Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Final assessment


When welcoming the Soviet Union, there was no worries, and Lu Hao was silent for a moment. It was rare to show the looming majesty and disappear without a trace. He buried himself in the neck of his lover and gently groaned: “Probably – there is not much…”

Seeing his iconic guilty action, Su Shi knew that things were not good, and helped his shoulders stand up straight: “Is there twenty?”

Lu Yan’s lips were silent for a long while, and he kissed him carefully.


Very bad.

Su Shi took a sigh of relief, did not dare to continue to increase the price, just raised his hand and hugged the person who stuck in his neck and refused to look up. After a while, I leaned forward again, but I laughed softly: “It doesn’t matter, I am good, I cover you.”

He is actually very clear about why Lu Hao did this, but the more clearly he is, the more he can’t say anything.

The arms are still warm and close to the body, Su Shi fell a kiss on the lips of the lover, raised his hand and rubbed his back: “Let’s go, see what else we can gain.”

The suspension boat modification is very popular in the black market, and many people are keen to transform the private suspension boat into a more domineering side leakage, or add a variety of practical or peculiar functions. Such demand has also spawned a fairly broad market. As long as you want to buy it, there is no difficulty in converting the floating boat into a pseudo-machine.

The two have not gotten together for a long time and have already got the necessary accessories. Recalling the hobby of traveling around the system, Su Shi deliberately circumvented the city center and bought a remote-controlled small-floating model to go back, so that the system does not have to be left behind, and can go out and play around. .

Lu Hao does not understand the fun of shopping, but is happy to buy things for Su Shi. On the road, I absorbed some nuclear power and opened the sleeves. I didn’t even care about it. I couldn’t help but pick up everything I bought. I slammed it into my sleeve and grabbed Su’s hand and held it again. together.

Most of the time, the data is not physical. My lover always likes to hug and kiss, and the opportunity to hold hands is estimated. It is estimated that it is too powerful in the time when there are too many entities.

Su Shi picked his lips and pampered him. He let him pull his hands and let him know how to customize the new body specifications after he went out, but he did not ask for it.

The last time, after he asked him what he wanted to go out, he accidentally erected the famous high-level flag [waiting for it], and he was seriously injured in the blink of an eye, and he fell into the wrong place. A trap that does not go out of spirit.

By now, he has roughly thought of the original situation, but the specific details are still somewhat vague. Probably only to go back to that link, you can completely think of everything.

Although there is Yi Rongshu, it is inconvenient to stay for a long time. When the two bought the necessary things, they left the commercial center and returned to the outer suburbs where the patrol boats were hidden.

I got the remote control model sent by Su Shi, the system was almost garbled, and the small floating boat was running around him. However, he was not in a hurry to go out to play, and transferred the drawings from the database, and together with Lu Hao, he revamped the patrol boat with great interest.

Su Shi wanted to help, but was unanimously pushed out by Lu Hao and the system. The Zerg nucleus sent by Lu Wangjin was also stuffed into his arms by Lu Hao, so that he could only absorb the power with peace of mind, and nothing left to worry about.

For Lu Hao, the supplement of energy is just an improvement of strength, and it is not as good as the effect of opening special effects. Su Shizhen did not both of them, but they had to find a secluded shelter from the wind, and seized the time to close their eyes and spread their energy, absorbing the energy in the nucleus.

The midday weather is rare and warm, the sun is falling through the shadows of the trees, and the wind is also dyed with a little temperature.

From time to time, there was a slap in the ear, mixed with the low voice of Lu Hao and the system, closing his eyes, as if it was like some of the most ordinary afternoon at home, the atmosphere was too lazy to make people want to want Stretch a stretch.

Vaguely heard that one person and one system are arguing whether to build the rest cabin into one or two, Su Shi dumbfounded, the lips are just provoked, and the scattered mental power suddenly seems to vaguely feel a little threat, keenly and quickly retract, Quickly crossed a bolt of lightning in my mind.

They have been successful in this world for three days, the novice halo has expired, and the difficulty of survival will increase a lot. In the basic setting of the assessment world, it has been decided that it will never let them safely and smoothly pass customs clearance.

Lu Hao also felt the danger almost at the same time, and jumped up with vigilance. Grabbing the system that also tried to win a small bed for himself, stuffed it into a patrol boat that was modified to half, and turned on the shielding function: “What happened?”

“Someone is chasing, we have to leave as soon as possible.”

Su Shi’s mental level is slightly higher than that of Lu Hao. He has figured out the situation, collected the nucleus and got up, confirmed the position of the pursuer, and took the lover and quickly fell into the forest.

The patrol boat has just been dismantled in half, and now it is only afraid to fall apart and can only continue to hide. Su Shi is still distracting to absorb the nucleus of the Zerg. For the time being, he can’t touch it hard. Now, apart from running, there is no other better way.

When they were concealed, they deliberately chose a suburban area with lush vegetation. The vision was not open, and to a certain extent, it blocked the pace of pursuit. In a short while, the voices of the vocals and the chasing ship have gradually become far less clear.

