Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 60 – A Guardian Fairy’s Resolve

— Sylphiette —

As I slowly brought the spoon to my mouth, I couldn’t help but look across the table at Eris, who was currently wearing a calm smile, her skin flushed in an inexplicable lustre.

Well… it would be inexplicable… if it weren’t for the sounds from last night.

Seriously, to think that Eris could make sounds like that… sounds so sensual and… erotic… it was kind of a shock.

And then there was her gait as she entered the room, slightly limping but with a proud smile plastered across her face…

If Leon was able to reduce Eris to such a state… what would he do to me?

The thought sent a pleasant tingle through my body, flushing through my core and into my toes.

After all, that experience sounded so very pleasant, even muted through the walls.

So even more so than before… I wanted to do it too, those naughty things with Leon.

Especially after the advice I received from the princess this morning when I was getting her ready, about how to get Leon in the palm of my hands, as well as the gift I had received.

I had some ideas, but… well… it was a bit too embarrassing, and I needed to clear some things up first.

I then looked over at that very princess, noticing that she was currently smiling with rosy cheeks as her eyes danced between Eris and Leon.

…Right. There was that too.

As I was guarding her, I remember quite vividly how she had stayed up much of the night ‘tending’ to herself to the noises across the wall, not even minding my presence as she climaxed with various lecherous expressions.

Seriously… I would say that Leon and Eris had corrupted Ariel with their… loving activities, but I knew more than anyone that she was corrupted long before meeting them, and could not be corrupted any further.

After all, in terms of erotic activities, Asuran nobility was quite… amazing.

Yeah… amazing was one way to describe it.

Anyway, Eris was leaving today, and knowing her, she wouldn’t wait around for anyone. 

So if I wanted to talk to her, I had to do it now.

“Eris,” I said, calling out to her.

“Mm? What’s wrong, Sylphy?” she said with a concerned tone.

…That was quite a change from her usual tone.

Sex really was a miracle, huh?

So Leon’s thing could change even a girl like that…

No! Talking!

I am going to talk with Eris, not think about that stuff!

“Can we… talk? Privately?” I asked.

“Hm? Sure,” she nodded. “I’m done, so do you want to do it right now?”

“Please,” I said, getting up.

Following her out of the door, we went a few steps down the hallway before she led me into Leon’s room, where I was instantly hit with the scent of last night.

Did… did Eris do this on purpose?

If she did, I would have to thank her.

It was… nice. 

Yes, it was a very nice scent.

…I wanted to replicate it.

“So?” she said, closing the door behind her. “Is something wrong, Sylphy?”

Right, talking.

Slapping my cheeks, I regained my composure as I forced myself to look away from the messy bed.

“Not… necessarily, it’s just about…” I said, firming my resolve as I looked up into Eris’ blazing red eyes. “It’s about us.”

Yes, while there hadn’t been any problems yet, this conversation needed to happen now.

A conversation between the two of us, without Leon acting as interference.

“About you, me, Leon… and Roxy too, I guess,” I clarified.

The first ‘council of Leon’s wives’… never mind, that sounded weird.

Eris narrowed her eyes before nodding. “Fine, but just so you know, I’m not planning to lose.”

“I don’t want you to,” I shook my head. “I don’t want any losers here. I want a big, happy family. One where we’re all together… But we need to talk to make it work.”

Eris nodded her head once again before speaking, “…So how do we start then?”

I shook my head, “We… don’t need to have a long conversation, though I want one when Roxy comes. But… I just wanted to clarify some things.”

“Clarify…” Eris tilted her head. “Clarify what?”

Darn it, my mind is going everywhere!

Okay… let’s do this, Sylphy!

“Well, first… why we’re like this in the first place,” I said. “We both love Leon… right?”

I mean, I think last night, as well as all the interactions they shared, told me enough, but I did want to make sure.

“More than anything,” she answered. “Leon, he… makes me feel warm. I… want to feel that way all the time. Every morning and every night, and all the time in between…”

Eris’ eyes grew a little teary before she shook her head, grunting in frustration as she discretely wiped her eyes.

Eris… I knew she was a sweet girl, but this was too precious.

That blush and that look… she really did look like a maiden.

“So yeah, I want Leon- No. I need Leon,” she said with confidence, staring into my eyes. “And I won’t let him get away from me, because I love him.”

Her gaze held firm for a few moments before her cheeks lit up, and she averted her gaze.

“T-That’s enough of a clarification, yeah?”

