Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 142

Chapter 142 Final assessment

In order to ensure that he will not be discovered, as a reward, he will go straight out of the auction and estimate that the time is almost the same. Su Shi will put on his glasses again and leave the lounge with Lu Hao.

In the black market auctions, there are often many precious resources that are not available on the market, and some are even more powerful than the energy contained in the spar. They were only going to look at the excitement. Now that they have the money, they have also moved to buy something to go back.

The auction site is completely closed, and each buyer will be led into a separate compartment, bidding and paying through the black market’s dark network, which will ensure the identity of the most reliable.

The two took the number plate and were led into the corresponding compartment. Immediately, the control panel slowly rose.

The baffle in front of the compartment falls down to reveal a one-way mirror. The person in the room can choose to watch it on the screen at a close distance. You can also view the real scene outside through a one-way mirror. The outside is completely invisible. Case.

In the black market, the flow of people is large, the ingredients are mixed, and there is no trust between people. This arrangement maximizes the protection of the individual’s ** and visualizes the most authentic first-hand information to the buyer. This auction site has killed all competitors with this hand and established a dominant position in the black market.

“I have seen the list of lots, and there are a few other Zerg nucleus in the other star fields. We can try our luck.”

Drinks and refreshments can be selected on the control panel. Lu Hao chose the hot cocoa with milk for his lover, and picked a few favorite teas, and ordered a cup of coffee. When I saw Su, I also browsed the panel on the sofa, and then I went over and hugged the person. I put the lower jaw on the top of his head and said, “Is there anything I like?”

“I don’t see anything on the list yet. It’s better to wait and see.”

The warmth of the weight suddenly fell on the top of his head. Su Shi smiled and looked up at him. He picked up the hot cocoa that had just been sent, and suddenly he couldn’t help but curiously said: “I always wanted to know that you became the insect king. At that time, is the crystal nucleus really a cocoa bean?”

Although knowing that a lover is just a joke, and welcoming the narrow smiles in those eyes, the fear of being boiled is still floating from the depths of the data.

Recalling the past that was almost self-cooked, Lu Yan took a nap and shook his head. He shook his head and honestly said: “No, the Zerg pheromone is a patch that I secretly hit. I am too rushed, I am afraid you can’t recognize it. I……”

In the latter worlds, in order to catch up with the lover’s footsteps, he had to divide a large amount of raw data for the final upgrade and evolution, and a world is more rushed than a world. That time, the interstellar world was almost missed. In a hurry, I stuffed myself into a chocolate egg. When I think of this size, the other party may not recognize it, and it is too late to change another body.

Su Shi intended to tease him, but did not expect his reaction to be so nervous, could not help but laugh, and licked a snack to turn back into his mouth: “Worry, when can I not recognize you?”

He just held the cup, his fingertips were still dyed with the heat that had not faded, and he accidentally touched the lips of Lulu, but his eyes were still soft and radiant.

Lu Hao was filled with snacks, and even the heartbeat was delayed. Immediately disarmed and surrendered, and firmly turned his head into a rattle, he did not hesitate to deny that the lover had not been able to recognize himself when he was almost blind, and he had glorious deeds that he had once passed away.

Su Shi himself could not remember that there was such a thing at the beginning. When he saw him red from the cheek to the root of his ear, the smile in his eyes became thicker, and he pulled the man back to sit down and pushed the cup of coffee. Past: “Would you like a fan?”


The lover’s series is very serious. The robots who stored the memory in the world blush almost all the cards, continue to shake their heads, sip a few mouthfuls of coffee and swallow the snacks, and bluntly reverse the topic: “Look, start.”

Su Shi coughed and smiled, holding his hand and leaning back, looking at the brilliant opening of the eyes.

Although the topic was smoothly transferred, Lu Hao still couldn’t help but pull the lover’s hand into his arms and secretly looked at him.

In order to enhance the sense of substitution of the host, the appearance of the character will be slightly modified on the basis of the original, as close as possible to the host. He has gone through so many worlds, but he still feels that his lover’s original appearance is the most eye-catching.

