Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 353

Chapter 330 : The iron bell that raised the banner o

The next day.

Theon was called to the residence by his sister Asha early in the morning.

“Zogo has a lot of women, but he always loves Daenerys only, and the others are just female cousins.”

Asha has always thought that she can confuse all men, and even the younger brother Theon, who had been reunited after a long time, fell under her charm.

And last night Zhuo Ge’s indifference made her realize that she is just a very ordinary female cousin, a stinky female cousin.

For the sister’s words, Theon didn’t make any comments, but stood silently.

After a long time, Asha suddenly asked seriously: “Prince Theon of Greyjoy family, can I represent you and the Iron Islands?”

Theon didn’t hesitate.

“Of course, you are my sister and the hero in my heart. Of course you can represent me and the Iron Islands.”

Asha smiled when she heard the words, and reached out and rubbed Theon’s messy hair.

Theon didn’t avoid it, he enjoyed the warmth very much.

Asha asked again: “Have you seen my Kurikaze, is it the best ship in the Iron Islands?”

The sister’s question is full of reveries, and Sean faintly guessed one or two.

“The size of the Black Wind is not comparable to the size of her father’s Giant Monster and Victarion’s Invincible Iron Breed, but even lying on the wooden dock on the shore, people can fully feel her dexterity and agility. The one-hundred-foot-long black streamlined hull, a large independent mast, fifty long oars, a deck enough for a hundred people to stand on, and the bow of the ship is a steel sledge shaped like an arrow. She is swift and fierce. It is indeed a good battleship!”

Asha nodded: “Very fierce soon, as long as it is controlled by a knowledgeable person.”

After a pause, she issued a request: “Theon, would you like to ride it with me?”

Theon was startled slightly, and said slowly: “I haven’t driven a boat for many years. In fact, I have never been a captain. After all, I grew up in the ice and snow in the north, but I am Greyjoy. Family, I am Tiemin, and the sea is in my blood, but now is not the time to ride with you in the sea!”

My sister watched him for a long time, and said very seriously: “Theon, I need your help.”

There was a struggle on Theon’s face, but he quickly made a decision: “Sister, I’m sorry, I need to pay the debt I owed, Stark’s huge debt.”

Asha sighed.

“I said you are a fool, but I respect your decision, and I like the way you are responsible now.”

After speaking, she hugged her brother tightly.

“Brother, take care.”

There was a sourness in Theon’s heart, and he cried in response: “Sister, you also take care.”

Asha let go of him reluctantly.

When she reached the door, she pointed down and gave him one last mocking smile.

“You know, this is the worst man I have ever seen.”

She let him stand on the spot trembling, walked away swaggeringly, fed the horse and drank enough, then evacuated the Midsummer Hall.

She took away five hundred unsullied ones, and raised the Dragon King banner that belonged to Zhuo Ge.

Just last night, she had already surrendered to Zhuo Ge’s command, and the raised Dragon King banner was proof.

Theon stood on the wall and watched his sister leave.

Watching my sister disappear into the mist, doubts rose from the bottom of my heart: Why didn’t I listen to her? Not go with her?

Does Winterfell feel more at home than Pike Island?

This question, Theon Greyjoy could not understand, is it that Sansa Stark is more like a family to him than Asha?

Thinking of Sansa, Sansa appeared.

She came to Theon, looked far away, and asked softly: “Zogokao wants you to **** me to Winterfell?”

Theon turned his head to look at her: “Escort you to Winterfell, no, I want to send you to Jon. The Great Wall of Impasse is our destination.”

Sansa was slightly surprised: “Oh, Jon, is he willing to help me capture Winterfell? At that time, the Stark family was almost destroyed, and he still abides by the oath of the night watchman and curled up on the Great Wall.”

Theon said softly, “He is your brother, I understand what Jon is like, and he will help you.”

I’m the heir to the Stark family in Winterfell, and I don’t need the help of an illegitimate child, Sansa really wants to roar back.

But she didn’t make a sound, so she just nodded and let him **** herself down the tower stairs to Zhuo Ge’s audience room.

Because she was expecting it implicitly, after all, Jon Snow might be her only relative in this world.

Facing Zhuo Gokao, she always felt as small as an ant.

She suddenly thought that she would rather go to the little skinned **** room or Joffrey’s cold study room and let them torment.

Because in the face of those two demons, she could still raise the heart of resistance, but facing the horse king, she did not even raise the heart of rejection.

Even if Zhuo Ge couldn’t beat her, he would not…her.

Outside the carved wooden doors of the hall, there stood two energetic Unsullied guards wearing black leather armor and spears in their hands, one on the left and the other on the right.

The guard knew them, and without questioning, he let them in, then crossed the spears and sealed the door.

After the Unsullied closed the door, he inserted a third spear into the door.

This is longer and heavier than the weapon used by the guards, which locks it firmly.

Sansa became more anxious, “What are you doing?”

Theon made a quiet gesture.

“Shhh, Drogokao doesn’t like weak people.”

Sansa looked around uncertainly.

Zhuo Ge sat on the high-back oak chair behind the desk, and he was the only one in the entire audience room.

There is another lower wooden chair in his right hand with a thick blue cushion on it, but Daenerys is not there at the moment.

Sansa and Theon were walking on the Mill carpet, flanked by spear-like beams.

The floor and walls of the audience room are made of black marble, and a little bit of lazy and pale daylight shines in through the narrow arch windows of the east wall.

Between the windows, candles were inserted in the tall iron pedestal, but there was no light.

The carpet absorbed the footnotes, but couldn’t escape the attention of Ma Wang who was reading the letter.

The marble was so white that even the reflected sunlight seemed a bit chilly, but it was not half as cold as Zhuo Ge.

In the Battle of Nightsong City, Kao was once again burned out by wildfires, but no one would think that he looked funny with his bald head.

Zhuo Ge sat on the high chair, staring at the brothers and sisters Sansa who were approaching cautiously.

On the wall behind him, hung a huge Dragon King banner, as well as his messenger of light.

Sansa and Theon stopped three feet from the desk and bowed.

“Kaor, we came as you ordered.”

“Well, very good.” Zhuo Ge said lightly.

Sansa had nowhere to put her nervous hands, so she lowered her head to sort out the folds of her skirt.

And Theon, who dared to face the nightmare Ramus Bolton and defeated him, seemed to be conscientious at this moment.

“Kaor, we are ready to say goodbye to you and head to the north.”

“People can go, even Rams Bolton can take it away, but the premise is that you and the North Territory will surrender to me.”

As soon as Zhuo Ge said this, the chill in the room suddenly increased, and the walls, floors, and beams seemed to be transformed into mysterious ice.

Although Sansa had already predicted it, she still took a step back in shock at this moment.

The little young woman murmured softly: “Ka, Kao, I can’t represent the entire northern territory.”

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