Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 63 – Labyrinth City of Rapan

— Leon Greyrat —

Finally, after a little under two months on the road… or rather, sand for the most part, we had arrived at our goal.

The Labyrinth City of Rapan was a thriving city, with the massive bones of a long-dead Behemoth standing tall surrounding the settlement that was built on an oasis like a cage.

It was pretty damn cool, and much different than any other city I had seen before.

The world really was a wide place, huh?

With many labyrinths and dungeons littered in and around the city, the place was full of adventurers from all over the world who had come to clear said labyrinths and dungeons with the promise of fame and fortune, and merchants to sell anything that was retrieved.

It was neat, that was for sure. And from the sparkle in Rudy’s eyes as it came into view, I could tell he was interested in the place… but we weren’t here to sightsee.

With our goal being to meet up with Paul and his group, even if we arrived much earlier than expected, he should still be in and around the area, so our first step was…

“Let’s head to the Adventure Guild,” I said as we began walking through the city. “I’m guessing it’s the biggest building here, but do you know where it could be?”

Rudy, who knew the Fighting God language that this land used, had been the one handling our trading and communicating with the locals, which included gathering information, so we had been leaving things like these up to him.

“It should be near the centre of the city, at least from what I’ve heard,” Rudy said, wiping off some sweat from his forehead. “Ahh… I wish Aisha made me a damn cap.”

“Well, if you’re jealous, then… that’s a shame,” I shrugged. “At least it’s cooler up north, so I won’t be using it anymore.”

“Huh? Why?” he asked.

“Because I don’t want our father to make fun of me and make me beat him up for it,” I said.

After all, while it was a cute wool cap, it didn’t really fit in with my current style, and it definitely didn’t fit in with the local fashion.

“…Your family is the weirdest,” Sara sighed.

“And you’re in it,” I said, smirking. “Anyway, let’s go.”

It didn’t take long to find the guild, as there were many adventurers filtering through the massive front doors of the large building, and it had a giant painted icon of a sword plastered over the front doors.

Overall, a pretty impressive building.

It wasn’t as big or grandiose as the Millishion branch, but it was still larger than any other guild building I had seen on the Demon Continent.

Well, this was a city meant for adventuring, so that made sense.

“I’ll stand here at the entrance,” I said as we walked in. “I don’t remember all of their faces, but I should be able to spot one of Paul’s people if they come through. Meanwhile, you two go ask if anyone has seen our dear father around.”

While most of the adventurers here spoke the Human tongue, there were still a few that we would need Rudy’s expertise in the Fighting God language to understand.

Plus, those two were much better at talking with people, and especially adventurers.

“Got it,” Rudy said, taking Sara’s hand. “Just don’t get in any fights, brother!”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “I’d finish it before it could be considered a fight.”

“…That’s not what I meant,” he mumbled as they went off, leaving me to lightly chuckle to myself.

Deciding to take a rest after a long day of travelling, I found an empty seat and sat down as I absently glanced at the nearby people, not seeing anyone I remembered nor Paul himself.

Hmm… if we didn’t find them soon, then we would probably have to cut our losses for today and go find an inn before sundown.

We definitely had enough money from the monster items we traded along the way, but I still didn’t want to waste too much time uselessly searching for my father when we could be looking for Mama instead.

It was vexing.

If only there was a way to-

“Oh? I didn’t think I would be able to find such a fine man here, sitting all alone.”

Hearing a somewhat familiar sultry feminine voice, I froze as I felt a hand run down my neck as the woman’s fingers brushed across my arm.

“Tell me, young man… are you feeling lonely?” she said, her fingers running up to my chin to tilt my head to the side, allowing me to see who exactly was flirting with me.

With alluring reddish-brown eyes, long pointed ears, long curly blonde hair, and a curvaceous pair of barely-visible thighs, it only took a moment for me to remember who was the bearer of such a youthful, beautiful face.

No way…

To think I would meet her here… in a place so far from home…

Long distant memories of my times as a baby rushed through my mind as I instantly shot out of my seat, engulfing the woman with a hug as I pressed my face into her shoulder.

