Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

67 Planning

  We spend time relaxing, and I even take a nap to get ready for tonight. As the sun goes down, we begin our tactical meeting.


  “Who’s going with us?” I ask Angelique.


  “The slime and Blue as usual. Then we’ll hold up the rear and check them for communication devices,” Angelique explains.


  I nod while thinking. “Brigit, Saphire, I think you guys should stay home.”


  “No way!” Brigit rejects it with a loud voice.


  “I’d like to leave Angelique behind, too, but I need her to use the scanner,” I try to explain.


  Brigit slams her hand on the table. “I’m going!”


  “Why do you want to come?” I ask while rubbing my forehead.


  “Obviously, if you need help, I’ll be there.”


  “If there is trouble, I’ll pick up Angelique and run.”


  Brigit looks at me incredulously. “Even though you're weak right now?”


  I sigh. “Worst case scenario, I’ll take responsibility and go to jail.”


  Brigit shakes her head, her arms clasped between her boobs. “I should go to jail. If you’re gone, we’ll die anyways.”


  Angelique grabs Brigit’s shoulder supportively. “You’re both making too big a deal out of this. Even if they call the police, we can just say we were playing a prank,” she says calmly. Angelique leans on Brigit while holding her hand palm out. “There’s no proof that we are part of the aliens after all. The real problem is if they track us to the dungeon somehow.”


  Brigit gestures to Angelique. “See, sis! There is no reason why I shouldn’t come.”


  Angelique looks away. “I wouldn’t go that far.”


  “Even if there are some reasons, it’s not enough to deter me,” Brigit counters emphatically.


  I lean back in my chair and tighten my ponytail. “Fine. But it will be a tough hike. We can rely on the slime on the way there, but who knows what will happen.”


  Angelique sighs and moves back to her seat. She leans forward and lays her chin on her interlaced fingers. “Let’s get back to the plan. Blue will sleep them and shoot a blinding light while the slimes take them away…”


  Angelique continues, but Blue flies over and worriedly says, “I can’t!”


  “You can’t what?” Angelique asks.


  “I can’t put people to sleep and shoot lights. Also, blinding light is too hard.”


  Angelique seems to think about this and questions, “it seems like putting to sleep would be harder than creating a blinding light.”


  Blue puts her hands on her hips and bends forward. I imagine she’s putting on a pouty face, but all I see is her cute butt. “Do you know anything about magic?”


  Angelique leans back, looking a bit depressed. “No.”


  “The girls will be tired late at night and not suspecting. But it will take all my focus to keep them out. Making a blinding light involves consolidating the latent light particles into one area,” Blue explains.


  Angelique claps, seeming to have gained some understanding. “Then it’d be easier to eliminate all light from the area since the moon isn’t out tonight.”


  Blue shakes her head. “No way. Although it may seem limited with your eyesight but there are still a lot of light particles floating about. Both spells require control over the particles, so it is hard to say which would be easier,” she explains, but it’s clear by the end that she is losing interest in this conversation. So I jump in, “either way, she can’t do it.”


  Angelique looks down at the table and breathes in a deep breath. “This was a big part of my plan.”


  “I’m only one fairy,” Blue responds, sounding quite hurt.


  I gently wrap my fingers around Blue’s waist to comfort her. “It’s already impressive that she can do this much.” She proudly puffs out her chest in my hands and states, “that’s right!”


  “I get that,” Angelique responds while rubbing her head. It’s interesting to watch the springy hair bounce and entangle her hand. She continues, “what are we going to do about the cameras?”


  Brigit shrugs. “Just let the slimes go on camera. They will think it’s aliens.”


  Angelique looks over at Brigit then her head swishes to me. Her hair is so fun, I think, as Angelique asks in shock, “Is it alright for them to think that it’s really aliens?”


  I don’t know what to say. I don’t care if they think it’s aliens. That’s the cover story, anyways. But if too much evidence get’s out, we will have more than just some college girls out here. “I don’t know,” I respond honestly.


  Brigit slumps onto the table. Although it mainly involves her laying on her boobs as she looks sidelong at us.“Were we seriously going to manage to get by all the cameras? We don’t know where they are or what kind of equipment they have,” Brigit says, showing her elder wisdom.


  I bob my head in response. We might as well ignore the camera problem and leave it to the slimes. I sit back in relief while playfully poking Blue.


  “Well, there is one way to avoid the cameras,” Angelique says with a sarcastic voice.




  “We could just leave them to their camping trip.”


  “What!?” I say, jumping to my feet.


  “It’s not like you need to, and if we do nothing, they will get bored and leave,” Angelique says while waving away invisible smoke.


  “But they were so high and mighty. The whole point of this is to humiliate her,” I explain. Geez, Angelique, you are getting so hung up on cameras that you forget the reason for this abduction in the first place.


  Angelique looks me straight in the eye and says, “that’s a dumb reason and tactically unsound.” My mouth drops, and I don’t know what to say.


  Brigit starts to speak, and I look at her for vindication. “You’re forgetting we need points. Hedone just wasted a bunch on a skill that almost killed her. Also, the mushroom farm might not work out either.” While it bolsters my goal, I feel it is harsh to bring up my recent failings.


  I mean, yeah, points are great, but that’s just a bonus. What happened to our sisterly bond? Where is the Brigit that only cares about sexy women? Oh yeah, she hasn’t seen them.


  As I’m about to elucidate, Brigit Angelique gives in, “I get it. Even if there is some footage, a blob isn’t going to convince anyone.”


  “No one is too optimistic. But there will be more debunk videos than supportive ones,” Brigit says.


  We then split up to change into our mission outfits.

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