Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 8

Chapter 7 – Good Deal

Yuan Cixian thought all the way back to the mansion.

Just now in Furong Garden, she did everything possible to be alone with Zheng Zhuo, in order to find out what he really wanted to do. Now, she probably has some clues.

If she guessed correctly, her brother must have established a political partnership with him. However, the elder brother knew that his father was loyal to the emperor and had no other ideas, especially he didn’t like to play tricks, so this matter probably couldn’t get the support of Nannan.

But if her younger sister married Zheng Zhuo, everything would be different.

The same is true for Zheng Zhuo – it is useless to win over the elder brother who has no job, the root is to win over the father who holds a heavy soldier.

And just when her elder brother had nothing to do to get his father’s support, she happened to go to Beijing, giving this matter a breakthrough.

To put it bluntly, Zheng Zhuo came here to capture her heart. It’s just that he never expected to be questioned face to face by her, a fledgling little girl, so he was at a loss for words just now.

After figuring out these links, Yuan Cixian’s heart became more and more confused: Since Zheng Zhuo had such a relationship with his elder brother, why did the Yuan family finally die in his hands? Is the former killing the donkey, or the latter rebelling? Where did the Yuan family raise their troops to rebel, and where did it come from?

That night, she fell asleep full of doubts, but unexpectedly returned to that dream again.

In the dream, the light rain was pattering, mixed with a little chill, seeping into the bluestone slabs little by little. It’s like winter.

The voices of people around were silent, and the raindrops falling on the umbrella surface could be heard, causing a faint crackling sound. It was probably someone standing on the bridge with an umbrella.

A hoarse male voice sounded: “Can’t you find it yet?”

Someone replied: “Master, the villains have been fishing for a whole night, and you have been waiting here for a long time. It is really impossible to continue like this.”

“Keep looking…” The man’s voice trembled a little.

“You shouldn’t stay here for too long, it’s better to go back first, as soon as there is news, the little people will report to you immediately.”

He was silent for a while, then said “um”, and left slowly.

Those who stayed on the bridge sighed, and said in a low voice: “Since the master took the initiative to ask Ying to arrest the Yuan family and his son, why are you so obsessed with the life and death of the county master? Even if the county master is still alive, it is impossible to let go of the murder of brothers and fathers.” Revenge.”

Someone replied: “There is no one in the Yuan family. After all, she is also the master’s former fiancée, so she has to be buried…” After saying that, he let out a long sigh.

Dreaming here, Yuan Cixian suddenly woke up, sweating profusely. She looked out of the window, the sun was high and the vegetation was verdant, it was a beautiful scene in midsummer, and there was no such thing as a cold winter night.

But the voice of the person in the dream is too familiar, the so-called “master” is clearly Zheng Zhuo who parted with her in Furong Garden yesterday.

What are those people saying? She used to be his fiancée. once?

She grabbed her hair and calmed down. Could it be that Zheng Zhuo and the Yuan family turned against each other because of the breakdown of this marriage contract? But why on earth had she become his fiancée in the first place, and why had she broken the engagement later?

She called Shicui and asked, “Is brother at home?”

“Little lady, the gentleman is here. I came here early in the morning. I heard that you were not up, so I told the servants not to wake you up.”

“Dress it for me.”

Yuan Yu is pacing back and forth in the study at the moment.

Seeing this, Jiang Birou on the side scolded him: “Don’t go blind, I’m dizzy.”

Only then did he stop, with an apologetic expression on his face: “I can’t help it in such a hurry.” Then he asked, “According to your opinion, Cixian really likes the sixth prince?”

Jiang Birou was asked by Yuan Yu to go to Furong Garden to accompany her yesterday, and she paid special attention to the details. Hearing this, she replied: “I have already told you the whole story of the boating. I saw it clearly from the bamboo tower. If it wasn’t for the concubine’s love, why would I come here?” All kinds of things?”

Yuan Yu scratched her head anxiously: “Then, shouldn’t I stop Ci Xian?”