The woman who used to look so tall… the woman who fed me from her breasts and treated me so kindly, as if I was her own child… to think she was now shorter than me, able to fit perfectly within my arms.

But she was still so warm…

The thought brought a smile to my face.

“O-Oh? It seems you’re ready~” she said, returning my embrace as I felt her hand drift down my back. “Perhaps… should we go to my room right away-?”

“I missed you, Lina!” I said, tightening my hold.

I felt Lina freeze, her hands instantly stopping at my belt as she quickly separated from me, her hands moving upwards to grab my shoulders.

Looking intently at my face, I saw her wide eyes flash with recognition as her face lit up with a teary smile.

“L-Leon!?” she gasped, her hands reaching for my face. “Leon!”

We then embraced once again, though this time was much more… innocent in nature.

Lina was just as lecherous as ever, huh?

But still… while a bit awkward, it was nice to see she was the same.

I missed her quite a bit, after all.

“Pff! Hahaha!”

Hearing laughter from the side, we both separated, looking over to see my father, Paul, as he leaned against a wooden pole, slapping his knees as he cackled.

“‘P-Perhaps, should we go to my room right away~?’ Hahaha!” he imitated Lina before breaking into another fit of laughter.

I glanced down, noticing Lina’s face twisting into an expression of anger and embarrassment as her cheeks gained a healthy flush of red.

To think that Lina could get so flustered… I suppose this was pretty embarrassing, huh?

“S-Shut up! How was I supposed to know that cute Leon grew up into… into this!” she said, smacking my chest.

Uhh, Lina, I was happy to see you too, but what did you mean by ‘this’?

It wasn’t derogatory, right?

“Ahaha! Y-Yeah, I guess so!” my father said, getting control of himself as he walked over to stand in front of me, staring at me seriously.

“So you made it… and quite early too,” he said, his gaze going up and down my figure as he nodded to himself. “I’m sure there’s a lot you want to say, but first, tell me, Leon… are you feeling lonely?”

Wow… he really decided to use our grand reunion as a way to make fun of Lina some more… that was just like him.

While my father descended into another fit of laughter, Lina’s eyes twitched as she began to tremble lightly, cheeks increasing in colour before she suddenly closed her eyes, releasing a breath as she turned back to me.

“I’ve missed you too, Leon. You’ve grown quite a bit since I last saw you,” she said with a loving smile, her previous embarrassment completely gone from her face.

Ah… so she was just going to ignore Paul.

Good choice, I must say.

We then hugged once again, squeezing hard to transmit our feelings, and I felt the tears nearly spill from my eyes.

While it wasn’t to the extent of Alice and Mama… before Mama took complete responsibility for me, Lina was something like a mother to me as well.

I… wasn’t constantly afraid of her well-being like I was for Mama and Lilia, but being apart for so long… I really missed her.

Really… really missed her.

“Aww, little Leon… I guess even if you’ve grown, you’re still a child, huh?” she said tenderly, patting my head gently as I buried my face further into her shoulder. “Ah… remembering me after all this time… you’re really too sweet.”

I heard her voice crack a bit as she squeezed harder, and thankfully, my father had the tact to not interrupt our moment as we finished our embrace.

“Haah… that’s better,” she said, stepping away as she hastily wiped her eyes with her sleeve. “It’s good to see you, Leon.”

“You too, Lina,” I nodded before turning to my father. “Father…”

He looked better.

His face was clean, with just a hint of stubble, and his stance was tall and stable.

Nothing like that useless drunk I had met in Millishion.

“Yeah, yeah… come here,” he said, walking up to hug me as well, firmly patting my back. 

We shared a hug silently for a few moments before separating, my father’s smile wide as he looked over me yet again.

“You seem to have gotten stronger,” he said, patting my shoulder. “Not to mention taller… Did you come all the way here on your own?”

“No,” I shook my head. “I had- Oh, there they are.”

Rudy, who had spotted our reunion, then went up to us, quickly going over to our father and wrapping his arms around him.

“It’s been a while, Father…” Rudy said as Sara slowly walked up to us.

“R-Rudy? You came as well?” Paul said, his eyes wide in surprise as he looked over to Sara. “And who’s that?”

