Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 18

Chapter 17 – Sacred Heart

Lu Shiqing was silent, raised his eyes and said: “Your Majesty, you can’t. General Yuan Zhichen doesn’t like the county lord. Now that the minister is gone, doesn’t it make him suspicious of your intentions? In this way, your plan to control the county lord in Beijing will inevitably be exposed. .”

Emperor Huining laughed angrily: “I see that you despise my cousin and niece, I wish she could go back to Yaozhou, so that you can be quiet!”

Lu Shiqing nodded and said nothing, as if he had agreed to it, and listened to him talking to the **** for a long time: “But what Zishu said is also reasonable. In this way, let me tell you that when Shichen returns to the city, he will ask someone to pretend to be a mountain bandit to perform a show, and give Xian Lead back to the city first. Remember, don’t hurt anyone, keep your hands and feet clean.”

Lu Shiqing frowned slightly.

After the **** was ordered to retire, Emperor Huining gave Lu Shiqing a seat, and he was concerned about other things: “Did you gain anything last night? Then Wu Xingji’s family is really tricky?”

Lu Shiqing’s eyes were glued to the eunuch’s leaving back for a moment, and he quickly came back to his senses: “I have been paying attention to Wu Xingji’s house for a long time. I found a large number of brand new arrowheads in their goods last night. It is true that the military regulations are true. However, if what I said It is expected that these tricks were deliberately discovered by the minister, with the purpose of killing people with a knife.”

Emperor Hui Ning narrowed his eyes, he had some idea in his mind, and sighed: “My sons—!” After finishing, he asked, “You just said that Cixian went to the countryside with you. Does she know this?”

Lu Shiqing shook his head: “The county lord doesn’t know the whole story.”

Emperor Huining seemed relieved, and said, “Since we’re talking about the Yuan family, I want to have a chat with you. Do you know why Zhang Pushe came here just now?”

“I don’t know, please ask Your Majesty to clarify.”

“A group of courtiers headed by Zhang Pushe have always held prejudices against the Yuan family. As early as that year, when I named Yuan Yi the county king, they reminded me that the king of southern Yunnan was in full swing and had to guard against it, especially his A son with some blood in the Zheng family. I took Shichen as a hostage and decreed to force him to stay in Chang’an.”

“Nanzhao invaded last year, and it was them again. They insisted that I bear the humiliation and beg for peace, and ordered Cixian to marry Nanzhao. I know what they are thinking. Yuan Yizhi is eager to protect his daughter, so there will be some quarrels with me. They are happy to see He was at odds with me. But later, these people read the urgent report from Yaozhou and changed their minds, hoping that I would agree to fight.”

He sneered: “I still don’t know their intentions? They secretly hope that the southern Yunnan army will be defeated, and Yuan Yizhi will be able to apologize with death as stated in the military order. But how could these people expect that in such a critical situation, the soldiers of southern Yunnan Unexpectedly, they united as one, turned the tide, and turned Da Zhou into victory.”

Lu Shiqing listened with a smile all the time.

Emperor Huining said again: “We won the battle in the south of Yunnan, and the Yuan Yizhi shocked the frontiers and won the popularity of the people. They couldn’t sit still anymore. They wrote to me to test him and see if he had any rebellious intentions. Then I issued an order. Let him bring Cixian to Beijing to receive the reward. As a result, the Yuan family came here without fear of being crooked. If Yuan Yizhi really planned something, how dare he make a pair of sons and daughters fall into my eyes? Especially this Fan, Cixian came to Chang’an alone, which is the proof of his utter loyalty.”

Lu Shiqing smiled and nodded.

“However, Zhang Pushe doesn’t think so. He came here just now and gave me a ridiculous idea – asking me to put this girl in the harem.”

Lu Shiqing’s expression froze, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Emperor Huining saw it with sharp eyes, and asked: “You also feel that something is wrong?”

He quickly regained his composure, and replied: “What is appropriate and what is inappropriate? Your Majesty, everything has two sides. What Zhang Pushe said will indeed help you control the county lord and the Yuan family, which is beneficial. But the county The Lord is your cousin and niece, and there were Nine Highnesses who loved her before, so it is not a good talk to tell the world about it.”

“Besides, not everyone understands the Sacred Heart. In the eyes of the courtiers, they may misunderstand that you want to promote the Yuan family. At that time, there will inevitably be another undercurrent and **** storm. This is also a disadvantage. .”

Emperor Huining nodded in agreement: “That’s what I mean too. I didn’t have such an idea. I wanted Liulang to marry Cixian.”

Of course Lu Shiqing knew about this, but he said strangely: “Could it be that Furong Garden…”

In the middle of his words, Emperor Huining snorted coldly: “It was I who asked Liulang to go. First, to dispel Jiulang’s thoughts, and second, to let Cixian and Liulang meet. In the end, all my painstaking efforts were disturbed by you.” !”