Oh, Eris… too cute.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “And I love Leon too. He… just the idea of being with him kept me going and always rescued my nights from being plagued by nightmares. I… want a family with him. A family that will always be there to catch me when I’m sad, and one that will make sure I’m never lonely.”

Smiling softly, I pressed a hand against my beating heart, feeling the pounding rhythm as I voiced my confession of love to my fellow future co-wife.

“I love Leon. And unless it would make him sad… I want to- no, I will be with him,” I said firmly. 

Seeing Eris smirk with a nod, I released a small sigh of relief that she wasn’t angry with me.

“Now… I want to make sure of another thing. I… think of you as my friend, Eris. Equal only to Ariel,” I said, looking back to her. “Do you… feel the same?”

Eris’ cheeks gained a bit of colour before she suddenly crossed her arms, turning her head to the side as she huffed, “…Obviously. Not like I have anyone else.”

Smiling at her contradicting personality, I continued, “Then… if we both love Leon and Leon loves us, and we are both friends and want to continue doing so… let’s work together, okay? For a big, lovely family with all the warmth you could want.”

Eris looked at me from the corner of her eyes, keeping her gaze on me for a moment before nodding.

Okay, step one, establish our love for the same man: complete.

“And if we want to make such a family… we have to remember that we’re equal, and make sure we keep things that way,” I said seriously. “No jealousy, and no fighting over Leon’s affections. We can trust Leon to take care of things… or at least I can… and if he ends up being a bad boy, then we have to tell him!”

While Eris’ serious expression nearly cracked at me calling Leon a ‘bad boy’, she did eventually return to face me, smiling confidently.

“…Deal,” she said, sticking out her hand. “And if you try to turn back on it, then I’ll… cut your hair. And I’ll hate you.”

Giggling lightly at her threat, I also reached out my hand to shake hers.

“Deal! Let’s get along, Eris. For a loving family.”

“Yeah…” she said, smiling. “A loving family.”

Staring in each other's eyes, I felt my face relax as my grin grew softer.

“I’m glad Eris. I really didn’t want to have to fight you,” I said. “After all… I love you too.”

Eris’ eyes opened wide in surprise as her cheeks began to burn.

“I’m… ah… you…!”


What was-?

Oh… did she take it that way?

“Fufu! Not that way, silly!” I giggled, lightly tapping her arm.

“O-Oh! O-Obviously!” she said, regaining some of her composure as she looked away with a huff.

“Yeah,” I nodded before looking down in thought. “Although… if Leon wanted to take us on together… it’s not like I’d refuse.”

Amused to see Eris begin to blush and stammer once again, I continued, “The Princess knows a lot about pleasing girls from her ‘conquests’ and she told me a bit… Plus, it would make it so we don’t feel left out and alone during the night.”

Eris, who had calmed herself, simply averted her eyes.

“Besides… we’ve slept together before, right?” I said, smiling at her.

Eris’ eyes darted away and back to me several times before she turned to open the door.

“I-I’ll… I’ll think about it!”

And with the door slamming behind her, she left, likely to pack up her things as she prepared to leave.

Chuckling to myself, I smiled softly as I thought of the girl.

Eris was… well, she was very cute.

Before, even though we were friends as kids, I used to think she was a little scary.

But after dealing with assassins and truly terrible people, I knew that her harshness was just a shell for her kindness.

And in Eris’ case, even her harshness had a pleasant side to it.

Kind of like a hot pepper.

But anyway, I was glad everything looked like it would work out.

And I knew it could.

After all, back when I was a child, I had seen how Zenith and Lilia were both happy being with Paul, they both felt loved, and showed that love in kind.

They were a wonderful family.

And that was despite the fact that Paul had betrayed Zenith and Lilia was originally their maid.

So since everything between the three, possibly four of us was already communicated and agreed upon about beforehand, we were in an even better place than that.

I was… excited, to see where our family would go.

But for now…

Walking over to the bed, I looked at the stains and leftover moisture thrown throughout the sheets.

Wait… why was it uneven?

Oh, the frame was cracked… was that from last night’s activities?

I suppose they did go on for a while… still, that’s quite amazing.

Now… how could I exchange this pillowcase with mine without anyone knowing?

And… could I do the same with these sheets?

— Leon Greyrat —

Eris was to depart for the Sword Sanctum today, and thus, here we were, gathered around the main gate of the city to say goodbye.

“Be safe, Big Sis!” Norn said, hugging Eris tightly.

“And get super strong!” Aisha added, embracing her other side.

Eris hugged them back, her arms tightening around my sisters’ torsos as she kissed the top of their heads.

“I will, and I promise to. When I get back, I’ll be super strong,” she said. “So… stay safe until then. And be good. Both of you.”

