Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 59 – A Proper Send-Off (R-18)

— Eris Greyrat —

It was currently dusk, and with the sun lowering over the magic city, I swung my sword down yet again, the rhythmic sound of air parting from the blade calming my mind.

Usually, when I swung my sword, I did so for the purpose of training. But right now, I was simply doing it to think.

I didn’t like thinking.

It was usually annoying, and with Leon by my side, there was no real need to, but for this… I needed to think.

After all, this was about me, and only me.

I couldn’t rely on anyone else.

The reason I was thinking so hard was the same reason I had been somewhat avoiding Leon lately, instead using the time to train and, more often than not, think, like now.

Leon’s mothers… Zenith and Lilia… should I go with him to help?

I remembered them quite fondly from my time in Buena Village.

After all, before my parents’ change, they were the only sources of familial warmth I had ever felt.

And that, paired with them bringing so much happiness to Leon, as well as that the fact that they would soon be my mothers-in-law, it was obvious that they were important to me.

But… should I go get them?

I was conflicted.

Especially after hearing about the shorter journey and their new plan.

But, past wanting to… would I even be useful?

I knew Leon was stronger than me, and with his magic and mind, he was more useful for almost everything too.

At least before, I could justify joining him by being someone to lean on and sharing his burdens.

After all, for a proper night shift, you needed two people to exchange duties.

But now… with Rudy and his girlfriend going along… Leon could lean on them.

Besides, while not as good as me in a fight, they were quite strong themselves, and Rudy had magic even Leon couldn’t perform.

So… was I even needed?

I knew what I wanted.

I wanted warm family time.

I wanted more of those warm, pleasant, giddy feelings I had come to adore thanks to Leon’s love.

And I didn’t want to part with them, obviously, even for a moment.

But more than momentarily parting with them… I was more fearful of losing them entirely.

Not like I nearly did on that day.

I still remember it clearly.

The overwhelming power of the Dragon God, the sight of Leon’s arm flying through the air, the feeling of his blood running through my hands as I tried to stem his bleeding in futility… I remember it all.

It came up in my nightmares, and while Leon would hold me gently, rocking me back to sleep as he calmed me down with cuddles and kisses… they still never left my mind.

I know Norn also remembered it clearly as well, and I could tell there was a deep rage hidden beneath those wide, innocent-looking blue eyes, but I… just couldn’t feel the same.

I was angry at Orsted, of course.

I was enraged at him for nearly taking away my world, but more than that… I felt rage toward myself.

For being weak.

For needing to rely on Leon.

For not being able to help him at all on that day.

And besides the rage, the feeling I felt most of all was… fear.

Fear of losing Leon, and losing all those lovely feelings and warmth that had become so precious to me.

I didn’t want to kill the Dragon God, no… but I wanted to be able to.

Or at least, I wanted to be able to help Leon if there was ever a need to battle such an overwhelming opponent again.

I wanted to live without fear of losing my beloved, so Leon and I could start a family, with so many babies that we could form an army.

But past wanting to protect Leon for my desire to discover more of this feeling called love and for my desire of the increasingly pleasurable act of sex… I also wanted to do it to keep my promise.

My promise toward Alice, Leon’s departed mother.

So… would I go with Leon?

That simply depended on one thing… Whether I was useful enough to justify not getting stronger.

Would I actually help Leon reunite his family? Or would my time be better served becoming stronger?

That was the question, and there was only one way to find out.

“Leon!” I shouted as I stood outside the inn’s backyard.

“Yes?” he answered from the window, likely helping Norn and Aisha choose their classes.

“Come out here! I want a spar!”

It didn’t take long for him to come out, with Sylphy, the princess, and that annoying guy joining in to watch.

I was glad, though. 

Rather than that disgusting stare I had been subjected to shortly after meeting up with Sylphy, ever since I had cut my hair, that annoying guy’s gaze had been more… fearful.


Because if he touched my hair again, it would be his neck getting slashed instead.

“You said you wanted to spar?” Leon said, walking up with two wooden swords.

“Yes. A serious one,” I said, my eyes narrowing at him.

“…I see,” he said, throwing the practice weapons to the side as he unsheathed his blade. “A serious spar? Truly?”

“Yes,” I nodded. “Give me everything you have, and I’ll give you mine. Don’t hold back, Leon.”

“Got it,” he said.

With both of our forms set in a crouch, I watched in wait as a passing snowflake fell to the ground, building up the pressure in my legs and arms.

And as soon as that snowflake touched the earth… I released.

It was one slash, I dashed across the backyard in an instant, with a crack akin to thunder following my wake.

Dammit… I lost.

And badly at that.

