Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 a sinister history

The uninhabited Prince’s House, although still in the hands of the internal staff, has been difficult to avoid empty.

Song Shouyi opened the door, the familiar sandalwood atmosphere was already very weak, but still faintly lingering at the tip of the nose, asking him to settle down.

There are also books on the bookshelf that he often flips through. The paper has been turned soft and re-taken in his hand, but there is no temperature at the palm of his hand.

Every trace here is originally revealed by the shadow of the glass.

Tea is specially picked by the man, not too bitter, and every time there is a return to Gan, the fragrance is personally chosen by the person, clear-minded and clear-eyed. Those books were originally chosen by Lu Mi, no wonder they asked for the inscription of the father, but they never had a single, but occasionally they would clip one or two bamboo leaves, and the petiole was carefully spliced. Red line.

He has always been careful, for fear of breaking the blades inadvertently.

Sitting back at the desk, the cold palm wood is under the palm of the hand, and the solitary lights are swaying, leaving only the shadow of the swaying.

The Luli that he hates has always been a shadow.

He hated the cold shadow, so he pressed hard and he did whatever he could. But he did not know that the way to make the shadow disappeared was to extinguish the only candle that was lit up.

Song Zhike gently shook and wrapped his rabbit’s shackles hard, but it was still very cold.

He still remembers that Lu Lusu was afraid of coldness, and he said that he would not go out when he snowed. At that time, he was still young, and he promised that he would have to give the man a cloak of snow fox in the future. If he had no variegation, he would be able to stand up to the jade-like elegance.

Today’s snow is so big, maybe he has to hide in the snow, and he is willing to leave.

The absurd thoughts suddenly stopped coming out, and Song Shouqi suddenly got up. When he stepped out, he would go out, but he was dragged by the internal service. He couldn’t hold his head on the ground, saying that the night was too big, and the emperor should take care of the dragon. body.

But he doesn’t want to take care of the dragon body.

Song Zhifu frowned and looked at the people who had smashed in front of him, trying to explain to them, but did not know where to start.

He just wants to see Luli again. The snow outside is so big. Luli is so cold. Even if it is a soul, maybe it will be dragged and dragged out of the house step as if it was a small time. Seeing that he was not happy, he went down for a long while, and took out all kinds of gadgets that were bright and bright from his arms, and stuffed them into his sleeves.

He has never been unhappy, and he doesn’t want to go to the snow.

He just wanted to ask the man to kneel down and stare at him with a good smile.

Hurry up, it’s too late to stop the snow.

Song Zhishen was stopped, but still struggling to go outside, the sorrow of the chest became hotter, and even the gasping gas brought a scorching heat, and there was a black mist in front of him.

With the emperor frozen in the snow for half a night, the waiters did not dare to call him to go out to blow the cold wind, just to stop fighting, suddenly the strength between the arms is slow, the body of the young man has been silent The ground is soft.

Song Yu was in the snow and stood at the door.

Although there is an outer room separated from the gallery, the cold wind is still filled with snow. The person on the couch seemed to be a little cold, pulling the quilt to the body without pulling it, and the gaze that fell on him was vaguely showing some dissatisfaction.

Song Yu hit a spirit and closed the door with his backhand.

His eyes are still full of incredulity, erroneously falling on the person who is sitting up, wanting to rush forward, but also to the chill of his body, and the footsteps are stopped.

I wanted to speak, but I found that the throat was too squirming to make a slight noise. I wanted to smile, but the water vapor quickly blurred my view.

The ecstasy of the rest of the robbery instantly diluted all the doubts. His mind was blank, his body was so stiff that he couldn’t move, and he could only desperately get rid of the waters that were in the way, so that the line of sight would be clear again.

The body is tremble, in ecstasy, but in a frantic fear, afraid that everything is just a dream.

Meeting his gaze, Su Shi finally felt soft, sighed and stood up and walked toward him step by step.

Anyway, this person knows how to put himself in a warm place, and he has never put himself into a hailhole. The first thing I saw when I woke up was the dark room with the candlelight, not the coffin cover that had already been buried.

Just woke up, his body is actually very weak, just took a few steps to exhaust, dizzy to stop and take a rest, but has been firmly tied into his arms by a hand.

The cool snow was no longer noticeable in the moment of entering the arms, only the heartbeat of the chest and drums. The tremor was getting more and more fierce, and his arm was tightened hard, as if the body in his arms could not be smashed into flesh and blood.

Su Shi sighed very lightly, and his backhand was about to take him. The strong body in his arms seemed to be overwhelmed and suddenly fell down.

