Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 56 – Arriving in Sharia

— Leon Greyrat —

After a few long months on the road, our group finally arrived at the Magic City of Sharia, a city of the Kingdom of Ranoa, one of the three magic nations of the northern territories, and more importantly, the home of the Ranoa University of Magic.

It was a grand city, which one would expect from the de facto capital of the Magic Triumvirate, and from what I read, it had separate districts for commerce, living, students, and crafters.

Quite a similar structure to Millishion, now that I think about it.

During our travels, a new year had dawned, meaning it was now the year K421, marking four years since the Displacement Incident occurred and my family was separated.

That meant that I was sixteen now, and since a couple of months had passed in the new year, Eris was sixteen as well.

And past that, Rudy was now fourteen, while Aisha and Norn would be turning eight later this year…

We were all slowly growing older, a fact that I both appreciated while at the same time… feared.

Or perhaps saddened was a better word.

After all, while I enjoyed experiencing everyone’s growth, each year spent like this, still separated, was a year missed in the comfort of our entire family.

But that would soon be changed.

My goal… my most important goal was slowly coming closer.

I felt excited.

But I wasn’t the only one who was excited.

“We finally made it.”

Deciding to have her entrance into the city in person, Ariel was currently riding with me as we walked through the city gates, heading to the lodging district as Luke went ahead to secure our group’s accommodations for the coming week.

“You seem happy, Ariel,” I said calmly from behind her.

“That’s only natural,” she nodded.

I couldn’t see for sure, but I was almost certain she was wearing a smile right now.

A true smile.

“This is where my campaign will finally start. Without my brother’s influence and past promises muddying the waters, I can truly begin my comeback,” she said, looking back at me over her shoulder. “Who wouldn’t be excited?”

…As I thought, she looked better with a genuine smile.

“I see,” I nodded. “And you’ll be becoming a student, right? Isn’t it the middle of the school year, though?”

“Yes, but I have already taken care of that,” she said, turning her head back to face forward. “I have been in communication with the principal for quite a while and have already secured a spot with my connections. Now it’s only a matter of building connections and convincing those in power of my abilities.”

She then leaned back against me, making me look away from her as she rested her head on my shoulder.

Seriously, this damn princess… was she doing this on purpose?

I had an itching feeling that she was.

“And you’re sure you cannot join me?” she said, just barely above a whisper, into my ear.

This girl… she always enjoyed teasing me like this, even though Eris and Sylphy were right next to her.

Why, I didn’t know, but it was definitely annoying, even if I did like the genuine smile it brought about.

…At least she smelled nice.

But still, please stop.

“I already told you I can’t do that,” I said, pushing her to sit upright. “And stop doing that, Princess. My dear lovers are glaring at us.”

Ariel then turned her head to the side, where Eris and Sylphy were both riding next to us.

Eris’ frustration was quite clear on her face, her red eyes boring a hole into my soul as she stared at me with a blank face.

Dammit, Ariel… you troublesome princess.

Even though that new shorter haircut of hers made her look very cute, Eris still was able to look scary when she wanted to.

It was a bit arousing though.

Sylphy, on the other hand, had a colder sort of pressure. Almost like how Mama got when she was angry.

Even though her glasses were covering her eyes, I could tell she was staring at us just as harshly as Eris.

“Ah, I suppose so,” Ariel giggled, casting her gaze to the two. “But it’s all in good fun.”

“It’s not for me…” I mumbled, shaking my head. “Anyway, I heard that nobles of high importance can receive a special placement. What will your attendants be doing during this?”

“The ‘special student’ designation? No, I won’t be doing something like that,” she answered. “I will be a normal student in order to increase my support with relatability, as will my attendants. For that same reason, we’ll also be living in the student dorms rather than the individual rooms nobles are offered.”


That was an interesting strategy, but not something unexpected for the princess I had come to learn about.

Ariel was still… irritating, especially when she plastered that fake smile on her pretty face, but she still had my begrudging respect.

She was strong. 

Not in power, of course, but rather in will and determination, and she didn’t let noble pride or annoying customs get in the way of her goals.

After all, there were not many nobles, much less royalty, that would happily urinate in the outdoors.

I just wish she wouldn’t ask me to guard her while she did so…

“Well, if you’re staying with the regular students, then I should ask you to look out for my sisters, since they’ll be joining you,” I said.

“We are!?”

Aisha and Norn, who were riding with Eris and Sylphy respectively, shot their gaze to me as they whined.

