Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 43 – Departing Millishion

— Leon Greyrat —

“Happy birthday, you two!”

Giving both Aisha and Norn a big hug, I watched as their surprised faces turned to ones of happiness.

“Thanks, Brother!” Norn cheered, reciprocating my hug.

“So that’s why you had Ruijerd take us out… I knew there was something fishy going on!” Aisha said with a pout on her face that quickly turned into a smile.

With us preparing to leave in a couple of days to get back on the long road to the Central Continent, and my sisters’ birthdays lining up to be when we were still in the city, I found it important to throw a nice party while we still could.

After all, these two have essentially had their entire childhood stolen from them, so with this… even if our whole family wasn’t here… I hope it made them feel a bit better about everything.

The preparation wasn’t much, with only me having bought a cake, setting up some decorations, collecting food from various restaurants and stalls for a large feast, and of course the presents, but it was a cozy affair.

Much like Rudy and I’s birthday back in Buena Village.

And of course, along with Vierra and Shierra, who Norn and Aisha had grown somewhat close to during our time here, a certain someone came to their daughter’s birthday.

Oh, and there was Ruijerd too.

While the man had not initially planned to get a gift, since I knew of the lack of such customs in demon society from Roxy, I had advised him to get a bracelet for each of them yesterday, which he luckily did.

“H-Hey, you two! Do you, uh, want a hug from me too?” my father said with a smile.

Unfortunately, he only got a pair of glares in response.

“...Thought so.” He slumped his shoulders in defeat.

Well, the path to forgiveness was a long one, but at least we were fine to be in the same room now.

“Why is he here,” Aisha whispered in my ear.

…Maybe not.

“Because he’s your dad. Now come on, do you want to eat first, or do presents?” I asked.

Seeing how their eyes lit up at the word ‘presents’, the answer was already set.

“Alright. Then, these are for you two.”

I then handed each of them my first gift, which was a nice new coat for each of them.

“This coat is a bit big, but you’ll both grow into them,” I said, putting it over Aisha and Norn’s shoulders. “I also made sure to get an enchantment that made it temperature regulating, so it will be useful in all types of weather.”

With both of them wrapped up in their matching coats, looking down at the soft brown fabric with interest, I couldn’t help but smirk at their cuteness.

This might have been as much of a present for me as it was for them.

“Thank you!” they both cheered as they engulfed me in a hug.

“Do you like them?” I asked, patting their backs.

“Of course!” Aisha nodded.

“It’s warm~” Norn hummed, burying her head into my shoulder with her hood covering her hair. “And comfy~”

“Well, don’t fall asleep just yet,” I said, unwrapping my arms from them. “I also got you two something else. So here.”

I then took out a wand and a sheathed short sword from behind me, passing them to Aisha and Norn respectively.

“B-Brother? This is-”

“A sword,” I said, cutting off Norn. “And I got you a belt and equipment for maintaining this, but more importantly… actually, why don’t you tell her, Father.”

Paul, who had been watching the exchange with a gentle smile, stood up as he dumbly pointed to himself. “Me?”

“No, the other Father here,” I said, my eyebrow twitching. “Of course I meant you!”

“Oh! Yeah, right!”


He then quickly went over to kneel beside me, looking into Norn’s face as her smile quickly transformed into a pout.

“So… Norn. I know you don’t like me right now, but I need you to at least listen,” Paul started.

Norn’s pout deepened, but she didn’t look away.

That’s a good girl.

“This… is a sword,” he said, gently taking her gifted weapon. “It’s not a toy. It’s a tool used to kill. It’s not something to take lightly.”

“I know that,” Norn muttered.

“I bet you do, but just know that past being a tool, it is also a symbol,” Paul continued, his eyes resolute. “It’s a symbol of strength, responsibility, and honour. When you take up the sword, it means that you’re carrying the power to protect, defend, and if necessary, take a life to do so. Do not forget that.”

His heartfelt words seemed to resonate with Norn as I found her gaze focusing on her father’s narrowed green eyes.

“Life is precious, and it is life that you will be using this sword to protect, whether it be family, friends, or innocents. But it’s because life is precious that you cannot take killing lightly. Even if it must be done, you must understand the seriousness of the act. So,” he then pushed the sword into Norn’s chest, “more than holding one in your hand, keep a sword firm and strong in your heart, because that is where true strength lies. Never forget your values and what you swear to protect when you wield this, understood?”

Norn widened her eyes before nodding seriously, taking the sword into her hand.

Well… would you look at that?

