Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

82 Death and Pain

Alright, once time returns, I’ll grab the sword. Her armor is strong, and I’ll have to get under it. I don’t want to kill her, but I might not have a choice. I pump myself up as I prepare to go back to reality.


“Alright, Christal, let’s go back,” I say through gritted teeth.


I return to the world, and just as planned, I instantly grab the sword lying next to me. I jump to my feet and lunge towards the adventurer. She doesn’t seem to notice me.


But it’s too late. “Stop!” I scream, shocking the adventurer, but her sword doesn’t stop as her strike cuts cleanly through Brigit’s shoulder and down to her crotch. She falls away in two pieces, eyes wide as she looks at me.


I stab under the armor up through her waist towards her heart. The sword slides all the way in, and my hands are covered with blood. “Cough, gag,” I try to hold down the bile building in my throat.


“ahhhggg!” The adventurer yells. She reaches for a bottle on her belt. I don’t know what it’s for, but it can’t be good.


I grab her arm to keep her from drinking it. She flails her arm, throwing my body around. “Slimes! Stop her from drinking the potion no matter what!” I loudly command.


The slimes jump over her. The adventure clenches her muscles and pulls me with the potion towards her face. A slime explodes as she swings her sword violently.


I grab the bottle and try to keep it sealed, but nothing seems to work. She pops the seal and lifts it to her mouth. A slime jumps on her head and covers it. The adventurer scrapes and thrashes desperately, ripping chunks off the slime.


Slowly, her strength gives out, and her body slumps to the floor. The potion crashes to the floor, splashing across the ground. I gasp for breath as I scramble on my hands and knees over to Brigit.


“Brigit! I’m sorry,” I say in a panic, not knowing what to do.


Brigit’s raspy voice coughs out, “I didn’t want to make you cry.”


“No! What have I done? This stupid dungeon!” I rage with tears flowing down my face.


“I chose this. I’m glad you’re alright,” Brigit says with a smile. Her shallow breathing stops. I hug her broken body and cry, Brigit’s blood seeping into my clothes.


“Hng cough gag,” I vomit to the side, making sure not to get it on Brigit.


“ARRRRGGGG!” I scream as my vision turns red. “Fuck! Everything, this dungeon. DAMNIT!” As my anger rages, my heart beats rapidly, and my blood seems to burn. It begins to look like the world is cracking as red lines cover the walls.


I hear Christal yell, but it sounds like she is far away, “Mistress!”


“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE,” I scream to the point that it hurts. I can’t tell if I’m shaking in anger or if there is an earthquake. My mind goes blank in despair.

Suddenly, my vision goes black, and a warm embrace encompasses me. A relaxing smell fills my nostrils. I sink in between two warm mounds.


“It’s alright, my little girl. Mommy is here,” Mom consoles me with a quiet voice.


“Mom?” I grasp desperately onto Mom. “I killed Brigit. It’s my fault.”


Mom caresses my back and gently coaxes me, “Everything will be alright.”


“Sniff, how will it be alright? Brigit died,” I cry.


Mom explains, “She’s a retainer in the dungeon system, remember?”


“That’s right! I can. Christal always says killing is better. I will kill them all!” I say through clenched teeth and furrowed brow.


“Honey, didn’t you just learn not to jump to conclusions?”


I angrily lash out, “Mom, Brigit is dead!”


“I understand. Let’s check how many points are needed,” Mom coos.


I wipe my eyes and pull away from Mom. “Alright,” I say.


I check the system. I quickly navigate to Brigit and see a button that states revive…. “How can it be so much?” I say in despair.


55,000 points…. I can barely get a few thousand. It seems I really do have to steel my heart and massacre. I clench my fists.


“You’re hurting yourself,” Mom says. I notice my fingernails digging into my hand. Mom advises, “Perhaps you should look at your points first.”


I don’t see the point. It was near 1k this morning. 58,147 points… “how?” I murmur. “Is killing worth this much!?” I exclaim in surprise, looking at Christal.


My eyes fall on Saphire behind Christal. My mind forgets what we were talking about, and I run over to her. “Saphire, are you alright?” I say, gently touching the poor goblina. As I lean over her, I see Blue lying under her shoulder.


“Blue!” I pull her out from under Saphire.


“Mom?” Blue mutters, her eyes flickering.


“I’m, I’m here,” tears streaming down my face again. “How do you feel?”


“Sore, but I think I’m alright,” Blue says dispirited.


I look over at Mom, “Mom. What should I do?”


Mom’s calm smile makes me relax. “Blue is just bruised. Saphire has some broken bones, but she’ll live,” Mom observes.


“Thank goodness,” I sigh. I then turn back to Christal, preparing to question her more, but what’s the point? I need to save Brigit. I select revive.


A bright light shines from my dildo chair. Well, the dildo is the crystal, so I suppose it’s not a surprise. The light flickers and builds Brigit from the head down like a 3d printer. When finished, a nude Brigit falls onto the dildo crystal.


“Ahhn~” Brigit yelps by the sudden fucking.


I jump into Brigit’s arms. “Sister! Thank god!”


Brigit hugs me tightly, “Sorry for worrying you.”


“No, it’s my fault. I’m sorry,” I kiss Brigit. “Mmm, muah,” our tongues intertwine while Brigit bounces onto the dildo.


“Fuck! I’m going to keep helping ah~, so stop apologiiiiizzzziiinnggg~” Brigit orgasms. “Cumming while making out with my little sister is the perfect way to come back to life,” Brigit laughs.

I've gone back and forth about writing this portion. I felt like Hedone needed to experience this but also it's a bit of a tone shift. This is a dungeon that adventurers will enter after all and for all of them to be nymphos would be strange.

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