“Yes, you are,” I said.

“But I’m already smart enough!” Aisha complained. “Even Ariel said so!”

“Fufufu, you are indeed quite the talent, Aisha,” Ariel nodded. “And while not as cunning, Norn is plenty smart for her age.”

Norn nodded appreciatively at the princess while Aisha puffed her cheeks as if to say ‘See? I was right!’

Shaking my head, I explained to my silly sisters, “No, you’re going. There are many things I have forgotten to cover while teaching you and things I myself don’t know, and more importantly…”

I looked over at them, meeting both of their eyes to convey my sincerity.

“I want you both to try things and get an understanding of what you enjoy and are interested in,” I said. “The university has many subjects, so I want you two to get an idea of what you want to do in the future.”

Aisha frowned, narrowing her eyes as she pointed at me. “I already know what I want to do! I want to help you!”

I shook my head with a smile.

Honestly… Aisha was such a good girl, but I didn’t want her to be chained to me just because I did what a brother should do in keeping her safe.

But at least here… and with us being separated… she would be able to find herself. 

They both would.

“Thanks, but no,” I said. “I would rather you do something you love.”

Ariel shook her head in front of me, “I doubt that will work~”

“Shut it,” I said, pinching her side.

That seemed to quiet her down, at least.

Though I wish that she didn’t exhale in pleasure.

I didn’t know if that was just another way of teasing me, or her genuine reaction.

And past that, I didn’t know what would be worse.

But moving on…

“And more than that,” I said, turning back to my sisters. “I want you to make friends here. Friends that you’ll be able to have fun and grow with.”

Seeing their unchanging pouts, I sighed.

“Whatever, you two can whine all you want, but I’m not budging on this,” I said firmly. “You’ll be staying with your brother, Rudy, as well. At least once we find him. And then, I’ll leave.”

They both deepened their pouts even more.

Well, I already knew they were upset, so that didn’t really affect me.

They knew that this would be happening for a while now, but that didn’t mean they had to like it.

“…I want to come with you,” Norn said.

And then there was this again…

Ariel giggled from in front of me again, nearly prompting me to pinch her side as punishment again, but I refrained.

That was quite insolent, after all.

…And I didn’t want her to moan again.

“No,” I refused. “First, you should have asked that before we went north, and even if you did, I would still have refused.”

Sighing, I continued, “You’ll be staying here with Rudy, and I’ll see everyone again after a year, bringing our entire family back together. That’s final.”

The two of them were still visibly upset, but I doubted anything I said would change that.

“Will it truly be that long?” Sylphy asked, wearing a frown.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “It might even be longer if my mothers ended up moving from where they were when I learned of them.”

“I see…”

As I glanced over at Sylphy, who was looking forward, I noticed that past her gloominess, there was an odd intensity in her expression.

For some reason, I felt a little afraid of that, but I decided to ignore it.

“…Anyway, you said you wanted to go to the university first, right?” I asked Ariel.

“Indeed,” she nodded. “I’ll need to meet the vice-principal to inform him about my arrival. Would you like to join me?”

“Yeah, I’d appreciate that,” I said.

And so, we continued.

— Leon Greyrat —

“I am Jinas Halfas, the vice-principal of this fine institution,” the gray-haired man said, nodding his head to me.

“And I am Leon Greyrat,” I said. “Thank you for meeting me.”

“Greyrat…?” he said in wonder before shaking his head. “Ah, no, it is no problem. It was upon Princess Ariel’s request, after all.”

Taking a seat across from him, I decided to get to the point without wasting both of our time.

“I will be direct. Is there a way for my two sisters to join your institution, even though it is in the middle of the year?” I asked.

“Hmm… that shouldn’t be a problem, no,” he said, shaking his head. “Though, they might have trouble catching up to the contents.”

“It’s fine, as long as they have fun,” I said, waving off his concern.

“I see,” he nodded. “However, they will have to take an exam beforehand.”

An exam?

I didn’t know about this.

That… might be an issue, depending on how hard it is.

“Ah! No need to worry about passing,” Jinas said, waving his hand. “The exam is more of a way to discern their current level for class placements. While it can be used as a test for issuing loans, there is no need for them to pass as long as the tuition is paid for.”

“I see, that’s a relief,” I nodded. “And… I have heard about the dormitory system this academy has. Can you elaborate on that, please?”

“Definitely,” he nodded.

Jinas then went on to explain the dormitory system of the academy.

