Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 64 – We Will Be Reunited: A Blue-Haired Maiden

— Paul Greyrat —

After a day of travel and a short night of rest outside the damned teleportation labyrinth’s entrance, our party dived back into the hellhole we had been trying to conquer for the past few months with no results.

But this time, it would likely go a little differently.

After all, my sons were a pair of monsters.

Initially, with the new sword that I picked up from that merchant, and my years of fighting experience pushing me forward, I tried to show off to my sons and Rudy’s girlfriend by taking down the first monsters we encountered. A group of Tarantula Deathlords that tried to plaster us with their webs being the enemies in question.

Unfortunately for me though, Leon instantly got rid of them as soon as they blocked our path, taking them out with a single slash that echoed through the cavern as he broke the sound barrier with his speed.

“…Let’s keep going,” he had said, his eyes steady as he sheathed his sword.

Haa… he was definitely pushing himself. 

And while I would usually get upset and say his intensity was pushing everyone else harder than they were comfortable with, that… wasn’t exactly the case.

After all, Leon was a fucking monster, so as soon as he stepped forward and flexed some of his King-ranked power, no enemy on the first three floors stood a chance.

And because of that strength, as well as his Demon eye, we had easily reached our last stopping point in only a couple of hours with no close calls to speak of, and our new party quickly melding together as we continued.

With Leon, he had taken Ghislaine’s old spot in the original Fangs of the Black Wolf, with his sword skills taking out anything in a second and his Demon eye sensing if anything was awry. 

Though, considering Ghislaine was a dumb muscle brained Sword Saint at the time, with nothing past her instincts, her strength, and her tits, Leon was an even better replacement.

He also kind of played Zenith’s part, providing healing whenever it was needed with his chantless casting.

To put it short, with the addition of Leon, our party had already returned to full strength despite the loss of Zenith and Ghislaine, and with his magic and smarts, it was probably even stronger.

And then there was my other monster of a son, Rudy, who used magic in ways I had never seen before, providing perfect support when it was needed. 

He also provided the finishing blow to anything that my sword couldn’t cut with his ice magic, which was perfect for this labyrinth.

And then Sara, who was the most surprising addition.

…Archers were not supposed to be that strong.

She could pierce the hardened skin of those lizard-like monsters as if it was nothing, and I had yet to see her miss her mark once, even when she shot out two arrows at once as if she was showing off at a carnival.

Truly… with her and Eris, my sons had both found themselves some amazingly strong women.

And speaking of my son…

“You’re doing well, Leon,” I said, patting his back.

We were currently taking a break before we ventured down to the next floor, the fourth floor, which was where we would be stopping for today.

Although… I had made that promise before I realized our party’s strength and cohesion, so if we couldn’t find Roxy here… we might be able to go a little deeper.

Anyway, while we were meant to be resting, Leon had been standing the entire time, tapping his fingers against his crossed arms as he stared forward, eyes honed with focus.

But I could tell… while he was acting all inspired and confident, he was also fraught with nervousness.

I could see it plain as day.

After all, this was how I had been for the first months after the Displacement Incident before I met Rudy.

Restless and determined, yet still scared shitless at the fate of my family.

To think that four years have passed since then… wait, there was something more important.

“We’re about to get on the fourth floor. According to that book, she should still be here since the teleportation traps don’t send people to different levels,” I said, trying to calm his anxiety.

His eyes flicked over to me, narrowing slightly.

“I know. That’s why I’m impatient,” he said. “She’s right here… or at least, she should be. I can’t sit still when I know that.”

Ah… this damn stubborn bastard of a son…

But I get it.

If Zenith or Lilia were right in front of me, I wouldn’t be able to stay still like this either.

In that way, Leon was a bit better than me, since he was actually putting up with it.

But still…

“You should sit down,” I said. “Check over your equipment, calm your nerves, and then get ready to find her. Doing this isn’t going to be of any help.”

Leon stared at me for a few moments before shaking his head and stepping forward.

“Roxy’s out there, waiting for me, and I won’t rest until she’s in my arms, safe and sound,” he said firmly. “So… I’ll go scout the next floor near the entrance to see if there are any signs.”

“Haa… got it. Just don’t go too far,” I said, bringing my palm up to my face as Leon stepped onto the teleportation circle with a nod.

Past being frustrated at that damn stubbornness, which he… might have picked up from me, there was something else.