They nodded, squeezing Eris one last time before letting go.

“We’ll… see you later, then?” Norn asked hesitantly.

“Yeah,” Eris nodded. “Later.”

She then walked up to me, and before I could reach out to hug her, she grabbed my face, pulling me into a deep, wet kiss as her tongue explored my mouth.

Mmm… minty… did she have that ‘toothpaste’ Rudy had given us?

It tasted good.

Separating her mouth from mine, I reached up to grab her left hand before bringing it down between us.

Now, with almost everything said, and a lot done the night before, there was only one thing left.

“Eri… we’re… family now,” I said, brushing my thumb over her ring, feeling the coolness of the metal. “This ring means you’ll be my in the future wife, but past that, you’re already my family, and I… want my family reunited. I want it more than anything.”

Letting go of her hand, I went up to caress her cheek, Eris herself leaning slightly into my touch as I gently rubbed my thumb along her cheek and jawline.

“So… if you take too long, I’ll come and drag you back. Even if I must fight the Sword God himself,” I said, eliciting a smile from the girl. “So… be safe. And come back to me.”

Leaning forward, I gave her another kiss, this one gentle, where our love was transmitted and exchanged through our saliva and tongues, unlike the aggressive one from before that was filled with passion.

Separating, I brushed my thumb along her lips, enjoying her trance-like state of narrowed eyes and a wide smile.

“I’ll visit you in a year or two,” I said, pecking her lips one last time. “And I love you, Eri… a lot.”

“I… love you too… Leon,” she said, bringing her hand to squeeze mine before suddenly backing off. “More than a lot.”

She gave me one last smile before turning away.

“Well… I’m off,” she said, leaping onto her horse. “I’ll come back to you. Absolutely. So, wait for me. And don’t go snatching up another woman!”

With that, she snapped the reins and began riding out of Sharia, the sound of galloping quickly fading with each passing second.

Watching her departing form get smaller and smaller, Sylphy, who was standing beside me, spoke up, “Are you sad?”

“No,” I shook my head. “I’m going to miss her, but I’m not sad.”

After all, I had expected this, and more than that, I supported her decision.

Though… I really did miss her legs.

And her breasts.

And her lips and her-

“She didn’t even look back, you know.”

Hearing Luke’s voice, I turned back to the last two people who had come to see Eris off, with Ariel giving her knight a firm glare of dissatisfaction.

So he was still angry at me?

At this point I don’t know if it was because I had Eris, because I didn’t treat Ariel with reverence, or simply because of inadequacy, but… I didn’t really care.

But to say that about Eris… he really didn’t understand her at all.

“I know,” I said, interrupting the princess who was about to speak up. “That’s why I love her. She’s strong, steadfast, and once she makes a decision, she never looks back.”

I then turned my head back to the road, enhancing my eyes to focus on Eris’ form, only to see her head turned back, her mouth wide in a smile as I made out the words she shouted.

‘I love you!’

Damn… I think my heart skipped a beat.

“Well…” I continued, smirking in satisfaction. “Almost never looks back.”

That was Eris Greyrat.

The amazing woman I loved, and my future wife.

 — Leon Greyrat —

It was still the day of Eris’ departure, and since we were leaving the next morning for our own journey, Rudy had decided to throw a small party with his friends at a local tavern to send us off.

A party to which I was invited to, and an invitation I accepted.

After all, not only did I want to get to know the interesting characters from Rudy’s stories about his time at the academy, but there was also a more… depressing reason.

Quite simply, I was lonely.

Well… that wasn’t quite right.

I had a pretty big family that I adored, three beautiful lovers who kept a special place in my heart, and overall, many people who were important to me, but I still lacked… friends.

I mean… maybe Ruijerd counted?

But he felt more like a… comrade, or a kind uncle.

Perhaps Ariel, but she still felt a little… odd to call my friend.

She was Sylphy’s employer, after all.

So indeed, with the day soon to turn to night, I joined Rudy and Sara on their way to the tavern, where I was quickly introduced to their little merry band of buddies upon our arrival.

First, there was Cliff Grimoire.

“So you’re Rudeus’ big brother? You don’t look like much… but I know appearances can be deceiving. Nice to meet you.”

Cliff was… an interesting fellow.

A fifteen-year-old boy with dark brown hair and an obnoxious smirk, Cliff quickly followed his greeting by introducing himself in kind, going over his many advancements in the field of magic.

He was talented, for sure, but I could tell that he lacked a distinct taste for battle, even with his powerful collection of spells.