Overall, it was quite impressive, and had many policies I appreciated.

While I was glad I wouldn’t have to worry about any boys bothering the two, as well as knowing the two of them could room together if they went, I was still… hesitant.

I didn’t know if I wanted my sisters living in the dormitory, even if they were safe.

They were both too young, and while they could take care of themselves, it didn’t mean that I wanted them to.

This was the time I wanted them to use to take back the last four years of stolen childhood.

I wanted them to live a carefree life, just like cute kids like them should, and have their biggest worries be concerning their friends and subjects rather than cleaning, cooking, and getting furniture.

And while I’m sure Sylphy could help them out, she was understandably more concerned with Ariel… 

Yeah, I would rather them stay with Rudy, assuming he wasn’t living in the dorms himself, that is.

Actually, I should ask Jinas about him, no?

For someone as talented as my brother, he would surely make a name for himself in this academy.

“Say… vice-principal… do you happen to know of a Rudeus Greyrat that attends this academy?” I asked.

“Ah, Rudeus… he truly is a stellar student,” Jinas said with a look of pride. “Truly, one of the most talented students in our halls. Are you two perhaps… related?”

So he did know of him.

That should make my search a lot easier.

“He’s my brother,” I said. 

“I see…” Jinas nodded with a look of slight surprise. “I apologize, but even with that, I cannot grant yourself and your sisters special status. At least, not without results. I can waive their tuition, however.”

My eyes narrowed slightly.

Was he being serious?

If so, I didn’t know about that. Accepting his offer, that is.

Would he use this as leverage to gain a favour from me or Rudy?

“I can see the suspicion clear on your face, but do not worry,” Jinas said, shaking his head. “I don’t plan on using such a thing to manipulate you. Just having your talented brother hold this institution in a positive opinion is enough. Besides… I have heard that you yourself are quite the magician.”

“You could say that,” I shrugged, forming a ball of water above my palm, surprising the vice-principal in front of me. “But Rudy was the better mage, last time I checked. At least out of combat, that is.”

“I… see. To think I would be meeting two silent spellcasters today… amazing,” he said in awe.

Two? Ah, so Sylphy must have shown some of her abilities.

Well, that was a good power play by Ariel, so that’s to be expected.

“Anyway, about my brother, do you happen to know where he is?” I asked. “Classes are out for today, right?”

“Aside from subjects with odd schedules, yes, classes are not in session for two days of the week thanks to Miss Seven Stars’ proposal,” Jinas said. “And as for your brother, he usually spends the ‘weekend’ adventuring with his girlfriend.”

Girlfriend? A serious one?

Did that Rudy actually get a serious partner?

“He should be back in Sharia by tomorrow,” Jinas said, unconcerned about my surprise. “If you wish to meet him, the Adventure Guild is likely your best bet.”

“I see… thank you,” I said, getting up. “My two sisters will be taking the exam tomorrow alongside Ariel’s group. I’m sure they’ll impress you.”

And with that, I left Jinas’ office, with my plan set for the next day.

I truly wonder how much you’ve grown, Rudy, especially as you seem to have finally found a special someone.

Your brother’s excited.

— Rudeus Greyrat —

Having finished the extermination quest alongside Sara, we made our way back to the guild, ready to receive our reward for a job well done before heading home.

Unfortunately, it was only me and Sara for today’s quest, just as it had been for the past few months.

After all, now that their pregnancy had entered the third trimester, Suzanne and Timothy were now both retired from adventuring now that if they died, they would be leaving a kid behind.

And as a result, Counter Arrow had been permanently disbanded.

I was happy for them, of course, but soon we needed to start renting out an apartment or buying a house of our own.

Money wasn’t an issue, thanks to me not paying tuition and my savings from adventuring, but it would still be a big change.

Everyone was slowly growing, huh? 

Even the two adults I’ve come to view as my mentors were entering a new period in their lives.

Once the baby had grown older, Suzanne would probably become a professor at the university in adventuring or survival skills, and Timothy already had a new job at the Magician Guild.

I wonder… how long would it be before Sara and I had a child?

She was sixteen now, so according to this world, she was ready to bear children, and I knew from our own experiences that she was more than willing to perform the act that led up to it.

But… could I do it?

Be a father, that is.

Paul was… definitely not a shining example, and I already knew that I was a piece of shit in my past life.

So could I truly raise a life properly?

And then there was my family too.

