Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 20

Chapter 19 – Send Breakfast

After Lu Shiqing returned to the mansion, he ordered Cao An to send a letter to Zheng Zhuo, explaining what happened today, so that he would not use his name to cheat in front of the Yuan family another day.

Cao An is much more stable than Zhao Shu. Most of Lu Shiqing’s private connections are opened by him.

After he finished his work, he reported back: “Mr. Lang, His Highness Sixth Highness sent a message saying that Princess Shao and Princess have been making small moves recently. Please pay attention.”

“I know.” Lu Shiqing said lightly, “She installed the two spies today.”

“Could it be that she knew about your personal relationship with His Highness?”

Lu Shiqing shook his head: “This woman’s political sense is not very keen, and sending spies is just a trivial matter, so there is no need to worry about it. But she can speak well in front of the empress, and the empress is used to flirting with saints. Be on the lookout.”

Cao thought to himself, the so-called trifles refer to the love affairs between men and women. I am afraid that Princess Shao and Princess got the news that Lancang County Lord left the capital, so they came to check on Mr. Lang’s reaction. However, the fact that Lang Jun sent the soup has already made this noble lord feel very embarrassed. She will not dare to pretend to be smart in a short time.

“How does Mr. Lang think about the political sense of the Lancang County Lord? The villain thinks that she approached you for other purposes, not for your greed…” He coughed, “It seems to be for some purpose, to curry favor with you Like.”

Lu Shiqing knew that the word he missed was “beauty”. He nodded, indicating that he was right.

The more we get along, the more he can’t underestimate Yuan Cixian, especially today in Yuan Mansion, after hearing her coincident strategy with him, he subconsciously ponders and guesses her actions over and over again.

It was hard for him to believe that her approach was pure, but it was also unpredictable, what exactly was she planning.

After all, she doesn’t seem to be aware of his secret plan with Zheng Zhuo.

Cao An asked again: “Now that the sage has also spoken, how does your lord plan to deal with this marriage that is likely to fall on your head?”

Lu Shiqing frowned: “I have postponed this matter until the end of the year. Since I can’t send her back to Yaozhou right now, let’s take a step and see what she really wants.”

“The villain thinks that in fact, Mr. Lang doesn’t have to hide from the county magistrate. Since you can’t see through her, why don’t you take a closer look?”

He was noncommittal, and lowered his head to study the chess record.

Yuan Cixian rested for a day, asked the kitchen to make some breakfast the next day, prepared a few bottles of wound medicine, and walked out of the yard vigorously.

She is destined not to return to Yaozhou. The saint even resorted to such unreasonable tricks, so he made up his mind to keep her. If she tries to go south, firstly, she may be blocked again, and secondly, it may arouse his suspicion.

She didn’t have any complaints about this, after all, it’s better to go when you leave, and it’s better to stay when you stay. It’s just that if I knew this earlier, I wouldn’t confide the dream to Yuan Yu. Looking at the elder brother’s rude attitude towards Xu Shan, one can tell that he can’t hold his breath. I’m afraid that from now on, she will have to come forward to deal with the sixth prince.

She walked halfway, and happened to run into Yuan Yu who was shooting in the morning, and was stopped by him: “Where are you going this early in the morning?”

“I will atone for brother.”

“Aren’t you going to the Lu residence to see Lu Zishu’s injuries?” Seeing her nodding, Yuan Yu frowned, “Come here, brother, I’ll tell you a few words.”

Now that he knows the real purpose of his younger sister’s approach to Lu Shiqing, he disagrees with it at first, crying and crying, saying that the Yuan family is in trouble, but he has to rely on her to betray her. Father and mother, I am ashamed of my ancestors…

As a result, he howled for a long time, but Yuan Cixian stopped him back by saying, “The Minister Lu is so good-looking, and I don’t suffer.”

When Yuan Cixian came over, Yuan Yu confessed: “Listen to brother to analyze the current situation with you. It is said that people are not grass and trees, and how can you be ruthless? In my opinion, the whip that almost asked you to block last time must be It gave Lu Zishu a lot of shock. He worked with a sage and knew the sage’s mind best. He told a story about wolves, tigers and leopards, and persuaded my brother to send you back to Yaozhou. Although he made it clear that he didn’t want to marry you, he actually didn’t want you. It means being in prison. So don’t lose heart.”

Yuan Cixian had heard him tell that story yesterday, and when she picked up the whip, she still had lingering fears, thought for a while and said: “Brother is right.”

“But don’t be too happy too soon. For this man, ‘moving face’ is different from ‘moving heart’, and ‘for your own good’ is also different from ‘being good to you’.”

“Why is it different?”

Yuan Yu cleared his throat, and felt that he had a place to use his skills, and said: “To put it simply, I persuade you to go back to Yaozhou. I’m tempted, I want to treat you well.”

Yuan Cixian suddenly realized, and let out a long “oh”.

“Brother, I can assure you that Lu Zishu doesn’t hate you as much as he did at the beginning, or he has just begun to have a good impression of you, but if he wants to protect you, or even protect our Yuan family, I’m afraid it’s still a long way off. You have to keep adding more. firewood.”