With those words he just said… as well as the way I knew Roxy already felt about him… I had a very strong feeling that my son was about to nab his third woman very soon.

I had heard all about it, both the night they arrived, and during our journey here, about how things were back in Sharia and Leon’s journey since our separation.

First, there was Sylphy.

I remembered her from Buena Village, as well as her father, who I often worked with.

A damn shame about Laws… a lot of people died in that disaster, but now that I knew he would soon be related to me, the bitterness of his fate had increased.

Anyway, in the first months of the Displacement Incident, I didn’t care for anyone but my family. And last I checked, Sylphy had been marked as safe, so I had put her out of my mind for the longest time.

But now, I obviously couldn’t do that.

She was a good girl, if my memory served me right, and a real cutie too.

With those looks, paired with her elf blood, she was sure to grow up into a beauty that would keep her youth for a long while.

But man… to think that shy and innocent girl would be teleported to the royal palace, and not only survive, but also keep her virginity throughout the entire ordeal.

Not that she had it now… damn womanizer of a son.

And then there was Eris, who I already knew was wrapped around Leon’s finger from our last meeting.

While I wasn’t attracted to someone half my age, unlike a lot of the scum in the world of nobles, I could still appreciate that she was a pretty girl with a good body. That, paired with her cuteness that only Leon seemed to get out of her, I was surprised that Leon hadn’t had to fight off any potential suitors.

Though, remembering that feisty redhead, she would probably do that herself.

Anyway, with Hilda as her mother, I knew that she was definitely someone who would grow into a beauty, and that’s not even mentioning her loyalty and her strength…

I had warned Leon about noble girls and how their bodies were often lacking without a physical lifestyle, but then he went out and snagged a girl like her.

Though, I suppose she isn’t a noble anymore…

Anyway, and if having those three weren’t enough, he had already explained everything to Sylphy and Eris, and they fucking accepted it!

I was so jealous-!

No… proud.

I was… proud… that my son thought ahead… unlike my stupid ass.

To think I could have had more than one with communication!

Though… neither of his girls are members of the Millis Church, so I don’t think I would have had it much easier with Zenith even if I talked it out with her.

Besides, after holding myself back for four years, the longest time I had lasted without taking a woman to bed since I was a ten-year-old boy, I was more than fine with just my two wives.

Now I just needed to find them.

Our group stopped our break a few moments later, packing up and joining with Leon before we began searching the fourth floor in earnest.

The fourth floor had been our previous stopping point for a reason, as the place was absolutely swarming with much stronger monsters.

But yet again, our new party persevered without an issue, though now our whole group needed to contribute, unlike before when Leon simply massacred anything in front of us.

However, I had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t due to the increased difficulty that Leon wasn’t prematurely killing everything, but rather because Leon was preoccupied with looking around with his Demon eye for any traces of his beloved teacher.

That beloved teacher that he already had a ring for…

But it wasn’t the time to be thinking about that.

I turned my body, evading the strike of an Armoured Warrior, an undead monster with four arms that somehow knew the Water God Style, before I slashed outward with my new blade, reducing the number of its arms to three before backing off.

“These guys are tough,” I said through gritted teeth. “But nothing for you, eh, Leon?”

Not receiving an answer, I quickly glanced to the side, noticing that Leon was staring at a nearby wall with wide eyes, one glowing purple, completely ignoring the battle, and most importantly, seemingly unaware blade heading toward his neck.

Fucking stupid son!

“Leon! Watch-”

A crack echoed through the cavern, interrupting me, and an instant later, the Armoured Warrior that was about to strike Leon fell into two halves, along with the rest of them, as the smell of burnt flesh entered my nose.

Oh… and Leon had his sword coated in fire…

While using fire magic was said to make the air in dungeons and labyrinths poisonous, Leon had assured me he could cleanse the air with wind magic. 

So far it seemed to be working just fine, but we still cautioned against it, so for him to use that.…

He was serious.

“I’ll be back in a second.”

Without another word, Leon then shot forth, blasting through the wall he had been staring at, leaving a cloud of dust and crumbling rocks in his wake.

Haa… even though I told him not to destroy the walls and ceilings… 

He was using his Demon eye, right?

He must have spotted Roxy, or maybe a sign of her.

“Sorry guys,” I said, bowing my head to the stunned party. “My oldest son acts stupid when he’s in love.”

My words were accompanied by another crash and the sound of crumbling stone as Leon rammed through another wall.