But I suppose there was a need for the academic side of things too. And his strength could come with experience.

Next, there was Linia and Pursena, the duo of beastfolk princesses I had heard about and were the ones who travelled with Rudy after the Displacement Incident all the way to Roa.

Sniff sniff. Hmm~? You’re quite strong, aren’t ya? Good-looking too… Hey, can you go with whichever one of us heads back to the Great Forest and make some babies? We have a lot of things boys like you enjoy, after all.”

“I’m… afraid I’ll have to refuse.”

“Hee~? I see. Anyway, more meat, please!”

…Nothing more to be said.

They were objectively pretty, that for sure. 

With Pursena having long grey hair and a pair of drooping dog ears and a fluffy tail, and Linia having short grey hair with cat ears and a tail.

I didn’t need to know about their comparatively large breasts, nor did I want to, but I was forced to accept this truth as they pushed them up with their arms alongside their greeting.

But aside from their… slightly concerning initial request, the two of them were good company, though I do wish they didn’t sniff around my crotch as soon as I sat down.

I didn’t need the entire bar to know that I did ‘that’ all night long, even if the beastfolk princesses were impressed.

And then, there was Zanoba. Zanoba Shirone.

He was… a character, that was for sure.

While royalty, I was pleased to learn that he didn’t hold nearly as many annoying noble traditions as I had initially feared, but I could still understand the difference in status, especially when he flippantly ordered a round for the entire bar with a wave of a hand.

He was also a Miko, like me, containing strength vastly above average, and when I used my Demon eye, I could see that every inch of his body was infused with touki.

I… didn’t think it was possible, for someone to have their natural state like that, much less one who wasn’t a warrior, but I suppose as a fellow Miko, I should just accept his… oddities.

Because there were many oddities.

Anyway, I could handle this difference in strength quite easily by enhancing whatever part of my body was in contact with him, but the table… well, it wasn’t so lucky. The poor thing bursting into splinters as Zanoba laughed at one part of my tales while slamming down his hand.

…At least he was able to have fun.

And lastly, there was Ginger, who didn’t do much, just standing in the back of the tavern, waiting for any orders Zanoba would give her as she was his knight.

But yeah, overall, it was a fun time of sharing drinks and stories.

A lighthearted and cheerful atmosphere that I was sure my father would enjoy.

…We should do this once again after everyone is back together.

Then, I could truly enjoy the alcohol and the ambience.

But, as the night grew on, and everyone became increasingly drunk, it was eventually time to leave, as we still had a journey to begin in the morning while everyone else had classes.

With a promise to do the same thing again on our return, I quickly flushed the alcohol from my system to not risk a hangover before walking back to the inn.

Sara and Rudy, however, were quite… pent-up, at least if that sudden make-out session during the party was anything to go by, so the two of them went off alone to an inn to… conclude some business.

I was glad for them, absolutely, but I do hope they would control themselves once we started travelling together.

After all, no matter how loving their activities were… I didn’t want to see or hear that.

With me heading back to the inn, I silently crept up the steps to my room, opening the door and closing it behind me, only to find Sylphy sitting in my bed, waiting for my return.

Not only that, she was also dressed in nothing but lingerie, giving me a very clear view of many of the places of her body I had yet to see.


Did I… miss something?

“Sylphy? What-”

I was stopped as Sylphy suddenly stood up, taking a few brisk steps toward me before wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me down, and locking her lips with mine in an intense kiss.

Well… I was confused, but I wouldn’t decline such an action.

Worshipping her lips and dancing my tongue along hers, I eventually lightly pushed her back, asking her my previously interrupted question once again.

“Sylphy? Not that I hate it, just… What’s with this?” I said.

“W-Well,” she said, tucking a strand of silver hair behind her flushed ears. “You gave Eris some ‘love’ before she left, right? And you’re leaving tomorrow, so… can you do the same for me?”

Those were dangerous words, Sylphy.

But she was right.

If I wanted to make my selfish relationship work, I would have to put in the work so that everyone was equal and, most importantly, happy.

Only kissing though.

But I knew that kissing could be plenty enjoyable even by itself.

So, cupping her cheek, I took my free hand in hers as I led her to the bed, pushing her down to sit beside me.

“Okay,” I whispered before leaning forward, once again capturing her lips in a kiss.

After all, I was going to miss Sylphy too. 

In some ways, even more than Eris, as unlike my red-haired maiden, I hadn’t been spending the past four years straight with my beautiful fairy.

So… while not the exact same, I decided to give Sylphy her own version of a ‘send-off’.