Sighing, I watched in bitter disappointment as my blade shattered into a shower of metal, and looking down at my arm, I saw the deep gash that had appeared begin to bleed, the blood quickly dripping down to my elbow before it splashed onto the ground, tainting the snow a deep red.

“…You tried to take my arm off, you bastard,” I said.

Though, despite my biting words, I was smiling.

Finally… I didn’t have to have this decision weighing on my mind.

I had found the answer.

“You said to go serious, but I wasn’t going to kill my lover,” Leon said softly. “I went as serious as I could… You deserve that much respect, Eri.”

I turned around, ignoring the shocked gazes of the three observers as I saw Leon’s gaze narrow at the cut on my arm, his face turning slightly pained.

“I could heal it back even if I succeeded, but…” he shook his head as he stared into my eyes, his gaze so full of the love and warmth I had become addicted to. “Good job, and… thank you… for making me miss.”

I could only smile sweetly in response.

Ahh… this was why.

This was why I loved him. Why I adored this man with my entire heart.

He… admired me, trusted me, while at the same time wanting to keep me safe and protected.

I’m sure it was confusing for him.

And I’m sure it pained him to hurt me like just then, but… he still did it.

He still took me seriously, because he respected me… because he loved me…

I truly… truly love this man.

How he made me feel all warm and annoyed… I had discovered over the past two years after we cemented our relationship that the annoyance I felt… that pleasant annoyance I always felt with his every action… it was my version of love.

It made me feel weird.

It made me act differently.

But… I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Because it was Leon doing it to me, and that annoyance… it was more precious than anything else.

“I’m going to the Sword Sanctum,” I said with no room for refusal.

“When?” he answered easily.

“Tonig- no… tomorrow,” I corrected myself. “You… still have to send me off, after all.”

My loins tightened in anticipation.

“That’s right,” he nodded, walking up to me before he captured my lips in a sweet kiss as he healed my arm, washing the blood off with water magic at the same time.

He really was quite efficient.

“Then… let’s get started,” he whispered as he grabbed my hand.

Leading me back into the inn, he stopped just short of the three observers.

“Sylphy… I’m sorry, but can you tell my sisters to sleep alone tonight?” he asked. “And… you as well.”

Sylphy was initially confused, but at least the princess seemed to get it, as she quickly tugged on Sylphy’s sleeve with a smile.

“I want you to guard me tonight, okay?” she said. “And have fun, you two~”

“Huh? O-okay?” Sylphy returned, confused. “Then… goodnight, Leon, Eris.”

“Yeah… goodnight,” Leon said. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

And with that, he then led me towards our room.

And for tonight, it would only be ours.

Ah… I was excited.

And that annoyance was moving downwards, readying me for the fun that was about to come.

Leon… I’ll be milking you for all you have tonight, so you better be prepared.

This is meant to be my send-off, after all.

— Leon Greyrat —

As soon as the door was shut behind us, I was immediately assaulted by Eris’ lips, our mouths locked in a battle as I guided us toward the bed.

As she sat down, we separated momentarily to gain our breath, and as soon as I saw the look in her eyes, I knew what she wanted.

There would be little time for foreplay.

Well… this night was meant to be for her, so I would do what I wanted, and hopefully make her scream my name in the process.

“Leon, how much does this bed cost,” she asked seriously.

“…Not much,” I answered, a little confused.

“Good,” she nodded. “Then it’s fine to break it?”

…It seemed tonight would also be a long one.

Thinking about it, we broke the bedframe during our first time too.

I guess this was one way to relive pleasant memories.

“If that’s what you want?”

My questioning tone was immediately answered as she threw her arms around me, yet again locking our lips together as she pulled me on top of her.

Sucking on the bottom of her mouth, I separated from her lips as I trailed kisses down her neck, leaving her roughly panting as I began removing her shirt.

As I was about to separate, I quickly found myself pulled against her as she spoke in a hushed tone, “More~”

And so, I continued, trailing kisses and playful bites all across her skin as I worshipped her body.

As my eyes were closed, I didn’t realize that she had removed her bra before my mouth passed over her breasts, trailing my tongue along the soft flesh as I opened my eyes.

God, I loved her breasts.

They were growing, but still perky. 

The perfect shape, both for holding and looking, especially with the beautiful pink nipple that topped each crest, which right now, were both firm in arousal and soaked in my saliva.

Just thinking of how she would eventually be feeding her children- no, our children with these things made me dizzy.

God, I really loved her breasts.

And because I loved them so much, I kissed them.


Sucking on her nipple as my hand trailed down to her shorts, which were already in the process of getting discarded along with her panties.

But just as my hand grazed her slit, making me exhale loudly as I felt the wetness, Eris pushed me away, moving me to sit against the headboard as she took off my pants.

