Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 a sinister history

“Is this the result you want?”

Song Song whispered openly, and his body solidified in the shadow, as if it had become a chilly sculpture.

Lu Li was seriously injured, and the strength of that palm was not enough. He had awakened for a long time without fainting, and hurried back, but it was too late.

He saw the man lying on the ground, and the thin body was silent because of extreme pain. In the past, people were caught in their arms, and the cold sweat was soaking through the clothes. The eyes were still squatting, but they had been uncontrollably dissipated because of the pain of transcending the will.

The pulling machine is poisonous in the world, there is no medicine to solve, and the poisoned person will only exhaust all vitality in the endless suffering of endless pain.

He can only watch and can’t do anything.

As if he noticed his movements, Lu Li clung to his sleeves in pain, and his bloodless lips twitched, as if trying to say something, but he couldn’t spit out the complete words.

Then, the painful look on the face of Qingjun gradually calmed down, and the body’s convulsions became weaker and weaker. The eyes didn’t know when they had quietly closed, and the eyebrows finally showed some relief.

The breath is weak, and finally I can’t detect even the weak airflow.

The cold body squatted on his chest quietly, and the infinitely tight body slowly relaxed, so he could not find the power and pulsation of life.

He didn’t even know if he should be sad, or he should be relieved that Luli was finally relieved.

So he completely put people in his arms, patiently opened the muscles that were still stiff, and told the man to look like he was sleeping, his head resting on his chest, as quiet as if he had struggled before. phantom.

The heart was empty, and no emotions could be touched. Song Yan leaned over and took the person in his arms and went out to the door, but suddenly he was shackled by Song.

Song Yu slightly frowned, his eyes finally fell on him.

The young emperor’s eyes were completely red, and they gasped in a hurry. They used all their strength to pull his arm. The voice was so dull that there was almost only airflow: “You let me see him, there is a doctor, he took the poison.” I can call the doctor, he”

The words have not been finished, his hand was suddenly held by Song Hao, stuck in the neck of Luli.

The skin under the palm is cold and pale, and I can’t detect the slightest pulsation.

The strong fear suddenly grew from the bottom of my heart. Song shook his head and shook his head. He raised his hand to touch the cheek of Luli, and touched his forehead, which still had a vaguely cold sweat. He grabbed his incapable hand and slammed it in his palm. Still can’t pass the slightest heat on the body.

“No, it shouldn’t be like this. He told me that he wants to live. I want to wear it to him. I am wearing it. I have already worn it…”

If there is no complete words, the helpless whimper vents from the trepidated lips and teeth, and Song’s body suddenly trembles fiercely, and the water vapor blinks in sight.

He hurriedly raised his hand to wipe, the tears accumulated more and more, and the face in front of him became more and more blurred.

Song Yu looked at him, and he seemed to have pity and sigh.

The generous palm fell behind his head, and Song slammed his fist and slammed his head and looked up.

“Very good, there is already the power of the Son of Heaven.”

Song Wei looked at him calmly, his tone was even mild, and his palm was stopped after a moment in his head, and he regained the pale and cold face of his arms.

“Don’t cry any more, you have to remember that there will never be someone who will treat you as a child.”

This is probably the end of the Luli, and still want to ask him, he thought.

Always replacing the role of the father, to care for and guide the young Chu Jun, to personally construct a virtual world for each other. In this world, there are loving and gentle fathers, loyal and loyal ministers, and the infinite hope of Biyu’s clear and beautiful.

All the sins are carried by one person in Luli.

Now Luli is dead, so everyone is happy, everyone is willing to pay, this is the ending that the person has been working on.

It’s just this ending, it’s too hasty.

Song Hao did not speak again, but left with the person in his arms. Yu Linwei silently opened a passage and looked at him silently. No one stopped.


The voice of the young man’s voice came from behind, with a hoarse crying, Song Wei’s footsteps, but did not look back.

He did not ask what Song Zhizhen had said, and he would still try to live because he wanted to see the child’s ascent of the land, so he simply chose to take the opportunity.

