Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

14 Janet’s Future

  Janet begins her work and states, "please make your hair into a bun. We don't want it blocking your back.


  I redo my hair as the dots are put on me. I can't help but question the extreme measures. "Isn't it just bras, just a letter? Is this all necessary?"


  She looks up at me from under my mountain peaks with eyes blazing like a supernova. "This is the future! The age of designers is going to return. I'm on the forefront of history," Janet rants as she pokes up my legs.


  "The age of mass production is over!" Janet exclaims while punctuating her point with a drill attack on my clit. I yelp and jump as she continues, "You really are frigid. Most women are gushing by now. Anyways the age of in-home production is upon us, just like the miniaturization of plastic and metal production. Soon automated sewing machines will become feasible. I'm highly invested in a company working on it."


  She finishes lining my lower lips and ass and starts up my back. Her passion flows, and her words surge like rain in a hurricane, "Then people will no longer go to big box stores to buy their clothes! No longer will they need to suffer from not fitting perfectly into a number. The customers will come to facilities much like mine. They will be measured and digitally recreated. Then their muscles, bones, and sex organ movements will be calculated! Combined with a skilled artisan to create the most beautiful clothes and clothes that fit and move perfectly! Supporting where it should, leaving free where it should!"


  Finally, a moment of silence falls on the room as she places dots on my face. It doesn't last long, though, as Brigit exuberantly throws her approval, "Amazing! That will change the world. No longer will misshapen t-shirts and overly tight jeans rule the world! The colors, the designs. I can't wait!"


  I look over at Brigit with my eyes. She's flushed red, and she might have had a minor orgasm due to euphoria.


  However, mom isn't a fashionista even though she always looks good. A beacon of wisdom, she asks, "That's all well and good, but the future isn't here yet, and we only have an hour. So if this is unnecessary, we should start looking at designs."


  Janet looks at my mom, undeterred, "It's necessary. While the equipment for in-home creations isn't ready, my software and measuring techniques are much farther along. It piggybacks off of sports, movies, and video game technologies. If you're willing to pay the price for custom work, the perfect fit is possible today! You did agree that the price was acceptable?"


  Mom nods. "If the clothes are as well made as you extol, it would be unforgivable for me not to buy them. However, if they aren't, I will be forced to make a commotion over this," Mom threatens with a charming smile. There she goes again. If she wasn't so overbearing with others, she'd be the perfect human.


  Janet nods confidently. "Ok, first we'll check walking and running. Please get on the treadmill," she explains while gesturing.


  I happily stride over to the treadmill. I move to retighten my ponytail, but I freeze, remembering we tied it on a bun. This is my specialty, after all! I step on, and Janet slowly ups the pace. I take long, solid steps, easily keeping up with the slow pace. Janet looks at her pad and notes something down.


  "Alright, are we ready to speed up?" Janet asks while observing me.


  "Any time!"


  "Good," Janet replies while pressing some buttons on her tablet. The speed begins to rise to a speed walking level. Janet smiles and states, " You're quite fit. Most of my clients are already winded by this point!"


  "Hedone used to run on the track team, and she's never stopped. She's really fast but too much of a tomboy. That's why I insisted on choosing her new outfit!" Brigit explains with a guts pose.


  "That's perfect. We should be able to get some good data then," Janet states as she raises the speed again.


  Now at a running pace, my boobs begin to bounce, and my hips swing. These large hips I got from my mom made running competitively impossible. I can see a connect-the-dots version of me on the screen, and it looks confusing as the dots move and bounce.


  "Your body is still young and elastic. Your breasts are barely sagging even with the size. Your ass bounces quite nicely too. These are good qualities, so I'll try and make something supportive enough but leaves a little room for movement," Janet compliments while continuing to analyze the data. She mumbles about things I don't understand, probably designer things.


  I continue to run for a few minutes getting up to top speed. Just as I'm getting into it, Janet turns down the pace. "Next, we need to do some jumping and stretching over here. After that, it's the fun part of choosing designs."


  I then do jumping jacks, energetic hopping, and even a cartwheel since I can. It's not part of the standard measuring, apparently. Stretching is next. I always make sure to stay limber, so I look forward to showing off.


  First, we start with touching toes. I complete the task, but it's pretty uncomfortable with my boobs smooshing against my body. I then do a holding leg pose that is quite sexy in the hentai I look at. With my leg over my head, I expose my vagina to everyone. It's mentally stimulating, but due to my sensitivity bar being all the way down, I'm safe. I do this with both legs.


  We move on to neck massage and arm rotations and behind my head and back. Each movement reminds me of my exposure as my chest is stuck out, and the position leaves me vulnerable.


  With my hands behind me and stretching my back as far as I can, Janet lifts my breasts and lets them fall. She then gropes them and pinches my nipples holding my boobs up with just the nipple.


  "This is to examine how they stretch under different stimuli," Janet explains; however, her flushed cheeks implies that she enjoys this part. "Now, move your arms in the front. Under your breast. Try to touch your elbows and hug yourself above and below your chest."


  I do as I'm told, squeezing my breasts between my arms. Honestly, at this point, my mind is on fire. I don't even think I'd need to touch myself at this point. Just one point of sensitivity, and I would flood the room.


  Lastly, we move to the floor. I do the splits and even bounce up and down for a bit, my ass slapping against the floor. I then stretch my body between my legs and smash my tits against the floor. Finally, we end with me holding both my legs over my head, smooshing my boobs between my legs, and presenting my vagina to the world.


  "Alright, this is done. Now for the fun part of picking designs!"

Still having some issues and am out of town. I will be back to daily releases on 5/23/2022. There should be a release or two in until then. This was written on my phone please forgive any mistakes. But feel free to point them out for me!

I think I may make Jannet a minor character. I wasn't planning on having any of the city characters stick around. Honestly this was just an excuse for Hedone to be put in sexy underwear. But I thought why would this place be like this besides for a kinky novel?

Then I came up with this and really loved it. I probably won't add the numbers until I'm back to daily sorry!

Thanks for reading!

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