Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

84 Magic

Brigit rubs the back of her head, “Sorry I died and was revived. I was cut in half, so my clothes…” I’m surprised by how nonchalant she is being.


“You died?! Ah, Saphire!” Angelique exclaims in shock.


I explain what happened as we carry Saphire in. Angelique makes a variety of shocked, worried, and angry faces as I tell the tale. “Wow!” “OH, no!” “Damn it!” I wonder if it’s because of her profession that she has such powerful reactions or maybe because she has those over-the-top reactions is what makes her good at her job?


After everything is settled, I ask, “So what did you find?”


Angelique gives a complex expression as she replies, “I feel a bit off about my excitement now.”


“Yeah, I know what you mean,” I respond, placing my hand on her shoulder, “But we need to get stronger so nothing like this happens again.”


“Alright,” Angelique nods, sending her twin tails bouncing, “So there was no sex-based magic for you. Perhaps alchemy? Since it uses materials to make other things.”


“That’s disappointing,” I slump. I was looking forward to it.


“Ah, well, it is a book on the basics. Even though it’s thick, there must be other paths,” Angelique consoles me.


“True. I’ll ask Lilith later.”


“For Brigit, I think inscriptions might be good. It is used to enhance objects and stuff, so it fits well with her making clothes. Perhaps her string skill will enhance her capabilities.”


I lean on Angelique’s shoulder while looking down at the book, “That does sound promising. Though she may be more interested in the sex magic if there is any.”


“But more importantly, look!” Angelique quickly flips through the pages, “It’s a magical girl path!” She squeals while looking up at me with stars in her eyes.  


I don’t really get why she’s excited, but I’m glad for her. “That’s great,” I say encouragingly.


“I know it may seem risky with all the deconstruction of anime and manga lately. But it seems like a legit old school magical girl transformation,” Her voice hits higher and higher pitches as she goes on. “It’s amazing. I just need to gather the equipment!” Angelique roughly pulls on my arm in her fervor.


“I get it. So, what do you need?”


Angelique pushes up her glasses and looks closer at the book. “Most of the stuff can be purchased. The problem is the blessed gem, pearl, or other precious material. Also, there are a few things I haven’t heard of. But the book seems to imply they are commonplace.”


I scan the ingredients, and yeah, I never heard of them either. “Maybe Lilith will know. I can ask Mom, too.”


“Thanks. The last hurdle is finding a patron, force of nature, or higher spirit to make a pact with,” Her bright smile turns upside down, “That’s the dangerous part. It’s easy to be tricked and hard to get out of.” Angelique points at a page full of words, which I assume is the spot that explains the risk.


“Don’t worry, I’ll help you. If it comes down to it, we can rely on Mom’s connections.”


“I keep forgetting your mom has divinity and stuff. It’s pretty frustrating,” Angleique scrunches her nose cutely.


I glance at Brigit’s bedroom. “I’ll go see if Brigit wants to look at the inscription stuff.”


I head over there, and as I near the room, I hear Brigit crying, “Mom, sniff, hick, ahhhhh. I diiiiied. Sniff nnn, ah, wah, it hurt so much.”


“I know, honey,” Mom responds lovingly.


So she was upset! Did she think I couldn’t handle it? My first thoughts are of outrage. I want to be there for her just like she is for me. It’s what sisters do! I reach for the door nob to tell her just that when I pause.


No, now isn’t the right time. I know she was worried I’d feel responsible, and she’s right. It was my fault. I should have done better. But she’d be sad twice over if she knew I was thinking that way. Damn. I spin on my heels and walk back to Angelique.


“I don’t think she’s up for it today,” I say solemnly.


Angelique looks over at me with the face of someone who was told bad news but doesn’t know how to console them. “That’s understandable.”


“Why don’t you take the book. I want to read this journal to get hints on what I should do,” I say.


“Are you sure?” She asks, her eyes flittering between me and the book.


“Yeah. It’s not a big deal. It didn’t even cost that many points,” I respond. It’s not like you’re going to disappear and steal it anyway. I’ll be the first to hear about you being a magical girl.


“I understand. I’ll try and get the stuff I need, then we’ll look into the other stuff,” Angelique says, already heading towards the door.


“Sounds great, I’ll see you later.”


“Yeah, bye,” She says, waving. I wave back.


When she leaves, I slump on the couch, all my energy and pretenses drained. I hide in my bedroom and cry a bit. I laze around, knowing I should be focusing on the dungeon. But right now, I can’t seem to find the concentration.

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