When the gentleman sent by Zheng Zhuo suggested this marriage to him, he should have refused without even thinking about it. Regardless of whether he agrees to help him seize the heir apparent, he will never use his sister’s lifelong event as a bargaining chip.

The reason why he accepted the invitation for Yuan Cixian was because he saw that she showed an unusual attitude towards Zheng Zhuo last time, and he was afraid that she really liked this person, so he would not be able to beat him to death with a stick, so he was ready to explore the situation before talking.

Jiang Birou glanced at him: “Could it be that you want to beat mandarin ducks as a brother? According to what I saw yesterday, the sixth prince is very good-looking, and he is a good match. And I heard that several concubines in his house are It was forced by a sage, and he is definitely not a greedy person, otherwise, how could he be so old and have not yet accepted the royal family and no heirs?”

Yuan Yu shook his head: “I didn’t say that the sixth prince is bad, but the situation in the royal family is complicated, you don’t understand.”

He didn’t tell Jiang Birou about the political affairs of the court, so the woman probably only looked at her sister-in-law innocently, not looking forward and backward like him.

Jiang Birou said in a muffled voice: “But you also know Cixian’s temperament, what does she have a crush on, you can’t stop it…”

As soon as she said this, she heard a voice from outside the door: “Little lady…” It was the voice of a servant.

Yuan Yu greeted him immediately: “Give Xian.”

Yuan Cixian called “Brother”, glanced in, and smiled at Jiang Birou: “Sister-in-law is here too.”

Seeing her weird smile, Yuan Yu knew that she had probably heard what she said just now, and after thinking about it, she turned around and said, “Birou, you go back to your room first.”

Jiang Birou nodded, lowered her eyes and withdrew.

When there were only two siblings left in the room, Yuan Yu asked, “Where did you hide just now?”

Yuan Cixian pointed to the rear window: “There.”

He laughed: “Okay, your sister-in-law is leaving too, so just say what you have to say.”

She didn’t invite herself to sit down, and said first: “Brother, don’t misunderstand, I guessed that you didn’t want my sister-in-law to get involved in the twists and turns of the court, and she was afraid that she would worry and hurt her body, so that’s why you sent her away.” .”

“What is the relationship between you and brother? I know.” He came over and rubbed her head, “Why, you girl want to talk about political affairs with me?”

Yuan Cixian pondered for a while: “Yes, and no. I want to ask brother if he wants me to marry the sixth prince.”

“Brother told you last time that you can’t enter the royal gate at will. As for what I just told your sister-in-law, you should have heard it.”

She nodded: “Sister-in-law may not understand, but I understand. The sixth prince wants to marry me, because he wants you and father to stand by his side, and he can be used for his encouragement in the future. Of course, this matter is right. My Yuan family has the same benefits. Who doesn’t want to be a minister of the dragon and make a fortune? What’s more, I am married to the sixth prince, and I may become a queen in the future.”

She spoke so directly that Yuan Yu couldn’t help but choke.

She continued: “Brother, don’t lie to me anymore. I know this marriage is a deal, and I can see that you appreciate and value the sixth prince. I’m afraid you have already had a lot of personal relationships with him. You may have also I thought about matching me and the sixth prince so that I could convince Dad to support the team, but?”

It is embarrassing to be exposed face to face, Yuan Yu said with a bitter face: “Cixian, don’t blame brother.”

Yuan Cixian knew his difficulties in Beijing, so how could he blame him. It’s only because the dream was so appetizing that she couldn’t tell all the news at once, otherwise she wouldn’t have caused the Yuan family to end up in a situation where it was easy to get on and off.

She shook her head: “I don’t blame brother, just ask, if I don’t want to marry the sixth prince, will brother persecute me?”

Although she still had many doubts in her heart, she was determined not to follow the old path in her dream. No matter what happened before and after, being engaged to Zheng Zhuo will only tie the Yuan family to him. But he was not the one who ascended the throne in the end.

