Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 106

4-18 The Tabernacle Patrick is heading to battle.

◆ Patrick goes to battle for the 4-18 Shogun

In the Ashbaton Border Territories, the land itself specializes in defense.

Originally, it seemed to be a difficult location to protect geographically.However, as a result of centuries of history longer than the kingdom, the Border Territories now exist as a result of the gradual development of the blood tribes that live there.

Built to move the army quickly, the streets are set up everywhere to disrupt enemies when attacked.Fine stone bridges also collapse when you put your hand in some place.Valleys that normally have safe passage can also cause artificial landslides at any time.

Those defenses were present not only on the western side of the Kingdom of Lemrest, but also on the eastern side of the Balshine kingdom.We have abandoned outward-facing, prominent fortifications, etc., but we can operate them at any time.

Don’t let any of them invade.The Royal Family cannot treat the Ashbatons unhindered because they understand the principles of their behavior.

It is a frontier ancestor family with such power, but the impression of being a great aristocrat is extremely thin.Regardless of the central politics, it is caused by the wind that engulfs the territory.

Ashbaton territory at the western end of the Balshine kingdom, and further west.One of several military bases in the territory.The elite fortress is at the forefront of the battle against Remrest.

The open meadow spreads over the enemy side and dots the plains, which seems easy to attack at first sight.

It’s not only visible, it’s actually easy to attack.There is no terrain obstacle, so it is easy to surround, and it is easy to bypass and enter the territory.

But then there’s the problem.

Even if the siege of the fort is ready soon, it will take time to attack the fort itself.In the meantime, cavalry from the Ashbaton Corps will be rushing in and eating through the stretched front to create a circle.

If you ignore the fort, you must be alert to an ambush from the back of the fort while dealing with the previous faction.

Siege and detour, both executed in parallel.The Talon Empire, the predecessor state of Lemrest, surrounded the fort with another unit and advanced its headquarters into Ashbaton territory.

The Talon Empire still dominates in power, even if we divide the siege into separate teams.

A few hours before the two armies clashed, there was movement in the fort.Ashbaton cavalry has appeared from the direction of the Talon Empire.The commander of the Imperial detachment, who knew he had been bypassing them, quickly moved the troops deployed in the siege toward Ashbaton to avoid interception between the cavalry and the fort.

However, the cavalry flipped right in front of the enemy.Strangely enough, there are soldiers out of the fort… on Ashbaton’s side with a diminished defense.

Highly assembled elites break through the diluted siege and head behind the Imperial Corps.

Return the location to the battlefield between the troops.The Ashbatons were at a disadvantage.The wings were struggling, but the center was forced to retreat… as the Commander of the Empire had seen.

There suddenly appeared the fort’s soldiers, and the reunited cavalry, who stormed behind the Talon army.Together, Ashbaton Command will cover the left and right with both wings.

A semi-circular battalion stretched out in front and next to each other, laying a semi-enclosure.Behind them were the elite and cavalry who carried out the ambush.With no escape, the Talon Empire is in a state of panic.

There will be no need to talk about the trend after that.The Talon Empire collapsed, divided, and remains largely responsible for this war.

The perfect siege and annihilation that should be written in all military training books is only on the record of the Ashbatons, and few know of it in this day and age.Perhaps the Talon materials were lost in the chaos of the collapse of the Empire, or perhaps there was no one left to record in the first place.

Knowing this magnificent victory, the ancient Borders said, “Specializing in civil war strategy, we have not experienced a complete victory.Maintaining the current territory is the limit. “Is that modesty, or is that a manifestation of confidence that such a method of siege and annihilation can be done by yourself?

◆ ◆ ◆

Border Territory, West End Fort.Patrick Ashbaton remembered the great work of his ancestors, who were taught before he entered school.

I don’t think I can do that stunning operation right now.However, if a tough army arrived, a high earth wall appeared along the border, and if I went alone against the enemy commander, I shook my head with the thought that it would be relatively easy…

“I’ve been poisoned a lot by Yumeela.”

“What’s going on?”

Patrick’s solitary reaction was to the forward commander in charge of the fort.It is unusual for an Ashbaton soldier to have just over forty years of his modest work.

Patrick, who was still often treated as a child, felt a little uncomfortable with his awed handling.

“… when I was a kid, I was taught that no matter how many heroes there were, there was no big change in the war situation.”

“That’s what they say, in general.”

When viewed as a war between a country and a country.It is said that no matter how strong a single rider is, it will not greatly overturn the situation.History had proved that it was better to have a large number of soldiers over a certain level and to have a steady soldier to win.

“Even if one person slashes a hundred, it has little impact on the battle of more than 10,000 troops.”

“Patrick, can’t you deal with a thousand people?”

“Though you can, you’ll be the first to do it.The more tired you get, the more small scratches you get. ”

It is said that the legendary Eijie of Kamikuni, who slaughtered a hundred people, destroyed all of his men, stopped the enemy army by himself, and killed hundreds of people while defeating them.

The commander of the fort says with emotion that Patrick, who until a while ago thought he was a child, has grown up successfully.

“If that’s the case with Patrick, then you’re not mistaken.However, if we repeat the ambush and retreat, we may be able to close the power gap a little further.Targeting only the top of the enemy is also effective. ”

“Well, I don’t mind the little work that I can do.But if there were someone who would wipe out a thousand people in an instant, recover quickly no matter how many injuries he sustained, and have no magic left….. ”

“If you were here…”It’s an argument between us, too, what if we were to deal with the Count? ”

“… what are you going to do?”

Patrick was honest with me.Respected Ashbaton veterans, what kind of tactics will they take against Yumiera?

