Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 104

4-16 Defeat supremacy

◆ 4-16 Defeat supremacy

After giving up horses, our party leaves the King’s Capital of Lemrest and even goes down the street.

Walk along the brighter path, eating the bread you bought.The pace is entirely up to Mr. Gilbert.It suits his speed.

“You can do that often.”


Slowed down, he’s looking at me.My gaze was directed at the bread with strawberry jam at hand.

“Is that… bad manners?Gilbert told me to eat and walk. ”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

“Besides, it’s not that fast.”

“I tried to speed up the pace because I wanted to know your health, but you followed me perfectly.Can you still afford it? ”

If you think the acceleration/deceleration is severe, is that so?It’s not normal to keep eating even when your feet are faster.It’s hard to hide Yumeera.

“It’s painful. My stomach is aching because I started running while eating.”

“… I’m sorry for imitating you.”

“It’s okay. If you walk slowly, it’ll fit.”

“I’m sorry, your expression doesn’t change… hmm?No, ma’am? ”

Walking slowly and caring for me, Gilbert seems to associate Yumeela with faceless information.When I tried to hide Yumiera, Yumiera came out.Am I Yumeera after all?

Identity camouflage continues. I will try to come up with another topic.

“There was a story you could tell me on the way, right?”

“Oh, well, I’m just saying that I’m the Balshine side, and I’m helping Lemrest win.”

“… are you sure you betray the Balshine kingdom?”

“Well, that will happen.”

State treason, huh? Okay, so if we take down the rebel Gilbert, we’ll settle the case.

As he prepares for a Yumiera punch, he says without feeling bad.

“If you were listening to Linus, would you imagine?Linus has an ally on his side.He looks like a patriot.I was loyal to my country and did not accept the withdrawal. ”

“Withdraw Mr. Linus? Are you in a position to do that?Gilbert is the one who has to change the country, right? ”

Just a little, I was surprised that I was angry.I don’t have any pieces of loyalty to the Balshine kingdom.

Could it have become obsessed with the kingdom, as the Duke of Hillrose said a while ago?I mean, even if there’s a conflict out there that has nothing to do with my territory… ah, the battlefield is Ashbaton territory. Patrick’s parents.

That would be frustrating.Even now I have zero patriotism.

Gilbert walks faster.Normal people walk lightly enough to catch up without running.Even as you roar, you play with your forehair in trouble.

“Where did you explain it…?First of all, I belong to the Ashbaton Border Clan.I didn’t mean for the battle to intensify. ”

“Well, then, there’s no point in losing intentionally.If you’re from the Borderlands, why don’t you defeat Lemrest thoroughly?Please take an apprenticeship with Uncle Borderland. ”

“… he has nothing to learn.”

Whatever it is, don’t destroy the remrest. As soon as he talks about Patrick’s famous mother, he looks back and throws up with a grudging expression.

I think he’s like an uncle of the Borderlands, but isn’t it bad to call his husband’s wife “that man”?

“That’s too much to say.I’ve heard that if the remrest doesn’t get tangled up… ”

“That’s fatal. I don’t like people who can’t read their thoughts or actions.”

Well, I know you don’t like people who get crazy when certain things get involved.I have heard that there are people who are not good at such things recently.

Gilbert turns around and continues in a pale tone.

“War… a regional skirmish from Balshine, but a splendid war from Lemrest.War is not good enough to win. ”

“Er… is it best to prevent a war?”

It is decided that there should be no war, no conflict, no armed conflict.

But it’s only ideal. Both the history of the previous world and the history of this world, humankind has repeated wars.

That’s why I feel different when I say, “Because humans are warlike creatures.”Because someone who pursues ideals can be considered to be in this kind of war….

I thought it would fit into a Zen question with no answer, but it seemed very different.Gilbert’s quiet story continues.

“That’s the ideal, but not now.After the end of the war was cut and dropped. ”

“You think we should lose?”


If you win or lose, you definitely have to win.Especially this time, the Balshine Kingdom and the Ashbaton Border have nothing to do with it, so victory should be the best.

Perhaps Patrick’s older brother will review me if I beat up the treason Gilbert once, wrapped him around the glue, and offered him to be a traitor to the Border Guards.

He was holding his fist while staring at the back of his head, and the back of his head spoke.

