Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 105

4-17 Super Shock! Who is Gilbert!?

◆ 4-17 Super Shock! Who is Gilbert!?

Then stop by the city on the way and keep moving while hydrating.

When the sun passed directly above and began to tilt west.Mr Gilbert suddenly strays from the big street.

“From here, we’ll take a detour.It could catch up with the advance Remrest squadron. ”

While I was here, I overtook a carriage packed behind the Lemrest army.I think it is a heavy soldier who transports supplies late to the main unit.

A short walk off the sidewalk leads to a small village.As soon as you pass by, you enter the forest.The road began to turn up little by little.

I see, you’re going over the mountain to your destination.

The mountains are used to it. There are mountain roads where there will be people’s streets, so it is easy to win.Seriously, the mountains are so full of trees and grass that we don’t know where to go, we have to cut our own way with attack magic.If you can’t use magic, you have to.

Enjoy a slow climb behind Mr. Gilbert.

The rock was rocky and the slope was tight.Moving forward, he jumps lightly about his height and climbs up. I also continued.

After the difficulty, Gilbert looks back and speaks loudly.

“This is a tough place! If you can’t climb…”

“You don’t have to be so loud to hear it.”

He sees me right behind him and shivers his body.It’s as if it was unexpected to be there.

“… how did you get up here?”

“Well, I came here normally.”

I didn’t hear a sound from behind.

“Ah, girls are lightweight…. here, let’s hurry up. ”

I hurried him along, twisting his neck.

Follow the mountain path. It will take off from the top of the mountain and narrow.

Are there not many people coming here?It’s finally starting to look like a secret escape.

Exhilarating as he walks through the lush trees.

“That’s funny.”

What’s wrong?

“I don’t feel any animal signs.It is also far from the monster habitat.I usually see one of the little animals… but I can’t even hear the birds. ”

He looks around anxiously.

I didn’t remember any discomfort.Mountains are like this all the time.The scene is a place where there are no monsters.There is a monster when there is a noise.

Speaking of which, I may have never run into a wildlife.Where there are no monsters, there are deer, bears and other animals.The same goes for the Dolkness Mountains.

Mr Gilbert remained vigilant until he stopped.

“This is when powerful monsters are lost.The animals are breathing in fear of it. ”

Monsters come out of the habitat right away.

“It won’t be that frequent.A lot, a few times a year. ”

If you look at one unit of settlement, that’s what it is.When monsters appeared near people in the territory, I was paralyzed because I was living a life that was moving quickly.

So he raises his hand and looks me in the eye.You mean be quiet.

Gilbert seems to have found something, gently stirring up the jar.

“… a boar?”

It was the Uri boy who was in the jar.It’s a boar child. The stripes are so cute.

I’ve never seen a raw urine boy before.Oh, do mountains meet like this?

As soon as the Uri boys saw me, they rolled to the ground.Ah, there were brothers. Was there five of them?Everyone rolls and cute. However, I am worried because it feels stiff rather than napping.

“Back off!”

Gilbert speaks sharply.

From the other side of the hill, something is approaching at a rapid speed.

The one who showed up… was an adult boar. Probably your mother.

Mother Inoshi stared at us, or at me, and threatened me with a rough snort.

Meanwhile, the children get up and run away whispering.Great to be able to act collectively.

After the sounds of the Uri boys went far away, the mother boar also turned her heel and ran away.

Your mother was upset because she had to protect her child.Neither is hostile, so I’m glad I didn’t have to fight.

I am comfortable with my lovely parents and children, but only Mr. Gilbert still had a steep face.His gaze is behind me on the other side where the boar left.

“That boar didn’t look at me.He stared at me like a human being was out of danger.The monster is over there. ”

That’s what he says, pointing behind me.

No, no, I’m the one your boar mom was watching.I think I’m more dangerous than Gilbert who was out there before… ah, that’s what I’m talking about.

The forest is too quiet. As usual for me.

I’m definitely the one the boar is afraid of in these woods.He’s freaking me out and quiet.

“… I don’t think monsters will come out.Let’s move on. ”

Since there is no basis, Gilbert walks half-heartedly.

Naturally, I did not encounter a strong monster and arrived at my destination.

When the sight suddenly opens, it is on the cliff.I could see the grasslands spreading down.

I recognize this place.This is where Lew and the landing site, Ashbaton and Lemrest’s army, were watching.

The main unit had already arrived on the Lemrest side.I was working behind the tent.

Ashbaton is unattended. They must be in a fort a little further away.There is no need to come out politely.It is now well understood that the performance that we were looking at at at was performance.

“We managed to make it.It is the usual course to march in one day and make a real move from tomorrow.What time will she arrive next….. ”

“I’m sure Lemrest’s march was ahead of schedule.The woman in question is in Ashbaton, right? ”

“No, east of Balshine.There should have been a telegram yesterday….. ”

East side!? Ashbaton on the west end, between King’s Landing and beyond?

I’ll never make it. Ah, somehow the plan was ruined by the expedition.

“You’re not going to make it.By the way, which way to the west? ”

“… can I say it now?”

On the west side of the Balshine, our Dolkness territory is sometimes located, with some land introspection.I remember the name of the collar in general, and if you ask me, I’ll know where it is.

