Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 287

Chapter 267 : The Return of the Dragon Queen

In this world, the dialogue between smart people and smart people sometimes does not need to be too complicated.

Because smart people will definitely choose the path that is best for them.

After Tyrion left, Zogo wrote another letter, asking Korenza, who was stationed in the stormy area, to lead all the fleets to the Stone Step Islands immediately, preparing to deal with the combined fleet of Qingting Island and the Iron Islands.

Then he summoned Malpossi and others overnight.

They are ordered to set sail to the stormy area immediately, and the infantry brought from Liberty Bay will stay in the Midsummer Hall at that time, awaiting the dispatch of the blood league guards.

As for the navy and the fleet, they stayed in the waters near the storm zone to guard against the domineering fleet, filling the vacancy of the Kolensa fleet with more sophisticated combat experience.

The Iron Islands and Qingting Island are famous for naval battles. Zhuo Ge will not let the Liberty Bay naval forces who have not been trained for a long time to send them to death.

As for the army stationed in God’s Grace City, Kao is going to rest for another day, and will set off the day after tomorrow, passing through the Prince’s Pass, to first capture Night Song City and meet the high court army.

The Lannister family’s western army is the strongest one, but Drogo believes that as long as Tyrion successfully meets the Octopus Spider, it will definitely not be considered the greatest threat.

As for the Bolton family’s army, Zhuo Ge didn’t care too much, although the two thousand elite soldiers were already a shocking force for this continent.

But for the strong and powerful garrison in the Stormlands, it is like an egg hitting a rock.

The Bolton family are the ancient descendants of the ancestors, with a history that can be traced back to the heroic era. The family crest is the red skinner on the foundation.

Their home fort is the Terror Castle, and one of the most powerful nobles in the North. After betraying Robb Stark with Varde Frey, they were named the guardian of the North by the Lannister family.

The Bolton family is widely known for living and skinning their enemies.

The ethnic language is “My blade is still strong,” but they prefer a more widely circulated saying in the family: “People without clothes, inches, and rags have few secrets, but people who are stripped and skinned have no secrets.”

For hundreds of years, the Bolton family has been loyal to the Stark family, and has fought for them several times, such as the War of the Usurpers or the Battle of the Five Kings.

However, his ambition was never interrupted. After learning that Theon Greyjoy had conquered Winterfell, killed two Stark princes and the battle of the Blackwater River, Luce Bolton had secretly saved his strength. The earl determined that Robb Stark claimed that the cause of Wangju had failed, and decided to stand on the side of the winner.

He planned a red wedding with the Frey family to overthrow the king of the north, and for this reason he jumped to the guardianship of the north.

And his son Ramsay Bolton also passed through with “Alia Stark” (actually the daughter of Winterfell City butler Viyan Poole, and also Sansa Stark’s best friend Jeanne Poole) After the marriage contract of Winterfell, the Bolton family usurped control of the northern territory.

Fort Terror has received the allegiance of most of the pledged vassals in the North, but they undoubtedly do not love the Deborton family, and they seem to know the role of the Bolton family in the Red Wedding.

What makes the Bolton family even more disturbing is that the two Stark princes killed by Greyjoy are actually not dead, but are hidden and may threaten their power at any time.

The next battle with King Stannis Baratheon in Winterfell in Winterfell will determine the future of the Northern Territory, Stannis and Bolton family.

Stannis Baratheon has always deliberately settled down in the north, and the Bolton family of Terror Castle is his confidant. Zogo thinks that Ruth Bolton is not stupid, and is led by Xiaoshi and Pi. The human force is the greatest help he can give King’s Landing.

After all, he still has the main force to fight against Robert’s second brother!

Zhuo Ge is looking forward to seeing Xiao Pei, Pi, because that person is arguably one of the cruelest people in Quan You.

Who is he? He is ruthless enough, but Ramsay Bolton’s behavior also made him feel heart palpitations, so he thought about catching the skin and slowly torturing, how would it feel?

The Northern Territory is currently the most chaotic place on the Westeros continent, but in a short period of time, the majesty of the wolf family will not be annihilated.

