Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 57 – We Will Be Reunited: A Lustful Mage

— Leon Greyrat —

Here he was.

My delightfully talented, lustful younger brother… the one and only Rudeus Greyrat, was here in the flesh.

With our tears shed, our composure regained, and greetings exchanged, we then decided to sit down together as we both explained our stories, only after introducing me to his partner, Sara.

Just as I expected after hearing from the Doldia Village, Rudy had been teleported to the Great Forest, where he then escorted their two princesses up north to Roa, stopping by Millishion on the way.

What I hadn't expected, however, was his little journey to the Shirone Kingdom, as well as his time as an adventurer with Counter Arrow to the northern territories in search of our family.

This was also where he met Sara.

She seemed like a good person, and from what I could tell, held the similar dislike for nobility and politics that I did, so I was more than happy Rudy had settled down with her.

I wonder how long until I would be able to call myself an uncle.

Knowing Rudy’s past, err, ‘excitement’, I don’t think it’d be too long.

Anyway, with my dear brother’s tale told, I then explained where I had been teleported, along with Eris and my sisters, which Rudy already suspected were with me.

“The Demon Continent!?” they both said, eyes wide in shock.

“Yep,” I nodded. “A shitty situation, don’t you think?”

“That’s putting it lightly…” Rudy said. “But that explains why it took you so long… I’m amazed you made it all the way here.”

Well, it was surely an annoying trip, but there were some fun parts in there too.

“Anyway, you said you met with our father, right?” Rudy asked. “Are Aisha and Norn with him now? And what about Eris?”

“Eris is training, or at least she was when I left, and our cute little sisters are taking the exams for the university,” I said, taking another swig of juice.

The berries the juice was made from were quite tasty here… yummy.

Though this place was awfully quiet for a guild… I wonder what’s up with that?

“They’re here!?” Rudy said, surprised. “Aren’t they, what, seven? Eight? Can they even go to school?”

Was there such a rule?

I didn’t remember anything like that.

“They’re seven and a half, and Jinas didn’t have a problem with it,” I shrugged. “And they’re both smart enough. I didn’t just let them sit around the last four years, after all.”

Besides, I didn’t want them at the academy for the purpose of education. 

Rather, I wanted them to expand their horizons, decide what their passions were, and make friends.

But if they were too young… that last one might be a concern.


“Wait, if you met with Father, then why are they here? Are you planning to search the northern territories with me?” he asked.

“No,” I shook my head. “Father dearest is heading to Begaritt, and I’ll be joining him after I leave.”

Rudy tilted his head in confusion as Sara raised her eyebrow in question.

They really were perfect for each other.

“We found Lilia and Mama,” I said, smiling. “They’re on the Begaritt Continent, so now it’s just a matter of getting them back, and we’ll all be together.”

“You found them?” Rudy said in amazement. “That’s… amazing.”

Hmm… he didn’t seem nearly as relieved as I was, but I suppose I should have expected that.

After all, it had been a while since he had been with Mama, and he had probably expected to never see her again after how long he searched with no results.

That sense of distance was probably the same with Norn and Aisha, now that I think about it, since they had spent more than half of their lives without them…

Ah, well. I just had to bring Mama and Lilia back, and their relationship could be rekindled back to normal.

“And you’ll be going to Begaritt to help them?” Rudy asked.

“Yeah, and about that…” I said, looking at him and Sara.

I was glad Rudy had found someone, and from what I could tell, Sara here was quite mature and someone I could trust.

Before, I was a little worried about leaving Aisha and Norn with Rudy, especially since I didn’t know if he had grown up at all during our time apart. 

But now I was quite sure about my decision.

“Would you two mind taking care of them while I’m gone?” I asked. “I’ll give you any funds you need, and they’ll still be going to school, but I want them to be with someone I trust. They’re too young to be living on their own, even if it’s in the dormitories.”

I waited in anticipation for their reaction.

Would they refuse?

I know Rudy wasn’t as close to them as I was, and Sara didn’t know them at all, plus they were both young and wanted to have their freedom, but…

They were his sisters, right?