The people in front of you are very relaxed. The warm eyebrows stretched out and leaned back on the sofa, quietly looking at the changing picture in front of them. The colorful light was quietly collected into the black bottom.

Then, if many worlds go down, it will probably be very long if they are converted into human life. But the other side seems to have not changed much at the same time, his eyes are still soft and soft, his eyebrows are still as old, just faded away from the loneliness that once lingered.

It is dangerous to pay extra feelings about the data. Rarely there is little data to make a real response, and few hosts can find a balance between tasks and emotions, and more tormenting people are undoubtedly memories of every world being emptied as data.

The lover bears all their memories alone, accompanied him through so many worlds, and loved him so many times.

It is clear that the other party is the one who has been accompanying and guarding himself.

Lu Hao held his hand and felt tight, and suddenly leaned back and fell a light kiss on his lips. Just about to withdraw, the palm of his hand suddenly regained his grip, pulled his body closer and took the initiative to kiss back.

The opening is the most lively time, the beautiful electronic light flow is flowing fast on the top of people’s heads, and it shines into a star-shaped light.

“I suddenly thought that we have experienced so many worlds, I really take up a lot of money.”

Su Shi’s manual movement, with his ten fingers, looked up at him, smiled at the bottom of the eye, and opened it: “When we are old, if we are bickering, you have at least a dozen handles of the world. I have it in my hand.”

Lu Hao heard the stunned and blinked his eyes in disbelief. Su Shi had already laughed and pressed him back. He applauded and patted his arm: “Don’t be afraid, I will try to mention those things that are too shameful.”

This commitment is very worrying in itself. The more he wanted to worry, the more he wanted to open up the discussion, the opening was over, and the auctioned goods were pushed up one by one.

Although it is a black market trading store, the order of the auction is unexpectedly harmonious. People take their own needs, because they are quoted on the dark network, and there is no flaming bidding link. The scene is more friendly than the orthodox auction.

The black market auction, the most favored goods are undoubtedly all kinds of weapons.

The technology in which they live is already very developed, and many weapons have full power and design is extremely delicate. Su Shi was not too lazy to light up his skills at the beginning. Later, he was only able to cope with the situation. He was not interested in these weapons. Instead, Lu Hao looked seriously and listened carefully to the introduction of the host. Details of the parameters.

Seeing that he likes it, Su Shi also sat up straight and accompanied him to watch the auction seriously.

His ability to learn was originally strong enough. He had a general understanding of the principles of weapons in a short time, and occasionally raised several questions that were extremely insightful. Lu Yan’s gaze is getting brighter and brighter, and he is more open and happy, telling the tips and tricks of the lover who has always been.

Seeing the flying face of the lover’s face, Su Shi also smiled, the warmer the look, the patience to listen to him, and steadyly hold the hand.

In fact, I still don’t like these weapons a lot, but he really likes to see such a Lu Hao.

My lover has never experienced a real world, but the other person is already good enough. Even if it becomes a real human being, it will be able to easily stand at the peak of a certain field.

They have been accompanied by so many worlds, and he has never lacked trust in Lu Hao.

When I spoke, the time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the rounds of the Zerg crystal nucleus were scheduled to appear.

The two were originally directed at the nucleus. Although they did not know whether the savings were sufficient, they still instinctively raised their minds and stopped the conversation.

Unexpectedly, before I even started shooting, the crystal nucleus on the original menu suddenly became gray, and the state became “purchased.” Immediately afterwards, a new lot was created, replacing the position of the original nucleus.

At the auction, if the price quoted by someone can satisfy the owner of the lot, an internal transaction will be conducted to directly withdraw the lot from the auction. In the black market auction, this situation has occurred from time to time.

People have long been accustomed to this. The Zerg nucleus is usually re-refined before it can be used, so it has almost failed to cause any dissatisfaction and has been smoothly transferred to the new auction process.

By such development, he couldn’t help but greet Lu’s eyes. Su Shi smiled and patted him comfortably: “Okay, just try your luck, no more. Look at what is replaced. ……”

Originally just a casual comfort, seeing the lot in front of his eyes, his eyes suddenly showed a surprise.