Haa… fucking teenagers.

— Roxy Migurdia —

It had been a week since I was teleported away from the party, finding myself lost in the long, confusing caves of this damn teleportation labyrinth.

In short, things were not looking good.

I was fine on water, as I could easily summon whatever I needed, but my rations were… nonexistent, which meant I had to resort to eating monster meat last night to sate my hunger.

Being born on the Demon Continent, and being an adventurer for many years, I did not have any adverse opinions of monster meat… until yesterday, where I had to chew through the overcooked leg of a scorpion without any spices.

Through teary eyes, I got through it, but I hated it!

What I wouldn’t give for some of Geese’s cooking right now!

Haa… but, unfortunately, my culinary issues were the least of my concerns right now.

I had guessed this was the case after the first few days, but now, I had confirmed it.

I was trapped.

It seemed that this labyrinth core had some sadism built into it, as every cavern I had explored had no ways to escape, save for teleportation circles.

But those very same teleportation circles were simply sending me in a loop, and worse than that… the monsters were catching on.

Before, I was able to rest for a few hours by creating a dome of earth, but now, that would simply get overran by monsters the moment I stopped moving, leaving me vulnerable, if not dead.

So, here I was, slowly getting up as another swarm of monsters made their way towards me.

Hmm… a few Armoured Warriors, which I would have to be careful of, a few Mad Skulls… and that was a lot of Iron Crawlers.

Haa… let’s do this, Roxy!

Readying my staff, I felt my nose scrunch in disgust at the scent.

Ugh, why did they have to smell so bad?

Wait… was that me?

Taking a discrete whiff of my dirtied robe, I confirmed my suspicions.

…I desperately needed a bath.

Paul mentioned how Leon should be on his way now, right?

I really wouldn’t want him to see me this way.

Despite him being a far better magician, I still had a small bit of dignity I wanted to keep.

Plus… if he did still look at me romantically, I wouldn’t want to give him any reason to stop.

But still, I needed to survive.

I needed to fight for that future I so desperately dream of!

“So die.”

Narrowing my eyes, I watched as my mana formed at the tip of my staff, concentrating into a thin spinning blade as I shot it forth toward the enemies, bisecting one of the Mad Skulls and killing it instantly.

Just as I was about to prepare another spell, a mass of mana erupted in front of me, and an instant later, accompanied by a loud rumble, all the monsters I was meant to be fighting were cut in half, their corpses flying in the air or hurling toward the walls.

But I wasn’t looking at the mess the battlefield had been reduced to.

Instead, I was looking at the handsome man that had appeared before me, his sword held at his side as his medium-length golden hair drifted across his shoulders.

Wait… that wasn’t just a handsome man. 

That face… those eyes… that hair…

It was Leon!

B-But how?

Am I… dreaming?

He wasn’t supposed to be here yet, right?

But here he was!

Releasing the tension from my body, I felt myself lose my footing, stumbling backward, only to be caught a moment later as I came face to face with Leon, who had just sheathed his sword.

…This was definitely a dream, right?

“I told you I’d be the swordsman who would come rescue you,” he said, smirking in a way that made my heart throb. “Well… here I am. Just as promised.”

I was too stunned to talk.

Was this real?

He was here?

That boy who could barely reach my chin… he had grown so tall.

And hadn’t he become a little too handsome?

Ah… but it felt so good, to be held like this…

“And what else was there? Ah! Right! That feeling, about wanting to be with you when I’m older…” he said, leaning forward so that his breath blew past my ear. “I still feel the same way.”

I felt my mind blank for a moment as a pleasant shiver shot through my entire body.

Wow… that… that was a very nice thing to hear.

I know Paul had said that Leon liked me back in Millishion, but to hear it from the man himself… 

To think he would still be attracted to someone like me and keep me in his mind for so long…

I was so happy!

Wrapping my arms around him to convey these emotions that were filling my head, burying my head in the crook of his neck.

“I missed you,” I spoke with a gravelly voice.

I really needed to drink some water.

“I missed you too, and I’m glad you’re safe,” he said, rubbing my back before his calm tone turned to a teasing one. “But Roxy… don’t tell me you got stranded just before I came on purpose? I know it’s your fantasy, but that’s a bit much.”

…And he was still just as cheeky.

I shook my head as I lightly pounded his chest, “Idiot.”

After the past week from hell, I realized what a silly fantasy that was.

