Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 58 – Silent Seven Stars

— Leon Greyrat —

“— And this is our alchemy lab, at least for the first-year classes. This class is very popular for many students as it does not require a knowledge of magic, at least at the beginning, while still giving some insights into mana’s uses,” the professor who was acting as our guide said, motioning to a room full of various flasks and vials.

Looking down at Norn, I could tell from the way her eyes sparkled slightly that she was interested.

Perhaps my sister would become a cute little alchemist?


As one might expect, I was currently walking my sisters through the school, enjoying a tour of the large academy and all it had to offer.

Oh, and Ariel and her group were here too, of course.

Honestly, I was quite impressed with the place, as it had much more to offer than I initially thought.

It really had something for everything.

I was even interested in some courses myself.

Maybe I could become a student after getting Mama back?

I wouldn’t want to be the only sibling to not have an education, after all. 

That would set a bad example.

But anyway, I was glad.

Not only had I spotted a couple girls around Norn and Aisha’s age, a thing that I was worried about, but the academy also had a lot to offer in activities and subjects past the basic magic that my sisters might enjoy.

In fact, while they had tried to hide it, I could already see some building excitement in their expressions that sometimes came out in an excited smile, like with Aisha when we saw the botany class and Norn when we visited the library.

It was as cute as it was relieving.

Either way, I was confident that the two of them would be able to find something they enjoyed, and as for friends, while they would be a few years younger than most of their classmates, they were more mature for their age anyway, so I didn’t think that would be a problem.

As we continued to walk through the impressive-looking halls, we were soon interrupted by a familiar face.

“Brother? What are- Oh! Is this that tour you were talking about earlier?” Rudy said.

“Yeah, but I didn’t think you mentioned going to class today,” I said. “What’s up with that?”

“Oh, well, I had to meet vice-principal Jinas and explain that I’d be taking a year off,” he said, rubbing the back of his head. “And as for right now… well, I’m going to tell the same to my friends.”

Nodding my head, I then looked at my sisters, who were both still acting a little awkward around our shared brother.

We had already talked earlier today about the changes in the plan, and how they would be staying with Ariel and Sylphy instead of their brother.

Luckily, they didn’t seem that upset, and were in fact, they seemed a little relieved that they would be in the care of people they were familiar with.

But on the other hand… it also meant that they wouldn’t be using the time to bond with their long-lost brother.

Ah, well… that could happen later, like with Mama and Lilia.

And at least their relationship wasn’t as strained as it was with their father. I had a feeling that would be an annoying mess to clean up.

But… Rudy’s friends, eh?

I had heard of a few of them from his stories, and they seemed to have been quite influential to my dear little brother.

…I want to meet them.

“Do you mind if I join you, Rudy?” I asked. “I should be there to explain why their dear friend will be gone for a year, right?”

“Huh? Ah… sure, if you want to,” Rudy said, scratching his head.

“Good,” I said, turning to the group. “I’ll leave you here, I guess. We covered most of the academy, and I’m already convinced it will be a good place for Norn and Aisha. I’ll meet you guys back at the inn, okay?”

Luckily, my sisters didn’t put up a fuss, which I was grateful for.

Though… I could see a small pout on Norn’s face.

“…I’ll get us some pastries when I return.”

The pout vanished.

It seems my little sister has developed quite the sweet tooth during our time in the city.

— Leon Greyrat —

Walking up the stone spiral staircase, I waited in anticipation to meet this mysterious ‘Silent Seven Stars’.

An odd title, that was for sure.

Apparently, she had made quite a few inventions varying from magical, physical, and societal, and had given quite a few to the university for her research.

In fact, she was the brain behind the school uniforms.

I didn’t really care at first, but after seeing Sylphy, Norn, and Aisha try on their matching outfits, fitted with a blazer and skirt, I quickly understood the appeal.

Cuteness triumphs over everything, after all.

Especially when three of the cutest girls in the world are wearing it.

But past that, according to Rudy, this ‘Silent Seven Star’ was currently researching a way to get back to her homeland through summoning magic, and Rudy had gotten quite close to her by supplying her experiments with his insane mana capacity.

I wondered where exactly she was from to need summoning magic to get back, but Rudy simply brushed my question off.

Speaking of that ‘insane mana’… I only noticed it when we showed off our magic yesterday with my Demon eye active, but Rudy’s mana was truly something else.

First, he had a lot.