The lap couldn’t work hard, and Su couldn’t help him. When he fell into his shape, he fell into a familiar warm embrace.

The icy water fell on the still pale cheeks, and the warm breath shrouded and shivered, like some kind of temptation, but it was as firm as a sacrifice.

Song Hao is kissing him.

When the chest slammed into the air, Su Shi instinctively grabbed his clothes and greeted the deep and gentle breeze.

“Clear light…”

The discourse finally resumed control, hoarseness and suffocation. Song Wei cautiously kissed him, panting and blowing hot on the long black eyelashes, his eyes greedily falling in those eyes, greet the re-lighting.

Sure enough, he.

Su Shi suddenly sighed, helplessly pull the lips, tighten the other’s clothing, close your eyes and close to the warm wide chest.

“I’m here.”

The little emperor hated that he hated it deeply. He didn’t die. Song insisted that he would not be enthroned. Song insisted that he would not be enthroned. His mission would never be completed.

So he could only push the boat and smash the child’s mind first.

The returning Yuanyuan continued to be taken out of the front, and because of Song Hao’s careful care, there was never a chance to use it. This time it just came in handy.

Guiyuan Lifeful Pill is a companion double medicine, a detoxification, and a returning nutrient. The toxicity of the machine was too strong. He only served one. Although the poison was dissolved, the wounds of the body could not be recovered. Waiting for the time to wait for the body to recover better, and then taking the other one, you can different.

Therefore, you must first pass Song Song.

This is the first time, he wants him to do nothing, seeing himself to death, personally helping himself to bury the truth, watching him completely plunged into the mud.

It is too cruel.

He took the upper hand without any suspense, and finally suppressed the annoyance of seeing each other with a head “I throw the pot” back.

At least the people have not had time to know, the experience points can still leave more than half, the protagonist’s misunderstanding of the classics, and not the first time can not get.

I have never gotten it.

Suddenly, there was nowhere to go, and Su couldn’t help but sigh and sighed at the other side.

Almost became a bird of horror, Song Song hurriedly took him, and greeted the pair of eyes still shining bright, only finally a little peace of mind, and he did not hold him up, carefully placed on the bed.

The redness on the wrist has subsided, and the white skin is still lined with glaring blood.

The warm palms were carefully attached until the fingertips really noticed the gentle but steady pulse, and finally the joy of the sorrow and grief was almost numb through the chestnut.

The mind is returning to the place, and the dream is still there.

Not a dream.

Song Wei carefully took him into his arms, his cheeks close, and scorned his horns: “Qingguang, have you just hurt you?”

The other side’s tragic injury, he just lost his heart and not lost weight, must have pulled the unhealed wound.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt worried. Song Hao couldn’t help but loosen his arm. He wanted to untie his clothes and look at it carefully, but he was steadily supported by the other hand.

Raising his gaze, the glass-like scorpion quietly dipped in warm and warm colors.

“I’m okay.”

Su Shi slowly opened his mouth and stopped his movements.

The wound was vaguely warm and damp, apparently already broken, but he did not intend to call the other party to apologize again, just looking at Song Hao quietly, the tone showed some extremely helpless.

“Now tell me, what have you been doing?”

The gaze squinted to the side, the sword and the body were never fearless, and the generals suddenly lost their enthusiasm. They licked their lips and turned their heads to the side. They bowed their heads, and they made a guilty conscience.

I know.

Looking at the misunderstanding value of the protagonist’s rapid decline, Su Shi guessed the good things that the other party went out to do, but he could not afford to be angry with him. Half a sigh was finally dumb, raising his hand across Song’s shoulder and leaning his head against his arm.

“If you have said it, if you haven’t said it, don’t tell him…”

The arm behind him hesitated to take his body and carefully added some strength.

Su Shi gas knot, looked up at him: “All said?”

“It’s not true, just”

Just pointing every road to the young man, as long as you go down, you will be able to see the truth of the blood.

Song Yu became more and more guilty, and he greeted him with a good voice: “The Qing Emperor, the emperor himself to check, can be found sooner or later.”

He said that there is nothing wrong with it. According to the original plot, after the death of Lu Li, Song Shouyi also found out the truth and gave him a lot of money and treasures.

It was only at that time that the foundation of the emperor was already established, and the killing of the fruit had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This move not only did not detract from the imperial power of the emperor, but more and more revealed the empathy of the emperor.

The courtiers felt that the scholars were guilty, and people remembered the right side that had already faded in their memory, and then they became more and more loyal and brave, and they would have the great prosperity of Daxuan.