Honestly, I was shocked.

It seems that his two practice runs with me and Rudy worked out pretty well, considering that speech.

“Nice job, Father,” I nodded.

“Yeah, well, dealing with shitty nobles made me develop quite the glib tongue,” he said, getting up.

I hardened a glare at him.

“Oh. Right,” he said, shivering slightly. “Uhh, ‘crappy’ nobles. Sorry.”

Good. He was learning.

I then looked over to Aisha, who, while listening in on Paul’s speech, was still focused on the wand I had given her.

It was a simple thing, with some white bark from a mana-infused tree as the base and a blue gemstone adorned at the tip.

“Aisha,” I said. “More than a gift, this is also a symbol of you being a Beginner magician. Like Norn, magic is a tool, but I think you’re already smart enough to know how to use it.”

She pumped her fist as she nodded at me. “Got it! I’ll make you proud, Big Brother.”

“I’m already proud of you,” I said, pulling her into another hug. “Now, let’s eat!”

And so, with a few more gifts being given to the two, with Therese getting them both books, Eris getting each of them a new pair of shoes, and Paul getting Aisha a knitting set and Norn a whittling set, the festivities continued into the night, with good food being shared games being played. 

With such a joyous atmosphere, as well as some dancing being done, the two now-five-year-olds quickly found themselves tuckered out, and went asleep for the night.

Of course, I was begged to join them. A request that I obviously accepted.

Now that I didn’t have to worry about separating for another year, while I could technically start sleeping with the two of them like before once again, with Eris and I advancing our relationship, I still tried to keep us separate most nights due to her newfound… clinginess.

But as strong as I was, in the face of the honest pleas of my two cute little sisters, my will was quickly shattered to bits.

Let’s hope they don’t abuse that weakness of mine in the future.

— Leon Greyrat —

With everything packed on the carriage, and a new horse to lend its aid, our little group was ready to depart Millishion after a nice, relaxing month of rest.

“And you’re sure you’re fine?” I asked. “Travelling all the way to Begaritt is no joke. Not to mention getting Mama once you arrive…”

“Haha! I’ll make do, Leon,” my father said, rubbing my head. “I always have, and that was without the motivation of saving my wives.”

His eyes then narrowed, releasing a slight pressure of pure determination.

“I will definitely get them back. No question about it.”

Instead of the broken man I had seen upon arriving in Millishion, I was instead met with the sight of the regular Paul.

Well… not exactly ‘regular’. 

Compared to his playful and childish self from before, he was much more serious now. 

More… mature.

…I guess it’s not only children who can grow over the years, huh?

“...That look suits you better than the one when we first met, Father,” I said, smiling. “Just be sure not to falter again.”

“Yeah, no way I’ll be doing that,” he shook his head. “And if I do, I give you permission to beat me up.”

“I don’t need permission for that, though,” I joked.

With the two of us sharing a laugh, Paul then went over to Aisha and Norn, who were both reading a book in the carriage as we prepared to depart.

“I… know you still don’t like me, but… stay safe. Okay, you two?” he said. “And listen to your brother. I’m sure he’ll take care of everything, but it wouldn’t hurt for you two to help him a bit as well.”

While he said that, all he got was a glare in response from the two.

It seemed they still harboured a grudge…

I know I said I wouldn’t force them to forgive their father, even if I had forgiven him, but I didn’t exactly want them to part like this…

“Ah, well! It hurts a little bit having my daughters glare at me like that, but I’m used to girls hating me,” he said, shaking his head fondly. “...I’ll bring your mothers back to make it up to you two.”

With his serious promise, while they still didn’t smile, the two at least gave him a nod of acceptance.

Turning back, my father then looked at me, giving me the nod to depart.

“...Are you sure you don’t want me to talk to them? We won’t be seeing each other for a while, after all,” I said, unsure about leaving considering the distance between him and his daughters.

“Nah, I don’t need something forced like that,” he said. “Plus, once we get everyone back together, I’ll have my whole life to get back on their good side.”

“Well… if you say so…”

Giving my father a final hug, I then turned to board the carriage alongside Eris before turning back.

“Father… you’re a good person, but childish,” I said, deciding to air out my final grievances to the man, as well as some advice. “That’s cute for women, and is probably a turn-on to see such a strong man have a vulnerable side, but it’s unacceptable as a father. Rudy and I were different, but for Aisha and Norn, you have to set an example. A mature example. I can tell you’ve improved compared to before, but… be better. For them.”

Paul clenched his fist as he stared into my eyes.

