Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 42 – Rescue Mission

— Paul Greyrat —

As if it were fate, as soon as we reached our first location, our group of four was able to easily enter the building, much thanks to Leon’s earth magic sending us upward where we then cut through the glass skylight.

It was a large hall, right in between the slums and the nobles district, hidden away from the prying eyes of the knights.

Of course, it went without saying that many of those same knights were part of this whole thing.

As soon as we jumped through the roof, we were quickly met with the sight of many of the Fittoans we were here to rescue.

Some were in cages, while some were in chains, ages ranging from children to the elderly. 

Seeing such a sight, I couldn’t help but narrow my eyes in anger.

How dare they… how dare they treat my fellow countrymen like this.

Just thinking about how my wives might be in a similar position made the feeling worse.

“Well… is this everyone?” Leon asked from my side. “You mentioned how there were three possible places where they were likely spread out, but this looks like everyone.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’m counting thirty. That should be all of them.”

“What? That was way too easy!” Eris complained.

Indeed… she was right.

This was way too easy.

Those fucking nobles, always standing up for their pride and useless arrogance… No way they would let things end like this.

“Father,” Leon said, turning to me as he nodded toward the hall’s entrance. “We have company. Twelve, from what I can see. And more coming.”

Well, that explains it.

Looking back at his face, I couldn’t help but pause upon noticing that one of his eyes was glowing purple.

Oh… right. Demon eye. I forgot about that with all the ridiculous that was my eldest son.

Moving on…

“So this was a trap,” I stated. “That must be why the information was so easy to find compared to before as well.”

“Indeed,” Leon said with a carefree smile as he unsheathed his sword. “But this was probably a trap for you, no? So with us here… wouldn’t it be better to call our incoming assailants the ones who are trapped?”

His blade glittered under the soft glow of the moonlight as it was suddenly wreathed in blue flames.

Narrowing his eyes, Leon’s smile changed from carefree to cold as he continued, “Besides… I feel a bit… unfulfilled, leaving like this. Don’t you feel the same?”

“...Yeah,” I snarled as I unsheathed my own sword.

All those good people that followed my dumb ass and joined our cause… those same good people who were taken out by battle, assassins, and everything in between.

Raul… Joanna… Miras… all of you… I will avenge you.

With this, tonight, our cause will be complete, and I can finally put this path of pain and stress behind me. 

Behind all of us.

And I’ll be taking some bastards out with me.

“Paul Greyrat!”

An obnoxiously loud voice resounded through the hall as the large hall door burst into splinters.

“You damn scoundrel! Just like the vermin you are, you ran right into the cage that will be your grave!”

Just as Leon had said, eleven more figures appeared behind the annoying noble, all dressed in combat gear and ready for a fight.

They were… strong. Really strong.

If I was alone, I would have been forced to run with my tail between my legs.

But these arrogant fuckers had never seen what a monster my kid is.

I smiled back at the group, “What’s got your panties in a twist, eh? Need all these people to come get little old me? Gee, what did I do to possibly deserve such a warm welcome?”

The noble was definitely one unaccustomed to combat, seeing as his fat chin wobbled with every step, but whether it was his arrogance, or blind trust in his allies, he still stepped forth regardless with a confident smirk.

“That annoying mouth of yours is still strong, I see. Luckily, that will be the last anyone ever hears from it,” he said. “After all, while your abilities may be praiseworthy for a pest, I doubt you can withstand the collective might of six Saint-rank swordsmen!”

His smirk widened at his words, as if waiting to see me prostrate myself in fear, begging for my life to be spared.

Unfortunately for him, I had reinforcements.

And they were likely the best reinforcements one could ask for.

“Is that all?” I said calmly.

His smirk disappeared.

“...Get them. Don’t leave any alive.”

As soon as he said that, Leon stepped forward, holding his sword at his side as he crouched down.

“Eri, take the right. Father, take the one on the left. Ruijerd, protect the slaves and deal with any that get past.”

Feeling the pressure of authority, I hastily nodded in agreement, just like Ruijerd and Eris did.

“Now… I can only do this once,” Leon said. “So one of you… come at me.”

His words seemed to tick off one of the swordsmen, as the bearded man unsheathed his sword before leaping forward.

“You brat! Feel the might of Millis flow through your blood-!”

But as soon as he neared Leon, I felt a shiver, and a moment later, the bearded man’s head was sent flying through the air as his body crumpled to the ground, his pristine white armour quickly stained red by the blood flowing from his open neck.

Everyone stood still, save for Ruijerd who simply nodded approvingly.

W-What the hell? This son of mine… just dealt with a Water Saint like he was nothing! And in an instant, too!