Lu Shiqing hurriedly got up and cupped his hands: “It’s my fault. That day, His Highness the Sixth Highness met me at Danfengmen by chance. Seeing that I had nothing to do, I invited me to go with me. I didn’t think much about it, but unexpectedly…”

“Unexpectedly, you stole Liu Lang’s limelight! Now my Liu Lang can’t keep Ci Xian, tell me, how can I atone for this crime?”

Lu Shiqing knew this would happen. The old emperor chatted with him “confidantly” for a while, and he was rushing to this last sentence from the beginning.

If he is sensible, he should say something at this time: I am willing to share the worries for Your Majesty, marry the county magistrate as his wife, and help Your Majesty hold the Yuan family firmly in his hands.

But he didn’t want to be funny.

It’s just that under such circumstances, it is impossible to say “don’t marry” to the saint.

He thought for a while and said: “I understand what your Majesty means. If you want me to marry the county lord, I will naturally dare not refuse. But according to my opinion, this matter should not be rushed. Whether it is you offering the marriage, or I am asking for a matchmaker In the end, it depends on what the King of Diannan wants. Yaozhou and Chang’an are thousands of miles away, so it’s really inconvenient. It’s better to wait until the end of the year, when the King of Diannan and his concubine enter Beijing according to the regulations. Your Majesty has a clever plan The county lord should not be in a hurry to return to the city.”

After he finished these high-sounding words, he said: “You must be resentful at this moment in your heart, and I am not afraid to tell you a joke. I don’t like the county lord, and it is because of the daughter-in-law. I have met with her several times, and there is no one time. Embarrassed, this time I lost the lottery. I’m afraid that if you welcome this big Buddha into the door, you won’t be able to hear me talking in front of you again in a short time.”

Emperor Huining had a serious face at first, but then he burst out laughing: “That’s all! You are my subject, not my son. I can’t force you too much on this important matter of marriage. But you have to be prepared, lest you Once the Japanese are not happy to sell you to the Yuan family, you will not be able to catch your breath.”

Lu Shiqing nodded in response, and after coaxing the emperor into a good position, he said earnestly: “Your Majesty, I investigated the case yesterday and stayed up all night. General Yuan’s whip is really powerful. Can you allow me to ask for leave for a day?”

Emperor Huining nodded, and explained a few words about the case, ordering him to go back and rest.

Lu Shiqing got into the carriage outside the palace but did not rest, removed the gauze layer by layer from his hand, called Zhao Shu and ordered: “Think of a way to cover this wound.”

Zhao Shu went into the carriage, glanced at the back of his shocking hand, and couldn’t help being startled: “How did Lang Jun get this injury?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m in a hurry.”

He nodded quickly: “There is a solution, but… it hurts a little, and it’s a little dirty, are you sure you want to do it?”

“Just do it.”

The moment Lu Shiqing’s carriage galloped out of Danfeng Gate, on the palace road of Hanliang Palace, a maidservant walked by in small steps, and said in a low voice to Princess Shaohe Zheng Yun who was waiting at the end: “Your lord, I am just asking, Lan Cang County Lord wanted to go back to Yaozhou, but the sage refused to let him go, so he sent someone…”

After Zheng Yun finished listening, he asked lightly, “Where is Minister Lu?”

“Lu Shilang said he was sick and asked for leave. I’m afraid he won’t come to Hanliang Hall to teach His Highness the Thirteenth Prince today.”

She smiled wryly: “Understood, let’s go.”

The palace servant wanted to retreat, but she called her again: “Wait a minute. Send two spies to go around Yongxingfang. If Minister Lu leaves the mansion, keep an eye on where he is going and report back to me.”

After Lu Shiqing returned to the mansion, he covered the wound on the back of his hand, called a servant into the room, and asked, “News.”

The man named Cao An replied: “General Yuan has not returned, and the saint’s troops have gone to the countryside to wait for orders. Are you going to rush there?”

He shook his head: “It’s too late, and there’s no need. But I have to go to the Yuan Mansion, and when Yuan Shichen returns, I can tell him a few words.”

“Mr. Lang is worried. The Lord of Lancang County guessed the whole story from the whereabouts of the bandits, and when he gets angry, he will tear his face with the saint?”

“She can’t be so reckless. I’m afraid that after Yuan Shichen learns the truth, he will go to the palace impulsively.”

Cao An nodded and asked, “Are you still going through the secret path?”

Lu Shiqing said “Yes”, put on a mask, and pointed towards the door of the house before leaving: “The two people who came to watch at the door sent him a bowl of tea, it was hard work.”

He was startled, and he didn’t dare to ask who sent the spy, so he should do it.

Lu Shiqing moved the secret door away, bent over to prepare to go down the secret passage, suddenly paused, turned around and said seriously: “Wait, let’s exchange it for sour plum soup.”

Cao An was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously asked, “Why?”

Just when he thought he was talking too much and the gentleman couldn’t answer, he saw the person opposite frowned and said, “Because it’s too bad to drink.”

Bad things should be shared with others.

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