Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

53 Religion

  We move outside the dungeon and look at the sign. Mom reads, "Entrance prohibited under the power of Bishop Marybelle."


  I hold my head in frustration. "No wonder no one entered."


  "It's as I thought the Church of Purity is problematic. They are trying to starve you of points, and they won't be happy about you spreading debauchery," Mom informs me with a creased brow.


  "Will I not be able to get visitors even with the mushrooms?" I ask worriedly.


  Mom shrugs, "If word spreads, it may be fine. It depends on how much of a stranglehold the church has."


  "It sucks that they don't believe in sex," I sigh as I lean against the dungeon entrance.


  Mom's mouth twists as she seems to be thinking. "It's not the sex they likely still tout procreation, but it all has to be done correctly. There are protocols. The church has rules and regulations for everything."


  "Well, there are rules to every sport, so that isn't too bad," I reply dismissively, playing with my ponytail.


  Mom laughs and cups my face lovingly. "These rules aren't for sportsmanship. They are for micromanagement. For example, sex that isn't for producing offspring isn't allowed. Before having sex, the partners must bathe for two hours. The woman must either cut her hair short or tie it up. They must not have painted nails. The woman must lay on their back and not move. They are not allowed to make noise during sex.


  That's just the basic knowledge of the average person. The actual rules for sex are fifty pages long written in small print."


  I lift my hands to mom's and gently touch her hands on my cheeks. I enjoy the warmth and smile as I ask, "what about the guys?"


  Mom nods. "They are just as stringent, but it doesn't have anything to do with us. Are you interested in the rules?"


  "Not really," I say with a shrug. "But what a pain. I'm just trying to run a fun sex dungeon."


  "And you're doing a good job," Mom says as she moves a hand up and pats my head. "You don't need to worry about what they think. Dungeons are created to cause chaos. You can do whatever you want from now on."


  I swallow deeply. "Anything?" I ask as my eyes dip to mom's colossal chest.


  "That's right," mom states. Her breasts bounce a bit as she talks. Honestly, mom's boobs are a dangerous weapon. I want to suck on them.




  "What? Sorry, mom, I was eh thinking," I quickly say.


  "I was saying that you have my full support. Do whatever you want."


  I nod and turn away in embarrassment. "Right, if mom says so, then I'm in the right. Anyways I want my own sign that states if people enter the dungeon, they consent to all sexual acts, and I can't be held liable for any injuries," I tell mom proudly.


  Mom smiles and looks at the entrance. "I don't think that will stand up in court, but if it gives you peace of mind, it won't hurt. Perhaps you should also make fliers explaining the mushroom's concept and benefits," Mom suggests.


  "That's a good idea. We'll work on that at home," I say, clenching my fist in front of me with determination.


  Mom turns to leave and walks up the stairs. I watch her hips naturally sway, her large butt apparent even under the thick fabric of her suit. I bite my lip. She did say to do what I wanted. I run up to her and spank her right butt cheek.


  "Let's go, team!" I cheerfully say, trying to cover my lust.


  Mom laughs and wraps her right arm around my shoulder in a side hug. Mom collects my cum in a jar from the faucet, and we return home. At home, Saphire is wearing Brigit's T-shirt like a dress.


  We spend the rest of the day preparing our mushroom Viagra signs. We have a problem with the art, so I call Angelique. She says, "Idiot have a freelancer do it." So I commission an artist online.


  We let Saphire stay and sleep on the couch. She is so happy that she hugs me. Long term, though, we'll want a dorm at the dungeon. For now, it's okay, but I'll have to look into it when the mushroom farm is done.


Tuesday dungeon points: 974 Upkeep: 41


  In the morning, mom informs me that she found a farmer willing to sell us some sperm. So I throw on a simple t-shirt and jeans and head out to the farm. We are going to meet a woman named Anna. It sounds familiar for some reason, but I can't put my finger on it.


  We pull up to a home surrounded by wheat. As we get out of the car, a woman in a plaid shirt and jeans comes out of the house. She has a few wrinkles but still looks healthy. "Welcome, I'm Anna," She says with open arms.


  Mom introduces us, "I'm Dikê. It's nice to meet you." Mom takes Anna's hand in a strong handshake. Then mom gestures to me. "This is my daughter Hedone. She wants the horse sperm."


  Anna walks over and shakes my hand. She has a firm grip and rough hands, proving how much she works. "Are you looking to raise horses?" She asks with a welcoming smile.


  "No, I'm just a bit interested," I say nervously.


  Anna raises her eyebrow and glances at mom. "Well, it's a bit weird that you share that with your mom. But money is money," she says with a wink.


  Ugh, she thinks I'm playing with the sperm. Well, it's kind of true, but it's not for me! Thinking fast, I say, "It's for an experiment!" This isn't even a lie. It's an experiment to see if Goblina can get pregnant with horse sperm.


  "Are you a scientist?" Anna questions while leaning in.


  I shake my head vigorously. "No, but I can still do experiments for fun sometimes."


  Anna backs up, looking a bit disappointed. "I'm getting a bit tired of pseudo-scientists."


  Mom backs me up, "I'm glad she's getting interested in biology. She used to just run and watch things online."


  Anna looks at me. I try to smile like mom to intimidate her. Anna glances at mom, then smirks and nods. "I understand we all go through a phase like that." She decided I was actually doing sex things with the sperm, and I lied to mom about getting into biology.


  Anna turns to walk into her home, saying, "I got it ready for you in a cooler. Bring it back for me when you're done."


  "Alright," I say as a large van drives into the driveway.

Sorry about the long wait! This chapter was very problematic for me. I rewrote it many times.

I started off with the church being racist then just segregationist. But it never felt right and it involved me trying to defend Dikê which made the chapter feel awkward. Also I didn't want to deal with such a deep and destructive topic so it was always frustrating and felt off.

So why did I write it that way? Well it was because I felt like the antagonist had to be evil. It is indeed a dumb reason but it took a whole week for me to realize it. The important part was the rules part and that was what I planned on focusing on.

Isn't an annoying rules lawyer a big enough problem for Hedone? I finally questioned after a week of agonizing. It allows for corruption of the church with out feeling like I'm ignoring the rest. It fits best with Dikê's backstory of being great at her job but a micromanager and overbearing.

While I feel bad for the wait this is one of the few times I'm glad I sat on the chapter. Thanks for reading the chapter and my long auther's note!

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