The thought sent a shiver down my spine.

…I swear to never cheat on Zenith ever again, lest that blade be turned against me.

“Wow… They don’t call it a ‘Secret Art’ for nothing,” Leon said as he reviewed the aftermath of his attack. “But to think… Severing flesh is quite different from trees, huh?”

…I will absolutely never look at another woman again. I swear it.

“Y-You… You bastard!”

With the shout of one of the enemy swordsmen, the battle began in earnest, with Leon sending an arc of fire to separate two of the remaining five Saint-rank swordsmen and corralling them towards me and Eris.

Fuck… he’s been doing everything so far.

As a father, I would never accept that!

“Face the wrath of an annoyed, surpassed father!” I shouted as I engaged against my opponent.

He had two short swords, typical of the North God Style, but I could tell from how he handled himself that he focused on speed, so there was likely some Sword God mixed in there as well.

Almost like me.

But… it was a bit flimsy.

His blade lashed forth like a whip, heading straight for my neck as his second blade came from behind it, a hidden strike to puncture my lung as I defended my neck.

Parrying his first strike, I let my momentum carry me past him, ensuring that his second strike wouldn’t be able to connect as I set my stance once again.

Hearing the clang of blades from around me, I unfortunately wasn’t able to focus on the others as I was too preoccupied with this guy.

His face was blank and stern, so I doubt I’d be able to provoke him. And it wouldn’t be smart for me to use a Sword God technique against a faster opponent…

I guess I’ll have to wait him out until he shows an opening.

We exchanged a few more strikes before I was suddenly interrupted by Leon’s shout.


Following his advice, I couched to the ground as the air trembled above me, and a moment later, the dual swordsman found his torso separated from his legs as a stream of intestines trailed through the air.

Turning to look at Leon, I noticed that another two swordsmen had fallen to his blade.

Or rather, one to his blade, while the other one had a smoking hole drilled through his head, most likely from some sort of fire magic.

But, as there were three fighters he chose to take care of, there was still one lying in wait, seemingly using Leon’s distraction to bring his blade down towards my son.

But… with my position already set in a crouch… I was ready to perform my fastest strike.

Leaping forward with the speed of a Longsword of Silence, and letting my blade flow through the air like the many Water God counters, the tip of my sword quickly found itself digging into the swordsman’s neck, easily reaching his spine as the light instantly left his eyes.

“...That was reckless, Leon,” I said, getting back to my feet.

While I said that, I couldn’t help but smile.

After all, I had always wished to fight alongside my sons. And seamlessly exchanging our opponents like that… it was… fun.

“I could trust you,” he said, looking away from me.

Following his gaze, I watched as Eris’ sword deflected her attacker’s, using the momentary opening to twirl on her feet and lash out once more, this time her sword finding flesh as it dug through the final Saint-rank swordsman’s body, separating him into two halves.

…That was quite a fast strike.

It looks like my eldest son has got himself quite the woman.

“And that’s that then,” Leon nodded.

I suddenly felt a breeze blow past me as Ruijerd appeared in front of the now-frightened nobleman and two of what I assumed to be his guards.

Wait. Wasn’t he supposed to be defending the Fittoans and dealing with the rest of the attackers?

Looking back, I was met with the sight of a blood-soaked floor, with numerous bodies littered around in front of the captured slaves.

So he had already dealt with the rabble…

…I guess there was some fact behind those Superd stories, huh?

I would not want to fight that guy, that was for sure.

“Harming kids… enslaving innocents…”

Hearing the Superd in question, I turned to see him glaring down at the three in front of him, their faces frozen in fright as their legs wobbled.

“You are most definitely… Guilty!”

And, with a smooth movement, his spear arced across the air, beheading all three of the enemies with one strike and putting an end to the battle.

Well, it would have been the end, if it wasn’t for the numerous swordsmen and mages making their way towards us.

“W-What? What happened here?” the front one asked.

“Father? Eri?” Leon said, ignoring the opposing force’s shock.

“Yeah…” I couldn’t help but feel a smirk pulling at my lips. “Let’s do this, son.”

With that as the signal, the three of us leaped forth to intercept our new enemies while Ruijerd stood back to defend the captured Fittoans once more.

With the perfect mix of magic and swordsmanship, I watched as Leon decimated our opponents, showing off his perfect teamwork with Eris, who was quite impressive herself with the sword.

And me, having joined in such a dance… I couldn’t help but notice how thrilling it was to fight together.

While the circumstances could be better… I would love to fight together again. 

Maybe, once everything was over, we could clear a dungeon together?

Heh. That would be nice.

— Leon Greyrat —

“...Should I clean up, Father?” I asked, looking at the vast amount of bodies strewn about the building and outside of it.