“I will. I promise.”

Well, good.

I think I could hold him to that.


Hearing a familiar bell-like voice, I soon found myself smothered in a pair of breasts as strong arms wrapped around me.

Ignoring Paul’s murmured ‘lucky’, I freed my face in order to speak to the familiar face.

“Aunt Therese? What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Hmm? Well, I’m coming with you, of course!” she said.


She was?

“M-May I ask why?”

“Well, I’m going to be stationed at West Port soon anyway, but I decided to come with you!” she said happily. “After all, with that demon with you, you might end up running into trouble. Plus, I get to spend more time with my cute nieces and nephew!”

“Ah… okay-”

“Hey! Get off him!” Eris shouted, jumping off the carriage to land beside us. “He’s mine!”

Am I?

I guess I am, huh?


“And wipe that stupid smile off your face, Leon!”

Looking over at Eris, who had grabbed my arm, I couldn’t help myself upon seeing her cute possessiveness.

Thus, I kissed her.

“Oh my!” Aunt Therese said, giggling at our display. “That reminds me, I also wanted to join you to repay Eris here. She helped me greatly in defending the Miko, after all.”

She did?

Separating my lips from Eris’, I watched as she sputtered, lost in a mix of embarrassment and bliss as she tried to shake off her blush.

“J-Jeez, what was that for?” she said, wiping off her mouth with a pout.

“I just wanted to,” I shrugged. “And? What is this about saving a Miko?”

“J-Just some dumb assassins,” she harrumphed. “I dealt with them during my goblin quest!”

“I see. Well done,” lightly patting her head, I then turned to my aunt.

“I don’t mind you coming, of course. But we’re leaving right now… Are you prepared?” I asked.

“Ah~ You two are so precious!” she said with stars in her eyes.

She ignored me…

— Leon Greyrat —

With the sight of the clear blue ocean in front of us and a harbour filled with boats going in and out, I took a deep breath to take in the fresh, salty breeze of the oceanside air.

The city of Wind Port was laid out in front of us, with white buildings scattered across the coastline, as well as a large wall surrounding it, the city was quite similar in structure to Zant Port, but much larger.

That was to be expected, though.

It was the merchant hub of the Millis Continent, after all, as it had the only trade route on this continent that existed with the Central and Begaritt continents.

“We’re finally here,” I said, sighing in relief.

It had been two months on the road since leaving Millishion, and while nothing bad had happened, I was itching to get back to our homeland, even if it wasn’t anything like it was before.

And there was also…

“Mou~! I can’t believe I’ll be away from you cuties after this!”

Pulling Norn, Aisha, and me in a hug, I was once again reminded of the presence of my doting aunt.

Honestly, despite being a devout member of the Millis church, I liked Therese quite a bit.

Though I did have to tell her to back off when she started preaching some Millis bullshit to Norn and Aisha… luckily, she wasn’t too pushy.

Anyway, as a member of the Knight Order of the Temple, while she held an uncomfortable level of piety towards a religion that I despised, she also had access to some secret books that the rest of the world was not privy to.

And, as a result of her so graciously lending them to me, I had raised my healing magic to the Saint rank, and my barrier magic to the Advanced rank.

Quite good growth, if I do say so myself.

Especially with the Saint-rank healing, as that allowed me to regrow lost limbs and organs.

Hopefully, I wouldn’t need to use that, but it was good to know.

…I just temped fate, didn’t I?

Ah, well, whatever.

We then set off to sell our carriage, as we couldn’t exactly take it over the water, before heading into the main checkpoint, where we would hopefully find our transportation across the sea.

As we arrived at the crowded place, many heads turned to our entrance, particularly a few of the male guards, who were looking at Eris… appreciatively.

I could understand. She was a beautiful girl, after all.

But this beautiful girl belonged to yours truly.

Needless to say, I quickly pulled her close with one arm while using the other to move Norn and Aisha closer to me, all while glaring at whoever cast their gaze our way.

My message was clear: Back off.

Luckily, they seemed to understand, as they averted their eyes a moment later.

As we began our way towards one of the receptionists, I noticed that a well-dressed and very… heavy man, likely some sort of officer, was standing behind the counter, glaring at us, or more specifically, Ruijerd.

“Aunt Therese… what’s with him?” I asked.

“That Duke Bakshiel… he’s probably going to make things difficult,” she sighed.

“Why? Because of Ruijerd?” I asked.

Aunt Therese nodded.

“But… why? I know a lot of people don’t like demons here, but in that case, wouldn’t they welcome him leaving?”

