Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 350

Chapter 327 : The deceased will not die, they will s

The next day, they walked through the Crimson Mountains of the Dorn Frontier.

On the third day, they entered the stormy ground.

On the morning of the fourth day, they rushed to the Midsummer Hall.

Two rows of unsullied people walked out slowly, and in the center was the braided warrior riding a tall horse.

The three headed by them are Aggo, Joe Ge, and Rakarlo, the three blood league guards, and next to them is Brienne, the taller than them, the new owner of the “Ice” giant sword.

They all smiled at Zhuo Ge, greeted Zhuo Ge, bowed down to Zhuo Ge.

“Long live the Dragon King!”

The sound gradually increased, gradually spread, and gradually expanded.

The loud chorus shocked everyone’s mounts, and the loud chorus shook the entire Midsummer Hall. At every moment, more people filed out from the city gate, came over and cheered together.

At this moment, they all ran with Zhuo Ge, pushing and shoving, stumbling, trying to touch his hands, stroking the red horse’s mane, and not his legs and feet personally.

Zogo’s poor blood ally guards couldn’t stop them all, and even the giant Roman murmured and grumbled in frustration.

Obviously, the Dragon King carrying the Great Sword of Dawn is the absolute protagonist.

Bachelor Finsen urged him to go quickly, but Zhuo Ge laughed loudly, followed by a horse, and rode towards the crowd.

He walked quickly, then trot, then galloped like the wind.

“The Dragon King is invincible!”

Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands shouted together.


Ramsay Bolton screamed when he bit on it, his whole body trembled and his expression was extremely painful.

He chewed on this sweet but painful meat, and warm blood flowed down the corners of his mouth.

It was so delicious that he shed tears.

The gurgling stomach drove him to gorge.

When the third bite was reached, Ramsay Bolton could not hold on.

Because what he gnawed at was his little finger that was peeled off.

He hasn’t eaten or drank water for almost five days. He needs nutrients to maintain his life.

To raise land, he heard the sound of unlocking from outside the prison.

The sound of the lock being opened is the most terrifying, at least Xiao Pei feels so.

When the fire light shone on his face, he let out a scream.

He had to cover his eyes with his hands.

If he has the courage, he should pick them out so that he doesn’t have to face fear.

“Take it away, put it out, please, please.”

He was huddled in a corner of the cell, very different from his former arrogant appearance.

“is it him?”

The voice of an unsullied person said: “Look carefully, are we in the wrong cell.”

“The penultimate cell on the right, yes, that’s right,” the other Unsullied person replied.

“It’s so pathetic, the heir to the skinning family, who was once invincible, what is he talking about? Can you understand Westeros?”

“I don’t think he likes light.”

“If you become like this, would you like it?”

The Unsullied cleared his throat and spit on Ramsay Bolton.

Eunuchs love to be clean, except for this new guy on the ground who joined the ranks of eunuchs.

“The stench on his body makes me angry.”

“He was eating his fingers just now!”

“Yes, but we are happy that he is so hungry and not choosing food.”

Xiao Peeling mumbled vaguely: “I ate, I ate my own finger, I ate it! Please, give me some food!”

The two unsullied people got closer, and the straw rustled under their feet.

One of them asked: “Remember who you are?”

Fear surged in Ramsay Bolton’s body: “I, my name.”

A wailing stuck in his throat.

The owner taught him the name and taught him, but his dignity did not allow him to admit it.

If I get the wrong answer, that **** guy will take another finger from me, or worse!

He will, he certainly will, because I have treated him like this once.

Xiao Peihu didn’t want to think anymore, he couldn’t think anymore.

“Please, stop forcing me, I don’t know who I am!”

He is weak, and his voice is as thin as a hairspring, as pitiful as he is.

But his appearance will only make people hateful, and an unsullied person shouted: “Quickly speak, if you can’t say it, then cut off one of your fingers or toes and feed the dog!”

If you lose one more finger or toe, you will be less like a man than Theon Greyjoy!

“Smelly guy! My name is stinky guy!”

Ramsay Bolton shouted with all his strength, then tears fell down his cheeks, and he collapsed completely to the ground.

“You are retribution, the retribution of the cycle of cause and effect, this is what our majesty often says.”

The Unsullied commanded: “Come with us, your master wants to see you.”

Ramsay Bolton was horrified, he would rather go to see the strange ghost, and he would not see the maggot he had raised.

An Unsullied person hesitated: “Should we rinse him? After all, there are distinguished guests there now.”

“The adults like him to smell bad, the more smelly the better!”

Ramsay Bolton wanted to resist, but he was out of strength.

The whipping, hunger and skinning torture he suffered have drained his strength.

When the Unsullied pushed him and drove him out of the cell with a torch, he obeyed the command like a docile puppy.

I can’t let them drive me crazy, my father will kill them, soon!

He can take away my fingers and toes, he can cut out my eyes and cut off my ears, but he can’t take away my will unless with my permission.

There is still hope in Rams Bolton’s heart, but only if he wants to live Now he starts to understand Theon’s feelings.

Such days are really worse than pigs and dogs!

When they arrived at their destination, dozens of hounds tied to the pillar barked at them.

The skinning aroused goosebumps all over his body, and he secretly said: “These are my hounds, they won’t hurt me, no, never!”

The hall was dimly lit, and two rows of candles were burning on the left and right.

The air is full of aromas of ale and roasted meat.

The scent made Ramsay Bolton’s stomach gurgling and salivating.

The Unsullied pushed him staggering past the long table where a group of rough men in blue cloth robes were eating.

He noticed that they were staring at him.

With such a dress, Ramsay Bolton instantly distinguished that they were iron bells.

How could there be people from the Iron Islands here? He was surprised.

There were three people sitting on the high table, two of whom I knew, Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy.

Both of them had stern eyes, their faces gloomy as if they were frosty.

As for the person sitting in the center, she was a slim woman with long legs, short black hair, a thin face with a tall nose, and her skin as rough as salt, but she was extremely durable.

Seeing Ramsay Bolton, she smiled.

“He’s here, the stinky guy raised by my brother!”

Ramsay Bolton was surprised: “Brother! Isn’t she Theon’s sister Asha Greyjoy!”

Asha left her seat and slowly walked down the steps, grabbing Xiao Pei Pi who was empty… sneered and said to him: “The deceased will not die, they will rise again, and it will be even more powerful! The style of our iron people. That’s it, you should have killed Theon in the first place, instead of torturing him into a demon that frightened the world!”

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