Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 352

Chapter 329 : Ready to die in battle

Asha Greyjoy’s face sank, and she asked coldly: “You used my brother as bait to force me to come and surrender to you?”

I shouldn’t have come to the Midsummer Hall at all, she regretted it, and I shouldn’t have come to risk meeting him.

“With dozens of people like you, in this world of the weak and the strong, you can’t get over any big waves at all. Believe this, you know very well.”

Zhuo Ge said in an irresistible tone: “Asha Greyjoy, I think you know very well that you want to seize the Salt Throne. There is only me in the world, Zhuo Ge, who is willing to help you, because in their eyes, you and I are both It is the object they must eradicate, and things are gathered together, and I have the strength to crush you!”

It’s too late to say anything, Asha has no choice.

Zhuo Ge is right, even if she has the right to inherit the Salt Throne, the Iron Man, like the Dothraki, only believes in the strong, and the Crow’s Eye is undoubtedly the object of the Iron Islands people.

Asha stared at the wine and food on the table blankly, and muttered: “Give me some time to think about it. I need to discuss with my brother. You know, my brother Theon’s throne is still ahead of me.”

Zhuo Ge nodded and agreed.

However, he will not wait too long: “Give you one night, when the sun rises tomorrow, I will get your affirmative answer.”

Asha hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: “If I refuse to surrender to you, how will you deal with me and Theon?”

Zhuo Ge did not speak, only stretched his palm to wipe his neck.

Asha’s body was shocked, and she didn’t dare to further develop this problem.

After a few minutes of silence, Zhuo Ge said in a deep voice: “I shouldn’t have given it to you alone, Asha Greyjoy, because of the previous war, you can’t help me at all.”

Asha asked distraughtly: “Then why did you go against your original intention?”

Zhuo Ge stared at her with star-like eyes and said meaningfully: “Because I want to pave the way for my wife, her wish is to regain the Seven Kingdoms, and your Iron Islands are one of her goals.”

Asha recalled these words carefully, and asked in surprise: “You, are you ready to die in battle?”

Lannister possesses wildfires, which landed south of the storm and has now occupied the imperial forest.

The Bolton family and Stannis Baratheon’s main force have already set foot on the Avenue of Roses and will soon arrive at the Midsummer Hall.

There are also the main fleets of the Iron Islands and Qingting Island, confronting the fleet led by Kolensa.

The most frightening thing is the Grey Queen of Donne and her army of stone men. Although she doesn’t know the terrifying woman, Asha can be sure that the Grey Queen is Zogo’s enemy.

It can be said that Zhuo Ge is now facing the entire Westeros continent as an enemy!

Zhuo Ge said with a bitter smile: “Death in battle, maybe, but they have to take their lives, but I can tell you for sure that it is not the people you imagined that can take my life, and my true enemy is also It won’t be Tywin Lannister, Luce Bolton and the like.”

As he said, his tone suddenly increased: “The stinky cousin of the Iron Islands, it is a good thing that you surrender to me. Even if I am gone one day, you will be glad that you are the first person to surrender to me. When my wife returns, the whole world will worship her, and those who do not worship will only become ashes!”

Asha shook her head and said: “Zo Ge, maybe other women will pay homage to you after hearing your words, but my Asha is different, because the dragon is petrified.”

“You have to believe that some people in this world are different from you, and they will always create miracles that you can’t imagine!”

“Like you?”

“Yes, I am one of them.”

Speaking confidently, Zhuo Ge suddenly told her a secret.

“Asha Greyjoy, my troops have gone to Wind’s Breath Castle one by one, and there will be a battlefield where the enemy and I will have a decisive victory!”

Asha was puzzled.

“The Fortress of Wind’s Breath is already broken. You moved all the main forces there. Are you going to give up the stormlands and the lives of your soldiers? Don’t forget, the mysterious mermaid princess is waiting for you to die. Yeah!”

“Sea monsters are born in the ocean, and their power will also be taken from the ocean. Think about it, how exciting it is for tens of thousands of people to waver together in the storm of the sea!”

Zhuo Ge got close to neuroticism, which made Asha feel very uncomfortable.

Continue to say that, she felt that she would be caught in this guy’s suit.

Asha handed out the wine glass, her size was like an empty wine sac, but her drink volume was comparable to a barrel.

She changed the subject: “This is really the best of red wine, from Qingting Island?”

“Dorn’s, Karratha was scraping in the city-state in the central desert at the time,” Zhuo Ge took a sip.

Candles were lit on the table, and it was dim all around.

“Speaking of which is really rare. Don’t usually taste so rich.”


Zhuo Ge took another gulp.

This person never sips and drinks, and Asha noticed it as soon as they met.

“Yes, Fu Yu, this is the word I want to say.”

Zhuo Ge praised: “Good wine goes well with beautiful women, both are rich.”

“Okay.” Asha also took a sip, and the wine was sprinkled on the black thin silk coat Qian Yuexun.

Then he reached out his hand to cover his mouth and belched softly.

Suddenly, Zhuo Ge said to her seriously: “You are a rare woman with courage.”

Asha Jiao smiled and said, “You said I have the courage? Yes, people like me have to have the courage to live now, don’t you? In my opinion, you are also a courageous guy, just like yours. high!”

The woman had some antipathy, Zhuo Ge was very excited, and asked, “One more glass?”

“Oh, no, no, no, okay, I… hey, he’s a female horse, let’s have another drink, and those who have the courage want to have a great drink!”

Asha pretended to be reserved but she still couldn’t help showing her nature.

Zhuo Ge poured Asha’s glass overflowing: “Except for my wife, you are the second woman to let me pour wine.”

Asha smiled, flattered and said: “Oh! Then I’m so honored!”

“By the way, Kao, I heard that your wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. Since you are willing to pour wine for me, I must be able to compare with her, right?”

After Zhuo Ge took a closer look, the woman beside her was indeed good except for her skin. She was amazingly beautiful.

But compared to her and Danny, she was still too far behind.

This is a real iron species, one can tell at a glance: slender, long legs, short black hair, weather-beaten skin, strong and powerful arms, and a dagger on the waist.

Although her nose looked big and pointed to her thin face, her smile made up for it.

And in terms of age, it is more flavorful than Dany, a different flavor that resembles a man.

“Yes, you look so sweet,” he told her, “but well, you can only compare to half of my wife.”

“Oh, oh.” She smiled: “I can have half of the first beauty, I am already very satisfied.”

“Come on, have a taste?”

She spoke and looked at him sternly.

There are some women in the Iron Islands who live long boats with the men.

As the saying goes, sea and salt can change women and make them have the habit of men.

“Have you been at sea for too long, stinky cousin? Could it be that where you went there were no men as company?”

Zhuo Ge cursed in disgust.

If someone scolded her female cousin, Asha Greyjoy would definitely pull out a dagger and cut him off, but for some reason, she liked Zogo scolding her like this.

Just like him being so rude and rude.

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