Nothing was romantic about getting covered in monster blood, robes drenched in sweat, and the smell of a girl who hadn’t had a bath in a week-


I quickly pushed him away, stepping back as I created some distance between us.

Ah! I was such an idiot!

I can’t believe it!

How utterly embarrassing!

“I-I’m sorry, Leon!” I stammered out. “Y-You came all the way down here, and then I just hugged you like that when I’m all smelly! I-I understand if- Mmph!?”

My words were interrupted by Leon’s lips meeting with mine, his arms having found themselves wrapped around me yet again as I sunk into his warm embrace.

This… we were… kissing right now… weren’t we?

My first kiss…

It felt… amazing.

He was gentle, and his lips were soft, but I could also feel some of his passion as he sucked on my lower lip, transmitting his feelings of love as I basked in the sensations.

It was sweet, it was slightly ticklish, it was… well, it simply felt really good.

Leon… he really was a good kisser.

He must have had some experience to be this good, right?

I felt a little bitter at that, even though I was enjoying the results so much.

Ah… I really wanted more, especially when his tongue traced mine, sending a shiver down my spine.

But before we could continue, he separated from me, leaving me slightly dazed as I slowly realized what had just happened.

“We have a lot to talk about,” he said, tracing his hand gently across my cheek. “But for now… we should go back to the city.”

I nodded dumbly as I felt my cheeks heat up.

I was flustered, that much was obvious. But I was also embarrassed at my shamelessness.

W-What was I doing?

While I had been disoriented during the kiss, I had noticed my hands trace up to grab his hair and press my body against his.

I… can’t believe it.

I was planning to go all the way with him before he stopped me! 

Right here! In the middle of a labyrinth, in a room filled with dead monsters!


“Roxy?” he asked.

“I-I’m not that type of woman, I swear!” I shouted.

“Huh?” Leon said, tilting his head. “I… don’t quite understand, but how about you rest on my back? You look quite tired.”

Oh… right.

Jeez… what the heck was happening to me?

Trying to cover my face with the brim of my hat, I nodded before I slowly walked over to get on his back, trying not to squeal as his hands grabbed my thighs to adjust me.

“Is that good?” he asked.

It was very good.

I nodded, slowly leaning forward to rest on my head on his shoulders before suddenly stopping.

Wait. I had forgotten after that kiss, but I was absolutely filthy right now.

“Leon… don’t I smell?” I said hesitantly.

Leon turned his head to the side to just barely meet my eyes.

“Maybe,” he shrugged. “But… seeing you safe and sound and feeling you so close to me masks any scent quite well.”

He didn’t deny it…

But that was a very Leon-like answer, and one that filled my heart with joy.

I… also wanted to feel close to him, so…

“O-Oh… okay,” I nodded, deciding to lean forward and rest my head on his shoulder.

It seemed like the right decision, as he then pecked my cheek with his lips before standing back up.

Ah… that was very innocent, but it still felt nice.

As we began walking back in silence through the various holes in the rocky walls he had made, I felt a smile unconsciously form on my face.

He did that to get to me?

Such a crazy man…

And more than that, the feeling of being with Leon after so long… it felt delightful, even if I was dirty and acting so embarrassing.

Leaning on my cheek, I turned my head to the side to get a better look at Leon’s handsome side profile, noticing a few stray hairs beginning to form on his chin, as well as how defined his neck looked.

Haa… really, this was quite bad.

I was way in too deep. Much worse than my crushes back in my teenager days.

But Leon… he kissed me so passionately, so it should be fine, right?

My eyes then traced down, stopping at a familiar necklace.

There was a small carving of a sword that looked to have been done by an amateur and next to it, tied on the string just like I had left it, was the Migurd amulet I had gifted him so long ago.

To think he had kept it all this time… that made me very happy.

I snuggled closer against him as I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck, deciding to rest my tired eyes for the first time in over a day.

Mmm… it felt so cozy… was that his doing? 

I had seen a bit of mana drifting off of Leon’s body before I closed my eyes, so it must have been him using some fire magic.

As kind as ever…

“Hey, Leon-! You found her?” Paul’s voice said, surprised. “And you’re already holding her like that… well, we got what we came for, so let’s head back.”

A few more voices spoke up, including one I could barely recognize as Rudy’s, and one I was completely unfamiliar with, both lightly scolding Leon for suddenly leaving and destroying so many walls.

