Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 7

Chapter 6 – Marry

Zheng Pei choked with anger, and gave Zheng Zhuo a hard look, but was annoyed that Yuan Cixian would not show face. After all, they did call “Your Highness”, so he was the one who answered slowly.

A somewhat helpless smile appeared in Zheng Zhuo’s eyes.

This Lancang county lord is very clever, and just now he exchanged glances with him, obviously intending to join him in the same boat, but he wants him to be this villain so that he can be alone.

Yuan Cixian nodded without guilt: “This idea is interesting. How about letting the one who throws an odd number get a boat and the one who gets an even number get a boat?”

In this way, does it have to depend on God’s will? Zheng Pei was so angry that he was about to fall ill, and was about to refuse, but when she saw her finish saying this, she suddenly tilted her head and smiled at him.

With plain teeth and red lips, the bright smile made him speechless, and it took him a while to realize that this smile was not a smile, and the light sandalwood mouth clearly made a mouth shape to him: strange.

It’s not that the beauty doesn’t follow her, but she’s shy, so she turned the corner!

He felt relieved, and said proudly: “Okay, let’s use this method!”

Soon a maid gave four dice, each of them held one, and threw them one by one on a wooden plate.

Zheng Peidang tossed an odd number first, and looked at the rest of the people happily. Seeing Zheng Zhuo tossed an even number immediately, his whole body felt happy.

Yuan Cixian didn’t have the ability to throw whatever he wanted. Seeing this, he weighed the dice in his hand, glanced at Zheng Zhuo, and said “it’s up to you”.

Zheng Zhuo smiled lightly, signaling her to rest assured.

She got a hint and threw the dice, and it turned out to be an even number.

Zheng Pei was dumbfounded.

Could it be that he misunderstood his sentimentality because Yuan Cixian’s smile just now was just a smile?

Lu Shiqing glanced at Zheng Zhuo, who was holding a magnet and kept making small movements under the wooden tray, and tossed an odd number casually. When Zheng Pei was still confused, he walked to the canoe, stopped on the shore and turned back: “Your Highness, After you?”

Yuan Cixian got on a boat with Zheng Zhuo as she wished, and left the shore first.

Zheng Pei’s face turned pale, and he stayed for a while before stepping on the canoe. I don’t know if it was because of the sun, or because he was angry, but when he sat down, he swayed and almost fell headfirst into the water.

Lu Shiqing backed away a little, as if he was afraid that he would overwhelm him with his illness, and sat opposite him and said indifferently: “If your Highness feels unwell, I can go back to the shore with you.”

Seeing Yuan Cixian and Zheng Zhuo’s wooden boats gradually moving away, he gritted his teeth: “No need.” He then ordered the boatman, “Hurry up and follow!”

The surface of the lake is wide, and the water hibiscus is curling up in the pavilion, green leaves and red flowers cover most of the pool, and the wooden boat must move slowly in the middle. Fortunately, the boatman who was pole-pulling was very skillful, so he made the boat sail forward leisurely after several avoidances and detours.

It’s just that for Zheng Pei, these wanderings are not easy. After a while, he became dizzy due to the continuous bending of his head, his stomach and abdomen were churning, and a sour gas gradually rushed up to his throat.

He tried his best to hold back, but unexpectedly, there was another large piece of water hibiscus in front of him. As soon as the boatman’s long pole was propped up and the wooden boat shook, he couldn’t hold back anymore, and he took a mouthful of “wow”, and he was about to spit it out.

The opponent Lu Shiqing’s expression changed drastically, he hurriedly got up and backed away, because the wooden boat was narrow and there was no way to avoid it, in desperation, he had to jump into the water with a “plop”.

At the same time, Zheng Pei vomited a large pool of dirt. Just as the wind blows, the juice splashes a boat.

It all happened so fast.

Yuan Cixian and Zheng Zhuo suddenly turned their heads when they heard the sound, both of them were astonished.

Seeing his sweetheart looking over, Zheng Pei, who was covered in filth, wished he could pass out. After throwing up his body, he felt comfortable, and he couldn’t faint if he wanted to.

The boatman was frightened, threw down his long pole in a hurry, and pleaded guilty to him.

Lu Shiqing was no better than Zheng Pei. He was in the pool, his whole body was drenched, his face was covered with mud stains, water beads were still dripping from his temples, his hand was holding a green lotus branch tightly like a life-saving straw, and his body was surrounded by bright red flowers. Water hibiscus.

This scene really deserves the word “Xiangyan”.

In the dead silence, a crisp laughter sounded.

He knew who it was as soon as he heard it, and turned around and gave Yuan Cixian a hard look. Unexpectedly, the gouging on the white gauze that was hanging down from her veil did not hurt or itch.

The shore servants have already rushed in this direction. Zheng Zhuo also ordered the boatman to back up.

When he arrived in front of Lu Shiqing, Yuan Cixian lifted up the white gauze, looked down at him and explained: “Don’t be surprised, Minister Lu, you just laughed, it’s because of your unstained demeanor.”

Lu Shiqing trembled all over.

He is already the lesser of two evils, so why should this girl remind him that the pool is full of mud, but in fact it is no better than Zheng Pei’s filth!

Zheng Zhuo laughed, and ordered the people on the shore to take care of Zheng Pei, then got up and stretched out his hand to Lu Shiqing, saying, “Come.”

