Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 349

Chapter 326 : Defeated the Bolton and Tully family a

The enemy screamed, unbelievable this scene is full of magic!

“How did he do that!?”

“One, one sword has harvested thousands of lives!”

With this sword, it was enough to serve as a shock that was no less than the might of the dragon, killing the enemy with fear, and no one dared to rush forward to fight against Zhuo Ge.

On the other hand, Kao cheered, and the suffocation of the dragon after petrification had disappeared at this moment.

After the shocking sword was cut again, the light revealed by Dawn dimmed a lot.

The absorbed wildfire heat is about to run out, but apart from Zhuo Ge, no one will guess how much power it contains.

The Dragon King swung his sword forward and shouted coldly, “Kill, don’t let any of them go!”


The Unsullied One and Karratha in the city are like two torrents, passing through both sides of Kao and swept toward the enemy.

And Theon Greyjoy is even more in the lead, because no one hates Ramsay Bolton more than him.

He wants to take the lead in cutting off the enemy’s life.

The ground was damp and slippery, half mud and half blood.

His horse tripped on a corpse, slipped its hoofs, stirred the mud, and almost caused him to roll off the saddle before rushing to the enemy team.

Fortunately, luck was good, and finally the Centaur maintained a balance.

Landau Tali’s side woke up and hurriedly dealt with the shock like an overwhelming one.

Facing the same opponents, but after Zhuo Ge reappeared, they felt that the fighting spirit and momentum of these people had increased dramatically!

With Zogo holding the line, Tyrion stopped charging and risking.

He stood beside His Majesty, shouting endlessly: “Long live the Dragon King!”

The crowd responded loudly.

The unsullied spearhead flew out, and Karratha issued a long scream of steel and will, and the rolling horseshoes and sharp blades merged with fire.

A spear slammed into the hero’s shield, and he picked it up and threw it forward and shot a skinner.

Theon was riding a horse galloping, swinging his sword at every enemy he touched.

He rode a horse through the scattered living people and corpses, looking for his target.

The long sword in his hand is getting heavier and heavier, but he pulls the horse vigorously, forcing it to always move forward.

Many enemies fled in embarrassment, with various injuries and blood, most of them were dying.

Theon walked through them, giving those who could stand up a neat death.

They became so small, so frightened.

If this were in the past, Theon would not have dared to imagine.

“Rames Bolton!” he shouted loudly, eager for a response.

He went on a slaughter, his armor was dyed red, and he was glowing with blood under the light of the fire.

Another cavalry with a skinner embroidered on his chest became his target.

Theon cut off his spear directly, followed by his hands and arms.

An archer without a bow grabbed an arrow and poked it like a dagger, but was kicked in the thigh by a war horse and fell all fours to the sky, tempting Kara Sahaha beside Theon to laugh.

He rode a flag stuck in the mud, with the coat of arms of the Bolton family on it, and cut the flagpole into two with one sword.

Finally, his enemy appeared out of nowhere, and raised the steel sword to slash at his long sword again and again.

Nearby Romo wanted to come over to help Theon, but he severely rejected it.

“He is mine, don’t even want to intervene!”

Ramsay Bolton said with a gloomy look: “Smelly man, you are really pleasing me more and more.”

“Smelly guy, no, I’m the son of Baron Greyjoy, I’m the iron seed blessed by the drowning god!”

Theon Greyjoy roared and launched a fierce attack.

Hatred made the steel sword seem to have gained life in his hands, and he has never been so agile.

The sword turned gray shadows, and Ramsay Bolton stabbed him in the shoulder with a grinning grin.

But Theon penetrated the little skinned chain link and inserted it into his waist.

However, the small skinning was not severely injured, and the skinner drove the horse to the right, and the sword spontaneously broke away.

Facing the former slave, Xiao Pei has a kind of calm and self-confidence born of skilled martial arts.

Theon is quicker than him, and his arm is longer and stronger than his opponent.

Ramsay Bolton is as strong as most knights, and his former coach said that the gods gave him good endurance.

Fighting with swords and shields is very hard, and victory often belongs to the person who can last the most.

But his endurance is not worthy in the eyes of Theon, who was a stinker.

Because he can endure all kinds of torture and live like a dog, how can such endurance be comparable to Ramsay Bolton?

The hatred is Theon tirelessly, his sword is stronger than the sword.

Over time, he prevailed.

With a sharp stab, Ramsay’s sword pierced Theon’s arm.

But in the next instant, Theon swung his sword around, blazing a blade of sword light, and forcing Ramsay Bolton back.

Just as the skinning continued to impact, a red-eyed Karratha flashed past, and Yarak’s scimitar slashed at his head.

Rams Bolton stood his sword to block, but had no choice but to ignore his true opponent.

He didn’t have time to turn his head until Theon ran to his back and slammed the horse’s buttocks with the back of his long sword.

The horseman stood up and flew Ramus Wave out, his cloak dancing like wings.

He landed on the ground, his teeth covered with scarlet dirt and brown withered grass.

Ramsay Bolton wants to get up wants to continue fighting, but he can’t find his sword anymore.

Theon got off his horse and strode towards him.

Ramsay’s eyes were as big as eggs, and he squirmed his lips and shouted, “I am your master.”

The armor on his body trembles and rattles with him.

“No, not anymore, and you will have a new master.”

Theon pressed the tip of the sword against his Adam’s apple.

“no, do not want!”

Facing death, Ramsay Bolton put away his arrogance and became terrified.

Theon remained silent and withdrew the tip of the sword from his throat.

Then he quickly slapped him on the temple, Xiao Peeling’s eyes blackened, and he slammed again on the wet ground.

Theon drew his dagger, wanting to cut the demon’s throat with a knife.

But he felt that it was too cheap to peel.

On the chaotic battlefield, not allowing too long to consider, he tied Ramsay Bolton’s feet with the reins, then turned on his horse and dragged him towards Night Song City.

On the battlefield where the number of people is disparity, the small skinning has long been forgotten.

Even Randall Tully, who was quite popular, was captured alive by dozens of people.

And his son Dickon Tully.

With the capture of Ramus Bolton and Landau Tully, the shrimp soldiers and crabs were about to die, and the battle has lost suspense.

After the battle was over, Zhuo Ge made a little rectification and rushed to the Midsummer Hall with his army.

After annihilating the high court army and the vanguard of Terror Fort, he can’t wait to rush to the real battlefield.

On the way, he released Landau Tali’s son, and for nothing else, he only used him as a messenger to warn the dignitaries of King’s Landing that he is not afraid of wildfire!

He Zhuo Ge can sweep the army by himself!

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