“Eri,” I said, getting control of my breathing. “Don’t you want me to do stuff to you?”

Staring at her dripping entrance, with a small patch of curly red hair at the top, I unconsciously licked my lips in anticipation.

“No,” Eris said as she freed my cock, taking it with her hand. “Instead… I want you begging.”

With that, she bent down, engulfing my entire length with her mouth as I felt her tongue swirl across my tip.

Fuck… she was getting even better.

I don’t know how much longer until she would have me firmly in her grasp, literally and figuratively.

But… was that so bad?

I didn’t think so.

Her lips, wet with saliva, continued to bob up and down my length, leaving me twitching as I reached for her hair.

Gently massaging her scalp and temple and running my fingers through her hair, I slowly felt the itching sensation build as I grabbed onto her short ponytail, undoing the band and freeing her hair, giving me more to grab onto as I began fucking her mouth.

Wow… I felt… close. 

I felt drunk, with blood roaring in my ears as I neared my climax.

“E-Eri… I’m going to-”

Just as I was about to warn her, she suddenly detached her mouth, leaning forward to kiss me deeply as she continued stroking my cock.

Shaking as she sucked on my tongue, Eris then moved her lips to my ears as she whispered, “On me.”

Finishing her words by gently biting my ear, I felt my urges take over as I grabbed her shoulders, turning us both so that I was on top of her as I released all over her chest, covering her breasts and toned stomach in my cum.

My vision returned from the static haze as I finished my orgasm, and I looked down to see Eris milking the last of my fluid from my member, her naked body coated in my semen.

It was a pleasant sight, to say the least.

The scent of me wafting off of her, and with how she slowly brought her cum-covered hand to her mouth, licking the access fluids off, I couldn’t help but think that I had marked her.

But that was only natural, right?

She was mine, after all.

Looking up at her face, which was currently showing a mix of arousal and enjoyment as she tasted me, I couldn’t help but smile, wanting to tease that beautiful face that oh-so often became meek and cute around me and only me.

“I didn’t do a lot of begging, you know?”

She stared up at me, her gaze turning fierce with her glare, though with her flustered cheeks, it lost much of its sternness.

“S-Shut up, you were doing it in your head, right?” she huffed.

Smirking, I took off my shirt, removing the last of our clothing as I leaned down, to her shoulder, biting it softly.

“W-What are you doing?” she mewled.

Trailing my lips up to her ear, I sucked gently on the lobe, making her legs squirm under me, before I eventually whispered, “Making you beg.”

“Y-You! Don’t make fun-! Mmph~”

Her words were interrupted by a kiss, as I massaged my tongue across her lips, poking it in and out of her mouth, imitating the action I would soon be doing with my lower half.

Feeling her begin to squirm, I took her two hands that were wrapped around my neck, pinning them to the bed above her head as I navigated my legs to widen her thighs, giving me ample room to reach my free hand down and trail up her slit.

Rubbing slowly across her clit’s hood, it didn’t take long for me to tell how wet she was and that she was ready for me.

But… I didn’t want to do it just yet.

I was supposed to make her beg, after all.

Gently running across her folds, I ensured my fingers were slick with her juices before digging into her, causing her hips to buck as I found her ‘special place’ upon entry.

I started slowly, gently massaging the lump of spongy-textured flesh as I continued to capture her lips, barely suppressing the moans and whimpers she was emitting.

If anyone else knew that Eris Greyrat, the genius Sword Saint, and the adventurer known as the ‘Mad Wolf’ could make the sort of expression and release the sounds that she was now, they would be utterly shocked.

And it would always stay that way.

Because this special side of Eris… was only for me.

My possessiveness of this wonderful lady of mine drove me further as I picked up the pace of my fingers, making a beckoning motion as I dug into her pussy and released more of her juices onto the bedsheets.

My actions persisted as Eris continued to squirm, and somewhere along the way, she had freed her hands from my hold, raising them to grip my hair and pull me deeper into our kiss as I continued to please her.

And then, with her hips rolling to force me deeper, I felt her grip on my hair increase and her legs wrap around my torso as she began to convulse, her breath hitching as she bit my tongue.

The thought of stopping and making her actually beg did cross my mind, but I decided against it.

This was her special night, after all.

Feeling her calm down from her orgasm, I unsheathed my fingers from her slit and separated our mouths, keeping my gaze locked onto her fluttering-open eyes as I licked up all of her juices that were coating my fingers, relishing in the taste.

“Mmm… delicious,” I said, finishing my words by licking the last of it off.

“P-Pervert,” she huffed, breathing deeply to regain her breath.

It only took a few seconds for the dazed, tender look of her afterglow to disappear, her narrowed eyes trailing my body down to my member.

