Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 286

Chapter 266 : Coercion of 8 Claw Spider Chaos King


Tyrion Lannister drank the wine in his glass in one sip, and warned with a slight drunkenness: “Your Majesty, I know you are extremely smart, and I know that you won’t bother to do some useless work, but I don’t understand, you want What’s the point of correcting that mysterious huge sparrow?”

After raising and then suppressing, Zhuo Ge heard a little disappointment in the words, but he did not get angry, only smiled and said: “Why do you see it?”

Tyrion raised his head, looked at him face-to-face, and replied: “I have said before, and you know it very well. You will undoubtedly increase the dominance of the Iron Throne, because the archbishop is obviously the seven gods. The spokesperson of the country, but he still obeys the royal family’s command.”

The little devil felt that his analysis was very real, not to mention that he was once one of the heirs of Kaiyan City, and he was also the king’s hand.

He couldn’t be more familiar with the affiliation of the head of the church organization. The several archbishops who have been in modern times are all the ones who have committed to the Lannister family.

These facts, Zhuo Ge couldn’t see clearly, as the so-called people under the eaves, he had to bow his head.

But as a soul wearer, he knew very well that the big sparrow was not a simple believer in the Seven Gods, but a man with great ambitions.

“Your opinion is very pertinent, but the big sparrow is different.”

Feeling his Majesty’s persistence, Tyrion Lannister no longer objected, but he still had some doubts.

“Your Majesty, at present, King’s Landing regards you as a great enemy. The person most defended by the Iron Throne is you. You said it is unrealistic to straighten the Sparrow.”

Zhuo Ge sighed and said: “This is natural, but no matter how difficult it is, you must do it. Presumably you also know that I am not afraid of the Seven Kingdoms when it comes to military strength. What I am afraid of is the wildfire of King’s Landing. The power of wildfire lies in certain In terms of appearance, it is more powerful than Dragon Flame!”

Having said that, Tyrion Lannister naturally understood Zogo’s plan.

“Your Majesty, do you want to use the power of the Sparrow Church to plunge King’s Landing into civil strife, so that the Iron Throne has no time to take care of foreign worries, so we will defeat them one by one and destroy the minions of Tywin Lannister?”

Zhuo Ge nodded, and replied with appreciation: “You are very smart, you are right, I have such a plan.”

The little devil replied solemnly: “You have to know that the Sparrow Church needs the shelter of King’s Landing. Even if the Sparrow becomes the archbishop, he is just a running dog of the Iron Throne.”

Not to blame for those who didn’t know, Zhuo Ge stood up, walked to the wine cabinet, and filled himself with another glass.

After filling it for half a cup, he said lightly: “They organized just to eat their mouths, and I think that he can be the leader of that group of refugees, and he took advantage of this.”

Tyrion thought for a moment, then hesitated: “Your Majesty meant that we secretly fund those refugees so that they can turn their hearts to us?”

Zhuo Ge tipped the glass and replied: “We don’t need them to be grateful to us, we just need to make the sparrow more authoritative in their hearts.”

Tyrion Lannister was confused by these words.

He muttered cautiously: “Speaking of which, this is nothing more than helping the Iron Throne cultivate a minion and boosting the arrogance of King’s Landing.”

“The key is the big sparrow.”

Zhuo Ge’s words are very profound, and he doesn’t want to say it.

The little devil who couldn’t guess Cao’s thoughts was speechless: “The Big Sparrow…”

Zhuo Ge smiled at him and changed the subject: “Tyrion, do you have a way to contact the eight-claw spider Varys?”

The little devil stunned: “Yes, but that spider can’t be trusted.”

Zhuo Ge said confidently: “Yes, that sly guy can’t be trusted, but I hold his handle, and he can’t even help him.”

Tyrion Lannis nodded characteristically: “Anyway, it’s all hostile. It doesn’t matter if you try. Even if you fail, it’s a big deal with King’s Landing. Anyway, the battle between the two sides is unavoidable.”

