Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

81 Breather

“Fuck,” I curse while sinking to the floor. Well, there is no actual floor. I’m in a dark abyss.


I lay on the invisible floor. I activated the one-time tutorial to buy time to think. It’s technically used to read the manual. Christal floats above me.


“Mistress, do you want to begin reading?” She asks with some excitement.


I wave her away with my right arm. “I’m in too much pain. Let me heal first,” I say dismissively.


I pull out a bottle of my cum and splash it on my cheek, then take a swig. “Damn. What can I do?”


“You can read the manual,” Christal helpfully reminds me.


“I’m not, uhg. I’m not talking about that,” I gripe while holding my stomach. “I’m not going to die in here, am I?”


“No, mistress. You shouldn’t die, but healing naturally without aid may lead to complications,” She informs me.


“Shit. Augh,” I curse while groaning. My left shoulder is definitely shattered. My insides feel like they went through a blender. “Gag, cough,” I spit up blood. This isn’t good.


The pain is overwhelming, and my vision blurs. Strange, why does it look like the darkness is crawling like a pile of snakes? So strange….


“Gasp!” I jolt out of unconsciousness. I flinch at the expected pain from suddenly moving my broken body but feel none. I experimentally shift my left shoulder and feel no pain. I twist my body, and my core feels normal as well. I touch my body all over in shock.


I question Christal, “Did you do something?”


“No, mistress.”


“But you said I’d heal naturally. I know your words are sometimes unreliable, but this is a bit much,” I say bitterly. I get up and move about experimenting. “I’m glad I’m healed, but isn’t your information lacking too much.”


I’m shocked to see the normally placid Christal make a pitying face, “The information is accurate. You just seem to be unlucky.”


“What do you mean unlucky? I think healing is pretty lucky. I feel like I’m back to my time when I trained every day for track,” I say in confusion as I throw off my clothes to check my body.


“If you saw what happened to you, you wouldn’t say that,” she replies ominously.


I explore my naked body, but I can’t find even a speck out of place. I do some jogging and jumping, but the only feeling I get is that of being in perfect health. “Well, what happened?”


“Mistress, a surprising visitor came and,” She seems to pause in thought, “It would have the guru tag.”


I frown at the problematic word that came out of Christal’s mouth. “Seriously? What the hell, how can someone even come in here? Times not even moving, right?”


“Not everything is restricted by time.”


I give up worrying about it. I want to jump out and save my sister. But damn it, I should check out the stupid instruction manual. “So let's see the manual.”


“Yes, Mistress.”


A menu with writing appears in front of me. I look at the writing…… It’s English….. It’s like looking at something translated by an AI into three different languages before being translated into English. It’s completely nonsensical.


I push through and do my best, but it’s ridiculous. It’s like reading the ravings of a creature that is shocked by the concept of object permanence. I can only think that the whole system was just for this likely god to experiment with object permanence.


I collapse on the floor, my limbs spread out. “Is there any information on the actual dungeon stuff?”


“Here, Mistress.”


The pages disappear by the billions until a new writing style appears. This god seems to have picked up this system and repurposed it into the dungeon system. The writing is more readable, but none of it seems useful.


“What a waste of time,” I complain.


“No time has gone by.”


I wave my hand dismissively. “I know.”


“Shit, is there really nothing?” I complain. I scroll through tons of garbage. Complex formulas make up the point system, but they make no sense. Actually, I can understand math, but why do they have to be so long and complex?


Scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll.


Until I finally reach the end. This whole time, I found nothing but boring technical information. “This is hardly a user manual,” I complain.


“Congratulations, mistress!” Christal exclaims while floating around me.


“What are you talking about?”


“You’ve gained a new title.”


“Ok.” I pull up the status and it shows: Manual Finisher. My lewd mind makes me think of something else when reading that title. But the benefit is a system upgrade? “What does that?”


I look over at Christal, who appears to be squirming. Her body loses its transparency. I ask, “What’s going on?”


“Ah, Mistress, I’ve gained a physical form.”


I reach out and touch Christal. She feels artificial with a squishy, soft plastic feel. “Wow! Do you feel this?”


“No, I do not feel. But I can be visible to other people and manipulate physical objects now,” Christal informs me.


“Can you stop the adventurer when we get out?” I hopefully ask.


“I’m not allowed to get involved with adventurers. I can help with everyday activities like cleaning.”


“I see. Damn,” I curse.


I practice my movements and prepare to try and save my sister.


It's late. But the monday chapter should be on time. I hope to be more consistent in the future.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.