This is the end of the matter, even if it is pursued, it is meaningless.

He only remembers that Lu Li wants to take him back, so he must do it.

It will be late, it will be snowy.

The cold wind rolled a large piece of snow, and the people couldn’t open their eyes. Song Song took off his suit and re-wrapped the man, bowing his head and kissing the pale, cold forehead in his arms.

Yu Linwei rushed over the carriage, but Song Wei did not pay attention to it. He just walked with Lu Liu and walked into the snow and ice.

When Song Shouqi went to the entrance of the temple, he had to stop and watched the back of his eyes gradually blend with the faint snow. After that, there was only a vague outline, and then the outline was completely invisible.

The heavy kimono suddenly made him stand unsteadily, his body swayed, and he slammed on the ground.


Surrounded by Yulin Wei, the weapon was immediately slammed down, and the weapon slammed into a piece. Song Shouyi couldn’t hear anything. He just walked two steps forward and grabbed a piece of ice and snow.

It was too tight, and when the temperature of the palm was not much, the snow was completely melted, and it flowed down the fingers, leaving a deeper trace of water.

More and more water trails, the young man finally leaned down and put his forehead on the snow layer, his shoulders silently tremble.

He didn’t think about calling the man to die.

Never thought about it.

Worried that the emperor had frozen his body in the snow, Yulin Wei was frightened and accompanied for a while, and finally he was careful to comfort him. Song Shouyi had already recovered his calm.

He got up again, took off his hand and handed it to Yu Linwei behind him: “Take it and burn it.”

“The emperor, can’t”

Yu Linwei’s look changed slightly, and he wanted to persuade him, but he was stunned by the darkness of the cold pool. He would persuade all the words.

The sky was completely darkened, and Song Shouyi was sent back to the palace. No one was left to serve, and the snow rabbits that were sent up were put up, and the lights went to the emperor’s palace.

When he was still a Prince, Lu Li never allowed him to come here. After he was in the throne, he was exhausted day and night, just to completely erase the shadow of the man, and he never even had time to come.

It is here that Lu Li holds the sword and pushes the palace, and the hand blade is stunned, and the father is shocked and stunned.

He tried to persuade himself to believe that there was nothing wrong with it. The original crime committed by Lu Li was a sin of death, but his heart was still sinking like a heavy weight, and he could barely breathe.

Finally went to the door, Song Zhixuan finally vaguely gave birth to some eager anticipation, took a deep breath and pushed open the door, and quickly walked into the dormitory.

The envious eyes suddenly became confused, and he looked at the bedroom that was decorated to be close to extravagance, and hesitated.

The warm-up couch at your fingertips, the draped gauze, the ivory cup that was knocked over to the ground, and the fragrant pool that he almost blushes is not what he wants to find, the gentle but yet cherished father in memory. Emperor, there is no trace of it at all.

There must be something wrong.

Song Zhiyu became more and more flustered and rushed around in a hurry, but he could only find treasures of various colors, various kinds of rouge powder, and everything proved that some people had indulged in pleasure here, and even near the ridiculous.

It shouldn’t be like this…

The chill was born out of the limbs, and Song insisted on opening every corner, but he didn’t know what he wanted to find. His eyes glanced across the crack and suddenly saw a touch of bright yellow.

There was a strong hunch in my heart, and Song Shou rushed to take the smudge yellow in his hand, but one hand was faster than him.

Suddenly turned back and looked at the unsettled Shen Yi face, Song Shouyi finally couldn’t help it, the voice was almost sharp: “Uncle!”

“This is not something you should look at.”

Song Yu whispered, opened the sacred sacred, and sneaked through it, finally verifying the hunch that always existed in the heart, and the mystery left behind was completely solved.

The man’s bones were not cold, he should have been with Luli in the palace.

But he had to figure out the matter. Luli was so proud of his life that even if he had to bear the nickname, even if he had already been in the mud, he had to thoroughly clarify all the reasons and let the man walk cleanly.