“Yes, I came, Father,” Rudy said, separating from Paul as he then wrapped his arm around Sara, pulling her to his side. “And this is Sara, my… lover.”

Paul’s eyes widened in surprise as they darted between the couple, but a few moments later, his face calmed down into a calm smile.

“I see… so you’ve grown up some more,” he shook his head good-naturedly. “Well, it could be in better circumstances, but it’s nice to meet you, Sara. Welcome to the family.”

Sara, who had been watching the man with caution, slowly nodded with a slight smile.

“My pleasure…”

That seemed to quell some of the worries that Sara had told me about.

After all, the only thing she knew about the man known as Paul Greyrat was that he was a noble child, a cheating womanizer, and, according to the last time Rudy had seen him, a depressed man on the verge of being a total drunkard.

And my recount of our meeting in Millishion didn’t exactly improve her view of the man.

But to see him like this, so full of life… it was very pleasing.

I almost felt… proud, that this guy was my father.

Even three years ago, I would have never thought that to be possible, but here I was, grinning like an idiot at the man in front of me.

I… should probably praise him, right?

“You… look a bit better, Father,” I said with a nod. “It looks like you’ve become a bit more respectable.”

“Heh. Yeah, no more drowning my sorrows in alcohol for me, so no need to kick my ass,” he said, puffing out his chest. “I had to keep my promise, after all!”

My eyes widened in surprise before I suddenly turned my head, not trusting myself to keep these feelings under control if I met the man’s eyes.

He… had become a bit better, huh?

He kept his promise to me…

I was happy.

Mama and Lilia… it seemed that your husband will be a bit of a better man when you get back to us.

“Right! Anyway, Rudy and… Sara, was it? This right here is Elinalise Dragonroad,” he said, gesturing to Lina, who was watching us with a gentle smile. “She’s an old party member of mine and Zenith’s and is one of the best S-rank adventurers around.”

Lina stuck out her chest at Paul’s praise, smirking as Sara stared at her with wide eyes.

“To think I would meet a fellow female S-rank adventurer… It’s nice to meet you!” Sara said happily.

Lina’s prideful smirk fell.

Was she… trying to make a good first impression on the two? By being an S-rank adventurer?

That was oddly cute.

Unfortunately, Rudy and Sara were the same rank as her, so that wouldn’t work.

“Well, now that everyone has introduced themselves, I guess I should ask…” my father said, looking at us seriously. “Rudy, Leon… how the hell did you get here so fast? Did you meet up before Sharia or something?”

Now… how to explain this?

They would eventually come to learn of the teleportation ruins one way or another for our way back, so there wasn’t a need for absolute secrecy…

Meeting Rudy’s eyes, he shrugged, leaving it up to me to decide how to answer.

“No, we met in Sharia,” I said. “We found a… unique method of transport, you could say.”

“Hm? I… see?” my father said, confused.

Wanting to change the subject, I decided to move the conversation.

“Father, since you’re here, then… have you found Mama and Lilia?” I asked. “Is… is she okay?”

Both Paul and Lina’s faces fell, their smiles thinning as they looked down.

“I’ll be honest, Leon, it’s… not going well,” he said. “We found them, or at least we think we did, but… they’re in a difficult spot.”


They found them?

Mama and Lilia were found?

“Where,” I said.

“Calm down with that serious face, Leon,” he said, patting my shoulder. “Here, let’s… meet up with the others first.”

“With the others?” I said, confusion in my tone. “And you didn’t answer my question. Where is Mama?”

“Yeah, the others. And as for your mother, well…” he said, rubbing his head with a frown. “…She’s in a teleportation labyrinth.”

— Leon Greyrat —

Following Paul and Lina to the place they were renting, I then met with the group that was trying their hardest to find my mothers.

At least we wouldn’t have to worry about paying for an inn anymore…

Anyway, when the group gathered together to meet us, I was quite surprised to see members of the Fangs of the Black Wolf after so long, with Talhand and Geese somehow joining the group, along with Vierra and Shierra, the two girls from the now-disbanded Fittoa Search and Rescue squad that had come along with Paul.