Like… way more than I had ever seen before.

And it was extremely bright, nearly to the point of blinding me, like Sylphy’s was, but way more intense.

And then there was that efficiency and power, and how the mana almost seemed to compress at will… I guess I would be able to discover more about that during our travels… hopefully.

Maybe it was just something genetic?

I was confused.

Shaking my head to break my train of useless thought, I watched as Rudy opened the wooden door, the creak echoing down the empty stone staircase to reveal a messy room.

Wow… that was a lot of paper and ink.

I guess that’s a researcher for you.

“Nanahoshi? Are you here?” Rudy asked, knocking lightly on the door. “I brought a guest… and some news.”

“Ah, Rudeus. One second,” a female voice said.

Looking past a stack of books, I noticed a figure hunched over a desk, scribbling down notes for a few more moments before she stopped.

“You know I don’t like being interrupted by guests, though,” she said, tucking her long black hair behind her ear as she turned our way. “While Cliff was helpful, those beastfolk girls were annoying.”

“At least call them by their names,” Rudy chuckled. “And don’t worry, this one’s nothing like that. Actually, this is my long-lost brother, Leon! I’m sure you’ll… get… along… Hey, what’s up with you?”

I felt my eyes widen as the girl revealed herself, showing off her masked face.

The exact same masked face I had seen next to Orsted, right before he cut off my arm and plunged his hand through my chest.

Wait. Was he here now?

Would I have to worry about him?

Should I run? Explain I don’t know anything about this ‘Hitogami’?


“Leon?” Rudy said, interrupting my thoughts.

“Ah, oh… it’s nothing,” I said, waving off his concerned tone. “Just… memories.”

Wait a second, past why, how exactly was she here?

Rudy had explained that they had been working together to make ‘modern inventions’ and supplying his mana for around half a year now.

I know I took a few weeks as a break in Roa and slowed down after joining up with Ariel, but it wasn’t to the extent where she could reach here six months ago, considering we passed each other before Asura around a year ago.

So… how?

Did Orsted do something?

Some flying, super speed bullshit, even when he decided to walk so leisurely before utterly kicking my ass?

That bastard…

“Oh… it’s you,” she said calmly. “To think you were Rudeus’ brother… If you’re worried about Orsted, don’t be. He’s not here.”

Oh, well, that quelled my worry, but I was still confused about her being here.

But I suppose that didn’t really matter, did it?

“Wait… Orsted… isn’t that the Dragon God you ran into?” Rudy said, his voice trembling in fear. “D-Do you know where he is, Nanahoshi?”

“I don’t,” she shook her head. “He travels around. Quite mysterious, that man is. Not that it matters to me.”

Right… I guess they had an odd relationship.

Still, if she didn’t have too much influence, then there’s even more reason to do this.

After all, I wasn’t to accept a favour without showing my gratitude.

“I heard from my beloved that you saved me,” I said, bowing my head. “…Thank you… for doing that. I would be quite troubled if I was dead.”

She looked over me for a second, or at least, I assumed she was past the slits of her mask, before nodding.

“It’s no problem,” she shrugged. “It was my selfish curiosity. But if you’re Rudy’s brother, it makes sense why you knew of that. Seriously… how terrifying.”

Huh? Makes sense that I knew of what?

I… was a bit confused, but it seemed that the matter of saving my life wasn’t too important to her.

…I felt a little conflicted about that, but whatever.

Better than being forced into her debt.

“So Rudeus…” she said before glancing at me. 

Again, I only guessed.

“Nyūsu ga aru tte iimashita ka?”

Uhh… excuse me?

“Hai, saiwaina koto ni watashinokazoku wa mitsukarimashita” Rudy said smoothly. “Shikashi, soreha jikan ga kakaru koto o imi shimasu…”


The hell was going on?

That wasn’t the Human tongue, the Demon God tongue, nor the Beast tongue, and I was pretty sure that wasn’t the Fighting God tongue either.

And Rudy didn’t know the Sky God and Ocean God tongues, so… what was it?

“Jissai, watashitachiha ningen no kotoba de hanasu koto ga dekimasu. Ani wa konwaku shite iru yōda,” he said, turning to me with an apologetic smile.

And why… why, when I heard it, did I feel such an odd sense of… familiarity?

“…Got it,” Nanahoshi said, removing her mask. “I guess it was a bit rude.”

I found my confused thoughts grinding to a halt as I saw the unmasked Nanahoshi.