“The history of the Ashbatons is much longer than that of the Balshine kingdom.During the war, the Border Guardians, who were rulers of the area, made friendships with the first Balshine King and have been entrusted with the protection of the West ever since. ”

Suddenly the history lecture began.

The First King, who suddenly appeared in the world of war, built the kingdom with the fast advance of a series of victories!That’s all part of the history book, so I’ve never heard of the Ashbaton family before from Patrick.

The Ashbatons have no ambition to expand their territory and want to avoid fighting, and the royal family wants Ashbatons to join the army without a sword.Perhaps the result of the convergence of both thoughts is the title of Earl of the Border.It’s like a relationship between alliance and subordination.

“And since the founding of the country, there has never been a change in the boundaries of the territory when there was another country in one part of Lemrest.”

“Because the Border Uncle family was strong, you didn’t lose, did you?There’s no point in losing on purpose. ”

“You’re saying it yourself. [M]I didn’t lose. ”

What do you mean? I couldn’t lose, so I was able to maintain my territory, and my boundaries didn’t change… Ah, if it wasn’t taken, it wasn’t taken.

“If you don’t lose, you don’t win.”

“That’s right. War is not about winning or losing.Ashbaton wins arbitrarily, moderately and loses moderately. ”

You’re not going to attack me.

“Because there’s no taste in invading and occupying the city.Lemrest aims to recapture the city, and the battle becomes more fierce.Even if you bring in the lord, he will turn back as soon as the trend is right. ”

Indeed, the Border Clan is devoted to defense.

Patrick’s practice of hunting monsters in the Ashbaton army at school was also a way to intercept monsters approaching his position.They may also specialize in defense, such as training and equipment.

“Even in defense, can we say victory if we beat him completely and chase him away?”

“If we chase them where they’ve escaped, we’ll get more results.But what’s that gonna do? The soldiers of Lemrest have families. ”

“… to?”

I accidentally made an idiotic voice.I was talking about strategies and things like that, but suddenly there were words that suddenly appealed to emotions.No, it’s hard to fight if you think you have a family back home.

Gilbert snorts like a fool when he checks my face for a moment.

“You think I’m not chasing because I’m pathetic?They have families.If someone important doesn’t come back, they’ll hate Ashbaton.If you win too much, you just buy unnecessary grudges. ”

“… is that it?”

I can’t help it because it’s my job, and I want to go home without fighting if I can.The latter is much more difficult when it comes to targeting those who think so and those who volunteer to the army to avenge their parents.

What Gilbert meant by “war is not good enough to win.”You can’t lose, and you can’t win too much. What a hassle.

“When you win, you have to win completely.You have to do it completely and mercilessly. ”

“We have to kill all the people in Lemrest and put salt on the land.”

“… I didn’t say that.You sound like your mother. ”

Gilbert looked back and stared at something terrible.

No, that’s not what I meant. I’m against the war.

And I’m afraid of his mother.My name is Patrick’s mother, and many people hate Ashbaton.

He said it wasn’t good to breed hatred, but I already feel that the chain of hatred is approaching dangerous waters.

Nevertheless, I didn’t think he would reveal his private life.Don’t you care because they already know where you belong?

A little surprised, he deliberately coughed away from me.

“Understood? Ashbaton is avoiding a complete victory.It’s best if we both win. ”

“Is it hard to win both?”

“It’s troublesome, but it’s possible. We’ll push him out of the fort and retreat immediately.We have zero damage. The Lemrest side shouts loudly that the enemy has fled back to the fort and that it is our victory. ”

Isn’t that bad on the remrest side?

Uncle Frontier just pulled his men out of the fort and sent them right back.

“Does that work? I don’t think Lemrest has gained anything.Would you like to make a declaration of victory and then step back? ”

“Paying a high price to move an army has its proper purpose.Do you understand the purpose of Remrest? ”

The purpose of Remrest is to conquer the Balshine Kingdom… no.Given the difference in national power, it is too impossible to win an all-out war.

Now, let’s make a part of the Border Territories ours… I wonder if we have that much to gain.Not if there’s any visible resources around here.

I don’t know why Lemrest is attacking again and again.Last time I looked at the gear I chased away, it seemed difficult to fight for a long time.