Yuan Cixian pointed to the medicine box and food box in the hands of the maid behind her: “I’m about to add them.”

Yuan Yu turned her back and said: “But don’t overdo it! Like the last time, there will be a second time about the lonely man and widow staying alone late at night… Yuan Cixian, I will break your leg!”

She thought in her heart that she was not alone, and there was Xiao Hei, but she didn’t argue: “I know, brother, don’t worry, I’m sure I won’t let myself suffer!”

Yuan Yu was no longer a mother-in-law, and waved her to go.

When Yuan Cixian arrived at the Lu Mansion in Yongxingfang, he handed over a name card to show it was official. When the servant saw her, he rushed to welcome her in.

Lu Mansion and Yuan Mansion occupy about the same area, but from the looks of it, the former is more spacious. Probably because of the simple layout, less complicated decorations, and no more than a few potted flowers and trees.

Yuan Cixian thinks this makes sense. After all, how could Lu Shiqing accept something like a rockery with jagged rocks? Even the flowers and trees in the mansion have been cut into a round, neat and symmetrical appearance, which is meaningless.

The first time you came to the door, you have to be more reserved. She didn’t pay much attention because of etiquette. When she heard that Lu Shiqing was in the study, she didn’t have to rush in, and waited obediently in the main hall.

Lu Shiqing heard people say that the Lancang county lord was visiting, and even though he wanted to retreat, he unexpectedly went to the Daci’en Temple in Jinchangfang early in the morning, so he had to bite the bullet and go to the main hall. Before he could enter, he heard a pretty voice say: “This is the wonton that I asked Xiao Ji’s master to make earlier in the morning. You take it down and wait for the old lady to return to the pot…”

She made the servants of his family very easy. Lu Shiqing’s face was gloomy, and when he stepped through the door, his steps froze.

The woman on the top is wearing a lotus-colored undershirt, and a goose-yellow long skirt on the bottom. The two colors that seem to be inharmonious collided together, and she unexpectedly closed her eyes when she was on her body. The undershirt she was wearing was a fashionable half-arm style, with loose cuffs, revealing a section of jade arm, and her porcelain-like skin shone brightly in the whole room.

After Yuan Cixian gave orders to his servants, he saw him standing at the door, smiled and waved to him, “Morning Lu Shilang.”

With a wave of my hand, the plain room became brighter.

He stepped forward and said: “Lu has met the county magistrate, but he didn’t know that the magistrate came to the humble house, and he was disappointed to welcome him.”

Yuan Cixian took his routine seriously: “Lu Shilang really should come to welcome me. Your house is too big. I hurt my leg yesterday and walked with a limp for a long time.”

Lu Shiqing was silent. She really knows the whole set of acting and acting principles, and if she wanted to deceive Emperor Huining, she even deceived him.

It was at this moment of silence that Lu Shuangyu, who had been summoned to meet the guests, arrived. The little girl wore a lilac-colored wide-swing skirt, came over to salute Yuan Cixian, and retreated behind her elder brother when she was done.

The fourteen-year-old lady couldn’t hide what was on her mind, Yuan Cixian could see that she looked sleepy, very reluctant, maybe she was still brooding about the Luqiao incident back then.

But she didn’t care much, and continued to talk to Lu Shiqing: “Lu Shilang, we have also lived and died together, why don’t you ask, how did I hurt my leg?”

Who lived and died with her? Lu Shiqing asked patiently: “May I ask how did the county lord hurt his leg?”

“Yesterday, I wanted to go back to Yaozhou, but I ran into bandits on the way, and accidentally got injured during the fight.”

This is actually true. That group of people came to “rob money” yesterday and had a rough fight with her entourage. She was escorted by Shicui and Pickzhi to retreat towards the capital. At first she was really a bandit, but after seeing the route they were chasing, she became suspicious.

Taking advantage of the chaos, she observed the group’s gestures of raising their knives and the position and strength of their lowering knives, and concluded that they had received special and unified training, and they were by no means born rashly. In the end, many suspicious points were connected in series, and he guessed that Emperor Huining was on the head, so he pretended to be in a panic and threw himself into the mud on the side of the road.

After Yuan Cixian finished answering, seeing that the two brothers and sisters were still stuck in place, she pointed to the chairs and stools beside her and said, “Sit down.” When they sat down, they ordered Shicui, “Bring the breakfast to Lu Shilang.”

She ran all the way just to bring him breakfast?

Lu Shiqing was slightly taken aback, and forgot to say that he had already eaten.

Shi Cui went forward with a double-drawer food box.

Yuan Cixian followed, “I made this with my own hands…” She stopped abruptly when she said this.

Hey, it’s not good, she forgot what the servant did!

Cai Zhi, who was standing beside her, panicked and reminded in a low voice: “Lotus porridge.”

She quickly picked it up and smiled awkwardly: “…Lotus porridge. Try it.”

Lu Shiqing’s face darkened instantly. Is it so obvious that he is deaf?

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