I was initially surprised by how… normal she looked. 

Aside from her slightly exotic face, with thinner eyes and a smaller nose, that is.

Rather, I had thought she was wearing a mask to cover a scar or some physical deformation, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

But past that… why was I so stunned, looking at that face?

And why… why the hell did I want to run up and hug her so bad?

Was I actually a womanizer?

No… it didn’t feel that way.

It felt like I wanted to hug her more… platonically, like a friend would, or a… brother.

It felt like I wanted to protect her…

What was going on…

But more importantly!

“W-What was that language, Rudy?” I asked. “I have never heard anything like it.”

“Ah, well…” Rudy said, looking at me with a guilty face before glancing at Nanahoshi. “It’s our… secret code, you could call it. She taught me it as it’s from her homeland.”

“Oh… I see,” I said, not seeing any signs of lying on his face.

To think Rudy could learn a language that fast… and he spoke it with quite the familiarity, from what I could tell.

I guess his experience paid off.

“Anyway, Rudeus, you said you would be gone to find your family, right?” Nanahoshi said, turning back to her desk as she resumed her writing. “How long will that take?”

Rudy took a deep breath. “…A year.”

Nanahoshi’s writing halted as her quill snapped in her grasp.

“A… year,” she said shakily. “When we’re so close… a year.”

“Yes,” Rudy nodded. “I’m sorry, but… I have to go. I… don’t want to regret anything, after all.”

An uncomfortable silence descended on the room as Nanahoshi audibly gritted her teeth.

I guess she was quite sad about Rudy leaving, huh?

Was there something like that between them?

I know I wasn’t one to talk, but if he was going behind Sara’s back…

“No… a year is much too long. This is… unacceptable,” she said, getting up. “…We’re so close to a breakthrough and I need your reserves of mana. You’re the only one that can supply my experiments.”

Oh… so it wasn’t like that.

Thank god.

“I can’t have you disappearing for a year, not now,” she continued, sifting through a pile of notebooks.

“Nanahoshi… I’m sorry, but-”

“Here,” she said, interrupting Rudy as she threw him a notebook. “Use that. I remember visiting that sandy hellhole during my travels, and there was also a ruin near the forest here.”

Rudy looked at her, confused, before opening the notebook, with me looking over his shoulder to get a glimpse.

It was… a messy map of the world, with various ‘x’s placed here and there, spread out across the four continents.

And turning the pages, it was much of the same thing, but more zoomed in, with a few specific locations and markers written throughout, like ‘Big Rock’ and ‘Ranoa’.

“What… is this?” Rudy asked.

I was also confused.

Not only at what this was, but also how it related to our departure.

“It’s a map… of teleportation circles sprinkled throughout the world,” she answered.

Both of our eyes widened at that.

Teleportation… the lost magical art.

What… wait.

“Was this how you got here so fast? With Orsted?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she nodded. “I wrote down what I could and nearby markers if I ever needed to use them, but… don’t share that with anyone, okay? I’m not sure how he would react if he knew you ruined his main method of transportation with it getting discovered.”

I rapidly nodded my head.

Yeah… if he did what he did before for no reason, I didn’t want to give him an actual reason to hate me.

“Teleportation… If it’s like this…” Rudy said, pointing to two x’s on the map. “…We should be there and back in a few months. Maybe even faster.”

Well… that was quite useful.

“I see… thank you, Nanahoshi,” Rudy said, bowing.

“Whatever,” she waved him off. “Just don’t take too long, and give me all your mana once you return.”

“…Of course,” Rudy nodded. “Then… I should go tell Jinas and Sara the news.”

“Do that,” she responded curtly.

As I was about to leave, following behind Rudy, I suddenly stopped.

“Just… go on ahead,” I said to Rudy’s confused expression.

With him nodding and continuing, I turned back to the black-haired girl.

Why did I feel so… familiar with her?

And why did I feel so protective of what should be someone that means nothing to me, past owing a favour?

I wanted to know.

“Nanahoshi… thank you, for helping us,” I said. “Is there anything I can do to thank you… just say so.”

She looked over her shoulder, meeting my eyes before suddenly frowning.

“I just did that for my own benefit, but if you want to repay me… then keep Rudeus safe,” she said seriously before suddenly widening her eyes. “I-I need his mana. His mana! Why are you laughing!?”

Chuckling at her flustered state, I walked up to her.