The anti-tracking ability of being attacked by the whole world with two people is not easy to be caught up as long as it is not deliberately released.

Hearing the sound behind him, the two men also relaxed a little, and Lu Hao raised his hand to set up the enchantment of the police, only to let the lover absorb the crystal nucleus as soon as possible, but Su Shi suddenly looked awkward and pulled him to accept it. Steps, flashed behind a bush.

The final progress bar of the dress-up skills was finally filled, and their figures quietly changed, blending in with the surrounding vegetation.

A team of patrols quickly crossed the jungle and searched with vigilance.

Each of them is equipped with silencer equipment, and the movement is also skillful and light, no wonder that no sound has been heard before.

I didn’t expect this chase to catch up so quickly. Lu Hao was a little bit guilty. His eyes fell on the light muffler airship that followed. He saw dozens of interstellar search beasts that were put down, and his heart suddenly sinks. , the lover will be backed up.

With the rapid development of science and technology, criminal means have become more and more high-end. Even if a dedicated instrument for detecting genes may be tampered with by a dedicated jammer, the robot is often overturned to modify the program.

In this case, the core base is doing the opposite, modelling the oldest tracking method hundreds of years ago, specifically for the search for beasts that search for the target person based on the smell.

These search animals have been genetically engineered to be extremely sensitive to odor molecules. Yi Rongshu can change his appearance, but the breath can’t be changed. The demons are a replica of Su Shi, and the two may be recognized.

“How could it suddenly touch the search for the beast, is someone selling us?”

More than anyone knows where their popularity in this world will be worse. Lu Yan’s heart is sinking, holding the hand of his lover, and his lips are moving silently.

Su Shi could understand his lip language. When he was slightly indulged, he shook his head slightly and responded quietly: “It should not be.”

Although it has been invested in a hundred refining space, for those data, it actually has an opportunity for reflection and redemption. It is precisely because of the cyclical enhancement in the smelting space that the data can be evolved from ordinary characters and smoothly come to the world to continue to exist.

Those data also understand this, just like Jiang Fuqin, although he would be jealous and even hostile to Lu Hao, but he would not really turn against him.

In the final assessment, the difficulty of survival is gradually escalated. In order to make the assessment of the testee severe enough, the government and the military representing the test party will be exposed to the ability data of the examinee by default, so that the bases can find their weaknesses. .

It seems that they are more likely to have been put into this dilemma.

The appearance can change, the machine can interfere, and even the mental power can be disguised. Only the breath can’t be changed.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer. The star beasts responsible for the search do not need the guidance of the patrol team. After they are released, they will carry out the search. Once the target is locked, the police will be called immediately. Searching for the beast’s combat power is usually very strong. It is no less than the ordinary combat-type star beast. It is also good at collaborative attack. Once they are eye-catching, it is even more difficult to get rid of it than to pursue the soldiers.

After landing, the well-trained search beast began a methodical search, sniffing every corner of the forest, according to this progress, I am afraid that it will take a long time to find them.

“If you can’t do it, first make sure you are safe, and get rid of them.”

Seeing that there is no room for change, Lu Hao looks dull and ready to fight. I confessed to my lover, and I was about to let go of his hand, but I was held up by the other party.

The strength of the palm is still stable and not rushing. Lu Yan is awkward and looks back.

Su Shi greeted his sight, but only shook his head slightly, indicating that he did not have to rush to shoot, and his eyes fell on the star search beast responsible for searching the two people’s area.

The mighty wolf-shaped beast is wearing an electronic collar with a dark metallic glow, and the fur is a pure white characteristic of the synthetic animal.

Under the cross-species combination of genes, there is a pair of hard and dense feathers behind it. The limbs are strong and strong, the tail is tightly clamped behind, the sharp claws are sharp and scary, and the eyes are full of deterrence. Blood red, just watching it makes people feel chilly behind.

I don’t think that this winged wolf beast is a friendly attitude. Seeing that the beast is getting closer and closer to the two, Lu’s eyes are faint and anxious. Just want to open, the winged wolf beast just glanced at Su Shi, as if nothing was found, from his feet, nothing happened.

The tall and fierce figure was calm and arrogant, and there were a few white wolf hairs on the legs of Su Shi.

Probably for the sake of more realistic, when he walked to Lu Hao, it also shook his ears leisurely and raised a hind leg.


The hanging heart was completely put down, Lu Yan looked slightly stunned, and he did not move with due diligence. Su Shi held his hand comfortably, and his eyes flashed a little smile.

Winged wolf beast is obviously the leader of this group of searching beasts. Marking his own smell beside the two people, sloshing through the area without rushing, and slowly walked into the forest to make a sound of evacuation.

The remaining search beasts immediately left the area that had just been turned over and searched the past for the farther jungle.

The winged wolf looked back and looked at the front paws twice, as if he was hesitating and struggled for a long while, and the tail behind him finally stiffened and shook.