Seeing this, Yuan Cixian hurriedly told Shi Cui to go to the bow of the boat to stabilize, lest the two people make too much noise and make the unreliable wooden boat capsize, but Zheng Zhuo pulled Lu Shiqing up, while the boat under his feet was still very tight. Steady, barely wobbles.

She glanced at his strenuous arm.

To be able to pick up a man who is not far from his own stature so easily must be a Lianjiazi with a solid foundation. Zheng Zhuo may indeed not be as refined as he appears on the surface.

Lu Shiqing was shaking so much that every joint in his body was fighting. As soon as he sat down at the stern with his hands and feet curled up, muddy water slowly dripped down from head to toe.

Yuan Cixian held back a smile and handed over a brocade handkerchief: “Lu Shilang, wipe it off?” Seeing his disgusted face, she added, “I think this handkerchief is cleaner than your current one.” After finishing speaking, she smiled and held her finger Comparing a “point” gesture.

Lu Shiqing gritted his teeth and stared at her without moving.

Zheng Zhuo laughed loudly, and ordered the boatman to go back to the shore. Seeing that Yuan Cixian was still outstretched, he took her handkerchief and stuffed it into Lu Shiqing’s palm, and took it away for him, saying: “I will clean up the ninth brother for you later, you Let’s go back to the mansion so that we can take a bath and rest, so don’t teach Thirteenth Brother today.”

Lu Shiqing finally let out a “huh”.

Yuan Cixian smiled slightly when he heard the words, and asked: “Does Lu Shilang teach His Highness the Thirteenth Prince how to learn?”

Seeing that he was almost speechless, Zheng Zhuo answered “yes” for him.

The three went ashore together.

Zheng Pei lost face and fled long ago. With Lu Shiqing’s appearance like this, he was naturally sent back to the mansion by the servants. Only Yuan Cixian and Zheng Zhuo were left on the shore.

The two of them had tacitly agreed that they were going to talk alone while boating, but now it took no effort at all.

Zheng Zhuo asked straight to the point: “Why did the county lord come with me?”

Yuan Cixian signaled Shi Cui to step back, not to ask others to come closer, and then replied: “Your Highness, we are wise people who don’t speak in secret. You spent a lot of time colluding with your brother and came to see me. You must have something to say to me. And if I want to go with you, I naturally want to hear what you have to say.”

Yuan Yu’s poor acting skills can be described as full of loopholes, and Yuan Cixian had already guessed the truth. Presumably, Zheng Zhuo and his elder brother made an arrangement to meet her, and then took advantage of Zheng Pei.

She spoke directly, and Zheng Zhuo’s eyes were slightly surprised, and said: “The county lord is straightforward, and I don’t go around in circles. I came here this time to ask to marry the county lord.”

Yuan Cixian felt that this sentence of asking for marriage was like saying “wonton for lunch today”.

His face was calm, so she also listened calmly, looked up at him slightly and said: “Your Highness wants to marry me, why don’t you discuss with my brother and father, or ask a saint to marry me? Ask me about this, let alone whether or not I am afraid that it is meaningless if I go against etiquette. If I agree, you still have to go back and ask your elders to decide. If I don’t agree, you will give up this idea?”

Zheng Zhuo replied: “The county lord is different from the lady of the other family. If I don’t ask the county lord’s wishes first, and blindly ask for an order, and thus annoy the king of southern Yunnan, I am afraid it will be difficult to end. I also know that this is impolite, so I borrowed the ninth brother Of course, the so-called orders from my parents and the words of the matchmaker, such as the etiquette that the county magistrate should go to me, must be complemented by a lot.”

That sounded barely sincere. With the matter of Prince Nanzhao before, I guess Zheng Zhuo also knows how much the King of Diannan loves his daughter. If he wants to ask him, the old man will probably be in vain. He has to listen to Yuan Cixian, so it is better to be direct.

Yuan Cixian nodded: “Then why does Your Highness want to marry me?”

Zheng Zhuo hesitated slightly.

She smiled: “Your Highness, you don’t need to ask me. Since you said that you want to listen to my wishes, you should at least give me a reason to agree to you, right? If I really want to make a choice, there are many people who want to marry me, so why bother?” you?”

Zheng Zhuo didn’t show any embarrassment at first, but after hearing this, his eyes moved slightly, as if he was stopped by the question.

She continued to laugh: “If it was His Highness the Ninth Prince who was standing here at the moment, maybe he could justly say that he wanted to marry me because I was good-looking. What about you?” Seeing that he still didn’t speak, she pulled the corner of her mouth, ” Your Highness is sincere, I have seen it clearly, so I will leave.”

She turned around and left, Zheng Zhuo subconsciously moved her footsteps: “Wait.”

Yuan Cixian turned around, saw him hesitate and said: “I was the one who was abrupt today, but it is not appropriate to talk about things at this time and this place. If the county master does not dislike it, I will send someone to the door to discuss with Brother Ling in three days’ time.”

She looked at him quietly for a while, and said: “So, after three days, I will decide whether to consider His Highness’s proposal.”

small theater:

Lu Shiqing: Director, did the crew send out the wrong script? Is this drowning scene really for the hero?

Director Gu (overbearing CEO face): Are you questioning my professionalism now?

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