That is two pairs of rings.

Although it is only a substitute for the lottery, the voice of the host is still the same as the same: “This is two rings from different worlds. They have crossed at least ten interstellars and happen to fall into our world. In these stars They may have experienced black holes together, experienced stellar sunspots, experienced cosmic storms, but never separated…”

I don’t know how many interstellars have been wandering. The two rings are already a bit old. Even the original metallic luster has been faint, but it can still be seen that the delicate shape of the ECG is intercepted.

Su Shi’s heart fretting, subconsciously sitting up straight, raising his hand on the button of the bid.

Lu Hao was late, and it took a long time to know how to send him a token of love. The two rings were worn for a long time, but because the material of the ring was smelted with the mechanical body of Lu Hao, it was judged to be the exclusive item of the current world, but in the end it could not be brought into the system space anyway.

After their bodies disappeared, the two rings also fell into the universe. I thought that there was no hope of finding them. I didn’t expect to be able to drift into the world by skill.

Then there may be places where you can get money, and you need to save some money to prepare for the unexpected. Su Shi was very impressed with the feeling of being impoverished at the beginning. He was still hesitant for a while, and Lu’s warm palm had already covered.

The palm warmed over the back of his hand and pressed the button of the bid. Su Shi subconsciously turned his head and met Lu Yan’s dedicated and sincere eyes: “I will earn you again, I will raise you.”

Obviously it should be a very aggressive line, but it is said that they are so poor that even the ring can’t afford it.

Su Shi dumbly laughed, patted his arm in the backhand, and took advantage of the opportunity to press OK, and changed the price of the price: “There will be no one who bids, not necessarily so high…”

In addition to having a very special meaning for them, these two rings are not precious to anyone, and even if the price is low, no one will be willing to spend money in such a place.

The substitutes are usually urgently picked up to fill the time. The crowd is just a glance and they are not interested. After bidding in the bidding room of the two people, there is no new bid, and the ring is also smooth. The picture was taken.

The auction site will be absolutely confidential to the identity of each buyer. Even if someone actually photographed the pair of rings, people just shook their heads and felt that they had no money to spend a lot of money, and they went into a new auction. .

The next process was still smooth, and as the last lottery had a buyer, the entire auction finally came to a successful conclusion.

Although I couldn’t take the nucleus, I had an unexpected surprise. The mood of the two was not low. Leaving the auction room, planning to leave the auction site after receiving the lot, return to the black market and see if there are spare parts that can be used for patrol boat renovation.

The embarrassing thing is that their lot was not sent immediately. Instead, a few very polite members of the venue came to them and respectfully asked them to go upstairs, saying that the boss had a gift to give them.

The lover is still wanted overnight, and Lu Hao instinctively raises some vigilance before he refuses, but his eyes suddenly fall on the young man in the suit and shoes at the door.

The young man put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the door. He still had some reluctance on his face. He touched the line of sight that Lu Hao had cast. The depth of his pupil was suddenly concealed, and he instinctively stepped back and his eyes showed a thick Heavy taboo.

I didn’t expect the other party to have an acquaintance here. Su Shi looked at the past and vaguely felt that the other side was familiar, but felt that it was unlikely. After thinking for a while, he hesitated to say: “Jiang-Mr?”

He still remembers that the original owner who took over was another one. Even with the filter bonus of his own lover, he could not completely get over the other person’s awkward character. If there is no such thing as him and Lu Yi, the two men are only afraid to experience many regrettable twists and turns.

Hearing his voice, Jiang Fuqin immediately returned to God. The look when he turned to him was already polite. The lips were stunned and politely bowed to him: “Mr. Su, Wangjin wants to tell you. Speak, I am here to ask you to move on.”

Although he spoke with Su Shi, he did not seem to see Lu Hao at all. Even if he had to face Lu Hao, his face looked very chilly.

Su Shi could not help but raise some interest and asked him well. He asked him to lead the way in front and took Lu Yan to the stairs.

