant of conquerors. She is naturally familiar with the mother tongue of her family, and Zhuo Ge can also understand Valyrian with her ears and eyes.

I heard that he was the cunning Queers giant who was full of lies in the novel and wanted to marry the mother of dragon. Zhuo Ge despised him, but he couldn’t help being a little surprised, because this person appeared at the wrong time, he should have entered the dry city first. , He was a guest later.

“Could it be that we delayed too long? Probably not, after all, Dany in the novel advances more slowly in the wasteland.”

He felt a little bit, UU read www.uukanshu.com, he stopped, and called out his subordinates to stop.

Zhuo Ge coldly scanned the three of them back and forth, and secretly said, “If he is really Zara Zanwang Dasos, then the one next to him is definitely not an evil spirit, but a wizard who lives in the Palace of Immortality! It is also the real key goal of my trip!”

As he expected, the guy with white skin and blue lips introduced himself in the inaccurate Dothraki language, yin and yang, and said: “I am the truther of the Immortal Temple, the great wizard Haia Boli, just now I I didn’t expect to cause a misunderstanding when I came to receive you. Friends who came with the dragon shouldn’t mind.”

In   Quan Yuju, the penetrating Haia Puri does the technique of transforming shadows. Zhuo Ge, who has figured out his identity, combined with reality, and raised a deeper sense of defense against this special wizard.

Because this kind of stranger who can approach him unconsciously is definitely a nightmare for ordinary people!

Seeing Zhuo Ge shut his mouth and refused to accept the wizard’s gestures, his face was defensive and obviously raised. The woman wearing the wooden lacquer mask didn’t know what to think, but actually used the Mandarin that prevailed in Westeros and said openly: “I It is the shadowbinder Kuixi of the Shadowlands. We follow the direction of the Weeping Blood Star and run for the dragon hunt.”

Bound Shadow Warrior is also a kind of wizard. It is a very scary existence that can use shadows to use mysterious magic.

Compared to Zarro and the wizard, these two people who like to sway, Zhuo Ge actually thinks that hiding his face is the most terrible. After all, he still knows the two people, but this shadow-bound man is very mysterious, only well-known, and knows nothing.

In general, Zhuo Ge has no favor with them, because he doesn’t like the undisguised greed of the three.

Faced with so many murderous cold eyes, Zaro and others chose to ignore them, and only focused on Zhuo Ge and Dany. It was obvious that their intentions were consistent with what the Shadow Binders said, they were just for the dragon!

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