“Ah, uh… sure. I’ll, umm… go release them,” my father responded.

Hm? Was something wrong?

“Alright... Tell me if you have any trouble,” I said as I began forming a few balls of concentrated flames to incinerate the bodies. “I saw that a few of the shackles had mana in them, so I’d be careful as they may be trapped.”

Hmm… I should also get some airflow going so the smell doesn’t stay. 

Especially for the slaves, since I doubt they were used to the disgusting smell of burnt flesh.


Weird. I thought Paul had been having fun fighting alongside me, just as I had, but he looked out of it ever since the last of the attackers were slain.

Maybe he was just surprised that everything ended so easily?

“Say… Leon… You’ve… taken quite a few lives by now, haven’t you?” he asked.

Oh… was it that?

Well, my opinion was firm, so I might as well articulate it.

“Of course, Father. You of all people should know that the world isn’t a kind place,” I said, narrowing my eyes. “I made some enemies, and I’m not naive enough to leave loose ends that could endanger my family, all for the sake of some self-satisfying feeling of benevolence.”

Paul just looked at me with a strained smile.

“...Right,” shaking his head, he then began walking towards the slaves, muttering under his breath, “Zenith is definitely going to kill me.”

And so, like that, the last of the known Fittoans were found and returned to freedom, and one of the more prominent noblemen of Millishion inexplicably went missing along with six of the nation’s most prominent knights.

All in one satisfying night.

— Leon Greyrat —

It had been a few days since the raid on the enslaved Fittoans, and things had entered a comfortable rhythm.

With Aisha and Norn’s fifth birthday coming up, as well as the comfortable life Millishion offered, I decided that our group would stay here for a month, even if I wasn’t leaving for Begaritt right after anymore.

Hopefully, in that time, my little sisters would open up to our father a bit more, because right now… well…

“So… I heard you started on the path of swordsmanship,” my father said, looking at Norn.

But instead of answering, Norn simply crossed her arms as she stared at him with the iciest glare I had ever seen her wear.

So, yeah… it wasn’t going great.

“I-I’m guessing Leon’s a good teacher, so I bet you’ll be a Sword Saint in no time!” Paul said.

A ghost of a smile threatened to form on Norn’s lips at his words but, not wanting to give her father the satisfaction, she decided to turn her head away.

“...Figures,” Paul said, slumping his shoulders.

With Eris going out to complete a goblin slaying quest, a small dream of hers that she had wanted to fulfill for a while, I decided to take Aisha and Norn out to see their father and hopefully rekindle their relationship.

And that hope was unfortunately looking less and less likely with each passing moment.

But… there was still a month, so I wasn’t too concerned… 

A month was long enough, right?

No… it had to be.

“Anyway, Father, what’s your plan now that you got all the Fittoans?” I asked. “Will you head to Begaritt right away?”

“Ah, well, as much as I want to go to your mothers right now, it isn’t quite that easy,” he said with a frown. “Tomorrow, I’ll be going to the guild to disband the search group and then start planning to get everyone back home. While they’re free now, they can’t just stay here forever, after all.”

“I see… how long will that take?” I ask.

“Probably a little more than a month, if I had to guess. There’s quite a few things I need to finish up here since I’ll be leaving right after,” he said. “I’ll take a few of the more skilled ones who want to follow me to Begaritt, and then I’ll get your mothers. That’s the plan.”

Nodding my head, I received Aisha’s meal and cut off the access meat, just as she liked it, before passing it to her.

“And? Do you need any help?” I asked.

“No… you should just take the month off,” he said with a smile as he looked at Aisha and me. 

What an oddly creepy smile… was that him being satisfied with our bond?


“Oh! But I do want you to meet Zenith’s family, the Latreias,” he said, shaking off his grin. “They’ve given me their support, so I should at least tell them I know where Zenith is and that I’ll be leaving to get her.”

“Sure,” I shrugged. “But they’re nobles, right? Are they annoying?”

Paul leaned back in his chair, releasing a sigh.

Well, that answers that question.

But still… she is my grandmother… and Norn’s as well.

…Though I have a feeling that they wouldn’t like Aisha that much, being the daughter of a second wife and all, especially considering their devotion to the Millis church.

And Paul did say they didn’t care about me, an adopted child, either…

“...Fine. But Norn isn’t coming, and if they say anything I don’t like, I’m not letting her go at all. Deal?” I said.

“...Deal,” Paul sighed again. “Why is my family so troublesome…”

I didn’t comment on that.

Half of my family’s ‘troublesomeness’ was the cause of the man himself, after all.

He should take some responsibility.

