Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

54 Coeds

  Anna pauses to look back at the van. Two women in lab coats come out, and surprisingly, one of the women from the tourist center. We all look at each other for a moment. One has hair so blond it's almost white, and the other looks Asian with black hair with blue tips.


  The tourist center woman smile and walk over. "What a surprise! I didn't expect you to be here. Are you investigating the aliens too?"


  I notice the blond giving me a nasty stare after the alien comment. I shake my head. "No, I'm just buying some stuff from Anna." I gesture to my mom. "This is my mom, Dikê."


  "Nice to meet you," mom says, shaking her hand.


  "You have a nice energetic daughter. You're a lucky woman," the tourist center lady says.


  "Thank you," mom replies politely.


  I step forward and ask, "why would you think we are here for aliens?"


  "Because Anna was the first person abducted. That's why I brought these ladies out here," she explains while looking at me in confusion.


  I look over my shoulder at Anna and realize. "Oh, that's why the name sounded familiar."


  Anna spits at the ground, "I told you I'm not helping these people anymore. The aliens haven't come around since all the city folk came."


  The door in the house opens, and a bony man says, "I'm the one their looking for. You're throwing away money by not showing the experts around." He makes a disgusting smile as he says, experts.


  "Henry, seriously?" Anna says with exasperation. She rubs her temples and instantly looks ten years older.


  "It's good money. There's no reason to throw it away," Henry says dismissively.


  "What about the farm," Anna says, gesturing out to the fields.


  Henry walks by Anna. "The farm is fine," he says to Anna. He then addresses the coeds, "Welcome, I'll take you to the location the Aliens showed up."


  It's clear that he thinks these alien chasers are idiots. I can't say anything since I'm the leader of the aliens. The woman from the tourist center walks over to Anna and, in a quiet voice, says, "Anna, the town needs this."


  Anna looks at her with a frown but lets it go. "Fine, but you won't have anything show up if you try and catch them," Anna says to the women in lab coats.


  The blond girl strides over to Anna, her long legs quickly propelling her across the driveway. Honestly, I'm a bit jealous she has a good body for running. She is thin, though, and doesn't look like she has much muscles. She has a skirt that ends just above her knees and a light blouse. Her boobs are tiny, and she doesn't need a bra. I can see her nipples are perky and long as they protrude from her chest.


  The blond leans forward with her hands on her hips. "I'm here to debunk this joke. We won't be using any trackers or sensors. I've already spread this around town. I suspect that it's someone drugging people," the woman explains. The blond then gestures to the woman with blue tips.


  The black-haired woman runs over. She has thick nerdy-looking glasses and is on the shorter side. She's taller than Angelique, maybe high fours or low five foot. But her boobs are wow. They are about as big as mine, but they look even more prominent with her petite build. She has fitted dress pants and a button-down shirt tucked into her pants.


  As she runs over, her chest flings back and forth. Yeah, I know how you feel. It's hard to run unless you have some heavy-duty bras. But from the outside, it makes me want to help support her tits with my hands. Maybe a massage.


  Oh, the blond is saying something, "so we'll be out there with just this camera. I figure whoever is pranking people will show up for two weak girls."


  I frown. Yeah, I'm the alien's leader, but you don't know that! "Isn't that a bit dangerous?" I intrude on the conversation.


  The blond seems to remember that I'm here. "Hedone, was it?" she asks with a superior tone. She then gestures at me with an open hand and continues, "have you met any aliens?"


  I shake my head, "No, but I don't live in the farming area. We are in the forest mountainous area." I notice that the black-haired woman is filming us. How long has she been doing that?


  The woman from the tourist center steps in and mentions, "Hedone hasn't run into aliens, but she protected her sister from an angry boar. She ended up in the hospital, though."


  "Hmm," The blond looks me up and down. She pauses a few too many times on my breasts. Is that her preference, or is she the jealous type? She then says, "I'm Natalie." She points over her shoulder. "and this is Chiaki. We'll be around for a bit. Maybe we should meet up? I want to hike a bit in the forest while we're here."


  "Sure!" I nod. It must be her preference. Chiaki must be Japanese, then. Well, she could be American. I've never been a fan of calling people who are citizens here by their old citizenship.


  Henry seems tired of waiting and clears his voice, "you ladies ready to go?"


  Natalie looks over at Henry with her head held back as if she's trying to look down at him. "Fine, let's get going." She waves for Chiaki to follow her.


  As Chiaki passes by, she nods at me and mouths it's nice to meet you.


  Anna claps her hands together and says, "alright, I'll go get the horse sperm for you."


  The woman from the tourist center looks at me with a perplexed look. I quickly explain what we told Anna, and it didn't seem to work much better this time either. I mean, I am a weird nympho, but I'm not into that stuff, ok? But well, it doesn't matter.


  Anna brings out a red and white cooler and hands it to me. I nod, "thanks." Mom gives Anna some bills, and we head for the car. As I near the car, I stop and look over my shoulder. "Did your ride just run off?"


  The tourist center woman nods. "Seems that way."


  "Why don't you ride with us?" mom offers.


  "I'd appreciate that. Sorry for intruding."


  With that, we drive back to town. Along the way, Cathy rambles about the goings on in town and how they are desperate to keep things going. I figure out her name by gently probing mom to ask. I feel bad about asking at this point. I mean, they may have told me already, and I didn't pay attention. I also find out that the other woman is named Laurie.


  I also learn that Natalie and Chiaki are from South Dakota U. Maybe I should help the town and have the aliens show up? It's not because I want to take Natalie down a peg as she begs to orgasm or stops orgasming. Chiaki is hot too. Wait, no, I'm doing this for pure reasons. I wipe a bit of drool from my face and congratulate myself on my altruism.


Thanks for reading! I sent an email to scribblehub to see if they consider slime monster sex bestiality for the rules. If they do I'm afraid that I'll have to censor it. I don't consider it bestiality my self.

On another note if you are enjoying the novel I'd like to invite you to put in a review.

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