“I’m fine with it,” Sara said, breaking the silence.

“Yeah… I am too, though… I guess we’ll have to calm down on adventuring,” Rudy said, rubbing his chin in thought.

Thank god…

“You two… thank you,” said, bowing my head slightly.

“Of course, Brother. You’ve been taking care of them all this time, so this is the least I can do,” Rudy said. “Besides, it’s not like you’re leaving for vacation, right? I should chip in this much.”

“Yeah, and… I’ve always wanted a sister,” Sara said, playing with her earring as she averted her eyes. “Especially two…”

I see. 

So it was like that… well, if she already considered Norn and Aisha her sisters, then I didn’t have to worry.

“Still… I’m glad,” I said. “Well… they’ll likely be another hour or so, and we only told each other the basics, so how about we continue sharing our stories over lunch? I’ll pay, of course.”

“Absolutely!” Rudy said with a smile.

And so, that’s exactly what we did.

— Leon Greyrat —

“H-Hey, you two… I’m not sure if you remember me, but I’m your brother! Rudy!”

Looking at him with slight apprehension, Norn, who was standing at my side, standing a little shorter than my armpit, looked up at me.

“It’s fine, Norn,” I said, patting her head. “Go say hello.”

Nodding, she slowly stepped forward, with Aisha following behind her, as they both went up to hug Rudy.

It was a bit awkward, but that was to be expected after so much time apart.

Hopefully… no, surely, their bond would form with time.

With the three separating, Rudy then looked to Eris, who was surveying Rudy with an analytical eye.

“And Eris… Leon told me that you’ve grown quite strong,” Rudy said.

“Hmph. That’s natural,” she said. “…You’ve kept up with your training?”

“Just some morning exercises,” he shrugged. 

“Hmm… better than nothing, I guess,” she said.

“Y-Yeah, the stamina is helpful,” Rudy said. “But more importantly, are the two of you…”

To answer his question, I wrapped my arm around Eris’ waist, brushing across her rear as I pulled her close into a kiss.

Tracing my tongue across her lips, I smirked at her dazed smile as I separated from her, turning back to my brother.

“She’s mine,” I said firmly.

Eris had turned into a beautiful girl, so I needed to make things clear before Rudy did something… unpleasant.

Even if he did have Sara, he was the son of our father, after all.

“Ah… I see. Congrats?” he said, a bit surprised.

Oh, and Sara was blushing.

That… might have been a bit too much. 


At least Eris wasn’t one to get embarrassed.

“Big Brother?” Aisha said, walking up to me and pointing to her cheek. “Me too?”

This brat… she’s been getting increasingly cheeky, especially since Sylphy and I became a thing.

Not wanting to create any misunderstandings, I leaned down and… flicked her cheek.

“Auch! Why?”

“Stop doing that,” I rebuked her.

“But why!?”

“Because I said so,” I said, before I gave her a small peck where she had pointed.


I was probably encouraging that cheeky behaviour by constantly giving in, but she seemed happy, so that was fine.

Though I wish Norn would stop pouting.

“Anyway, now that we’ve all met, what should we do now?” I said, looking at Rudy and Sara. “Do you two have a place already?”

“Kind of… remember Timothy and Suzanne?” Rudy asked. 

Right, his previous party members and mentors who were now starting a family.

I had been wanting to meet them, but I was guessing they were stressed out enough with the incoming baby.

“We’re living with them at the moment, but we’re looking for a place,” Rudy continued. “But with Norn and Aisha living with us… we should try to get a place soon.”

“I see…”

I guess I could wait here while they got everything settled, as long as it didn’t take too long.

And as for being a burden… well, I wasn’t worried about Aisha and Norn causing these two any problems.

In fact, I was more worried about my sisters being too respectful, to the point where they wouldn’t want to bother them for anything, unlike with me, where they felt comfortable asking for my help.

In short, they needed to connect a bit more.

“Say, Rudy…” I said. “You’ve been improving your magic, right?”