So what about this time?Linus wanted to defend his country’s technology, was on the First Prince’s side, and needed visible martial arts to gain advantage in the inheritance struggle….

“Domestic Performance?”

“Understood? What they want is not a material thing, but one that has no form of honor or martial arts.I’ll give you as much as you want if you just move the soldiers. ”

I see, as long as you create a winning atmosphere, will lemrests be good?

I thought Patrick’s home was a country of unstoppable Shura, but you’re doing Yarase’s pro wrestling?

Gilbert explains the unexpected.

“Lemrest is surrounded by great powers.If you can afford to raise soldiers on a regular basis, it should also make an impression on the surrounding countries. ”

It’s even more yarash-like.

Well, I know what Mr. Gilbert was up to.With Linus on the other side, we’ll be able to lose smoothly.I’m sorry I thought you were a thief.

“I understand what I want to do.Well, I think it’s important to keep the balance somehow. ”

The result of trying to rewrite Yarase was to “maintain equilibrium”.

This has largely solved the mystery.Linus insisted on telling me the plan to avoid my intrusion.

“Equilibrium………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………It’s a plan to find out. ”

“Isn’t it the end of the battle, as usual?”

“Do you remember my brother having a fiancé?”

“Ah, crazy brute.”

Mr Gilbert’s brother seems to have a bad taste for women.I remembered her with an unusual episode.

She seems unlikely to lose on purpose.It is an image of a relationship that seems to be stubborn, displaying power meaninglessly, buying unwanted resentment.

“Yes, that crazy woman.This losing battle will make you do it all. ”

“… aren’t you doing too much?”

I know you hate it, but…As far as I can hear, it’s a masculine favor, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to push such a big role on ordinary women.

Isn’t it too soon for the fate of the Ashbatons to be jeopardized by Mr Gilbert’s grievances?

“I have personal grudges… but that’s not all.What she does makes sense.If he loses, the balance will be restored. ”

Anyway, the second part sounds like an excuse.It’s about 90% resentment.

He tried to complain of being too personal, but his words continued.

“He won too much. Whoever they are, they have an absolute victory.But the winning streak will fail someday.That’s why I want to see if I can lose well.As far as I’m concerned… I might as well admit that I married her brother. ”

“Oh, is that what this is all about?”

Gilbert’s personal feelings were certain, but not harassment.You wanted a chance to honestly congratulate your brother on his marriage.

I look at him walking in front with warm eyes.He looked back and looked back with cold and sharp eyes.

“I don’t want to admit that woman.I want to respect my brother’s choices.I wouldn’t be worthy of my brother if I didn’t get through this test lightly. ”

“Both are similar.Oniisama, my lover, I hope you can give me such a test.I wish my brother-in-law were Gilbert. ”

“If your brother’s fiancée were you, I wouldn’t object…. why don’t you meet my brother once? ”

Are you serious about replacing it?

I’m Patrick. Besides, Gilbert’s brother won’t like me because he has a bad taste for women.

I don’t want to.

“I said I couldn’t. You and that woman look just like each other.”

Do they resemble each other? I am not in a good mood because I have heard the Tong Demo episode of the woman.

“You’re doing too much for a good reason.Military command is heavy on ordinary women. ”

“Commander? Is he going to use Ashbaton’s precious soldiers to crush us?”

“You have to make me think I lost to Lemrest, right?Can’t you do it without the army? ”

I can only imagine that I am willing to succeed from the edge.I don’t think it’s a lie to want to respect your brother’s choices…

He said without looking back that he could not read Mr. Gilbert’s thoughts.

“Well, I suppose that’s true for ordinary people…. I don’t doubt you now. [M]But that question is at the heart of the operation.I’ll explain when I get there. ”

We go down the street with our precious things in our hands.

The conversation ran out and Mr. Gilbert walked faster, so I’ll keep up.

When he began to get tired of the irreplaceable scenery around him, he stopped at once.

“It’s time to take a break. You must be tired.”

“I understand.”

“Still, you followed me well.I thought I’d make a noise on the way. ”

I’m not tired at all.It was about the speed of ordinary people running, but I think it was enough for people with some level of elevation to walk without shortness of breath.

In order to avoid Yumeira Bale, should we keep the atmosphere a little tired after this?

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