I guess Paul’s previous team didn’t decide to make the trip over here, which I could understand, since only Vierra and Shierra had the strength to be of any use.

It didn’t take too long for the greetings to be exchanged, and for Sara and Rudy to introduce themselves, before I decided to say what I needed to be said.

“Once more, it’s nice to see you all again,” I said with a smile, looking at the gathered people. “And I’m sure there’s a lot to explain, but first…”

I then leaned down, bowing my head deeply towards the five gathered in front of me, with Rudy, Sara, and my father watching with surprise from behind me.

They knew I wasn’t one for such modesty, after all.

“Thank you,” I said seriously. “Talhand, Geese, Lina… even though the party split, thank you for joining us. And Vierra and Shierra, you two don’t even know my mothers… so thank you for coming here and looking for her. I’m in your debt.”

I raised my head back up, only to be met by four soft smiles while Geese seemed indifferent for the most part, simply scratching his large ear with a shrug.

“Zenny is important to us too, Leon,” Lina said calmly. “Besides, it’s not as if we had anything better to do.”

“Yeah, and while we don’t know her, we owe a lot to the Captain,” Vierra added on. “He saved us, as well as many other, so it’s only right to help him find his wives.”

“I see… but still, thank you,” I said, bowing once again.

They really were good people… well, despite all his faults and mistakes, Paul always was a good leader.

“Jeez… didn’t you say your brother hated humility, Boss?” Geese said, looking at Rudy.

“I… thought so too,” Rudy said, surprised.

“I hate useless humility, yes,” I said, standing up straight again. “But if it’s thanking those who are selflessly looking for my mothers, it is more than worth it. And because I do it so rarely, I can properly display my genuine feeling of gratitude.”

Sauros, while he was a walking ball of useless pride, did have some good advice to impart on me.

…Now that I think of it, that advice was likely just an excuse for him to show off that pride without any guilt, but I took the lesson to heart regardless.

I didn’t bow my head needlessly, and because I did so, the value of my such an action could be truly conveyed.


“What’s this about ‘Boss’?” I asked, looking between Rudy and Geese.

I was confused at how they seemed to know each other.

“Ah, well… your brother and I met up as he was going through the Central Continent,” Geese explained. “I was shit out of luck at the time, but he let me use his carriage in exchange for me cooking. And as the leader of the group, he was the Boss, so there ya go.”

“I see…” I muttered.

I didn’t really, but that didn’t really matter.

“Ah, but your cooking was fantastic, Geese,” Rudy said, smiling.

“Aye, it’s one of the few skills that come in handy,” Geese chuckled. “That aside… where are those two pretty beastfolk girls? You were all over them last time we met.”

I looked over to Rudy, who had jolted to stand up straight as Sara glared at him from the side.

“Hmm? ‘All over them’, eh? And he’s talking about Lilia and Pursena, right?” Sara said in a dangerous tone. “Is there something you want to explain, Rudy?”

“O-Of course! But there’s nothing to really explain, you know!” Rudy said, averting his eyes as his arm wrapped around Sara’s midsection. “That was simply the past! The past!”


Well, from Sara’s annoyed expression, I’m guessing that they would be having a conversation tonight between them.

I would, of course, leave the lovers’ quarrel to the lovers in question.

Sorry, Rudy.

My father, who was now sitting at the table, watched the three of us with a calm smile.

“What’s with that expression?” I asked.

“Ah, well, it’s just… you two have really grown, you know?” he said. “Rudy seems much more confident than before. I’m guessing that has to do with the pretty lady there.”

Rudy rapidly nodded his head as Sara looked away, though I could see a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

“Even you, Leon,” he said, turning to me. “You’re still as mature as ever, but you seem more… assertive. You don’t seem so wishy-washy and indecisive past keeping your sisters safe like before.”

I simply shrugged in response.

“You didn’t think we would stay the same after two whole years, right?” I said before looking out the window, a soft smile forming on my lips. “Plus… considering I now have two lovers and plans for a third, I have to be assertive. It’s the only way to achieve my dream.”