So my Leon did such a thing, just to get to me quicker?

Such a bad boy~

I… wasn’t mad, though.

In fact, that just made me happier.

As the group began to move back up to the surface, Talhand suddenly spoke up, “Ey, you’re the swordsman, right? Let me take the sleepin’ lass, so have your hands free.”

“Over my dead body,” Leon refused before suddenly softening the tone of his voice. “S-Sorry, uh, but… no. I can still attack with magic and search for traps with my Demon eye, so it’s all good.”


“Haa… just drop it, Talhand,” Paul intervened. “I told you my son’s an idiot when in love. I’ll be sure to scold him later.”

Leon really was acting reckless, huh?

And I could even hear a hint of jealousy in his refusal.

It was honestly… very endearing, to see the usually mature Leon, who had likely grown even more since we parted, acting so childish all because of me.

But… ‘In love’.

So I wasn’t mistaken with that kiss…

Hearing his overprotectiveness and feeling his warmth, along with the tingly sensation still on my lips, I couldn’t help but feel another wave of bliss wash over me as I cuddled deeper into his shoulder.

In response, Leon gently squeezed my thigh, which he was still holding firmly in his hand, despite his bag balancing me just fine on its own.

Really… he was doing all sorts of bad things right now.

It was a good thing my eyes were closed, as I didn’t think I could look at anyone right now.

Especially not Leon.

But, for his sweet actions, I did decide to reward him with a light kiss on his shoulder.

And so, feeling the most comfortable I had in a week, and the warmest I had likely ever felt before, I let myself drift off to sleep, eager to see Leon again once I awoke.

— Leon Greyrat —

It was the day after our successful rescue of Roxy, and by travelling through the night, we were able to reach Rapan by the morning.

Having slept the whole way, and even hours into today, it seemed that the Roxy had been really exhausted from her past week in the labyrinth.

But I didn’t mind.

At least now, she was safe, and well… I really loved watching her sleeping face.

But eventually, she seemed to have gotten enough sleep, as she slowly began shuffling under the covers as I watched from a nearby chair.

I wasn’t doing this only to watch her, of course.

Someone needed to be there for her when she woke up to explain what had happened and make sure she didn’t do anything in a panic and, well… I volunteered.

Very adamantly volunteered.

“Huam! Mmm!” Roxy yawned cutely, slowly sitting up as she stretched her arms outwards, causing the nightgown she was wearing to slip slightly past her shoulders.

…I was very glad I volunteered.

“Mmm? Where?” she mumbled, looking around with groggy eyes before settling on me, freezing as her awareness began to fill her eyes.

“Good morning, Roxy,” I said with a smile. “Did you sleep well?”

“Huh? Ah… yes, I did,” she nodded meekly. “And… we’re back in Rapan, aren’t we?”

She was quick on the uptake.

“Yeah. It’s only been a day since I found you,” I said calmly. “And I carried you all the way here, so… I’m glad to hear you slept well.”

Her cheeks gained a bit of colour as she nodded.

“Y-Yeah, it was… comfortable,” she said, looking down. “T–Thank you for carrying me and saving me, Leon.”

“Think nothing of it,” I said. “Saving you was natural, and as for carrying you… well, that was more of a treat for me.”

Truly, it was a wonderful treat.

Roxy looked back up at me, her lips curling into a small smile before her face suddenly froze, her eyes darting down to her clothes and over her body.

“I-I’m clean and… wearing new clothes…” she said, looking back at me through the corner of her eyes. “D-Did you? Y-You know?”

Oh, that?

“Change and clean you? I wish- no, sorry, Elinalise and Vierra did,” I said, feeling my cheeks heat up as I averted my eyes.

That was close.

My true thoughts almost came out there.

Jeez, I was acting like a kid in front of his crush.

Although… she was my first love, so I guess that isn’t too far from the truth.

“Oh, I see,” she nodded, relief evident from her expression.

Though… there was also the hint of a frown on her face.

Was she disappointed?

I hope so.

But the look was gone a moment later as Roxy shook her head, looking back at me with a calm smile.

“I see. Still, thank you for carrying me,” she said, smirking a bit as my cheeks flushed a bit more. “Hmm… as I thought. While I liked the confident Leon I saw back in the labyrinth, I like seeing the cute side of you too.” 


That just made me more embarrassed.

“Y-Yeah, back in the labyrinth…”

My words trailed off as I remembered the moment of our first kiss.