In the next moment, the white majesty figure decisively fell into the woods, continuing to lead the search for the beast to track the past without fruit.

“Is that snow wolf?”

Although he did experience the same copy of the world, no one can think of it. The body of the snow wolf is such a powerful creature.

Finally, this action evokes a vague memory. Lu Hao blinked his eyes in an erroneous manner. It was not as emotional as it was. The lover around him had already dismantled the disguise and picked up the wolf hairs. It was taken for granted: “The characteristics are already It’s so obvious, isn’t it like?”


Compared with the fluffy snow scorpion in the memory, Lu Yan opened his mouth and nodded in disbelief: “It’s very similar, almost exactly the same.”

Su Shi was satisfied, nodded and put the wolf hair inside the pocket, and was about to open his eyes, and his eyes unconsciously crossed the shoulders.

Almost instantaneous, the chill was slammed from the back of the spine, and the instinctive sense of crisis quickly rose.

Before the reaction, Su Shi had already slammed and slammed Lu Hao under his body.

Lu Hao’s reaction was also not slow. When he rushed over, he realized that the situation had changed. He quickly took his arms and turned his body sideways. The trunk that the two originally leaned on was penetrated by a laser, and the faint smoke rose.

Lu Hao firmly held him with one hand, and the golden light had been chased back in the direction of the laser.

Because the patrol team has not yet gone far, the actions of the two sides are not too big. The golden flame ignited quickly and extinguished, but it still burned the figure hiding in the forest and escaped.

From the left shoulder to the back, the fire broke out in a moment. Su Shi instinctively snorted, worried about stimulating the lover again, biting his teeth and holding an analgesic for himself.

The two people’s bodies are too close, and any change can be perceived. Lu Hao’s heart tightened sharply and looked down at him: “Where is it hurt?”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s just a flesh wound.”

It has been said that he has told him too many times that it is not worth much. Su Shi took a light breath and held the hand tightly, and added a warm voice: “It doesn’t matter, I have a measure, and I will never be reluctant at this time.”

He said it was serious, Wenrun Meifeng faintly reveals an indisputable edge, but it makes people feel a little nervous.

Seeing the spirit of the lover is still good, Lu Yan’s cold body gradually warmed up, raising his hand and gently holding his shoulders, the warmth of the power has quietly poured in.

Zerg nucleus is not suitable for healing. Su Shi did not reject the energy that the lover shared. He just found a crystal nucleus for him, stabilized his figure, and set his sight on the strange face: “We have a hatred with you.” ?”

In fact, he did not think that the attack on them was not the data of the search team, but a host who also participated in the assessment.

There is no quota for this final assessment. Except for the use of the siege when they are being chased, the hosts usually do not attack each other on the bright side, let alone use the opportunity that the default examinee should cooperate with each other.

He had no impression of the people in front of him, and he couldn’t think of any old grievances. If he came up with an attack, he would not be a friendly signal.

“I don’t know you, it’s for [po-t].”

The people still wore black short-sleeved trousers when they were put into the world. Their faces were pale and their eyes were gloomy. They walked slowly toward them.

“That thing is in your hands, right? Give it to me, I don’t bother you. Otherwise, the patrol is nearby. If I make a little move, you just can’t easily get out…”

“What do you want it to do?”

Su Shi’s heart jumped and his eyes screamed.

When each of them is put into the world of assessment, they will be forced to carry the “thief” pot, and the bases will be chased by the world. So the hosts are almost shunned by this useless and infinitely attractive firepower. If they have additional tasks, they will not let the pot remain on the head.

“Isn’t that we have to get to the door in the northwest corner as soon as possible? So when I am chased by the East to hide in Tibet, when can I get it?”

The man sneered, his look showed some disdain: “You robbed it, is it just for playing? Don’t even think about it, if it is really just to set the difficulty for us, why should we circle such a big circle – this is obviously Implying us, we can use this so-called ‘ultimate weapon’ to destroy it directly. As long as the core base becomes ruin, we can take the opportunity to get out. If it is not for this, why bother to make a final weapon Are you sure?”

His words sounded very convincing. Lu Yan’s heart was so heavy that he instinctively breathed. Su Shi was already cold. “In the data, its radius of destruction is 50,000 square miles. You detonate it. What about data and hosting within this radius?”

“The strong have the qualification to live, what do they have to do with me?”

The man smiled and shook his head and walked slowly toward them, still holding the laser transmitter in his hand.

“You shouldn’t want to be discovered by the patrol? It’s just a deal. You give it to me. Then we can run far by how far we can. When I get to a safe distance, it will detonate it. You are not.” The opportunity to live…”

His footsteps suddenly stopped, and a golden glare broke through the front, forcing him to roll on the spot, but his left shoulder still oozing fresh blood.

Lu Yan’s arm went back to the exhibition, and the Su Shi circle was behind him. The palm of his hand was inconspicuous, and his eyes showed looming ice and cold killing: “Who gave you the qualification to talk about the conditions?”

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