“Okay, actually nothing.”

The little emperor was only so deeply entangled in hatred that he was obsessed with it for a while, but he was not faint and ignorant.

If you are a child who has been taught by Lu Liu, you should know this choice. Even if you can find out the truth, you should know when to turn the case is the most appropriate.

I couldn’t bear to see him entangled again. Su Shi dumbly laughed, and Wen Sheng interrupted his words: “I am a little hungry than this prince.”

Song Hao was awakened, and quickly helped him to return to the couch and re-cover the quilt for him: “I will go and get it. Qingguang, you just woke up, your body must be weak. You take a break, I will come back soon. ……”

Originally, I just wanted to take him out for a while, and I treated the wounds a little, but I didn’t expect the other person to actually go and leave, and the wind and fire would leave the house.

Su Shi was amazed for a moment, but helpless to get up, touched the dark space in front of the couch, and sure enough, found a white cloth wound medicine in it.

Song Hao walked out quickly, but his heart was still fierce.

Although it is not clear what happened, it is not clear why Lu Miming has taken the poison to take the opportunity, but he can still wake up again, but he at least understands the meaning of the other party. From then on, there will be no more people in the world.

But he has.

Just in the palace, just by your side.

There is blood and flesh, you can touch it, you can usually talk to yourself, and you are willing to eat with yourself.

This kind of surprise almost completely stunned his mind, standing in the cool and snowy corridor for a moment, the hot chest was only slightly cooled.

At that time, in the partial hall, he actually heard it clearly, but he couldn’t believe it. When he wanted to confirm it, the man had already swallowed a little bit of willfulness.

In the military all the year round, sometimes even the fire has to be personally involved, he will certainly cook noodles, just afraid that the other party will suspect that his craft is too rough.

It doesn’t matter, they have countless pilgrimages. Now the Chaoyangtang is no longer suitable for staying. Maybe one day, he can take the other person to live in seclusion, find a place where the mountains and rivers are beautiful. He can practice cooking every day. You can set up a small kitchen alone. You can find a chef. Apprentice learning…

The Regent was so happy that he was full of joy, and he plunged into the kitchen and slammed the dough in his hand.

I feel a little hard, add some water, and it is thin, and then add more.

Do not bother.

The cook who was slammed into the corner shivered and looked at the growing dough in the hands of Wang Ye. The mood became more complicated and difficult to say.

The noodles cooked in the army are dried up early, and wrapped in oil paper to separate the water vapor. It is good to cook directly when cooking. Song Yu had tossed the dough in his hand for a long time, and finally had to admit that his craft might have been too rough.

The cook finally found the opportunity to rush up, for him to face the face, cut into a wide section of the face, bitterly said: “Wang Ye Qianjin body, do not have to learn these things, if you really want to cook yourself, try us It’s ready first…”

“No problem, I will come back to school.”

At this point, I have a grasp. Song Song arbitrarily puts his hands and carefully picks up the spices and puts them down. When the aroma is not much, it overflows.

The water was burned hot, and the real thing was put into the meat. The noodles were hot and put a few green dishes. Actually, the accident was called a lot of appetite.

The kitchen chef has always done exquisite meals, or the first time he saw such an informal approach. He couldn’t help but be scared. He called Song Hao to fill up a bowl of noodles and rushed out of the kitchen.

“clear light”

With the hot noodles back to the dark room, Song Xi’s eyes were eclipsed and the footsteps were not overwhelmed.

The man on the couch was licking the end of the stretcher, and wrapped his wounds hard, and the solution had already been smothered by blood.

It seems that he didn’t expect him to come back so quickly. The two stuns in the clearing of the two sneak sneaked out, and nodded to indicate that he first put the bowl down, and mixed the opening: “I will be right…”

“It’s too hard, I will help you.”

Knowing that the other party deliberately refused to ask him to blame himself, Song Hao put down the bowl and hurried past, took the stretch cloth in his hand, put it in a light motion, and told him to release the other end.

The light-colored lips were dull and moments later, and the eyes were still open, and there were some clear doubts in the eyes, which made it difficult for the face of Zhang Qingjun to show some gentle softness.

Song Yu’s heart is soft, and the strength of his hand is more careful. He was able to wrap his wounds for him and pick up his clothes to help him wear them.

Su Shi just smiled and pressed his hand, picked up his shirt and stretched his arms, and gently put it on his body. He couldn’t see a little weakness to the posture of people to take care of.