I had no idea where they were, and Hitogami hadn’t visited my dreams since my time in Roa, so would it be right to settle down while they were still lost?

Haa… truly, what the heck was I meant to do?

Shaking my head, I entered the Adventure Guild, instantly taking notice of the weird atmosphere.

It was… tense.

At a time like now, it should be rowdy with laughter and drinks, and while there were some conversations here and there, they were all… subdued.

Quiet, the exact opposite of loud.

Did something happen?

Going up to one of the veterans I had taken a few quests with, I decided to investigate.

“Hey, Galsh. What happened? Why is everyone acting so… weird?” I asked.

“Ah! Hey, Quagmire, you’re back!” he said, taking a drink from his mug. “And, well, about what happened… some new guy sat in another guy’s seat, was asked to move, didn’t, and when the other guy tried to punch him, he ended up like… that.”

He then gestured to the wall, and looking towards it, I noticed a guy knocked out on the ground, his body crumpled in a ball.

There must have been a fight, huh?

There was even a crack in the wall where I assume he was thrown into.


“Speaking of… that new guy was actually asking for you, Quagmire,” Galsh said.

He was!?

That… doesn’t sound good at all!

“He’s in the back, just sittin’ there,” he said, nodding behind him.

“Ah… I see… thanks,” I said, looking back to Sara, who simply shrugged.

“No use running, right? Maybe he has some information for you?” she proposed.


Well, I wouldn’t be able to find out by just running away.

Right! My name had been spreading quite far across the northern territories, so maybe my luck had finally come!

If there was information on my family, I wouldn’t ignore it just because it was a bit scary!

Swallowing my fear, I grabbed Sara’s hand and walked toward the back of the guild.

“Why are you trailing behind me?” Sara asked.

“No reason,” I lied easily.

At least she could use touki!

I… think.

As we made our way to the back, where a few booths were laid against the wall, I was met with the sight of a golden-haired man taking a drink as he looked out the window.

With that muscular body and chiselled side profile, I felt my grip on Sara’s hand unconsciously increase.

Damn pretty boys!

I wouldn’t lose to you!

You damn ikemen-!


A handsome face… golden hair… that calm cadence… wanting to meet me… could it be?

The man turned his head to look at me, his brown eyes shining with recognition and slight surprise, confirming my suspicions.

“You seem well… Brother.”

“…Huh?” I voiced out stupidly.

That… was that really Leon?

He was here!?

But… what was with that white streak in his hair? Did he decide to dye it? Did he hit an emo phase?

Leon then looked over at Sara, before his gaze trailed down to our connected hands.

“It looks like you’re not chasing skirts anymore… you’ve grown up a bit, haven’t you, Rudy?” he said with a warm smile.

“Hah?” Sara said, her grip on my hand increasing, causing me to wince. “What do you mean ‘chasing skirts’?”

Ah… I had never told her about my… ‘erotic’ past, now that I’ve thought about it.

But how else was I supposed to learn how to go down on her so well? 

She would surely forgive me, right?

“And who are you!?” she asked, her glare narrowing at Leon.

Thank god, she moved on.

“That… is my brother,” I answered, releasing a sigh of relief.

“Wait… he’s real?” she asked, her tone calming in shock.

“I’d like to think I am,” Leon said, standing up. “Leon Greyrat… nice to meet you.”

I slowly released Sara’s hand.

He was really here… the first member of my family I had met, barring Paul… he was here…

“Leon?” I voiced out, barely above a whisper.

“That’s me,” he said, opening his arms. “It’s been a while, Rudy, so come greet your brother properly and get over here.”

Slowly, I took one step, and then another, and the next thing I knew, I had run into his embrace, feeling his arms wrap around me as I dug my face into his shoulder.

He was taller… but I guess I should have expected that.

I had forgotten… it had been so long, that I had forgotten how much I missed them. 

My family.

The family that treated me so well, the brother that was at my side…

But now… now he was here… he was alive!

I could feel the heat pooling in my eyes, threatening to break out into tears as I tightened my grip around him.

“There we go, you were always a baby, weren’t you?” Leon said, his voice cracking as he pat my back gently. “…But I missed you, little brother. I’m glad you’re safe.”

And with that, after what would now be four years, I had reunited with my talented older brother.

Finally… I was with my family once again.

The family that I loved, and the family that loved me in turn.

The family that I didn’t want to lose in this precious second chance of mine.

Ah… and now I was crying.

Perhaps, like he said, I really was a baby.

But I didn’t care.

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