A man who was decisive in his wants… My three special girls deserved that much, at least.

Paul’s arm dropped to the table with a thud as his eyes widened in surprise.

In fact, everyone aside from Rudy and Sara seemed surprised, while Lina was simply giving me an approving nod.

“T-Three?” Paul stuttered out, his face blanching as he covered it with his palm. “Shit… Zenith is definitely going to kill me.”

Err… Mama wouldn’t be that mad, right?

Shaking his head, Paul then looked back at me.

“That aside… I have been wondering for a while, but where’s that Eris? Is she staying back with your sisters?” he asked.

“No,” I shook my head. “She’s gone to the Sword Sanctum for some training.”

Paul tilted his head in confusion before he suddenly stood up, his face stern with worry.

“Then what about Norn and Aisha!? You wouldn’t just leave them alone, right?” he said.

“Calm down, Father,” I said, pushing him back down into his chair. “I met up with Sylphy in Sharia, and they’re staying with her while they go to school.”

“S-School? Like, in Ranoa?” Paul asked, to which I nodded. “And Sylphy… you mean your old childhood friend?”

“Yep,” I nodded. “And don’t worry, I made sure they were both safe and in a good situation before I left.”

Sighing, Paul calmed down a bit, brushing his hand through his hair.

“Right. Right right right… I should have expected that from an overprotective brother like you.”

…I was not overprotective… right?

My mind went back to the Demon Continent, where I would glare at anyone who even swore in their presence, and then how I confronted Ariel before I left…

Okay, maybe I was overprotective, but that wasn’t a bad thing.

“Okay… okay, you three are here, and your sisters are safe,” Paul said, shaking his head. “So… I think it’s about time I explain what’s going on.”

“I was just about to ask,” I said as I sat down, with Rudy and Sara sitting beside me. “First… how did all of you guys get together? You left Millishion a couple of weeks after us, right? Ah, thank you, Vierra.”

“No problem,” Vierra said as she handed me a mug of juice.

Paul shifted in his seat as the rest of the group sat down around the table.

“Well… I think you’re the best one to explain that, Elinalise,” Paul said. “At least your side of the story. I already told Leon mine back in Millishion.”

“Mmm… well, you see…”

Lina then went on to explain her story and how she ended up with Paul. 

Apparently, she and Talhand went to the Fittoa Region soon after hearing about the disaster, and seeing Paul’s notice, decided to search for his family where he couldn’t reach, going all the way to the Demon Continent with the help of-

“Roxy!? Roxy was with you guys!?” I said, slamming the table in shock.

“Roxy… Wasn’t that the teacher you always talked about, Rudy?” Sara asked.

“Yes,” my brother nodded. “She’s a wonderful mage, and… taught me a very important lesson.”

She was with them!? Helping them find my family?

I knew she was planning on leaving her position in Shirone, and had already left by the time Rudy went there, but to think she was searching for my family… searching for me…

I really did love her.

“Yes, now let me continue, little Leon,” Lina said with a smile, though it seemed a little forced. “Still… to think it was like that… she’d be awfully happy… anyway…”

She then went on to explain how they travelled to the Demon Continent, passing me and just missing our group around the time when we were in Wind Port.


I could have seen Roxy.

No… that didn’t matter right now.

They then went to the north of the continent, searching for any information they could about Mama and Lilia, as they had heard of me and my sisters already during their travels, before eventually meeting Kishirika.

After that, I could kind of guess what happened, with that stupid girl getting into trouble and getting saved.

What surprised me, however, was that Mama and Lilia were both in the exact same place as where they were when I myself asked about them a few months earlier.

Then, with the new knowledge, they returned to Millishion to meet Paul, just in time to join his group on the way to Begaritt, which led them to now.

“Since arriving here a few months ago, we’ve confirmed where Zenith and Lilia are,” Paul said, taking over the conversation. “They’re both in a labyrinth that’s a day north from here.”

“I see, that’s the teleportation labyrinth, right?” I said as Paul nodded to my question. “And how did you confirm that? Did you see them or something?”

My father gritted his teeth as he shook his head.