And what he said was a very familiar place name.

Dolkness territory.

“Dolkness… eh?”

“From that shitty drunkenness territory, she’ll be riding the dragon.”

Huh? Huh? I only know one person riding a dragon in Dolkness territory.

“Um, maybe….”

“Yes, my name is Gilbert Ashbaton.My brother Patrick’s fiancée is Yumiera Dolkness.You know what it means to let her do it alone. ”

I see! I see why ordinary women pretend to be defeated by the army without handing over military command.That Yumiera Dolkness is as good as an army!

I know the core part of the plan… but I’m not sure I’m doing it right!

Uh, but Patrick’s brother’s name is Gilbert. Oh, Gilbert.

I’m stunned by my brain.When I met a man named Gilbert in the Balshine kingdom, I thought he was Patrick’s brother… oh, he was out of the country.Still, it’s a trick. AI will be a little more flexible.

So, what did he say about my crazy fiancé?So, you mean Patrick, the brother with the bad taste in women?So, Mr. Gilbert is my brother-in-law?

The brain is confused by unforeseen shocks.

Consolidate your thoughts and organize your information for a while.

… hmm? I thought it was the worst thing that could happen, but isn’t it an unexpectedly good situation?

Patrick’s brother won’t see me, which is my problem and the cause of my running away.This has been resolved.I’ve already met and had a conversation.

And Patrick’s brother hates me too much.This also solves the problem. Gilbert doesn’t have a bad impression of me.

Last question you won’t come to the wedding.This is easy, too. From now on, you can storm the Lemrest army and play “Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”.

You? You solved a lot of problems before you knew it.

Gilbert starts shaking his shoulders as I harden for a while.

“Are you okay? Is his name traumatic?No, it’s not impossible. ”

“Mr. Gilbert, this is a question. What do you think of me?”

“… if I don’t know what the intention is, I can’t answer.”

“Excuse me. What would you say if I named your brother’s fiancée?”

“You? Compared to Yumiera, it’s a cloud mud gap.As far as I’m concerned, I’d like to recommend you…. ”

All right, I got it!

And when I tell you who I am, Gilbert says, “Eh!You were Yumeera!Patrick, please marry me!I will bless you, too. ”

This happy ending is because I said I would run away and headed for the moon.At the point of falling out of the atmosphere, coincidences stacked up to welcome a happy end.

“My name, Eleanora, is a fake name.”

I know that.

“My real name is Yumiera, Yumiera Dolkness. Your brother-in-law”

Now it was time for your brother-in-law to consolidate.

“… Yumeela? You?”

“Yes, I’ll show you the dark magic.”

Stretch out your black arm from the shadows to prove you’re Yumeera. Dark Magic Dark Bind.

Now you’ll believe me.I don’t know about black hair alone, but if I can handle the dark attributes, I can confirm it.

He murmurs with his hand against his mouth.

“I knew Eleanora was a pseudonym for that magic… but that’s what Linus told me to tell you about the plan.”

Looking back now, Linus thought we knew each other.I can’t believe he and I recognize each other as strangers.

He seems to have accepted that I am Yumeela.Mr. Gilbert looks me in the eye and says.

“I see. You were Yumiera Dolkness?”

And Gilbert lost the light in his eyes.

I felt a little faceless for a while. Gradually, life returns to your face, to the shape of anger…. that?

“You’re Yumeela! How dare you fool me!I will never forgive you for marrying Patrick! ”

“Eh!? You said I deserved Patrick’s fiancée!It’s terrible, brother-in-law. ”

“Don’t ever call me brother again!I thought it was strange from the beginning.Break through the roof of a man’s house and show up!?You’re going to make such an insane thing a relative! ”

“Wait a minute! When I told you about my situation, your brother-in-law said it was terrible to judge your fiancé without seeing him!?It’s about your brother-in-law! ”

“I told you not to call me brother!Everything went wrong! What do you think of that off-track preserved food?I’m convinced of your stupid health!The forest animals were scared of you anyway!? ”

Betrayed. I didn’t think I’d ever get my palm back.

We get ahead of each other, and we continue to argue at close range.

“Wow, the moment you find out I’m Yumeera, how much do you disagree with me?!Don’t you have eyes for people in the first place?All you have to do is judge people by hearsay without seeing each other! ”

“Your anomaly is known only by rumors!You’re the one who said Patrick’s girl had a bad hobby! ”

“Patrick’s hobbies and tastes are excellent!”

“Yes, my brother is perfect!Except for the choice of lover! ”

I don’t like these people anymore. Would Gilbert treat me like this when I was wearing a cat?You can’t talk, get along, get married, and get married.

Now, all we have to do is execute the plan.

“Your brother-in-law said that, right?If I lose well, I’ll admit to marriage. ”

“I told you, look! Hurry up and lose!”

Buy word for sell. Flip a pre-arrangement or something, and the plan is put into action.

Distance that is likely to be a combination in the future.We left at the same time with our tongues.

Well then, I’ll go.

Get out of here.

I jumped down the cliff backwards as I cut Gilbert’s menth.

It is the main force of the Lemrest army that aspires.

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