How I just stepped forward and kissed her, holding her close as I relished in the feeling of my lips against hers… 


I had somehow put that out of mind during the journey back, but I can’t believe I went and did that!

Looking back at Roxy, I noticed that she too seemed to remember that moment, as her cheeks were glowing red.

“Y-Yeah… that…”

She looked really cute like that.

Dammit… what was I doing?

I needed to stop acting like a child.

I already said it to my father, right?

I needed to be adamant about my love.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to properly convey my thoughts and feelings, and I wouldn’t be able to make my dream come true.

Slapping my cheeks to calm down, I took a deep breath before looking back to Roxy, who was looking at me in interest.

Right… let’s do this, Leon.

Getting off the chair, I walked up to sit down beside her as I took her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb along her soft skin as I looked into her wide, beautiful blue eyes.

“Roxy,” I said.

“Y-Yes, Leon?” she stammered out.

“I love you.”

Her blush became more pronounced.

“But… I love two others as well,” I said, looking down at my ring. “So… while I want to be together, you would have to accept that.”

Looking over, I saw Roxy’s eyebrows scrunched in slight disappointment and confusion as she muttered, “Two?”


I expected her to hate me, or at least be extremely sad.

Paul did mention how he told Roxy about Eris and I, so perhaps she had expected this?

Anyway, time to move on.

“I’m sure this is a bit… much to take in, and I don’t want to force you, so I’ll stop here,” I said, gently rubbing her hand before I released it. “For now, we need to focus on finding my mothers. So until it’s all over, I don’t want an answer to my affections.”

Hopefully, she would take the time to think it over, and hopefully, her decision would be a positive one.

“That’s a bad omen, you know?” she said, smiling slightly.

Oh, the ‘until it’s all over’?

I guess that was what Rudy would call a ‘flag’.

“That doesn’t matter. Your comfort is more important than some fate,” I shrugged.

“I see… so you want me to wait until then… I can do that,” she nodded.

“Thanks, but just know…” I said, leaning forward as I cupped her cheek, forcing her to look into my eyes. “Even if you say no, I’ll fight to make you fall for me.”

There’s no escaping my love and my dream, after all.

Her eyes opened wide as her cheeks returned to their flushed state, and I could feel her legs shifting under the blanket.

Taking a deep breath, Roxy leaned forward, giving me a small kiss on my lips before smiling.

“You… won’t have to do anything, Leon,” she said bashfully.

Ah… so it was like that.

I was glad… really glad… but I felt a little stupid now, for saying those embarrassing things just a moment before for seemingly no reason.

Good thing my father wasn’t here to hear that… or Rudy for that matter.

“Right,” I nodded. “And just so you know… I am serious about you.”

She tilted her head slightly, “How so?”

“When we become a couple, I will marry you,” I said, causing her to jolt in surprise. “And after that, I expect to have you, and for you to have me, for the rest of our lives. So… that’s why I want you to be completely sure before accepting.”

It was a big commitment, after all.

I had been a bit too fast with Sylphy, and while I didn’t regret it, and nothing bad had happened, things could have easily gotten messy.

Besides, for now, we did need to focus on finding my mothers.

“I-I see,” she nodded, getting over her stunned state as she then looked at me with a glare.

However, since she still had a warm grin on her face, her fierce gaze lost much of its bite.

“Leon… you’re quite selfish, aren’t you?” she said, reaching out to pinch my cheek. “Wanting three girls all for yourself… such a bad boy.”

I decided to ignore the pleasant tingle those words gave me.

I had a feeling that would be… dangerous to acknowledge.

“Yep,” I nodded. “But it’s what I want, and I’ll struggle until I get it. I love you three, after all, and I want to build a big family together.”

She shook her head with a resigned smile as she released my cheek.

“Well… while I would have preferred to be the sole object of your affections… I suppose I do like the sound of that too,” she said.

“Good,” I said, leaning forward to peck her cheek once more.

Right, I should… stop that for now, even if she was very cute.

She wasn’t officially my lover, and instead of exchanging kisses, we should be spending our time resting and planning for the big operation.

But that aside…

“Roxy… it seems we have matching eyes now,” I said, looking at her eye that had a hue of purple compared to the other’s pure blue. “I guess… we have a lot to talk about?”

“That we do,” she nodded with a smile.

Ah… I missed that smile.

I’m glad Roxy was back to me.

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