“You’re ready again,” she purred dangerously, smirking as she got on all fours.

Ah… well, if I wasn’t hard before, I definitely was now.

Still wet from her saliva, I rubbed my cock a few times to ensure it was at maximum capacity before looking back to Eris, only to quickly catch her as she pounced into my arms.

“In me. Now,” she growled before kissing me deeply.

Nodding my head, I moved us to the edge of the bed as I repositioned her on my lap, her knees lifting her up as I lined up my cock with her entrance.

Wait… this was a good time, right?

“Eri~ What’s the magic words~?” I teased into her ear.

“Grr… p-please,” she begged, shivering as I brushed my tip against her soaking slit.

Good girl.

Nodding my head, I pushed the tip inside, enjoying the feeling of her warm, wet folds engulfing me as she dropped her hips down, taking me to the hilt as I sunk into her as deeply as possible.

Fuck… that felt amazing.

She was amazing, this was amazing… it was all amazing.

Grunting at the insertion, Eris quickly got comfortable, wrapping her legs around my sides and her arms around my neck as she began to roll her hips, causing my cock to dig into all of her depths.

“God… you’re so beautiful, Eri,” I whispered into her ear. “You’re perfect.”

I felt her clench at my words as she began lifting her hips up and down along with her horizontal movement.

“K-Keep going,” she cried out. “Praise me more!”

Wrapping my arms tighter around her, I thrust my hips against hers, going along with her rhythm as I complied with her request.

“Your eyes… I love your eyes,” I cooed as we continued. “T-They’re… so beautiful, and I love how they look at me specifically, how warm and loving they are compared to your usual fierceness.”

I hissed as I felt her clench, the sound of her ass hitting my thighs only interrupted by the squelching as I continued fucking her.

“A-And I love making you feel good,” I continued, feeling myself getting closer. “I like seeing you squirm, and the cute face you make when you come. I-I love all your expressions, but especially the ones only I get to see!”

Oh god, I was getting even closer to my release.

With her legs tightening their hold around me, I continued lifting my hips, trying to get deeper into her.

“I-I love your hair, especially when it’s messy,” I said, running my hand through said hair and gently tugging on it to bring her face into my shoulder, muffling her cries of pleasure.

I could tell.

She was getting close as well.

Good because… she felt much too amazing to last.

“You are… everything I need,” I said, tracing a hand down her naked back as she began to tremble. “And I wouldn’t be able to live without you so…”

I then tugged her hair, pulling her head back to face me as I looked into her lidded eyes.

She was biting her trembling lower lip, and her nose had gained a flush of red that trailed down to her cheeks.

Yeah, that face… she was very close. Practically there already.

She just needed a little push… and I knew exactly what would do it.

Giving her a gentle, loving peck on her lips, I then pulled her close so that my mouth was in line with her ear before whispering, “…Come for me.”

I finished my words by gently biting her lobe, and I immediately felt my actions’ effects.

Her insides clenched around my cock, her body began to tremble, and her nails began to dig into my back.

Knowing my dear Eris was in the throes of pleasure, and the fact that I had made her like this, I felt the feeling that had been building up become too much to hold back, a rippling sensation travelling from the tip of my fingers down to my toes as I erupted inside of her, filling her with my seed.

Holding her close, I rubbed her back soothingly as we both came down from our pleasurable highs, her face nuzzling into my shoulder as I felt the sweat that was now coating her back.

My cock going limp inside her, I gently turned around, placing her against the bed as I pulled out, releasing a mixture of cum and wetness that quickly dripped down her crotch and onto the bed.

God… that was hot.

And now what I was like this, so close to her entrance, I could smell it.

It was musky, the scent of sex. With both of our juices mixed together, and the scent of both of our natural odours all combined into one incredibly arousing aroma.

Exhaling shakily, I summoned a ball of water to wash my face before looking back at Eris, her previously dreamy expression all but forgotten as she stared at me with hunger once again.

“Hey, Leon, are you done?” she said as she reached down, gently fingering herself as she swirled the cum and juices across her smooth skin.

I quickly shook my head no.

“…Good,” she nodded. “I want you on top now.”

Quickly flushing my system with healing magic, my member returned to full mast as I began to crawl back over my lover.

“Gladly,” I said before capturing her lips.

Ah… I really do love this woman.

I think I could do this forever.

And so, while it was not forever, we did continue our act of lovemaking long into the night, while also keeping the promise to break the bed while doing so.

But it would be a cheap expense.

However, I was a bit concerned with the noise, especially with my sisters in the same building, but in the end… I was able to put it out of my mind.

After all, not only was I incredibly distracted to care about such things, but giving my dear Eris a proper send-off was much more important.

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