The wheelchair stopped at the stairs and Lu Wangjin had already greeted it.

Seeing the two figures, the man in the wheelchair leaned forward slightly, and his eyes showed a soft smile: “Mr. Su, I always wanted to see you with my own eyes. It is great to see here.”

As he said, he smiled and reached out, and the thin body was straightened from the wheelchair.

The tailored suit was worn on him, and the momentum was calm. Although sitting in a wheelchair, it was still not inferior.

Su Shi took a few steps and shook hands with him. As soon as he let go, Jiang Fuqin quickly stepped onto the wheelchair and touched Lu Wangjin’s hand. He confirmed that it was not cool, and finally he was slightly relieved, but still Leaning and whispering: “Why don’t you wait for me to come up? Your body is not good, the weather is cold these two days, it is easy to get sick…”

“Okay, I am not so weak.”

Lu Wangjin smiled softly, patted his arm gently, comforted the young lover easily, and bowed slightly to the two, and continued to talk.

“I heard that the two are in need of Zerg nucleus, we took the liberty to buy directly through the internal insured price, I hope you can accept it – the two rings are very beautiful. We analyzed the natural magnet-like substances in the ring, It can be guaranteed that even if they are lost, they will never be separated, and those who build it must have spent a lot of thought.”

I have never heard the other person say this. Su Shi’s heart was warm and greeted with the rush of Lu’s eyes. The language was calm: “Yes. We can find them back, and we are very happy.”

When I heard Lu Wangjin’s exaggeration, Jiang Fu’s eyes were filled with some dissatisfaction. I don’t know if it was next to Lu Wangjin’s side. The body suffocated and disappeared without a trace. It was just a sullen squatting on the side of the wheelchair. It seemed like a grievance.

Lu Wangjin was helpless and smiled, raising his hand and shuning his back: “Go three cups of tea, a cup of hot cocoa, let’s talk a few words.”

It seems that this action is very useful. Jiang Fuqin, who was shunned, nodded in obedience and got out of the door. Finally, he did not give more hostility to Lu Hao.

“Auxiliary Qin is a young man, and he has not suffered any grievances. He is inexplicably pulled here to accompany me. His temper is always bigger. Please ask Mr. Lu not to know him.”

Lu Wangjin smiled and handed the two rings together with the already installed Zerg nucleus to Su Shi.

He always has a gentle and calm feeling, and when he mentions Jiang Fu Qin, his eyes are still soaked in soft and warm colors that are not easy to detect. It is obvious that the two of them are very comfortable here, probably only Jiang Fuqin. There is a contradiction between Lu and Lu.

Su Shi then let go of his heart and chatted with him about the current situation in this world.

Data crashes only when it is under strong pressure that cannot be afforded, but in order for the host to enter the role more quickly, the access time is usually appropriately adjusted, and the data does not retain the messy code.

For Lu Wangjin, his memory only stayed on the day when he learned that Jiang Fuqin wanted to take Huayue. He only slept like a peacetime one day, and then he woke up to the world. For all the developments of the follow-up, I only saw the version of Su Shi and Lu Yu.

“I found that Fu Qin actually came here together. I am actually very happy, but I don’t worry if it is fake.”

Thinking of the situation at the time, Lu Wangjin showed some faint smiles in his eyes, shook his head and smiled: “In my memory, he is very smart, his temper is stubborn, and the things that have been determined must be made. Of course I know He hates me – I thought about it at the time, if I could use this to end this endless hatred, it was actually a good thing.”

“I don’t know why, it seems that I just slept, and he suddenly grew up.”

Speaking of a child with a big hand, the light in his eyes gradually accumulates, brightly flashes, and even the smile is real.

“He grew up too fast, and I didn’t react to it. We are doing very well now, but he is a little too nervous. I can’t stand up, and my body has no more problems. Every time he looks at me.” At the time, I felt that I would be broken when I was touched…”

For Lu Wangjin, the transformation of Jiang Fuqin is indeed a bit too big. Not only did the original hatred disappear without a trace, but it also became tense all the time. Even when he woke up at night and found that the other party was not around, he would scare out and look around until he found it.