“Sure. You can tell yourself that,” I said with a teasing smile as I reached my hand out. “But I’ll keep him safe. For his mana, right~?”

As I affectionately rubbed her head, I suddenly felt myself freeze right at the moment Nanahoshi did, her previously annoyed but smirking expression, as if she was enjoying the sensation, morphing into one of shock.


Why did I-?

“T-The heck are you doing?” she said, smacking my hand away. “I-I think you should go now. Jeez… Kuso yarō.”

“S-Sorry,” I said, backing away.

Why did I do that? And so naturally?

And why… did I want to do it again?

“…Oniisan dake ga sore o dekiru.”

Ignoring Nanhoshi’s unintelligible words, I closed the door behind me as I went back down the steps towards Rudy, still confused at how I felt around Rudy’s friend.

— Leon Greyrat —

Snuggling into the bed, with Sylphy clung to my right arm, and Eris to my left, just as we had slept each time Sylphy didn’t need to guard Ariel, I closed my eyes.

Obviously, despite sleeping together, no sexy times were had, save for a few kisses… and some cuddling that Eris used to discretely grope my crotch, just as I did to her.

But that was relatively innocent, so it was fine.

Going all the way was simply too much for me to do at the moment with Sylphy, considering her age, and I definitely didn’t want to do anything with both of them for her first time.

Although… that would be quite arousing- Nope! 

It’s sleep time!

Today was a very eventful day, and I needed to get some well-deserved rest!

Anyway… after learning about the teleportation circles, and our much shorter trip schedule, we did have to reorder our plans for the coming journey.

I hadn’t told anyone else yet, simply because I was worried about explaining exactly how we would shorten the trip by three quarters without revealing Orsted’s secret and getting on his bad side, but I decided to do so tomorrow, without revealing the actual method.

Sylphy, Eris, and my sisters deserved that much, at least.

They should be quite happy, I hope.

Closing my eyes, I quickly drifted off to the land of dreams with my two beauties at my side, keeping me warm and cozy.

And then… I had a dream.


A young girl’s voice spoke, affection obvious in her voice.

‘Come find me, Big Brother! It’s taking you so~ long!’

Oh? Is it?


That was… my voice?

Are you over here?

‘Nope! Silly Brother! Hehe!’

But… that didn’t feel quite right.

Ah! There you are!

Why was my voice like this?

‘Ah! But I hid so well!’

No… was this actually a dream?

It felt too… real.

I finally found you… Shizuka.

“Haa!” I exhaled as I awoke, shooting upright in the bed.

That… what was that?

A girl’s voice? 

And I felt quite… close, towards her. And affectionate too.

Even now that I was awake, and I didn’t even know this mysterious dream girl, I felt like… like I wanted to protect her. To care for her.

The hell…?


Hearing a soft groan from beside me, I turned to look at Eris, who was stretching out her hands, as if searching for warmth after my separation.

“Seriously… what am I doing?” I said, shaking my head. “Thinking about another girl that’s not Roxy when I have these cuties next to me… I’m getting worse than Paul now, aren’t I?”

Slapping my cheeks to reset my emotions, I turned to lie down next to them.

But that dream… it was still on my mind.

What was it about?

It felt… important.

But… no matter what it was, it couldn’t be more important than the present.

“Leon~ Not there~ Ehehe~” Sylphy giggled as she moved closer towards the centre of the bed.

And since I was no longer there, she had ended up pressing closer to Eris, whose hands quickly finding some warmth to replace mine as she pulled Sylphy close, the two cuddling against each other with their arms wrapped around the other’s body.

…Now wasn’t that a pleasant sight?

I almost didn’t want to sleep.

I guess they did do this quite often back when we were kids, huh?

It was cute.

Smiling at the two, I manoeuvred myself to lay next to Sylphy before cuddling close against her back and wrapping my arms around the both of them, enjoying how they both perfectly fit snug in my grasp.

Ahh, this… this was perfect.

…Almost perfect.

While I felt insanely happy, holding the two of them like this, I couldn’t help but feel there was a distinct lack of a blue-haired demon girl.

Ah, well… that would come in the future.

For now… I should just enjoy the moment.

— Leon Greyrat —

Enjoying my breakfast, I looked over to Sylphy, who was sitting across from me.

Since we decided to eat in Ariel’s room at my request for the coming conversation, she was currently out of her ‘Fitz’ persona, which meant that I could easily see the embarrassment on her face as her eyes met mine, quickly averting them a moment later.


