Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

13 Measurements

  We leisurely eat our food until our appointment. We walk back to the sex shop with a lingerie shop in the back. Brigit is skipping excitedly as we near the shop. "I can't wait to see all the extreme underwear they have that it can't even be shown normally!"


  Mom frowns, tilts her head, and asks, "If there isn't anything normal, it won't have anything she can wear for hiking."


  "Mom, she has her sportswear for that. We are getting her sexy underwear!" Brigit explains as she opens the door.


  Mom smiles gently and says, "if that's what you girls want."


  As we enter, the maid girl welcomes us once again. "Welcome back! My sister is waiting in the back," she says as she takes us to a door in the back of the store.


  As I enter the room, I'm shocked by what I see. I expected, much like Brigit, that it'd be filled with the most degenerate underwear. But instead, it reminds me of the high-tech gyms they have for Olympic runners.


  A woman on the shorter side is sitting at a computer. She has a lacy pair of blue bra and panties that are slightly see-through but not enough to be called lewd. Her light brown hair is cut short, just reaching her shoulders. She has big rimmed glasses that reflect the screen in front of her.


  "Sis, your new customer is here!" The maid-clad woman announces.


  "Oh yes! Nice to meet you," the bespectacled woman says as she spins around in her chair. "Welcome. Who's getting the lingerie?"


  "That's me," I state, stepping forward.


  "This isn't what I was expecting. Where's the lewd underwear?" Brigit complains with puffed-out cheeks.


  "I do custom orders. And as one can imagine, with the storefront, I'm often asked to make all manners of kinky lingerie," The woman in underwear explains. She then glances at her sister, "YOU did explain to them about how expensive my services are, right?


  "I'm not your assistant. Make better advertisements!" the woman from the front desk retorts as she flees through the door with her tongue out.


  The woman stands up from her chair, saying, "I apologize. My name is Janet, before we proceed," she pauses and grabs a tablet," about the price."


  She shows the tablet to mom, who glances down. "It's not a problem," Mom states with a reassuring smile.


  Janet perks up, "that's great! I assure you that once you wear custom-fit lingerie, you won't be able to go back."


  Janet turns to me with a bright smile. "Now, please strip so we can begin measuring."


  I look at Janet as I remove my clothes. "Umm, is there a reason you're not dressed?"


  Janet nods curtly, "yes, it shows off my work and makes the customer feel comfortable since we are both exposed."


  I don't know if it makes me feel more comfortable, but it is nice on the eyes. I lay my clothes on the table and stand there in my sports underwear.


  "Everything, please."


  Everything? I guess this is for underwear. I quickly remove the rest of my clothes.


  "Alright, body measurements first. Please stand here," Janet says while gesturing for me to stand on an x surrounded by cameras. I walk over and stand on the white x.


  Janet pulls out a white rope with dark red markings. She quickly holds up the rope along my arms, legs, torso, bust, etc. She then pulls out a traditional measuring tape and writes down exact measurements


  "Alright, basics are done. Now to get the more detailed measurements," Janet states with a quick nod.


  The whole time Brigit watches Janet closely. During the pause, she asks, "I've never seen measurements like this. Why are you using the rope like that?"


  "It's for the computer. It makes it easier to model."


  I jump in, happy to boost my sister, "Brigit designs clothes too!"


  Brigit vigorously shakes her head so hard her breasts also swing. With outstretched arms, she denies my words, "I only make clothes for dolls. It's nothing like what you do."


  Janet pulls down a strange contraption from the ceiling. It moves quickly like a hanging x-ray machine. It has two large holes in it. She lines it up with my chest.


  "Alright, this will give us a complete measurement of your breasts," She explains while shifting the machine to line up perfectly. "This may feel a bit uncomfortable... Or pleasurable, depending on the person."


  Mom explains to Janet, a bit of sorrow in her voice, "unfortunately, she can't seem to experience pleasures of the flesh."


  "That's awful," Janet sighs as she puts my breasts in the machine.


  The felt inside slowly contracts around my boobs. Once they are gently wrapped, little balls massage my breasts while cold air hits my nipples, causing them to become stiff. Little feelers tickle my nipples, causing me to laugh. If I had my sensitivity on at all, I'd definitely be turned on.


  "They're pretty big," Janet quips while looking at her tablet. She then glances over at Brigit then mom and notes, "I may need a bigger machine."


  After this, she brings me to a gynecologist's chair, where she probes and measure my vagina. Checking and probing my lips and clit. She stands up and stretches. "Measurements over."


  "That's great!" I exclaim while stretching.


  "Next is the movement part. We place all these dots on you, and the motion caption will record your movements."

I apologize. I said there would be a chapter a handful of days ago.

This is also a bit short. The next couple of releases will likely be from my phone. So I apologize for any errors.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.