At first he would not be used to it, but he gradually adapted to it, and he calmed down the children who did not know what the psychological shadow had fallen. The current Jiang Fuqin is actually much better than the original, but the problem of excessive care is still unable to change, and the two told the jokes.

Listening to the lucrative voice of Lu Wangjin, Su Shi thought thoughtfully to Lu Hao, but he saw that the other party just bowed his head and played with the ring, as if he did not hear the conversation between the two.

The thoughts in my heart gradually formed, and it was not clear enough. Jiang Fuqin had already brought back a few cups of hot drinks and leaned over a cup on the table.

His hand was steady, and his position was almost over the head. He held the hot cup wall and felt as if he could not feel the pain.

Su Shi slightly raised his eyebrows, but Lu Wangjin had already smiled helplessly. He pulled his hand and blew it. He looked up patiently and asked if it was hot. Jiang Fuqin bowed his head and let him pull, his eyes condensed in the wheelchair, the deep brown color of the bottom seems to only pretend the former person.

Lu Wangjin seems to have been accustomed to his hard-fought grievances, holding his hand and pulling people into his arms and holding them.

The person in the wheelchair raised his hand and circled. Jiang Fuqin’s body finally relaxed, but he still refused to leave, but he stayed at Lu Wangjin’s side.

His gas field is too much to be ignored. The two also have things in their bodies. They are inconvenient to stay for a long time. They just talked with Lu Wangjin and they got up and left.

When I saw Su Shi, I didn’t have a mental brain. When I left, Lu Wangjin gave him a special purpose. He used the black market relationship to arrange a false identity for him. If he refused, he would make a considerable amount of money. Hit in.

Out of the auction house, the wisdom brain that Su Shigang brought with him suddenly slammed.

Seeing another huge transfer from the signature Jiang Fuqin, and then looking at the lover who bought the ring to pay for himself, Su Shi finally couldn’t help but curious and put on his glasses to suppress the voice: “How do you get into the river?” Fu Qin, told him not to see you?”

Lu Hao’s look sank in a rare way, holding the hand of a lover, and silently said for a moment: “I put him into the space of smelting.”

Hearing the chilling noun called all the hosts, Su Shi looked a little stunned and the subconscious stopped his footsteps.

Bailian Space is a pure virtual space used for punishment. The host or data put into the space will struggle in a cycle of memories until it is truly dare to face itself completely.

At the beginning, he was forced to choose to blacken. If it wasn’t for the lover to stop, he might be thrown into the space, and he would not be able to break free from his most horrible memories.

I noticed that the lover’s hand was faint and cold, and Lu Yan subconsciously tightened the palm of his hand and held the man into his arms. He whispered: “He was trapped in his unscrupulous revenge to torture Lu Wangjin until the memory of Lu Wangjin collapsed completely. I am not. Knowing how many times he saw Lu Wangjin dissipate in front of him…”

It is the memory that they don’t remember.

Su Shi’s heart was faint and deep, and he only whispered for a long time: “Has he finally come out?”

“Come out, he chose to face himself, so he will have the opportunity to come here.”

Kissing and kissing the forehead of the lover in the arms, Lu Yan held him, his voice was low and soft, like some kind of extremely warm comfort, but it also revealed some of the unfamiliar majesty of Su.

“For Lu Wangjin, those memories do not exist. Although Jiang Fuqin remembers, but it is because he remembers, he will always remind him, no longer make things that he regrets… …”

Many times, the real reality is that there is no chance of regretting.

If it wasn’t for Su Shi, it happened to take over, and the data protecting Lu Wangjin did not collapse all the way. For Jiang Fuqin who came out of the space, the nightmare that had experienced countless times would always be his shackles. Cold reality.

“fair enough.”

Su Shi felt in his heart, and for a long time he gently licked his lips and sighed very lightly. After a long while, I suddenly looked up and realized: “I just asked, how many people have you put into the space?”

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