“Ah, yes, I have!” he nodded. “Right now, I’m actually at the King rank for water and earth magic.”

Oh? That’s impressive.

And from the surprised and admiring looks of Aisha and Norn, it seemed that my plan might just work.

“It’s good to see you haven’t slacked off. Your brother is proud,” I nodded. “So… do you want to show us? I assume the university has a place, right?”

Rudy placed a finger on his chin.

“Hmm… usually, I would have to reserve it in advance, but since it’s the weekend…” he then nodded his head confidently. “Follow me, everyone! I’ll show you just how far I’ve come!”

And so, with the six of us heading to the university, we did exactly that.

Meeting my brother, getting my sisters someone to help them out while they went to school… yeah, today was a great day.

— Rudeus Greyrat —

Lying into the bed and blowing out the candle with some wind magic, I leaned back as I rested my head on my pillow, looking up at the ceiling with a smile.

I can’t believe it… my family, they were back.

Well, most of them. 

And from how Leon knew where our mother was and planned to find them, it wouldn’t be long before our parents joined us.

It was… fun, talking with Leon, telling my stories as he told me his in kind.

It was even better when we went to the university to show off my magic to him and my sisters, and after some begging on my part, he also showed off his skills.

To think he would be able to use lightning without reaching the King rank in water magic… I always knew my brother was a genius, but even that surprised me.

And then there was his healing and barrier magic, which had only gotten better during our time apart, and his sword skills which had reached the King rank…

Damn, I thought I had been doing pretty well, but he just had to show me up, eh?

Ah, well… I didn’t mind. 

It was that power that kept him and our sisters safe, after all.

“You seem quite happy,” Sara said, turning to her side to look down at me.

“Isn’t that natural?” I said, pulling her closer. “I got to see my siblings after four years and even shared a drink with my brother.”

Though it was only juice… well, I was underage anyway.

“Yeah, I guess that’s to be expected,” she said, cuddling into my side. “…I still can’t believe your brother is real.”

“You thought I was lying?” I asked.

“Well, no, but come on! A Sword Saint at nine? And now he’s a King-rank swordsman?” she said, flabbergasted. “And not only that, he’s making his own sword style, and it’s not a load of bullshit like so many others.”

Ah, yeah, I guess that was quite surprising.

“Honestly, Rudy, with you and your brother… your family is crazy,” she sighed. “…But at least your sisters are cute, even if they have a brother complex.”

I was about to refute that, but then I remembered Aisha’s giddy face after Leon kissed her cheek earlier today.

Sure, it was an innocent sign of affection… but the look in her eyes made me think there was something else going on.

Oh, well. That was Leon’s problem to deal with.

That aside…

“So you’re fine with taking care of them? Truly?” I asked.

“Obviously. Why would I lie?” she said. “They’re nice, cute, and even if they’re annoyed at being left behind by your brother, they don’t seem that troublesome. Besides… if I’m stuck with you, then they’re my sisters too… right?”

Seeing her look up at me, her eyes downturned in slight worry, I gave her a small kiss on her nose.

“Right. You’re stuck with me,” I said with a smile.

Instead of blushing or kissing me back, like the usual Sara would do, she instead stared into my eyes, as if searching for a hint of any deception, before releasing a sigh.

“Right. Sorry, it’s just… after hearing about your brother’s… romantic endeavours, I’m a little concerned,” she said.

Oh… right, that.

Apparently, while I wasn’t looking, my brother had become quite the womanizer, deciding that Eris wasn’t enough, and going as far to capture Sylphy and another woman for himself as well.

I mean, I knew that he and Eris were in a good place, obvious from how they interacted with each other, but I was surprised she accepted such a situation that easily.

That scary girl… I didn’t think she would be able to handle not being the only woman, but I guess I was wrong.

Well, she and Sylphy were friends, so I guess that makes sense…

But it’s good to know that Sylphy was alive, and apparently was here in Sharia as well.

Maybe I would meet up with her later.

But anyway… Sara’s worries, right. 