“Uncle, you said at the time, no one will treat you as a child anymore.”

Song Zhishen’s voice sank and brought out a faint hoarseness: “You are a brother with your father. You should know the father. You tell me, what kind of person is the father?”

Song Yu looked at him silently, wondering if he should speak.

He had promised Lu Lu to help him keep a secret, not to let the man’s pains go to the water, but this promise, it seems that only need to insist on the other side of the body.

Nowadays, it’s really the work that has been done, and everything has become a foregone conclusion. Everything that Lu Li wants to sacrifice to make his life has a certain result. The truth will not be known, but it is no longer so important.

However, he did not know which step Song Shouzhen could accept. The too heavy truth would directly destroy the entire foundation of the young emperor.

“For the sage, the uncle refused to say, hey.”

Seeing that he was always silent, Song’s stubborn eyes were more and more dull, and his hands turned back, and his voice gradually turned cold.

“Why do you only ask the father to read a cute book? Can you like to drink tea? Which one is best for jade? Can you love swordsmanship?”

Song Hao almost understood what he meant, taking a deep breath, or honestly opening.

“My teenager is being squeezed out, and I have been fighting outside for many years. I don’t know much. I only remember that when I was young, I didn’t like reading books. I used to drink less tea. Compared with jade, I like jewelry, spring hunting, shooting. Open a stone hard bow.”

The predecessor’s capture is not the privilege of the prince, but the power behind the mother.

He is fashionable and young, and he looks at the dead and disabled of his brothers who have the ability to seize the reserves. Fortunately, his age is too small, and another mind is stuck in the military camp. He was lucky enough to not pay attention and stay intact. life.

From the moment he spoke, Song’s body was trembled, but still stubbornly standing, and the voice became more hoarse: “What about the father and his family?”

“The emperor, I have led the troops since the age of 18, and this year has been established, except this time I went back to Jingqin Wang, and I only came back three times.”

Song Yu sighed and refused to say more. He turned away and went out, but he was suddenly smothered.

The young man fell to the ground, shuddering and unable to speak, but still close to the fabric between the fingers, as if to retain the last hope.

After all, the heart gave birth to something unbearable. Song Yi turned back and squatted in front of him, holding his shoulder and asking him to straighten up and meet the eyes full of fear.

“He wants me to wear a kimono to show him…”

Tears suddenly broke through the eyes, Song Shouqi tightly pulled the clothes of the only elders, and his heart was cold for a while, and he couldn’t breathe.

“He wants to see, Uncle, he wants to see me ascended the throne, wants to see me as a talented person, wants to see me become what he expects. I often flip through those books and imagine what the eyes look like. I never thought about it. I never thought about it…”

If he promised at that time, how happy the person should be.

What kind of mood did Lu Li feel when he heard that he said “Don’t get rid of the traitor?” Has he been completely disappointed with himself, so he will have no more nostalgia, and will he take the fatal drug?

He doesn’t hurt, cold and cold at the moment of the last death, do you hate yourself?

Too strong emotions accumulated in the chest, called Song Zhiyu can not breathe, suddenly knees forward, grabbed Song Yu’s cuffs and whispered: “Uncle, you take me to see him, I want to see him again, Just look at one…”

Song Yu’s hand trembled, closing his eyes and sighing, pulling the sleeves from his fingers and handing the seal to him.

“While he went to see him, the minister would rather go to the emperor to look at the household and turn over the old accounts there. If you want to talk about anger and remorse, the original heart is not less than half the emperor.”

Suddenly, I changed my mind and called Song Shou’s heart to stagnate. The subconscious mind tightened the edict, but did not have the courage to open it. He just looked up and looked at the back that left him, and sat down and squatted back.

The night is completely deep.

The cold wind whistling, the snow is like a knife, but the palace in the palace is warm as spring.

The orange flames pulsate, and the gentle light illuminates the small darkroom and falls on the pale, snowy face.

Quiet and stunned, suddenly weak and swaying. 2k novel reading network

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