Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 19

Chapter 18 – Willing To

Yuan Cixian got on the carriage going south before dawn.

After Yuan Yu returned home last night, he wanted to drive her to Yaozhou without saying a word. She was confused at first, but he insisted on dragging her into the carriage and escorting her away like a prisoner. After thinking about it, she finally understood.

My brother’s sudden behavior must be due to what Lu Shiqing said. Although she didn’t know the details, she could roughly guess the score.

Chang’an is turbulent, and if she stays here, she will be able to take care of elder brother’s affairs, keep an eye on Emperor Huining and the sixth prince, and have the opportunity to gain favor with Lu Shiqing or the thirteenth prince, but there are inevitably risks. If one day, the imperial court and Nannan tear their faces apart, Emperor Huining will definitely use her to restrain his father. Elder Brother has already lost money in the capital, and if she joins her, she will make it even more difficult for the Yuan family.

Thinking of this, she no longer struggled. There are pros and cons to staying or staying, it’s hard to choose, but since brother has made a choice, she can’t hold him back, so she has to follow the trend.

The best way right now is for her to tell her elder brother the content of the dream and tell him what to do next, then return to Yaozhou, analyze the situation in the court with her father, let him wake up to the saint’s attitude towards the Yuan family, and then talk to him Discuss strategies for self-preservation.

As for Lu Shiqing’s backer, she didn’t intend to give up either. For her, Chang’an is a place that is easy to enter and difficult to exit. If she can leave smoothly, she can return again.

She made up her mind, stayed out of the city, and when she arrived at a secluded mountain road, she called Yuan Yu, who had escorted her all the way, into the carriage, and drove away the two maidservants and a group of attendants on both sides.

Seeing that she had stopped making trouble, Yuan Yu breathed a sigh of relief when she lifted the curtain to see her lowering her voice mysteriously: “Brother, I have something important to tell you, but you have to swear first that no matter what, you will never tell me.” Listen to the second person.”

He froze for a moment: “What the hell? What should I swear on? If I miss something, I’ll be bald the next day?”

She gouged him out, not in the mood to joke at the moment: “I swear on the lives of my father and mother.”

Yuan Yu was startled: “What are you talking about!” Seeing her solemn expression after speaking, she also felt a little flustered for some reason, and mumbled, “… Cheng Cheng.”

Hearing his word-for-word promise, Yuan Cixian said in a low voice: “Brother, I have received the revelation from heaven and know a few things about the future. First, two years later, our Yuan family will…”

She paused at this point, and felt that it was wrong to speak bluntly, so she dipped her finger in the undrinkable tea in the tea pot, and wrote a few words on the small sandalwood table: The felony crime of treason was punished to death by all the families.

Yuan Yu’s eyes widened.

She continued: “Secondly, the person who will invite us to arrest us at that time is…”

She dipped in water again and wrote: Sixth Prince.

Yuan Cixian explained the key information one by one, and then explained to Yuan Yu the whole story of the dream and the reason why she came to Chang’an this time.

The successive bad news shocked Yuan Yu so much that he couldn’t speak for a while. After a long time, he touched her forehead: “Cixian, you are not burning, are you? You…you were stimulated by Lu Zishu? Yes, or else my brother kidnapped that kid and sent him to Yaozhou to marry our family ?”

Yuan Cixian had a headache and helped her forehead. Her elder brother, every time he was hit, he would cover it up with a playful smile, as if he could deceive himself and others by doing so.

She said: “Brother knows better than anyone else what our Yuan family’s situation has been like these years. Otherwise, you are the most happy person, how could you get involved in those things? I just said, is it possible in the future? Happened, you know it.”

Yuan Yu froze for a moment, calmed down, and finally became more serious: “…But this is too evil, it doesn’t make sense! Even if it’s true, why should God dream about these things for you?”

This Yuan Cixian didn’t know either. She tilted her head and thought for a while: “Maybe who burned incense and worshiped Buddha for me in my previous life?”