The blood on the lips has been completely lost, and the forehead is also cold sweat. Song Hao couldn’t bear to poke him, but he smiled and retracted his hands. He watched the man meticulously sifting his clothes, and then pushed the bowl that was still steaming hot: “I cook my own face, I don’t know if it suits your appetite.” ……”

Suddenly surprised, Su Shi looked up at him with a gaze, couldn’t help but be amazed that the other side actually progressed so fast: “Wang Ye has this craft?”

Meet the clear light of the ice and snow in those eyes, Song Yi immediately guilty, honestly bowed: “The cook and the noodles, I only put the pot.”

This is reasonable. Su Shi nodded with satisfaction, reached for the bowl in the past, but was stopped by Song Hao, and turned the bowl under the seat, and smoothly put people into the arm.

“It’s very hot, I will take it.”

Su Shi was originally sitting on the couch, so that he seemed to ask him to completely enter his arms.

The body was carried on the warm shoulders and neck, the familiar atmosphere around the whole body, and looked up to meet the deep and soft eyes. Su Shi instinctively held his breath, and his heart was inexplicably faint.

He was suddenly uncertain whether he could afford this heavy feeling.

Seeing that he never kept the chopsticks, the eyes showed some nervousness: “Why, don’t you have an appetite?”

Gently shake his head, Su Shi helpless eyebrows, pick up the chopsticks and slowly ate two, but my heart is getting heavy.

He suddenly was not sure. He deserved all this. He was still Lu Li. He just walked through the last difficult day for the man. But all the struggles before, all the burdens, all the shackles in the boundless dark night, They are all Luli.

As long as you insist on it, you may be better.

Suddenly, my heart was sore, and Su couldn’t help but raise her hand and press it up.

Suddenly, a nervous call came from the ear. Su Shi tried to blink and greeted the pair of eyes that were full of anxiety and fear. He comforted his face and shook his head.

“No problem, just old problems…”

The legacy of the drone is still there, and it will occur from time to time. Even the most powerful analgesic can not alleviate the severe pain of the meridians.

He did not want to call Song Yu worried, so he used the relaxant together. The body could not tremble with pain. Only the contraction to the extreme was still revealing the riddled holes in his body.

There was a burst of darkness in front of him, and Su Shi closed his eyes and leaned into the familiar arms, but his eyes faintly slid out the wet hot water.

The warmth of the atmosphere surrounds the whole body, carefully soothing the thin back, but the first time far away seems to be separated by the horizon.

Then, his consciousness suddenly separated and returned to the virtual space.

For the first time, there was no immediate system screen in the virtual space, but it showed a strange scene.

Su Shi was a little embarrassed, and for a moment, suddenly he was shocked.

This is the memory that originally belonged to Luli.

The Regent King led the soldiers back to help, looking chilly, long-knife blood, and keeping the young man behind him.

The prisoner car is on the street, and the iron lock is heavy.

Was into the dungeon, all kinds of humiliation, outside the dungeon, the **** battle and exhausted.

So I laughed a lot, and I was thrown at the foot of the **** by the poison, and I was so convinced that I was stunned.

The eyes did not close until they died.

Song Hao would not have helped, and Lu Li is far colder than he is.

“The original Regent was just an ordinary plot character. Although he had seen the same side with Lu Li, he did not remember it in his heart. When he received the letter from the new emperor, he immediately returned to Beijing to help, and there was no doubt.”

The system quietly uttered out, obviously only a synthetic mechanical sound, but vaguely revealed a sigh.

“He came earlier than you, he was just afraid that he would forget that he loves you.”

So deliberately extract that part of the memory, carefully store it, repeat the review, until the heart is mindful, can not forget.

I have tried my best, spared no effort, and risked being killed.

Just to lick his pot.

Looking at the protagonist’s misunderstanding value that is going to fall to the end, Su Shi’s heart suddenly warmed up for a moment and suddenly realized that he did not fight. I was about to quit the space to get out of the crowd, but suddenly I remembered the stereotyped sound that was unique when I posted the task.

“Hello users, it is detected that you have a plot diplomatic relationship with [Regent King Song Yu], can be bound, and cultivate good sensitivity, do you agree to bind?”

It was the first time I heard such an option. When Su was a stunned look, he had to choose to disagree, but the mechanical sound rang in a timely manner.

“Agree to bind, it will activate the a-level difficulty additional task [change the fate of Song Yu battle dead battlefield, so that Song Yu can be hospice], successfully complete the mission to get 50,000 experience points and improve the current world rating…”

Su Shi’s hand shook and did not hesitate to press the agreed button. 2k novel reading network

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