Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

85 Nightmare

Dinner soon arrives. After some awkward conversation, I head off to feed Saphire. Mom set her bones and put her in a full-body cast. We can’t take her to a doctor since she isn’t human. Well, since mom did it, I’m sure it’s perfect.


I bring the food to her mouth. Everything is covered with my cum to help her heal quickly. “How are you feeling?”


“Baby is fine. I good,” Saphire joyously states.


I guess as long as her baby is fine, she considers it a good day. I don’t understand her mindset. Is it because she’s a goblina? She wasn’t in good health when I met her, so perhaps from her experience, this is still a positive outcome. “I want to create a place where you can be truly happy,” I think while clenching my fist.


Saphire says, “I happy. I happy.” What did I say that out loud?


“I know you’re glad to have a daughter, but I want you to be safe, too,” I confess while patting her hand.


“So much love. Happy,” Saphire says while squirming, “Owe.”


“Stay still and focus on healing, ok?” I don’t understand her. Perhaps her English isn’t good enough to express herself properly. I tell Christal to take care of her since she has a physical form and doesn’t need to sleep, then head to bed.


In my dream, Brigit and I are surrounded by evil-looking shadows with glowing red eyes. Dark, wispy claws slash out at me, but Brigit stands in their way, her body slashed apart by the beasts. I try to fight the smokey creatures, but they ignore me and continue to attack Brigit.


“Leave my sister alone!” I scream in rage, tears streaming down my face. But they don’t listen. In a desperate attempt to protect Brigit, I drape my body over her. My back is ripped apart, and the pain reaches my bone.


The pain of the lashes makes my body lose strength. The hands pull my sister away from me. She scrambles and reaches out with tears in her eyes. “Hedone, save me!” she screams.


My body won’t move! My mouth won’t work, either. Damn it. I hate myself. Why am I such a failure? Movemovemovemovemove!


Brigit’s hand stretches towards me as she yells, “Sister! Help me. Why are you just laying there?”


I want to help. Please. Brigit’s face looks betrayed as my body won’t listen to me. “nnmm,” are the only noises I can make. I’m such a loser. I need to save her even if my soul is destroyed!


I grit my teeth, and even though it feels like my muscles are being torn apart, I finally manage to move. I wrap my arms around Brigit’s waist and interlink my fingers. They will only get my sister if they tear off my arms! We’re both dragged into the darkness, and I can’t see anything. The creatures try to rip us apart. My arms scream, but I refuse!



We’ll be together forever!




I don’t care what you do, you can’t have her!


“You’re hurting me.”


“Wha?” my eyes flicker open. I’m not in my room?


“You’re holding too tight,” Brigit complains with a strained voice.


I release Brigit. Is this a dream within a dream? “Sorry!”


Brigit rubs the spot I was hugging with a grimace. “Ahh, it’s alright. It wasn’t on purpose.”


I look at my hands. “What have I done?”


“Hedone, it’s alright. I’m fine,” my loving sister consoles me. But I don’t deserve her love. I just hurt her!


I scamper off the bed and curl up in the corner. “I’m sorry.”


“What’s wrong? Are you still half asleep?” Brigit asks, coming over to me.


“I’m a fuck up. I always fail when it counts. I can’t do anything right.”


“That’s not true.”


“I know you're mad! It’s my fault. Blame me,” I demand angrily.


Brigit steps back, “What the fuck!” A bit of the rage I know she has for me, her worthless little sister in her voice.


“I killed you. It’s my fault!”


“It’s not!”


“It is!”


“I’m the one who died. Why do I have to console you, idiot!” Tears fall down her face.


“Even when I try my best, I always come up short. I’m sorry for ruining your life,” I say with a scratchy voice.


“Even when everyone is supportive, and no one thinks you’re a failure, you still cry. It’s so annoying! Shut up already!” Brigit screeches at me. Her hands instantly smacks over her mouth, her shoulders shuddering.


Brigit quickly says, “Ididn’tmeanthat!”


“Yes, you did. You wouldn’t have said that if you didn’t think it.”


Her head shakes no, but her mouth only flaps open. Her shoulders droop. “I do sometimes. Sorry. But I love you.”


“I know having a bad sister like me is hard.”


“That’s not true.”


“You think that because you’re a good sister, unlike me.”


“That’s not what I meant. Why are you being like this!” anger returned to her voice.


Mom comes in and scoops us both into her arms. Her warm embrace eases my heart. She doesn’t say anything and just lets us cling to her.


She lifts us as if we are babies and carries us to her room. “Let’s sleep for now and talk in the morning.”


We both agree and snuggle up into Mom’s massive bosom. My body feels exhausted even though I was sleeping just a while ago. My eyes droop in the safe embrace of Mom. Hopefully, I have a better dream. Though, I don’t deserve one.

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