It seemed that she was still shaken from last night, or rather, from waking up.

She was quite comfortable being sandwiched between Eris and me, snoring softly as she enjoyed our warmth. 

But with Eris getting up to do some morning training, and me getting up joining her, she also woke up, leaving her in an extremely flustered state after realizing her position before she left to take care of Ariel’s morning procedures.

Honestly, it was adorable.

But that wasn’t the important thing about right now.

“So… you said you had something to tell us?” Ariel said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “Something concerning your upcoming journey?”

“Yes,” I nodded. “To put it simply, I’ve found another way to get to the Begaritt Continent. A way that will reduce my travel time to a few months, possibly less.”

Seeing everyone’s eyes widen, I quickly raised my hand to quell the princess’ curiosity and greed before it became a problem.

“No, I can’t tell you what this new method of transport is, and I’d rather you not ask,” I said sternly. “There are… powers at play you wouldn’t want to mess with and could get us in trouble.”

Ariel, who was familiar with secrets privy to important and powerful people, seemed to understand.

However, that didn’t stop the dissatisfied pout from forming on her face.

“Really Brother?” Norn said from my side, beaming at me.

“Yeah. It’ll be much quicker than I thought,” I said, rubbing her head. “In a few months from now, our family will be back together. I promise.”

She narrowed her eyes as she enjoyed my touch, and looking over to Sylphy, I could see a wide smile on her face as well.

“I’m… glad, Leon,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. “We’ll be together again much sooner… I’m very glad.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “We will be.”

Letting the news settle in, I decided to get on to the second order of business.

This time, being a little more… uncomfortable.

“Aisha. Norn. Can you two leave for a second?” I asked. “I just need to talk to the princess here for a second. Alone.”

While I could tell they didn’t want to go, they understood from my tone that I was serious, so they thankfully didn’t put up a fight.

With the door closing behind them, and Sylphy’s eyes swimming in confusion, I stood up, fishing in my pocket for a large sack before placing it on the table, the jingle of coins breaking the silence of the room.

“This… is most of the money I’ve gained from adventuring,” I said. “It also has some money from my father and the beastfolk, but that’s beside the point.”

Ariel, who’s eyes had widened in slight surprise, hesitantly took the sack, opening it to reveal a collection of gold and silver metal that spilled out, further shocking her and her two guards in the room.

“…That’s quite the impressive collection. How did you amass this much money?” she asked, looking at me.

“Being frugal and taking down a lot of troublesome monsters for training,” I said. “This should be more than enough, so use this to keep my sisters happy and well-fed as needed, and you can use the rest as you see fit. Consider it payment for babysitting and keeping my cute elf happy.”

I had to fight down my smile as Sylphy squeaked at my compliment.

Too easy, but I loved her for it, and it was all true.

“I see,” she nodded. “I’m impressed and grateful, but I can tell that’s not all.”

Ariel really was a smart one when it came to these things.

Sometimes it was irritating, but in this case, it moved the conversation along quite nicely.

Looking over at Sylphy, who was still blushing at my praise, my face twisted into a difficult expression.

Ariel was… important to Sylphy, so I didn’t know about having her here for this… but no.

I needed her to hear this as well, even if she ended up getting angry at me.

“I’ll warn you just this once,” I said, releasing my bloodlust into the room. “I am leaving my dear sisters, my most important people, in your care. Do not try to trap my sisters in your political feud. If you so much as try… there will be consequences.”

Getting over his initial shock, Luke stepped forward, attempting to draw his sword with his trembling hands.

I’ll commend his bravery, that’s for sure. 

However, his struggle would amount to nothing.

Sylphy, meanwhile, was… conflicted.

Her hand reached for her wand as her eyes swam with confusion and hurt, very likely balancing her love for me and her need to protect her friend and lady.

Dammit… I didn’t like that look.

So let’s end this quickly.

I summoned a barrier around Luke, keeping him trapped as I stepped towards Ariel.

Sylphy froze for a moment before she was about to jump in front of me, but I began speaking before then.

“You already have my support by being the friend and benefactor of my beloved.”

Sylphy paused once again, a small blush growing on her cheeks as I continued, “So don’t involve my sisters. Don’t involve my family. And don’t. Push. Your. Luck.”

Glaring down at her, my gaze clashing fiercely with her blue eyes.