“No, they… a year ago, a party said they saw two women matching their descriptions in the deepest floor of the labyrinth,” he said. “But… since then, they haven’t returned, so… they’re likely dead. The party, that is.”

Leaning forward, I rested my head on my hand as I thought over the information.

Mama and Lilia were very likely alive.

They had both been ‘seen’ by Kishirika with a few months separating the times, which meant that they were both alive and unmoving during the time between.

And considering that it was over a year after the initial disaster, that was likely the case for a while, and still the case now.

That paired with the adventurer party’s account… that basically confirmed it.

“Roxy assumed that they had been teleported into the labyrinth,” Lina added. “We can assume it’s a safe part, and that the two are surviving off of water from magic and whatever food they can find at the lowest level of the labyrinth.”

“I see… thank you, Elinalise,” I said, smiling. “And I’m glad Roxy is here too. By the way… where is she? Is she out getting supplies?”

At this, all the gathered group’s faces tightened, their expressions tense with disappointment.


Hey hey hey… what’s with this atmosphere?

“S-She didn’t… Roxy is fine, right?” I said, getting up and grabbing my father’s collar, pulling him towards me. “She’s fine, right!?”

My father simply sighed as he gently removed my hand, patting me on the back as he shook his head.

“She’s not dead… at least we don’t think,” he said.

“What do you mean ‘you don’t think’!? Where is she!?” I demanded, my voice strained.

“Leon…” Rudy said, patting my shoulder. “Just… let them explain, okay?”

Looking back into Rudy’s face, with his eyes curved down in sadness and sympathy, I felt myself relax.

No… I wasn’t relaxed.

Instead, I was bottling up my feelings, letting them fester as I understood the situation, preparing to release them when needed.


“We… were making good progress at the start,” my father began to explain. “With Roxy’s silent casting, and most importantly her Demon eye guiding us past traps, we were able to make it pretty far.”

Wait… Demon eye? Roxy had a Demon eye?

No, that didn’t matter.

“Continue,” I said.

“Yeah, so… we were fighting, clearing out the fourth floor, and things got a little dicey. Roxy lost her footing during the battle, and then… stepped on a teleportation trap,” my father said with a strained expression. “That was a week ago, and while we’ve tried… without her scouting and firepower, we can’t… we can’t move nearly as fast, or as deep.”

I felt my body tense as my father patted my shoulder once more.

“I’m… sorry Leon. I… shouldn’t have let that monster pass, and now-”

“You said the fourth floor, right?” I said sternly, interrupting him with an emotionless voice.

“Y-Yeah, I did… why?” he asked.

I waved off his hand from my shoulder as I dropped my bag of supplies, taking out everything but some water and rations before putting it back on and walking out of the room toward the building’s exit.

He said it was a day’s worth north of here, right?

That was with transport, which were some tamed lizard monster around here.

If I sprint as fast as possible, then I should be able to reach it in a few hours-

“Leon! Hey, what are you doing?”

Grabbing my shoulder, Paul stopped me just as I was about to leave, pulling me back to face him.

“What am I doing?” I answered, confused. “I’m going to save her, of course.”

“Alone!?” Paul questioned.

“Obviously,” I nodded. “Mama and Lilia have been there for years, so they should be fine. But Roxy… Roxy might not last a week.”

Seeing a look of understanding flash across Paul’s face, I removed his hand from my shoulder and continued walking.

“W-Wait, no! Leon, you can’t!” he said.

“Why?” I asked, shouting at him. “If Mama and Lilia were in this situation, I know you would run in like an idiot, so why can’t I!?”

I felt the tears of frustration beginning to well in my eyes.

Roxy was in danger, dammit!

I couldn’t just wait here like everything is fine!

He shook his head with a pained face, “I can’t, Leon.”

“Why not!?” I screamed. “Let me act like an idiot for my loved one!”

Seeing him shake his head in refusal, I decided to let him have one last chance before I forcefully stopped him from interfering.

I didn’t want to fight my father, after all.

Not when he had finally become so respectable… aside from letting Roxy be in danger.

“Please… please, Father,” I begged. “Let me go save her.”