Yuan Yu was a little surprised: “You don’t want to marry? It’s a good thing that you don’t want to marry. My brother was already reluctant to involve you. There are other ways to win father’s support. Why sacrifice you?”

Yuan Cixian believed this. But in the dream, she did become Zheng Zhuo’s fiancée. This shows that this marriage was in the interests of Emperor Huining at some point.

She said: “But brother, I’m afraid that this matter will not be up to us. I see that the sixth prince seems to have everything ready, and he only owes me an answer. Maybe he has already obtained the approval of the sage. If the sage wants to match?”

Yuan Yu choked. That’s right, if he hadn’t passed the test of a saint, how could Zheng Zhuo dare to make such a promise to him? Remembering that gentleman’s calm and composed appearance that day, he felt more and more that his sister was right, and asked anxiously, “What should I do?”

Yuan Cixian got up and walked back and forth a few times: “It’s not that there is no room for turning around. If the sage has made up his mind, it’s the marriage, why should the sixth prince ask me what I mean? The sage will not be with our Yuan family. It’s a shame.” Thinking of the situation in the dream, she changed the way of saying, “At least not right now. The saint really wanted me to be his daughter-in-law, and he must hope that I would be willing. In this way, he can still sell the Yuan family. A face, the beauty of an adult.”

Her frown gradually loosened, and she said with a smile: “I don’t want to marry, so there is only one way – to strike first before falling into the passive.”

“What kind of preemptive strike?”

“If I make an appointment with someone else first, wouldn’t it be easy for the sage to mess up the marriage?”

Yuan Yu slapped her thigh bitterly: “That’s the reason, but no matter how you say it, I have to marry you off!”

Yuan Cixian said in his heart that what’s the point of marrying someone, he or she will have to marry sooner or later, it’s better than dying tragically.

Yuan Yu, however, became more anxious as he thought about it: “How can life-long events be rushed? How can you just find someone to marry? It’s better than this, pack your bags and go back to Yaozhou, brother here will take care of you, Emperor Tiangao Even if you are far away, I can’t catch you.” After saying that, he came to push her.

“Hey!” Yuan Cixian shoved him away, “Brother, are you in a hurry? In the whole world, could it be that the king’s land, South Yunnan really belongs to our Yuan family!” married.

“Besides, the so-called pre-emptive attack is just a tactic to delay the attack. If it can be delayed for a while, it can be delayed for a while. We can get engaged or divorce, can’t we? If we really want to get married, we can still reconcile!”

Yuan Yu really convinced her, took a step back and said: “But this is in such a hurry, who can you get engaged to? No, you have to write to discuss this matter with Dad.”

“Brother, I forgot. The letters you sent to Yaozhou in these years have been secretly opened and inspected every now and then? Didn’t you make it clear that you want the sage to know what we are planning!”

“This doesn’t work, that doesn’t work either, you’re going to die bro!”

Yuan Cixian glanced at him: “What is there to worry about? I already have a good match in my heart, as for whether it will be successful…” She touched her face, “Brother, am I beautiful?”

Yuan Yu was taken aback by his question, nodded with his mouth open, and said, “It’s as beautiful as a fairy, it’s so beautiful, it’s so beautiful.”

“That’s it.”

He was dumbfounded: “What became it? How did it become it? Who made it for you?”

Yuan Cixian didn’t answer, but instead asked: “Last time at Luting, Lu Shilang gave you a piece of jade, where did you put it?”

Yuan Yu could barely keep up with her runaway thoughts: “Of course I lost it! I’m a big man, what do you want his jade ring to do, we Xiaohei are not indifferent!”

Yuan Cixian sighed as if hating iron for being weak: “If I remember correctly, it seems to be a piece of green and white nephrite?” Seeing that he had obviously forgotten everything, she stopped talking nonsense with him, “Come on, I Figure it out for yourself.”

Yuan Yu nodded and watched her go, only to be belatedly aware when it was over—wait a minute, could Yuan Cixian’s so-called good match be Lu Shiqing?

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