Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

66 First Dojo

Wednesday Dungeon points: 435 -51 = 384


  I reach the dojo after a casual jog. Honestly, I’m already tuckered out. But I don’t want to miss the first day if I can help it. I see Musha waiting for me as I come out of the forest.


  “Welcome,” Musha says with wide open arms. As she walks over, she frowns, putting wrinkles all over her face. “What happened?”


  I rub my head and sigh. “I had a rough day yesterday.”


  “A rough day,” she pokes and prods me. “I’ve never seen someone lose so much muscle mass in a single night!”


  “Yeah. But I should be fine from now on. I’ll be more careful,” I try to deflect, looking away from the large woman.


  Musha pats me on the shoulders. “Alright. We all have our secrets. Hopefully, we will be close enough to share them in the future.”


  I smile. I’m glad she’s nice. “I hope so too.”


  She puts her hand on my back and guides me to the left. We enter a courtyard filled with holes and broken trees. As Musha sees me looking around, she explains, “some times I like to train out here.”


  “That’s pretty crazy,” I state, a bit worried.


  “Hahaha. Don’t put too much thought into it. We’ll start easy,” Musha says.


  We continue through another gate. Inside is a small garden and pond with one of those tipping water contraptions. It knocks loudly every time it’s filled up. After crossing a bridge, we reach a traditional Japanese building.


  Musha gestures to the building. “This is the outer dojo. This is where we’ll be working,” she explains as we enter.


  “Outer dojo?”


  “Yeah. The inner dojo is where mom trains and has the equipment for training our signature techniques. It’s too early for you,” Musha says. She then takes off her shoes and places them in a shoe box. I follow suit and walk in.


  “It’s quite big. Is it just you?” I ask.


  “For now, it’s just my mom and me. But we’re just in between generations. In a few more years, it’ll be so packed with girls that you’ll feel like there isn’t any room.”


  “Only girls?” I feel a slight springiness in the mat as I walk on it.


  “Yeah. The boys go to their own dojo,” Musha says as she walks to a side door. She slides it open, and in front of us is a well-stocked gym. “We’ll start with good workout routines. We need to get the right muscles built up.”


  “I understand. I appreciate it. I know a little from my time in track and field, but I was mostly track and not so much field. I never was that into lifting weights,” I say while rubbing my foot on the ground. It’s pretty embarrassing.


  “Well, let’s get started,” Musha states with a bright smile. She shows me basic techniques, and we train for a few hours.


  “Alright, let’s not push it on your first day. I’ll show you some basic moves. Come on!” Musha waves for me to follow, and we return to the dojo. She puts on some hand mitts. “Put on the protective gloves.”


  I put on the gloves and clench my fists. “Alright, I’m ready!”


  “Ok, spread your legs like this and put your hands in a defensive pose. You want to be sure to put your shoulder towards the opponent.”


  I do my best to match her as Musha physically adjusts my stance. After she finds me acceptable, I throw punches at her hands. “Before worrying about hurting people, you must learn not to hurt yourself. That’s what this is about.” She also spends time rearranging my punches when she doesn’t like them.


  In the end, I’m breathing heavily. Yesterday I wouldn’t be so exhausted. It’s unacceptable. I need to work harder so no one worries.


  Musha plops her large hand on my head as I put on my running shoes. “You catch on quick.”


  “Thanks. I’ve always had pretty good muscle memory,” I respond.


  "Let’s keep it up. Next time feel free to come right in.”


  “Sounds good,” I say as I leave.


  I return home around two pm. As I open the door, I’m surrounded by women. “Welcome back!”


  “Woah, I thought you were all at the dungeon?” I say in shock.


  Brigit laughs. “We knew you’d be home soon, so we made you lunch.”


  Right as I’m about to close the door, a delivery truck pulls up. “Oh, my package!” Angelique says with a hand over her heart. “I was worried it wouldn’t make it in time.”


  As I’m eating, Angelique opens up the package. It’s a long flat and black thing. Angelique sees everyone watching her and says, “it’s a scanner. We can check to make sure they don’t have any tracking devices. It’s something every woman should have nowadays, honestly.”


  “Why would all women need a scanner?” Brigit asks while tilting her head.


  “There are so many over-the-counter tracking devices nowadays. They are small and can be slipped into your bag or car,” Angelique explains.


  “We live in dangerous times,” I reply.


  “Well, it’s still safer than the old days,” Angelique says while reading the directions and testing it out.


  Saphire pulls on my shirt, looking a bit unsure. “What’s wrong?” I ask.


  “That woman came back.” Dungeon points + 4 = 388


  “Already? I look at Blue, who is happily eating. “Did she need more cum?”


  “No. She just wanted mushroom,” Blue explains.


  Angelique sighs. “Yeah. I know I helped come up with the idea, but I saw a problem.”


  “I already know the mushroom aren’t strong enough. We’ll need to get more vibrators,” I respond with disinterest.


  “That’s true. But I mean, won’t they just collect the spores and grow them themselves?” She questions.


  I drop my fork in shock. “No, but it won’t grow outside the dungeon, right?” I ask Christal.


  “You do not have that knowledge, so I also don’t know.”


  “Useless as usual,” I scoff.


  Angelique shakes her head. “I don’t see why they can’t grow it. Perhaps there are special needs, but it grows fast and easily. Since they might have magic, they may have a druid or something to overcome any issues.”


  “Doesn’t that mean all those points were wasted?” I ask, disappointed.


  “Not as much as that calorie-killing modification.”


  “Uhg.” I cover my head and lay it on the table.


  Brigit rubs my back and comforts me, “it’ll be fine. We are all working hard.”


  “Thanks,” I mumble.


  Angelique suggests, “well, why don’t we give it a try? Collect some and plant them in different locations.”


  Saphire pulls on my shirt with wide eyes. “I’ll do my best.”


  “I’ll be counting on you,” I laugh, rubbing her head.


Alright, this time I missed the release date. Thanks for reading! Next chapter we'll be starting the long awaited abduction.

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