If it weren’t for sure whether Jon Snow had a sense of crisis and had already become involved with the savages, otherwise Zhuo Ge wanted to use Dragon Crystal as a bait to get the honest man to be the bait, and solve some hidden dangers in the northern border for him.

“Should I disseminate the purpose of Dragon Crystal?”

Zhuo Ge began to consider this issue, but in the end he did not make a decision.

Now the strength of the Great Wall is still very weak, he still doesn’t care about it, so he decided to wait for Jon Clinton to find the door by himself.

Besides, the existence of alien ghosts has been almost annihilated by history. Even if it was said, few people would believe it.

When he was exhausted, Zhuo Ge casually found a bed and lay down.

The sky was gloomy and wet, and it rained all night. At noon the next day, although the rain stopped, there were still dark clouds and the sun was not visible.

Zhuo Ge’s mood was very unhappy, and it changed a lot at dusk.

He went to the medical office to see Grey Worm, and learned from the doctor that the eunuch’s injury had improved, and he was relieved.

The doctor said Grey Worm did not wake up, but Zhuo Ge was not sure that the **** might not want to see him.

It doesn’t matter, if the Grey Worm is really biased towards Missandei, then change to the leader of the Unsullied One.

Zhuo Ge would not allow a person who bears a grudge to control his most important war force.

Without opening the door of the Grey Worm’s recuperation, he went to visit Snowball and Roman.

Those two guys can often win by surprise, except for the dragon, the biggest win.

However, Zhuo Ge didn’t worry too much about these two guys, because their physical recovery capabilities far exceeded that of normal humans.

Sure enough, the giant who was dying by the beast of the Sphinx and Helicopter had begun to get out of bed, asking people in the medical area to drink, and his unhealthy body caused him to crash several earthen houses.

There is also Snowball, it has fully recovered, and there is no sign of poisoning on its body anymore.

What made Zhuo Ge feel relieved was that the beast was also sentimental. Hearing from the people nearby, the bloodstained white lion had been lying on the dragon’s back for a whole day.

Even if it was rainy, it didn’t let it find another place to shelter from the rain.

Maybe the white lion and the giant dragon really regard each other as brothers.

Zhuo Ge walked under the dragon’s long neck and stroked the child’s thighs, feeling deeply.

The three children were petrified, which made him feel that the war is so difficult for the first time. The power of Westeros is really not comparable to a free trade city-state.

On the way to Divine Grace City, Aino Adelaide, Malpossi and others had persuaded him to avoid the edge for the time being, and return to Freedom Bay with them first, and wait for the dragon to unblock and conquer. the road.

But such behavior is no different from a coward, Zhuo Ge is not such a person.

It is not his style to run away timidly before starting .

Originally, Zhuo Ge never thought of letting the people of Freedom Bay participate in this war, but the Freedom Army swears to follow it, and he doesn’t cool their hearts.

As for whether Freedom Bay will fall after the army leaves, Malpossi and others don’t care about this.

He proudly told Zhuo Ge: “Now everyone in Freedom Bay is a soldier, and the elderly, women and children will fight desperately to survive!”

After listening to him, Zhuo Ge was still very worried, but the situation was tense, and he could only pray that Freedom Bay would not be disturbed by the war.

Cao learned from the members of the Liberty Bay Imperial Conference that when they heard that the stone men of Valantis had set foot on the road to the west, they felt a sense of crisis and followed the fleet of the stone men. coming.

For this, Zhuo Ge was very pleased. He felt that the people of Freedom Bay really regarded him as a father.

It’s just that their mother has…

Just as Zhuo Ge saw things and thought about people, leaning on the dragon’s thighs to secretly grieve, and raised land, the deputy leader of the **** who was in charge of patrols ran over with excitement.

“Your Majesty, the Queen is back!”

Before he got closer, Zhuo Ge heard his shout, his heart trembled, and he couldn’t believe it and asked, “Who did you say is back?”


The hero was so excited that she was suffocating: “Queen, Queen Daenerys is back, she is back without a problem!”

At this moment, thunderous excitement screamed in the direction of the city gate.

“Oh! Long live Her Majesty, long live!”

“Our Dragon Queen is back!”


Zhuo Ge smiled. As long as his beloved wife is still alive, he has the obligation to continue to protect her, and he can inspire courage to fear everything!

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