Let’s deal with that first.

“…What do you think of it?” I asked. “Leon having multiple people, that is.”

“What, do you have… someone in mind?” she asked with a tone of sadness.

“No! No, not at all!” I denied. “But… if there was…?”

Sara pouted as she pressed her head to my chest.

“…I don’t know. I wouldn’t like it, definitely, but considering your father and brother… I guess I should expect it now, huh?”

Unlike my homeland, Japan, this world wasn’t tied down to monogamy. 

Unless you were a member of the Millis church, that is, which neither Sara nor I were.

Still, if it meant losing Sara, I didn’t want to fall into such depravity.

I wasn’t Paul, after all.

“…I would hate it if you didn’t talk to me first, though,” she said. “So don’t. Do. That.”

Hearing the dangerous tone in her voice, I nodded as I ran my hands through her hair to soothe her. 

“I get it. I don’t plan on betraying you.”

“You don’t plan on it?” she said with venom.

“I won’t! Promise!” I corrected myself.

“…Good,” she said, glaring at me one last time before closing her eyes. “Goodnight, Rudy.”

Well, that went smoother than I thought.


I was afraid of what would happen with Linia and Pursena once they graduated, especially since I didn’t know if I was strong enough, both physically and mentally, to refuse their affections. 

But it seemed like the worst wouldn’t happen as long as I communicated with my lovely girlfriend.

“Goodnight, Sara,” I said, also closing my eyes. “Love you.”

“Love you too,” she said before her breaths calmed.

It didn’t take long for the fatigue of the day to get to me as well, as I quickly drifted off, soon finding myself in a familiar expanse of white.

Fuck… really? I was here now?


And looking down, I confirmed that I was indeed back in that same disgusting body.

Truly, I hated this place.

What am I doing here?

“You don’t know? Come on~ haven’t we got a good relationship?”

Hearing the familiar, annoying voice, I turned to see the faceless figure of the one known as Hitogami.

…Why? It’s been over a year since you talked, what are you doing in my dreams now?

“Ah? Not so confrontational? What’s up with that, I wonder?”

Well… you told me to go with Counter Arrow, and I got my current life out of it. With Sara, I’m… confident. I’m happy. So… I wouldn’t act like an ass after that.

“Gratitude? Towards me? From Rudeus Greyrat? Is… is the world coming to an end?”

Did he have to be so annoying?

What do you want?

“I’m just joking!” he said, laughing at my biting tone. “And as for what I want… well, I’m just here to give my favourite magician some advice, of course!”

Advice? Right after reuniting with my brother? Wait a minute, you said that by joining the Ranoa University of Magic-

“That you would find where your family is,” he interrupted me. “Well? Was I wrong?”

I still couldn’t see him, but I could tell he was wearing a condescending grin.

Well… no, but I was just being useless here. What if I went south, so then our whole family could go to Begaritt?

“That wouldn’t work, trust me,” he said, waving off my question. “Now I said I had advice, right? And it did concern your brother. Do you want to hear it?”


“What’s the magic words~?”

Please, you shitty Man-God.

“Haha! As rude as ever! But alright!” he said, raising his finger dramatically. “Rudeus Greyrat. Join your brother, Leon Greyrat, on his journey to the Begaritt Continent to rescue your mother. If you don’t… you will regret it.”

What? Regret it? Is Leon in danger or something? 

“Who knows~?”

No… that’s impossible for Leon to be in danger. I doubt there’s anyone that can harm that monster, now that he’s an ‘Elemental King’ and has Saint-rank healing magic. Healing magic he can use whenever he wants, unlike me, by the way.

Hitogami simply smirked.

I couldn’t tell, obviously, but I could sense it.

“No one that can harm him? Hmm… you should ask your brother that. The answer might interest you,” he said cryptically. “Ah, and if you decide to go, make sure you check out the library for a book on teleportation. It may end up being quite useful.”

And with that, my meeting with the elusive, annoying god came to an end.