I was confused.

“Yeah, well… it’s just like that,” she sighed. “Usually because of their pride. They wouldn’t want to give in to the request of a demon, after all.”

“I see… so what do we do?” I asked.

“You can leave that to me. I’ll make sure to get you five a ship for tonight,” she said, turning to Ruijerd. “You said you had a letter that may help smooth things over?”

“Indeed. I believe Gash mentioned being the Commander of the Missionary Knights,” Ruijerd said. “I hope this helps.”

Therese paused at his words.

“...Commander Galgard?” she said, slightly shocked. “U-Uhh, yes, that should help… a lot.”


It seems that Ruijerd’s friend was quite the big shot.

“Okay… do you need us here?” I asked.

“No, my authority should be enough,” she said, shaking her head. “After all, as you said, as long as he’s relenting to me and not the will of a demon, it should be alright.”

“We’ll be getting food near the guild then,” I said. “Thanks for helping us, Aunt Therese.”

“Aww! Anything for my cute nephew!”

I made sure to leave the place before I was smothered again.

— Leon Greyrat —

“Do we have to go on a boat…?” Eris whined.

“Yes. Unless you have some way to fly,” I said.

“Can’t you do that?” she asked.


Well, maybe I could.

“I couldn’t fly for long enough while carrying everyone,” I corrected my statement.

“Hmph,” she pouted. “Well, I’m not happy about it!”

I think I know that…

With Eris marching angrily up the gangway to join the other three, I then turned to my aunt, who I would likely not be seeing for quite a while after this.

“Thank you for all your help,” I said, bowing in thanks. “And also for letting me learn some magic.”

“Of course, Leon,” she smiled. “But… say… my mother asked me before I left… if it’s possible… would you allow Norn to stay here?”

My smile dropped as I glared at the woman.

Was that why she was being so nice? Trying to butter me up and get Norn back?

I wasn’t stupid. While Paul had renounced his nobility in name, he could never renounce his bloodline. So he, despite his issues, was still an acceptable father to a noblewoman to have.

And with Therese not planning to have children, it was obvious why my grandmother wanted Norn.

“Never,” I said, my hand lowering to hover over my sword. “I have kept it in so far out of respect, but I loathe this place and the Millis religion. Pretending to be just while they detest all demons for no reason, allow the enslavement of innocents, and keep magic that could save lives sealed behind their pride… If I had the strength and didn’t have to worry about retaliation and harming innocents, I would destroy the entire capital.”

I took a deep breath to calm my wrath as I finished my words.

“So no… I do not want Norn spending her life here in a country with such pretentious and hypocritical beliefs, much less getting involved in the politics and nobility of it.”

While I had expected her to be angry at my outburst, Therese just sighed resignedly, as if she had expected this.

“Well, I cannot ignore that we do have our issues… Ah, but I assume that arguing over the good of Millis would be useless,” she said as she lightly shook her head. “That pretentiousness must be why my sister left and never looked back… she was always quite stubborn like that.”

Therese then stepped forward, pulling me into a hug.

“Regardless, I do hope you visit sometime… Hopefully without destroying the capital.”

Reciprocating her hug, I nodded. “I’ll try.”


Separating, she gave me a final pat on the head. “If Paul isn’t enough, please save my sister. And if you do… tell her I miss her.”

“I will,” I nodded before hearing the ship’s bell ring, signalling its departure.

“Well, I should get going now. Goodbye, Aunt Therese.”

“Safe travels!”

And with that, I leaped onto the ship, quickly finding the other four with my Demon eye as I made my way toward our cabin.

Entering the room, I was met with the sight of Eris curled up in one of the cots, while Norn and Aisha were both organizing their things, mostly pulling out some hobbies to do for tomorrow’s day at sea.

“Well, we’re off to the Central Continent,” I said as I sat next to Eris. 

Feeling the boat rock as we presumably began sailing to East Port, I placed my hand on Eris’ forehead and began casting some basic detoxification and healing magic to quell the oncoming nausea.

To think… after two whole years… we were only now getting to our home continent.

That was quite a depressing thought.

But at the same time… it was hopeful too.


Hearing Ruijerd call for me, I looked up at the man, noticing a conflicted expression clouding his face.

“Yes? Is something wrong?” I asked.

“...No,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s nothing. It can wait.”

“...If you’re sure.”

With that slightly confusing interaction, our group began towards East Port, putting an end to our journey of the Millis Continent and placing us one step closer to our homeland.

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