Yuan Yu frowned: “In short, I don’t think it may be credible.”

“At first I was skeptical, so I didn’t blindly tell you and father. But these days, I have been with Emperor Huining, the sixth prince, and Lu Shilang one after another, but I feel more and more that there are traces of dreams. She sighed, “Brother, I know you can’t accept it for a while, and I won’t force you. I tell you this because I want you to be alert. Once I leave, I won’t be able to see you again until the end of the year. Be careful, all.”

Yuan Yu’s eyes softened, and he rubbed his rough fingertips on her face: “Brother knows.”

“Judging from the current entanglement between our family and the sixth prince, it is impossible to just get out of the way. Before I discuss a countermeasure with Father, you must first stabilize him and that Mr. Xu, but remember to leave enough room for retreat. People do things that throw their heads and blood. As for Lu Shilang and the thirteenth prince… I am not in Chang’an, so I have to rely on you to show your face to curry favor with them.”

Yuan Yu let out a “tsk”, feeling upset, after all, she wanted her to leave with peace of mind, so she reluctantly complied.

Seeing this, Yuan Cixian laughed: “Okay, it will take two years to die, brother, I will send it here, let’s go back.”

“Bah, what are you saying is unlucky!” Yuan Yu lifted the curtain and went down, turned around and told, “Remember to send a letter to report safety every time you arrive at a post station!”

Yuan Cixian nodded and watched him mount the horse, and lowered the curtain.

After returning home, Yuan Yu went to the study to think about life. Not long after, I heard that Xu Shan came to visit.

He felt strange, welcomed the person in, and asked after taking a seat, “Mr. Xu is in a hurry, but is there something urgent?”

Lu Shiqing nodded slightly, and said in a fake voice like the previous few times: “Xu takes the liberty to ask the general, has the county lord left the capital?”

Yuan Yu acted as calm and natural as possible, but Yuan Cixian’s words made waves in his heart, making him unable to fully trust the staff in front of him. Because of this, he was a little suspicious, and asked, “How does sir know?”

“It’s the news from the palace that the eyes and ears of His Royal Highness Sixth Prince. Xu came to the door today to tell the general that the county magistrate may not be able to leave for the time being.”

He froze for a moment, his expression changed drastically: “What do you mean by that?”

Under the guise of Zheng Zhuo’s name, Lu Shiqing claimed that he came here at his order, and briefly explained Emperor Huining’s plan. Before he could go on, Yuan Yu stood up suddenly: “It’s ridiculous!” At the end, it was a posture of wanting to go out.

Lu Shiqing guessed his whereabouts and got up to stop him: “The county magistrate is smart, so he can deal with it if he wants to. Besides, the saint has no intention of harming the county magistrate. If you go, you will inevitably take risks. Why don’t you just wait here.”

Yuan Yu turned around: “I can’t handle it! As a brother, I can still watch my sister being teased and frightened? Swords have no eyes, what if there is an eventuality? Sir, I am not willing!”

Lu Shiqing choked and froze in place, his usually eloquent mouth could not speak.

Yuan Yu moved away from the door, paused her footsteps, and softened her tone: “Thank you, Mr., for coming to tell me that Yuan has a sense of propriety, and will not make a big fuss and implicate the eyes and ears that His Highness Six has arranged in the palace. I will ask someone to send you back.”

After he finished speaking, he left, but unexpectedly before he stepped out of the yard, he saw a servant rushing towards him, saying: “Mr. Lord, my lady is back!”

As soon as the servant finished speaking, Yuan Cixian appeared in disgrace. Her skirt was torn in several places, and a few weeds were stained on her cuffs, and she walked with a limp. Shi Cui and Pick Zhi supported her from left to right.

Yuan Yu was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to support her: “Where is this hurt? The saint really sent someone to block you?”