— Leon Greyrat —

Waiting in the inn’s lobby for Rudy, just as I had promised yesterday before we departed, I thought about the exam results I had received this morning.

I was proud of Aisha and Norn for doing well. Really proud. 

Aisha had gone ahead and got a perfect score for arithmetic and geography, while Norn gotten an exemplary grade in literature and swordsmanship.

And that wasn’t even mentioning their magic, which while only at the intermediate rank for both, was done without an incantation, putting them a cut above even most professors at the academy in pure talent.

Truly, it made my heart swell in pride and happiness, both at them and selfishly, at myself as well.

I felt… glad, to know that I taught them properly and didn’t waste the wonderful talent those two sweethearts held.

It made me feel like even if I wasn’t perfect, I made sure they were in a good position in life, even with the teleportation messing everything up.

Right now, the two of them were out getting groceries with one of Ariel’s attendants, and we would be meeting later today to take a tour of the university and decide what subjects they wanted to try.

Eris, on the other hand, was… training. 

Again. As she always has been recently.

While I wish we could be spending more time together, especially since Sylphy was busy with Ariel’s affairs, I knew that Eris needed some time alone.

Thinking about it now, she was probably deliberating over that decision, wasn’t she?

Since that was the case, I definitely shouldn’t interfere unless she asks.

And as for me, I was waiting for my brother to join me so that we could begin the process of getting him and Sara a house that they and my sisters would live in during my journey, and possibly, in the future too.

“Leon!” Rudy said, entering the inn.

Ah, there he was.

“Hey Rudy, what’s… what’s wrong?” I said, my tone turning concerned as I saw his worried expression.

“Leon, is there… is there someone who can beat you?” he asked, coming closer to me. “A-A terrifying opponent… someone who you can’t beat, is there someone like that?”

What the hell was he talking about?

Was this that childish anxiety I knew he had, like when he was afraid of going outside?

“Uhh, yeah, you could say that,” I said. “You know about the world powers, right? All of those guys are quite strong.”

“So there is?” he asked once more. “Someone… someone who would kill you?”

Someone who would kill me?

What- Ah… was that it?

Did Eris tell him or something? Or was it my sisters?

It couldn’t be Sylphy, since not only had I not told her, but Rudy also didn’t know about her new appearance nor about her being Ariel’s guard.

“Well, I didn’t tell you before, since I didn’t want to mess up the lighthearted atmosphere, but you could say I… ran into trouble,” I said, pulling up my shirt to reveal the large scar on my chest.

Rudy looked at the scar in surprise and fear, his eyes swimming in confusion.

“The Dragon God,” I explained. “It seems he didn’t like the look on my face, so, well… he stabbed me. Right through the spine. Probably would have died if he didn’t decide to heal me right after.”

Covering my wound once again, I shook my head in exasperation. 

“Honestly… if you ever see him, don’t go against that guy,” I said. “He seemed to only have it out for me, so you should be fine if you keep your head down.”

Rudy shakily nodded his head before sitting down, squeezing his fists a few times before looking back at me.

“Brother, I… The Begaritt Continent… I want to go with you,” he said. “No. I will go with you!”

“Okay…” I said in confusion.

Why did he look so… afraid?

Was he that shocked that his big brother was infallible? Or maybe fearful that I had nearly died?

Either way, I wasn’t necessarily against the idea of his inclusion, but if he was truthful about wanting to go with me, then I would have to change my plans.

“…Why do you want to come with me now?” I asked. “You have a girlfriend here, and more importantly, our sisters to take care of. Why would you want to join me to go to a desolate place like Begaritt?”

Rudy narrowed his eyes. 

“You… you’re stronger than me, Brother, but I’ve been adventuring for a year now. Clearing dungeons, tracking beasts… plus, you even said it yourself yesterday, right? My magic is better. I can help you get our family back together.”

…Well, he wasn’t wrong.

It would be a big help, but… what about Norn and Aisha?

Would Sara be okay with watching them alone?

Would I be okay with that?

I mean, I could trust her, somewhat, but she was only a sixteen-year-old girl.