— Leon Greyrat —


Looking at me with an appraising gaze, I watched as Claire Latreia, my adoptive grandmother, looked over me with the eyes of a hawk.

She was an older lady, as one might expect, with pale blonde hair that was tied up in a bun, piercing blue eyes, and a constantly stern expression on her face.

“...You pass.”

“Uh, sorry?” I said, confused.

“I said you pass to be recognized as being related to me,” she said. “It seems that while that foolish daughter of mine made many mistakes, especially in the field of men, she has at least seemed to raise her children appropriately. Even Rudeus had an acceptable level of etiquette for a child.”

“...I see. I… appreciate your praise of Mama,” I said before narrowing my eyes. “But she is anything but foolish.”

Our gazes clashed for a few moments before she relented, turning her head to my father, who was at my side.

“So? Paul Greyrat… what did a scum like you come to visit me for? Is it about that ruckus I heard about a few days ago?”

As my father and grandmother began to converse, I sat back and went over what I knew about the woman during our brief interactions.

She was extremely stubborn, and just like so many other nobles, she had a fixation with etiquette and ‘continuing the family line’.

Norn, while a quiet and cute child, was not a girl who knew anything about etiquette, and in front of such a brash and strict personality like Claire…

Yeah, I think it was a good idea to have her stay behind with Eris today.

Still, at her heart, I could tell that my grandmother was a good person who was simply too stubborn to give in to anyone less than her version of ‘perfect’.

Honestly, she was quite similar to Paul in that regard.

A good person with a large, glaring fault.

And I knew that she loved her family, judging by the relieved look on her face when I told her of Zenith’s survival and location, but there was still an underlying callousness in her gaze.

That same odd feeling appeared when Paul mentioned how Norn had returned with me. 

It felt… uncomfortable. The old woman seemed a bit too… excited.

Not excited in the way of a grandmother meeting their granddaughter for the first time, but rather how one would look at a new sword or pair of boots.

…I think I’ll hold off on having them meet for now. 

At least until Norn found herself a bit more.

Paul then went off with Claire to talk privately about… something in another room. 

Likely about his plan to retrieve Zenith in Begaritt, as that was what they were talking about a moment before.

“Ah? Is Mother currently occupied?”

Hearing a soft, bell-like voice, I turned to the door that had just been opened.


She had warm blue eyes, chin-length blonde hair, and a youthful face that looked exactly like Mama.

I could immediately feel the tears threatening to break out at the sight before me.

“Hm? I believe you’re mistaken, as I do not have any children,” she responded.

Right… yeah, no, Mama was in Begaritt.

That… wasn’t Mama.

I lightly slapped my cheeks to get my emotions back to normal.

But from how similar they looked, and considering where I currently was…

“Sorry, you look exactly like my mother, Zenith. I believe you are her sister, if I’m not mistaken?” I said, getting up and performing a curt bow.

She widened her eyes in shock.

“That golden hair… Are you… Leon?” she asked, her tone indicating excitement.

“It seems that you know of me,” I said.

“Of course I do,” she nodded. “Your mother wrote all~ about you in our letters. Especially when she was still an adventurer.”

Oh… so those letters Mama sent were to Therese?


“In fact,” she said, getting closer to me to whisper in my ear. “I was the one who sent her the barrier spell book. Don’t tell anyone about that though~”

“You were?” I said, slightly shocked. “T-Thank you… I’m grateful. But unfortunately… it was lost in the teleportation incident.”

“I see… well, as long as you learned a lot from it, it’s better that way,” she nodded. “While it would be best if it was destroyed, just having it out of your hands means I don’t have to worry about it bringing you any danger.”

Ah, right. There was that thing about barrier magic.

I would have to be sure not to use it as much as I’m used to while here.

Actually, now that I was out of the Demon Continent, I should refrain from using it from now onward.

“And speaking of that incident…” Therese said hesitantly. “Is your mother…”

“Mama is alive,” I said with a smile. “And we know where she is. That’s why Paul, my father, is meeting my… grandmother right now.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful!”

I then found myself smothered in a hug, and I quickly found out that Therese was just as… bountiful, as Mama as well.

“Oh? Your mother was right, you really are nice to hug!” she then rubbed her cheek against my head. “The perfect mix of firm and soft! Uuu~ I can’t get enough!”

I… felt a little violated… but in a good way.

She also smelled quite nice.

Though her armour was poking my side, so that hurt a bit.

“Ooh~! Why don’t you just stay here, no? I heard you’re talented, so you can become a great knight, and then I can get back some much-needed bonding time~!”

…I’ll just let her do her thing.

But Father, please come back soon. She has quite the firm grip.

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