Having said this, the little devil’s voice changed: “Before the trial of the martial arts, the Octopus spider assisted my brother to help me escape. Although I did not accept his kindness, I don’t want to use it as a threat!”

He had already seen the situation clearly, Zhuo Ge actually thought so too.

“Well, I won’t embarrass you, tell me how do you contact him?”

Tyrion raised his glass and handed it to him, motioning to Zhuo Ge to give him another glass.

Zhuo Ge has always been arrogant, but his arrogance is external. He is a Dothraki, and he often drinks with Karratha regardless of class.

So he didn’t think that the little devil’s move was instigating him and meant to be rude to him.

Moreover, Tyrion’s performance in Yangjian City, and the wiseness reflected, made him admire very much, this dwarf is a hero.

Zhuo Ge picked up the hip flask and walked over, filling him with a glass.


After Tyrion Lannister drank the wine in one sip, he solemnly said: “Just give me a boat that can pass through the Blackwater River, and I can contact him.”

This guy is the most wanted criminal of King’s Landing. Zhuo Ge is not afraid of his tricks. He didn’t ask or think much, so he agreed to his adventure.

“Okay, I will send you to the stormy area, and you can choose the ships under the control of Kolensa. If you need manpower, just speak to him.”

Tyrion shook the cup and said firmly: “I don’t need any manpower, I can do it alone.”

Zhuo Ge patted him on the shoulder and gave him a lot of praise.

“I heard that you used to lead a team to resist Stannis’s army. I still don’t believe it. Now I believe it. You are a soldier, a brave true man!”

When the little devil heard it floated, he scratched his itchy nose, cracked his mouth and smiled: “That is, I am a lion.”

Zhuo Ge laughed and said: “One of the two most brave lions under my Zhuo Ge!”

Tyrion knew that the other lion Cao was talking about was a snowball, and he was not confident to compare with a real lion.

After the joke, his expression became serious: “The time should be sooner rather than later. We must hurry up before the Bolton Army and the Rose Army in the High Court arrive at the border of the stormy land to make King’s Land lively.”

“Your Majesty, what is the handle of the octopus spider, give it to me, I need that kind of bargaining chip.”

Zhuo Ge calmly walked to the desk and sat down, picked up the feather pen, dipped it in ink, and started writing.

In this world no one knows Varys better than Cao.

Varys apparently served King Robert and his heirs, and it seemed that he did indeed have loyalty to the Targaryen line. He worked with Pantos Governor Illyrio Mopatis. Conspiring, trying to get Targaryen’s blood to regain the Iron Throne.

It is revealed in the Ice and Fire novel that it is possible that Varys replaced the baby Aegon, the son of Rega, from the baby with another baby, making Robert think that the child is dead.

After that, he quietly transported Aegon to the opposite side of the narrow sea and handed it to Rega’s friend (also the prime minister who was previously deported by Iris) Jon Clinton to raise him.

In order to cover up Clinton’s whereabouts, he also fabricated and spread a false version of the story.

These are the threats written by Zhuo Ge, but he believes that these alone are enough to make the octopus spider work for him.

Although there is no evidence to prove this for the time being, he has not hollowed out the secret of the eight-claw spider, giving it room for reverie, and can’t guess whether he has the real handle and dare not go against him.

As for the funds to aid the Sparrow, he believes Varys will help him out, because Governor Pantos, a good friend of Octopus spiders, is rich.

He also helped the big sparrow solve the problem of the current archbishop. He believed that Varys could do it.

A hero is born in troubled times, and once the big sparrow takes the throne, Zhuo Ge feels that he will not let go of the opportunity to stir up the muddy water.

In fact, even if Kaor didn’t intervene, the big sparrow would have to act.

Cao is very sure about this.

After Zhuo Ge wrote the letter, Tyrion took it and left.

The little devil was once punished by Tywin Lannister as the sewer manager of Kaiyan City and King’s Landing. He knew where the secret road leading to King’s Landing and even the Red Fort was.

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