We continued to make out, using our relatively little experience with each other to guide us forward as my tongue explored her mouth and my hands traced her body.

She was so… soft… and so small, too. 

Much different than Eris, who had the body of a talented and experienced swordswoman, with muscles and hardness placed here and there under her soft curves.

I didn’t have a preference, of course. They were both wonderful in different ways. But it was a somewhat new and exciting experience.

So, with my heart pounding with love and… slight lust, I decided to indulge in this breathtaking girl of mine.

She tasted sweet, and her lips were extremely light, almost ticklish.

And before I knew it, she had moved to atop my lap with our arms wrapped tightly around each other, both of us pulling each other snug against the other as we continued exploring each other’s mouths.

It was almost… intoxicating. More so than the alcohol from before.

The needy way she sucked on my lip… how she sometimes clicked our teeth together, hinting at her inexperience… the way her hands eagerly gripped my hair…

Ah, and I had gotten hard a while ago, not helped by the fact she was slowly rolling her bottom on top of my lap, making me feel many things and nearly causing my sanity to break.

Deciding that it had gone a little too far, especially after the way she moaned once I played with her ear, I separated from Sylphy, a trail of drool dripping down her mouth that was spread into a hazy smile.

“More…” she said sensually, licking her lips.

…I was definitely going to punish Ariel for this.

Somehow, in one form or another, I knew that this extremely… dangerous Sylphy was all that princess’ fault.

“No… you’re not even fourteen,” I said, shaking my head. “You haven’t become an adult yet, so… no.”

Sylphy pouted before biting her lip, slowly rolling her hips against my groin as she looked up at me.

“If I’m not an adult, then… make me one,” she said in a sinful and breathy voice that made my body freeze.

Taking advantage of my state, she leaned forward to whisper in my ear, “If I’m a girl… then make me a woman…”

Her tongue danced across the lobe of my ear, making me shiver as she finished her plea, “…Your woman.”


She was close. Too close.

…And I didn’t want to push her away.

“Pin me down to the bedside, Leon, and make me scream,” she continued, her silky voice poisoning my ears. “Teach me everything I don’t know, just like when we were kids… Please, teacher~?”

Ohh shit.

Just what happened to her?

The royal palace’s perversion had completely corrupted my sweet, cute, and innocent Sylphy way more than I thought before.

But… I had to admit… they did seem to have good lines.

Sylphy then separated from me, reaching over to the bedside table before taking a glass vial of liquid.


What was that?

“…This… I want my first time to be with you, okay? Right here, right now.”

Finishing her words, she then uncorked the vial and downed its contents before smashing her lips against mine, the foreign liquid dancing between our mouths as we both swallowed it down.

I wasn’t planning on swallowing it, but as soon as it touched my tongue… I couldn’t resist.

We continued to kiss even more as I felt my arousal heighten to new levels and noticed things I never had about the beautiful girl in front of me.

Those cute ears… I wanted to suck on them.

Her shoulders, so thin and petite… I wanted to hold them down.

That sultry tone of her voice… I wanted to make it strained and breathless.

That cute face, looking at me with such desire and excitement… I wanted to see all the different expressions it could make.

Ah, fuck… Sylphy… why did she look so appealing right now?

I… wanted to make her mine.


Make her mine?

That wasn’t right.

Wasn’t… wasn’t she already mine?

I separated from her, ignoring the string of saliva between us as I grabbed her hand, looking at the green ring affixed to her finger.

Yeah… she was mine.

So… this was fine, right?

“Sylphy… I’m warning you right now, one last time…” I said as I looked back at her face, breathing deeply in an attempt to rein in my lust. “If you want to back out, now’s your chance.”

Licking her lips, she then took our held hand and brought it down between her legs, pressing against her panties as I felt the wetness of her entrance through the fabric.

“I want you to do everything to me,” she purred, leaning her mouth towards my ear as she began rubbing my fingers against her crotch. “I told you already, Leon~ I want you to make me yours.”

Taking in her words, I quickly found the itching heat I had been holding back much too strong to stop, grabbing her shoulders and throwing her to the bed as I began to undress.

I had completely succumbed to her seduction.

Sylphy had won, and I had lost, and as her prize, she would be rewarded with her first time, and whatever else she wanted me to do to her.

For this wonderful fairy of mine to have her first taste of intimacy… I would have to make sure it was wonderful, in a way that was exciting but also conveyed the love I felt for her.

With that promise in my heart, we then shared our first night together, with only one thought pervading the back of my mind throughout the extremely pleasurable experience.

Am I… actually quite weak to women?

Or perhaps, I was only so weak to those I already held dear.

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