Overall, she seemed completely unperturbed by my display, but even she couldn’t hide the cold sweat forming on her skin, nor the faint trembling of her hands.

But still, I admired her determination for putting up such a strong facade.

Staring at me for a moment, she eventually smiled, stopping our staredown with a nod.

“Of course, Leon Greyrat. I never had the intention of doing so even before this,” she said evenly.

I wasn’t sure about that, but seeing as I got my point across, I reigned in my bloodlust, causing the unseen pressure that had descended on the room to lift.

Sylphy sighed in relief, stepping back to stand behind Ariel, while Luke, with the barrier no longer stopping him, quickly walked up to Ariel’s side as his eyes dug into me.

“You aren’t showing enough respect for a princess, commoner!” he spat, glaring at me. “It would be considered an honour for your sisters to serve Princess Ariel!”

He really used the ‘commoner’ excuse?

Even when this ‘commoner’ could cut him down in less than an instant?

I guess I made him quite mad.

Looking at him with disappointment, I lightly shook my head as I responded, “And? Exactly how many of these ‘honoured’ servants are resting in their graves right now?”

All three of them grimaced.

Yeah, from the initial attack I stopped during our meeting, I knew at least six did. And I could easily assume there were many more fallen prey to this shitty succession battle.

“As I thought,” I said, nodding to myself. “Nobility doesn’t care about those things, though, do they? I wonder if you even remember their names.”

Sighing, I was about to turn away before Ariel stopped me, grabbing my hand as she looked down at the table.

“Misha, Derrick, Mira, Quincy, Anya, Finn…” she listed, lifting her head to look at me with a smile.

But that smile… it was cold. Firm. Unmoving.

It was… determined.

“I understand your fear and hesitance, as well as your anger, but I am not one to forget such grand debts,” she stated, her gaze unmoving from my eyes. “…Rather, those sacrifices… they are what push me forward. They are the fuel of my determination to become queen.”

She released my hand as stood up, still standing shorter than me, but still standing tall nonetheless.

“Do not disrespect their sacrifices, Leon Greyrat, for I, Ariel Anemoi Asura, the future queen of the Asura Kingdom… I am the one who will give them meaning.”

…Well, would you look at that?

Give their sacrifices meaning… I couldn’t agree with such a thing, but I could understand it.

It seemed that this princess wasn’t as selfish as I had thought.

She had the will and heart of a leader, and wasn’t entrapped by the suffocating annoyances of most nobility, nor their arrogance.

…She was someone deserving of my respect.

“…I can see now… how you gained many followers despite your shitty political position,” I said, smiling with an acknowledging nod. “Still… Don’t involve my family. I… I am more than enough.”

With Ariel smiling a little more warmly, I then went over to Sylphy, walking around the table to embrace her gently.

“…Sorry… for putting you in a tough spot,” I whispered into her ear.

“Mmm… that was mean, Leon,” she said, pouting as she headbutted my chest. “…Bad. Don’t do that again.”

“I don’t plan on it,” I smiled, releasing my grip on her.

Well… at least I now knew that Ariel wouldn’t treat Sylphy as an expendable resource, but she still had a dangerous path ahead of her.

My future wife involved in such a thing… well, even if I didn’t like it, I couldn’t stop her… but I could at least ensure she survived.

“Sylphy… I’m glad you’ve found such an important friend and a cause to fight for,” I said, looking into her eyes. “I won’t ask you to leave Ariel, now or ever, but… if you’re in danger, in any shape or form… promise you’ll come to me.”

I sealed my words with a deep kiss, tipping her chin upwards as my tongue slid into her mouth and across hers, tasting the faint flavour of berries.

Enjoying our kiss for a few more seconds, I eventually let her go, our mouths still connected with a trail of saliva that I let fall to the ground.

“I’ll be leaving in a few days,” I said, turning to Ariel. “Since I’ll be gone for a while, I ask that you let me enjoy my final days and nights with my sisters and Sylphy. Or at least as much as possible.”

Ariel, who was blushing lightly at the previous scene, quickly nodded.

“Of course, I accept,” she said. “Especially after seeing you leave my dear guard like… that.”

Following her gaze, I turned back to Sylphy, seeing that she was currently locked in a dazed state, her expression dreamy as her mouth was set in a goofy smile.

Well… maybe I kissed her a little too long, huh?

And why were her legs quivering?

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