Asked, he turned to Patrick with a good-looking smile.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s best to take Master Patrick hostage.”

“By the way, where was the argument?”

“If you’re talking about it, it’s a place to drink.”

Imagine a good old adult gathering to cheer up how to defeat the lord’s second son’s fiancée, and arguing that it wasn’t. Patrick frowned.

“Don’t look like that.We’re drunk enough to think of anyone taking hostages.Be careful, even if you’re okay… rude, follow the old habits. ”

It was so natural that Patrick understood what he was apologized for a little late.

The man treated Patrick the same way as his uncle and brother when he was 18 years old.Convince yourself that there is a line to draw with him.

“Thank you for the advice. Be careful, she won’t be abandoned.”

“… ahh, I hope you’re as honest as a kid.”

The man mourns while the old habit continues.By young man, he means Gilbert Ashbaton, the heir to the Border Homes.

“My brother… well, he’s been like that for a long time.I hear they’re working on a deal with the center…. ”

“That arm is politically oriented, right?Negotiations with officials from the center are now largely up to us. ”

It’s about your brother.

“I thought you were missing, but I didn’t know you were planning this.It sounds like it. ”

What the two of them were staring at was a letter.It was delivered to Yumiera and Patrick by Gilbert.

The courier, Gilbert’s men, sat in the corner of the room in a dragon shock.

“I disagreed… uhh… I feel nauseous again…”

There was no one to stop him from walking out on a rough foot.

Patrick reads the letter from the beginning again, thinking he was familiar with it.

When marching on Remrest, let Yumiela perform the defeated act.

Reduce his fear of Yumeirah in his country.Stabilize Lemrest’s politics by dominating the First Prince.The reason for the operation is written, but the truth is that it is aggregated in the last sentence.

“If I can carry out my plan well, I’ll even think about attending the wedding for the two of us…”

“I want to congratulate Mr Gilbert, too.Young people aren’t honest.So, does Yumeela-sama seem to be doing well?As long as you listen, you’re not willing to lose on purpose, are you? ”

“I don’t think Yumeela can do it.And now she’s gone too. ”

As he pondered the whereabouts of Yumiera, a young soldier jumped into the room.The Commander’s man turns into a serious look when he whispers to him as a beacon.

“Alright, move on to the second system and send a message to HQ… Patrick, this is bad news.Looks like the Remrest are moving faster than planned. ”

After that, the inside of the fort is in a hurry.Patrick was standing by the window with a lot of attention to the commanders who were flying instructions everywhere and seemed busy.

Looking at the direction of Lemrest where the army will be coming soon, the door of the room is opened violently.Looking at the door again as an emergency message, Gilbert’s men were there.Recovered from air travel damage, he has a man with him.

The man should not be in this fort.Linus, an agent of the neighbor Lemrest.

“Why did you…”

“I’m sorry. I will briefly mention what I need to do in an emergency.”

Linus interrupted Patrick’s words.I talked to Linus only when Yumeela drove out the Remrest army before, but Patrick also understood that he was a man of common sense.

How urgent is it for him to say that?

“I was a liaison with Gilbert, who was hiding in the King’s City of Lemrest.Regarding Yumeira-sama’s plan to pretend to be defeated… ”

“I also understand. Keep going.”

“Yes, I understand why our troops have stepped up their efforts!The Remrest Daiichi Magic Equipment Factory has successfully reproduced the Sealed Magic Equipment.It has the same properties that it used to seal the Demon King of the Balshine Kingdom! ”

A magical instrument that has contained the Demon King for hundreds of years.It is easy to imagine how effective it is against dark attributes, since it was used by the first Queen of Balshine, who was the user of light magic.

Exactly the effect weapon against Yumiera Dolkness.If we get the most threatening weapon, we can convince ourselves that we fought sooner than planned.

“Are you serious about getting Yumeela?”

The repeated skirmishes between Ashbaton and Remrest should have become even more farce in Yumiera’s fight.

However, the assumption collapsed with the appearance of the sealed magic equipment.Linus must have been in a hurry.

Yumiera is in danger.

However, although it is a pinch, it is not an urgent situation.The Yumeera herself is not here.

Patrick was recruiting a sense of crisis, but he didn’t panic so much.Continue in a calm tone to calm Linus.

“It’s okay. Yumeela’s not here.Without Yumeela, the sealed magic equipment would be useless.As usual, it’s fine if you use your usual strength. ”

“… eh? Yumiela-sama, you were in Lemrest.”

The whereabouts of his runaway fiancé were discovered, and Patrick’s head turned white.

Why is Yumiera in Lemrest?

That remarkable hair color and her strange behavior.It is possible that the Remrest army will find us before we arrive.Both the army and Yumeirah will continue towards Ashbaton.It is highly probable that they will look like each other.

If the sealed magic equipment is used, will Yumeela be safe?She is exceptionally strong compared to the Demon King who has been trapped for centuries.However, the vulnerability to light attributes remains unchanged.Even though it contains a lot of dark magic, it may be affected more strongly.

Patrick was pessimistic about his bad imagination, but he regained his temper.The situation is by no means the worst.

Yumiera is not on her way to Ashbaton.It is possible that she enjoys sightseeing at my own pace.In the meantime, if you neutralize the magic tools, everything will be fine.

“… before I come back here… let’s just get rid of the magic equipment.”

“They’re already here!I thought it would be time to arrive with Miss Gilbert…. ”

That was a terrible situation.

There is a very high chance that Lemrest’s army with a secret weapon called the Sealed Magic Tool and Yumiera will bowl together.

Patrick ran into the worst possible situation in a hurry.

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