Yuan Cixian wiped the plaster off her face, and said with a smile, “Even my elder brother’s eyes were hidden, it seems that I did a good job in this scene. I’m not hurt, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave for the time being.” She said After he brushed off his clothes, he asked strangely, “How do you know, brother, that a sage blocked me?”

Yuan Yu didn’t answer, and kept pinching her shoulders to check: “Is it really not hurt?”

She raised her arms and kicked her legs: “I’m fine, I just acted for those thieves!”

After Yuan Cixian finished speaking, she raised her eyes and saw a person standing in the corridor in the distance, wearing a black robe with long sleeves and a silver mask covering her face. She was taken aback for a moment, and said in a low voice: “Brother, why didn’t you say earlier that Mr. Xu is at the house?”

Yuan Yu looked back, rubbed his nose and replied, “I was so frightened for you, I forgot…” After finishing speaking, he coughed embarrassingly, “The sage sent someone to block your news, and he sent it for His Highness the Sixth Prince. .But my brother just got agitated, and he couldn’t choose what to say, as if he offended him a little…”

Yuan Cixian was helpless. Tell him to be steady, how could he provoke someone just by turning his head!

The two brothers and sisters whispered, Lu Shiqing waited for them to finish speaking, and then stepped forward and said: “Since the county magistrate is okay, Xu will take his leave.”

Yuan Yu calmed down a little now, and said with an apologetic smile: “Sir, you come and go in a hurry, why don’t you leave with some refreshments.”

“Thank you, General, for Xu’s kindness. Your Highness ordered me to come here. One is to confirm whether the county lord is safe, and the other is to remind the general how to deal with the aftermath. Now it seems that the county lord is fine and has a way to deal with it.” , there is no need for Xu to say more.”

Yuan Cixian was in a mess, it was strange that she was embarrassed to talk to a strange man, but after all she had doubts in her heart, she didn’t hesitate and asked, “What is the way to deal with what the master said?”

Lu Shiqing nodded and said: “Arresting the villains, revealing the truth, and confronting the saints – this is the worst policy. Sparing the villains, pretending to be deaf and dumb, and swallowing this breath – this is the best policy. The best policy is to pretend to be injured and make the saint Feeling ashamed is the best policy. The county lord has made the best choice.”

Yuan Cixian smiled at him: “Mr. knows me. I will see you off.”

Lu Shiqing still lowered his head: “Don’t bother, the county lord can rest at ease.”

“Mr. is planning to travel for my Yuan family. I should send you off. Besides, I’m not really hurt.”

She insisted on sending it, and Lu Shiqing couldn’t refuse it, lest his words would reveal too many flaws, so he walked silently with her all the way to the side door in the backyard. Before leaving, she said: “Please, sir, thank Your Highness for your concern.”

He nodded.

Yuan Cixian asked again: “I wonder if Mr. is busy on weekdays?”

When Lu Shiqing played the role of Xu Shan, he seemed to have changed completely. His demeanor, even his eyes, did not show any sharpness. Hearing the words, he said politely: “Xu is a commoner, how can he be busy.”

“That’s good!” Yuan Cixian laughed, “I have a merciless request.”

Lu Shiqing’s intuition was that it was not a good thing, but on the surface he said humbly: “You just say it’s okay.”

“I have admired your master’s chess skills for a long time. If you are free someday, I would like to ask you to give me a game of chess so that I can feast my eyes.”

Lu Shiqing was silent and lowered his eyes slightly.

Yuan Cixian smiled very understandingly: “Sir, you can refuse.”

He shook his head, indicating that he was not unwilling: “The county lord wants to watch chess one day, so send someone to send a message to Xu.”

She smiled slyly: “That’s a deal.”

Lu Shiqing bowed his head and exited. After getting on the carriage, he suddenly became irritable for no reason.

Where does Yuan Cixian want to fix this? It’s not enough for her to be nice to him, and now she’s still clinging to Xu Shan?

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