Paul bit his lip as he stared into my eyes, the difference in our eye level close to nothing after my recent growth spurt.

“…Fine, we’ll go tomorrow,” he sighed. “But we’re only going to the fourth floor, understood? And if it gets too much, we go back. No questions asked.”

“…Understood, Father,” I nodded.

While I would wait to go with them… if our group decided to stop and turn back before we found Roxy… I would just do it alone like I had originally planned.

I wouldn’t let her die.

Especially when she was so close.

I had a dream of a perfect family, and while I still needed her to accept my affections and my selfishness, I pictured Roxy clearly in that future.

And I would not settle for anything less.

Going back into the room, I saw that Geese and Rudy were both looking over a book as the rest of the group sat around in discomfort.

“Ah! Paul, Leon… are you-?”

“I’m fine, Lina,” I said, waving off her concern. “I… calmed down a bit. Sorry for worrying you.”

She looked at me with a skeptical gaze before sighing, “Well, you’re not the first man to act stupid for love, and you’re certainly not to be the last.”

“It’s not acting stupid if it’s for love,” said, frowning.

“Hee~? I guess little Leon became a romantic, huh?” Lina teased. “But you know… I never said acting stupid was a bad thing.”

For some reason, I felt a little embarrassed at that.

Was it because of her experience?

Or perhaps because I viewed her as a mother?

Anyway, I averted my eyes from her as Paul then clapped his hands together, gaining the attention of the room.

“Alright, listen up, everyone! We got the power of a King-ranked swordsman and a King-ranked magician with us now, so we’ll be going back into the labyrinth tomorrow with the goal of retrieving Roxy!”

Various eyes widened at the mention of Rudy and I’s ranks, though from Paul’s dumb proud smile, he seemed to have wanted such a reaction.

Idiot… this was serious.

Paul walked toward the table as the rest of the group followed to gather around.

“This will also be a test run for the new group, with Vierra and Shierra subbing out for Rudy and Leon,” Paul said. “Everyone good with that?”

While everyone in the group nodded, one quickly objected.

“Wait a minute!” Sara said. “If Rudy goes, I go. That’s not changing anytime soon.”

Paul formed a difficult expression, turning to face me as if asking for help.

Ah… he was worried about that, wasn’t he?

Well, I couldn’t blame him, since archers were quite weak.

“It’s fine. She can come, Father,” I said. “My Little Sis is strong.”

“Don’t-! Haa… why do I even try anymore,” Sara said, kicking the ground with a resigned expression.

Good. My Little Sis was learning.

That at least lifted my sour mood a bit.

“Alright, if you’re sure… then, Leon, Elinalise, and I will be in the front, Talhand and Geese will be in the middle, and Rudy and Sara in the back,” Paul said. “Leon will be acting in Roxy’s old position for detecting magical traps, while Geese will be acting as the scout for mechanical ones and marking our path. All good?”

We all nodded.

Well, everyone except Geese, who was currently adamantly flipping through the book he was reading.

Wait… that was that book on the teleport labyrinth exploration!

What was he doing, reading that at a time like this!


…Teleportation labyrinth exploration?

“Paul! This is amazing! The Boss brought over something really useful!” Geese said. “This confirms all my theories… it’s a guide to the whole labyrinth! It even has maps of the floors we haven’t explored yet!”

Wow… I was speechless.

I suppose that was good news, but to think we would run into such a coincidence…

It was almost as if it was fate.

As Paul and Geese began to confer, deciding that Geese would be readying any supplies needed for tomorrow’s labyrinth dive for the rest of the day, I quickly went up to the room I had been given, dropping off my stuff as I looked out the window.

Seeing the city begin to darken as the sun set, I reached down into my shirt to take out my Migurd necklace, running my thumb over the wooden amulet, I clutched it as I thought about the blue-haired demon who held such a big piece of my heart.

Roxy… I don’t know where you are, but soon… I’ll come save you.

So, wait for me.

Because by tomorrow, I won’t be your past student, but rather, I’ll be the hero who rescued you from the depths of a labyrinth and made your dream come true, just like I promised.

Roxy, my beloved… I’m coming for you.

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