Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 103

4-15 Horse (scared by her daughter)

◆ 4-15 horses (scared by horses) daughter

Linus leaves and there is a moment of silence.

Gilbert seems to be from the Balshine kingdom, conspiring with Linus to do something.As an outsider, I would like to leave without asking, but Linus left a souvenir behind.

He advised Mr. Gilbert to tell me the full story of the plan.The question, why me?, was sealed off without Linus telling me.

He can’t stand the sight of who he is and cuts out the conversation from me.

“Mr. Gilbert was Balshine, wasn’t he?”

“Which country are you from? [M]Does knowing Linus mean Lemrest? But…. ”

I realized I was from the same country, so I shouldn’t think about revealing my identity to him…My reputation roars not only in my neighborhood, but also in my own country.

I don’t think you’re being treated like a bald beard by a boulder, but it’s a routine mess if you think it’s a bad guy who throws away dark magic anywhere.

So, to avoid unnecessary confusion, I will hide my identity from now on.

“Don’t you care about me?You can’t be trapped in the framework of a country… you can think of it as a fairy. ”

Forgive me.

May I?

It’s okay.

I feel like I’ve done it somewhere.When I looked at Mr. Gilbert looking at him, I saw Patrick’s face.

Patrick’s ingredients are missing and a man with gray hair may be in a good state for now.

“That’s what Linus said.I guess I should tell you the plan. ”

“Ah, I don’t want to know anything about it.”

But I can’t trust you enough.

“That’s why I don’t want to hear it.”

All I have to do now is get rid of the army heading towards Ashbaton territory.I want to rush to the border area as soon as possible.

Disband without saying another word and act on your own.He went on talking without listening to me.

“As a compromise, I’m going to tell you on the way.”

“On the way…?”

“I’m going to Ashbaton Border Territory tomorrow.On the way, as Linus said, let’s talk about the plan.Even if you think against our will, you won’t be able to act irregularly on the plan. ”

Linus’ words and I can’t be trusted.It was a good idea to weave the two together.

If we’re going to the same place, maybe we can act together.I was worried that I would not get lost in Ashbaton territory because I only know the approximate direction.

As you can see from student travel, it takes longer than you can imagine to move large numbers of people.Even if we leave tomorrow, we should be able to move to the border ahead of the army.

As far as I can tell, Mr. Gilbert’s going to be ahead of the Remrest army, and I think it would be a good idea to have him escorted.

“Okay, when do we leave tomorrow?”

“The sun rises and rises at the same time.You should go to bed early today. ”

With that in mind, Mr. Gilbert went upstairs.

If I had let it go, I would have left sooner than planned.Look out when it’s dark and think about it when you get home.

I wonder if it will be a feather for a wedding.It’s true that I don’t like the wedding itself, but I don’t like the fact that Patrick’s brother won’t come.I have to do something to meet him who I’ve never met before.

This won’t do much to make things work.It doesn’t seem like a miracle that we met at some point and that the bad image of me was dispelled at some point.

If we’re going to downsize, we’re going to have to accept the wedding… but we can’t help thinking about it here.

Nothing in particular. I will also go upstairs to the filled room.

I lie on my bed and meditate, but I don’t think I can sleep.He opens his eyes and looks at the ceiling and thinks a lot.

Why does Patrick’s brother hate me?I’ve got too many ideas, but… oh, no.I just thought I’d have to think about it here.

Aside from Patrick’s brother, let’s think about something else.You wanted to talk to Gilbert.

Linus came and found out where he belongs, but there are still a few things we don’t know.It’s about the “plan” and what they’re going to tell me on the way tomorrow.

Ahh, I don’t want to hear it… I pretended not to be interested in the appearance, but I actually care.I don’t like getting caught up in the plan because of what I know, and I would be interested if I could watch the game in the field.

What is caught is that the First Prince of Lemrest is raising an army.Linus, the first faction, is circulating that information… hmm?The other way around, is it Mr. Gilbert who betrayed you, not Linus?

◆ ◆ ◆

Wake up in the light before sunrise.The anxiety about whether it would happen properly ended in worries.

Reach out and wake yourself from an unfamiliar bed.

I will never come back here again.Arrange the sheets, then look around the room to see if there are any forgotten items.

Going down to the first floor, Mr Gilbert was already awake.I carry the preserved food that I ate yesterday to my mouth.

Good morning, sir.

“Wake up. I was just about to wake you up.”

He pours in water what is in his mouth and stands up immediately.

Then, grab the jacket that was hanging on the next chair.There were two brown ones, one of them sticking out at me.

“We’re leaving soon. We’re going to be a force.”

Soon after he wears the jacket he receives, he moves.

The long-lasting jacket is likely to drag the hem if worn normally.Cover your hair with a hat.The coat rolled up and held him by the side, chasing him on the back.

Gilbert doesn’t stop walking outside, so he gives up wearing his coat and walks side-by-side.

“I’ll buy breakfast at some stall somewhere.”

“Thank you… where are you going now?”

There’s something wrong with the direction you’re going. We should get out of King’s Landing first, but we’re heading to the center.

Continue the conversation while turning around the jacket, which has been rounded to sneeze, making it impossible to understand the top and bottom.

“There is a Chamber of Commerce where Linus has been a messenger.I’ll rent a horse there… Have you ever ridden a horse? ”

“No, but I always ride except horses.”

“Horses and donkeys are different, but if you just remember to push and stop, they’ll run along the road.”

It’s a dragon, not a donkey…Is it similar in terms of cute and adorable animals?

Oh yeah, I guess I’ll ride a horse…I had the chance to ride a horse several times, but the horse’s side was not feeling well and Yumiela was never able to ride a horse.

… don’t delude me.The real reason I have no horse riding experience is because I am afraid of horses.This time, as soon as I approached, the horse broke out, and eventually I couldn’t ride it. You can bet.

“What if I can’t get on a horse?”

“I can’t help it, but you’ll have to get behind me.I can’t make it on the carriage, and it’s a lot of inconvenience. ”

The two-seater may be attractive.But not when I couldn’t ride the horse, but when the horse refused me.

I’m sure the horse will go wild.Any famous horse will scare me.

I can see the results. Whether it’s an exotic horse or not…

“I’m sorry, I’m always a big guy….”

A stable built next to the Chamber of Commerce.When the horse is gone, the voice of the apologizing stables echoes.

At the moment I arrived, the horses were a little restless.I was told to pick the girl I liked, and as soon as I started watching the cute horses lick around.

I always thought it would be okay, but it was actually a bad flow.On the contrary, I actually thought… but it seemed like a meaningless scratch.

Fine horses, like saying, “I don’t like it, I’m afraid to put Yumiera on.” They are furious and furious with the momentum to tear off the tied strings.

The caretakers, who would have understood them better than anyone else, seemed bewildered.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you guys!?I’m sorry, it looks like I’m scared of something…. ”

He looks around the stable to find the anomaly.I am the anomaly. I’m scared of animals.I don’t see a single insect around me.

While apologizing in her heart, Ms. Gilbert stood still to see her neighbor.

“What’s going on…?”

“Let’s run.If you can make it with a horse, you can make it even if you run. ”

I’ve seen horses go down the street before.He kept moving all day, so he didn’t run like a racetrack horse.It’s much faster than people walking, but it feels like they’re running small or flushing lightly.

It’s not hard to earn the same distance as a horse if you’re a man with a certain level of elevation.Levels 20 and 30 should be fine.

“I’ll make it on my feet, but you… you know, level 13.I’m a little worried….. ”

“It’s okay, I have my original health.”

“I can’t help it. If you need me, I’ll take care of it.”

He could not help but sigh.

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