“…Would Sara be fine watching them alone?” I asked.

“No,” a voice interrupted me. “Because if Rudy is going, then I am as well.”

Sara then sat down next to Rudy, crossing her arms as if telling us there was no point in refusing.

“…Why?” Rudy asked. “It would be a long trip, you know?”

Wouldn’t he want her there?

“I’m going because you’re an idiot, and someone needs to keep you in line,” she said, glaring at him. “And also, in terms of adventuring, I’m better and more experienced than both of you.”


Just great.

“And there’s no chance of convincing you two out of it?” I asked.

“Sorry Brother,” Rudy said, shaking his head. “No chance.”

Sara didn’t even offer me a response, simply raising her eyebrow, testing me to refuse her.

“…Right,” I mumbled.

Haa… dammit.

Now what would I do about those two?

There was… what were their names, Timothy and Suzanne?

No, not only were they expecting and much too busy to deal with two little girls, but more importantly, I didn’t know them. 

I couldn’t trust them with my two most important people just off of my brother and his girlfriend’s word.

And Eris… she was likely leaving for the Sword Sanctum soon, at least by how hard she had been training lately.

Then… I guess there was only one option, wasn’t there?

Well, I know Sylphy would care for Norn and Aisha as if they were her own sisters, which they basically were, and if Ariel ever wanted my support, she would take care of them too.

So, getting up from my chair with a sigh, I went upstairs to ask for the princess and my beloved’s help.

— Leon Greyrat —

“So, you wish for us to watch your sisters while you and your brother head for the Begaritt Continent?” Ariel said as she sat, letting Sylphy do her morning preparations for her hair.

“Yes, if you could,” I said. “In return… I’ll help you after I return. As long as you don’t expect that assistance to extend to my family.”

Both her and Sylphy’s eyes widened at this, with Ariel’s eyes sparkling in joy as she traced my figure.

She was probably just excited to have a powerful card to play, but it was still a bit concerning to be looked over so intensely like an object.


“I… I’ll take care of them, at least when I’m able to,” Sylphy said, looking at me resolutely. “We’re together, after all, right? So they’re my family too.”

“Thank you,” I said, smiling at her.

She really was such a good girl.

While I was initially a bit concerned about pushing our relationship forward to just short of marriage, I was more sure of my decision with every day spent together.

Even if she got more mature, and found a dear friend she wanted to help, the kind and cute Sylphy was still there.

Plus, she was growing up to be exceedingly beautiful.

I really was quite lucky.

“I’ll also watch out for them when I can,” Ariel added. “I think I can leave most of it to Sylphy here, but it would be beneficial to have you in my favour, no?”

“You said the quiet part out loud, Princess,” I sighed.

“Did I? Fufu~” she giggled. “I don’t think that changes anything~”

I was annoyed that she was right.

Shaking her head, Ariel closed her eyes as Sylphy went back to doing her hair.

“So? Are you planning to leave immediately?” she asked.

“No,” I shook my head. “I plan to stay here for around two weeks. We need to get supplies, and I also want to make sure you and Sylphy have no enemies and that there are no problems with my sister.”

Ariel nodded her head. “I see…”

Finishing her braid, Sylphy then stood back, glancing over at me to flash an appreciative smile my way.

She always knew how to warm my heart… I could definitely trust her.

“I’m relieved you’ll be staying, as I was also worried about my brother’s hand having reached this far. I thank you for that kind consideration,” Ariel said, standing up. “Now, I do think it is time for you to give us some privacy.”

“Some privacy?” I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

Ariel then slid down her nightgown, revealing her bra-clad form. A sight I quickly looked away from.

This damn princess…

“Unless… you want to see me undress?” she asked in a teasing tone. “That would, however, be quite blasphemous. Especially in front of your promised one.”

Needless to say, I quickly left the room, closing the door behind me and ignoring the princess’ giggles and Sylphy’s miffed complaints.

Seriously, shouldn’t a princess have more dignity?

She liked teasing me way too much.

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